-- Chapter4 Electrical properties of metals 4.1 Introduction How does an electric current flow through a material? A current is a flow of charged particles, which implies that either ions or electrons are involved. In liquids, both of these types of particles take part in electrical conduction, but in solids the ions occupy fixed positions in the crystal lattice and so are not tree to move. (Afew solids do exhibit some ionic conduction. but the magnitude of this type of conductivity is usually very smalL) Consequently, we can conclude that the electrical conductivity of solids is due almost entirely to the movement of the electrons. This implies that metals should be good electrical conductors because they have a plentiful supply of essentially tree electrons, whereas all other materials should be insulators because there are no tree electrons. This picture is actually rather oversimplified, and in the next chapter we will look at how some non-metals can be reasonably good electrical conductors. However. in this chapter we will concentrate on the process of electrical conduction in metals. What happens when we apply a voltage to a metal object? The negatively charged electrons in the sample are attracted towards the positive terminal and are repelled by the negative terminal. We can represent this by tilting the energy bands to indicate that the electrons at the positive end have a lower energy than those at the negative end, as shown in Fig.4.1. Since the valence electrons in a metal are essentially tree, we would expect them all to rush down the slope towards the lower energy states near the positive terminal. However, we will see that this is far trom the truth. 4.2 Drude's classical theory of electrical conduction The first attempt to explain the behaviour of electrons in a metal was made by P. Drude in 1900, only three years after the discovery of the electron. The theory is incorrect in many respects, despite the fact that it gives several rather convincing results, but it is worth examining in detail because it introduces some useful .. 88 ~: lEliEnRll::iU i>ROPiE~TIUOf MIE1AlS O~UDiE'S CLASSICAL THEORY Of lEliE(1IUI::Al (0111l:»U(110111 89 average thermal velocity, Vt,of a molecule with mass m at temperature T (measured in kelvin) is given by the equation 1 z3 "2mVt ="2 kT B /' (4.1) where kBis Boltzmann's constant. Ifwe apply the same formula to the electrons in a metal and replace m by the electron mass methen we obtain a value for the speed of the electrons <:itroom temperature of about 105m S-l(see Question 4.1). Using the ahalogy with kinetic theory we can also define the mean free path '11.which is the average distance that an electron travels between collisions-and the relaxation time T-which is the average time duration between collisions. These quantities are related by the equation A, Vt=-::r concepts which we will use later in a more sophisticated treatment of electrical conduction. Drude assumed that a metal is composed of ions, which are stationary, and valence electrons, which are free to move. He treated the electrons as small solid objects which behave rather like the ball in a pinball machine, colliding with one ion after another so that a typical trajectory looks something like Fig.4.2. If there is no voltage applied to the metal then at each collision the electron is deflected in a different direction so that the overall motion is quite random. Of course, this is just what we expect when there is no applied voltage, because any net movement of the electrons in a particular direction would constitute a flow of current. Since the random motion of the valence electrons appears to be similar to that of the molecules in an ideal gas, Drude suggested borrowing some of the concepts used in the kinetic theory of ideal gases to describe the properties of the electron 'gas'. Let us see what we can determine by this approach. (If you are unfamiliar with kinetic theory, it may be worth consulting an introductory general physics text-see Further reading.) We can begin by estimating the velocity of the electrons. In kinetic theory the (4.2) If we assume that the mean free path is of the order of a few atomic spacings, i.e. about 1 nm, then the relaxation time is typically about 10-14S. Now let us consider what happens when we apply an electric field (i.e. a voltage) to the sample. The electrons are attracted towards the positive end of the sample, and so we expect a net flow of electrons in this direction. Using some simple arguments we can make an estimate of the magnitude ofthis effect. If the electric field is e, then the force on each electron is ee. Dividing by the electron mass, me,we find that the acceleration on each electron in the direction of the field is a=ee me (4.3) This acceleration produces a change in velocity Llvalong the direction of the electric field. Since the acceleration is constant, the value of Llvat time t after a collision is given by Llv=at= ee t me (4.4) If the average time between collisions is denoted by T, then the average velocity in the direction of the field is Llv=ee T me (4.5) This quantity is referred to as the drift velocity and represents the average velocity of the valence electrons in the direction of the electric field. Ifwe substitute typical val- ues into this equation we find that in a moderate electricfield of 10Vm-1 the drift velocity is only about 0.02 m S-l(see Question 4.2).This is ofthe order ofl0 million times smaller than the thermal velocity of the electrons. Why is the drift velocity so small? It is because even when an electric field is applied to the metal, the electrons still collide with the ions and so they continue to follow a more or less random trajectory (as in Fig.4.2) with just a very slight tendency to move . 90 Of ~: flf(r~I(Al towards the positive end ing result that when of the sample. a current flows Consequently, in a metal, we the valence arrive at the rather electrons COIIIDl.IlI::flOI\l 91 surpris- are not all mov- ...... ...... ing towards many the electrons What positive terminal. travelling in the opposite evidence do we use it to provide Let us assume that when electron has gained vibration of the other words, is a familiar pass an effect because electric current the wire sure of the amount turn can also show theory is correct? collides with to an increase of the electrons it is used through to the collisions Drude's model are nearly as ~v ...... wire that first of all we an ion, the excess energy to the ion. This in the temperature resistance and between the electrons of electrical heat and In This light bulbs: if we can be thought into the energy. it gets hot. If the resistance is converted ...... ...... that the increases of the sample. into thermal of the wire of as a mea- energy, which in the ions. conduction is consistent where we given material, with 0" Ohm's law. First of all we is a measure will define of the ease with which a quantity called the electron the electron moves through mobility J1-which the lattice of ions. If we write (4.6) then by comparing eqns (4.5) and(4.6) we can see that have substituted we can for ,dv from the product express eqn (4.6). Since of these n, J1-and three terms e are as constants a single for (4.9) cr is referred which is the to as the inverse conductivity. of the conductivity, Alternatively, we can define the resistivity, i.e. 1 1 P = 0" = nj.ie Consequently, we (4.10) can write eqn (4.8) as c j.i =a/me V (4.7) Ifwe assume that the relaxation time has a fixed value (i.e. independent oftemperature and electric field strength) for'a particular material, then the mobility is also a constant. (In practice this is not quite true. It is found that T, and therefore J1-,vary slightly with temperature and electric field strength, but these effects can usually be neglected. ) Let us then consider the behaviour of the valence electrons in a metal wire in which the electric field is directed along the axis of the wire. The analysis is simplest if we neglect the random thermal motion of the electrons-we can do this because we know that the average thermal velocity in any particular direction is zero-and assume that each electron travels at a velocity ,dv along the wire, as shown in Fig.4.3. This means that in a time interval t each electron moves a distance ,dvt along the wire. As a result, the number of electrons passing through the cross-Section A inthis time is equal to n ,dvt A,where n is the number of valence electronj per unit volume. Since the current is defined as the amount of charge passing through the wire per unit time, and as each electron carries a charge e, the current I flowi~g in the wire is n .avAe.So, finally, we arrive at an expression for the current density J: J = l = n,dve = nj1£e (4.8) J = O"C= a constant =nj.ie where p, ,dv=j1£ ...... ...... can of electrical resistance. is converted gets hotter. Consequently, that there Well, in electric kettles, toasters a metal of electrical energy be attributed can so leads energy in time of the phenomenon the electric field is transferred ion, and the kinetic instant direction! that Drude's explanation an electron from is increased, We have a qualitative In fact, at any (4.11) P - This isOhm's law,or at leastthe microscopic form of Ohm's law. We can put it in a more familiar form (interms ofcurrent, voltageand resistance)by substitutingJ =IJA, c= VJL and R = pLJA (see Question 4.3). Table 4.1 Conductivity and resistivity data at 273 Kfor a selection of metals. n is the number of valence electrons per unit volume, which is equal to the number of atoms per unit volume multiplied by the valence ofthe atom. Valence () (107 n-l n (1028m-3) .................................................................................. ........................ Sodium Copper Silver Gold Magnesium Zinc Aluminium Tin Lead m-l) p (10-8nm) 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 2.38 6.45 6.80 4.88 2.54 1.82 4.00 0.87 0.52 4.20 1.55 1.47 2.05 3.94 5.50 2.50 11.5 19.2 2.65 8.50 5.86 5.90 8.60 13.2 18.1 14.5 13.2 .. ",",," 92 '3: El.IE(:'f~I(AI. p~OI'E~nlE$ Of MIE'fAI..S Finally, if we use the expression for the conductivity from eqn (4.9)and assume that the mean free path is of the order of a few atomic spacings then we find that the predicted value of conductivity is in good agreement with the experimental data in Table 4.1 (see Example 4.1). So we have some quite convincing evidence that Drude's model of electrical conduction is correct. We have managed to show that Drude's model is: . consistent with Ohm's law; . qualitatively explains the phenomenon of electrical resistance; and . gives good values for the conductivity. However, as we shall see in the next section, Drude's model has some severe limitations. I fAlumu Of nu:. nASSI(:AI.. MODEl. 93 highest electron concentration tend to have the lowest conductivities (with the exception of aluminium) and vice versa! Another problem occurs if we consider the electrical properties of alloys (which are mixtures of two or more metallic elements). The classical model seems to suggest that the resistivity of an alloy should be intermediate between the values for the corresponding pure materials. However, many alloys have resistivities which are considerably larger than those of either of the pure constituents. For example, nichrome, which is an alloy of 80%nickel and 20%chromium, has a resistivity which is 10 times higher than that of either nickel or chromium (see Fig. 4.5). The dependence of resistivity on temperature is also at odds with experimental evidence. Ifwe assume that the mean free path is approximately constant with temperature, then we can use Drude's model to predict that the resistivity should be proportional to r112 (see Question 4.8). But experimental measurements show that the resistivity is actually proportional to r over a wide range of temperatures. Finally, let us consider the molar specific heat capacity, which is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of solid by 1 K. Ifwe again use the analogy with an ideal gas, then we can see from Example 4.2 that Drude's theory predicts a value for a monovalent metal of9R/2. A similar argument suggests values of6R for a divalent metal, 15R/2for a trivalent metal, and so on (see Question 4.9). However, experimental results show that the molar specific heat capacity at room temperature is approximately 3R, regardless of the valency of the metal. There are many other characteristics that cannot be explained using Drude's model, but I am sure that by now you are more than convinced that we need to improve this model if we want to obtain a better understanding of electrical conduction. 4.3 Failuresof the classical model Despite the successes ofDrude's theory, there are many features of the electrical conductivity of solids that cannot be explained by this model. For instance, let us first of all compare the conductivities of different metals. Equation (4.9) shows that the conductivity is proportional to the number density of valence electrons n and to the mobility f1 and Table 4.1 gives values of n for various different metals, but how does the mobility vary from one metal to another? From eqns (4.7) and (4.2)we can see that the mobility varies inversely with the mean free path, and we would expect the mean free path to be dependent on the size of the ions and on the percentage of the total volume that is occupied by the ions. Since most metallic ions tend to be of a more or less uniform size (with an io'nic radius of about 0.15 nm) and form close-packed crystal structures, we can assume that the mean free path-and therefore the mobility-does not vary substantially between different metals. This suggests that the conductivity should be directly proportional to the valence electron concentration, n. However, this is not in good agreement with the experimental data plotted in Fig.4.4. In fact, it appears that those metals which have the .. 94 4: EU!C'I"RI(AI.. Of THEORY Of UIi:("I"III(AI. (Ol\llnltl'lON 4.4 Bloch's quantum theory of electrical conduction We should not be too surprised that Drude's theory does not give us a complete picture of electrical conduction in solids. After all, we have no justification for assuming that eqn (4.1)can be applied to the electrons in a metal. Also we have treated the ions as inert objects that simply get in the way of the electrons, ignoring the electrostatic interactions that occur between the valence electrons and the ions (electron-ion interactions) and between the valence electrons themselves (electron-electron interactions). The latter turns out to be fairly insignificant in most cases, so we can safely ignore this effect, but the interactions between the electrons and the ions are of great importance and substantially alter our view of electrical conduction. Let us first consider the behaviour of an electron approaching an isolated positive ion. The electron is attracted to the ion when the separation between them is relatively large, but as the electron gets close to the ion it is repelled by the outer filled shell of electrons (Fig.4.6).We are therefore not dealing with 'collisions' between the electrons and ions, as we assumed in the previous sections, rather the electrons are deflected or 'scattered' by the ions. Todescribe the motion of an electron in a solid we need to extend this idea to a large number of ions in close proximity. Another.failing ofDrude's model is that it treats the electron as a classical particle. However, we have already seen in Chapter 1 that we cannot explain the behaviour of an electron in an atom using classical arguments. It follows that in order to describe the interactions between the valence electrons and the ions we must use a quantum theory treatment. How does this affect our understanding of elect\ical conduction? The first person to tackle this problem was F. Bloch in 1925. By solving the quantum mechanical equations for an electron in a perfect crystal lattice, Bloch showed that an electron moves through the crystal without being deflected at all. We can picture this behaviour by imagining the electron weaving through the lattice of ions, as shown in Fig. 4.7. . 96 ~: nlE(1~I(Al !3ANO 1HEORY PRO~E~1IU Of However, this result poses a riddle. Since it is the scattering of the electrons by the ions that gives rise to an electrical resistance, if the electrons are not scattered then a metal should offer no resistance to an electric current. Since this is clearly at odds with our everyday observations, we might be inclined to scrap this model and look for an alternative approach. It turns out that the model is quite correct. The flaw in our reasoning is that we have assumed that the crystal is perfect. However, any imperfections in the crystal will cause the electrons to be deflected. Consequently, the mean free path of an imperfect crystal is not infinite, and so the material has a non-zero resistance. There are essentially three different types of imperfection which produce electron scattering, and therefore can be thought of as the origin of electrical resistance in a metal. Firstly, the ions are not stationary, but are in a state of continual thermal vibration about their equilibrium positions. Consequently, at any instant in time the ions do not occupy the positions of a perfect lattice. This leads to scattering of the electrons, as shown schematically in Fig.4.8, which in turn gives rise to a resistance. A second cause of scattering is the presence of impurities. This is particularly important if the impurity ion is significantly larger or smaller than the host ions, or if it has a different valence. For example, in brass, which is a copper-zinc alloy, the zinc ions are about 9%larger in diameter than the copper ions and have a charge of +2e compared with +1e on the copper ions. The effect on scattering is shown schematically in Fig.4.9. Thirdly, imperfections in the crystal structure also disrupt the lattice and so cause scattering. We illustrate this effect in Fig.4.10 by considering one of the simplest imperfections-a missing atom, or vacancy. To summarize, we have shown that the processes which result in the scattering of the electrons are very different to the simple picture of electrons colliding with fixed ions that we assumed in Drude's model. However, the trajectories of the electrons are quite similar in the two cases: the electrons are frequently deflected and so follow an almost random path. Consequently, the concepts that we introduced in the classical §OUI)§ 97 theory (such as the mean free path, the drift velocity and the mobility) are all relevant in a quantum theory of conduction. However, the values of these parameters may be quite different, as we shall see in Section 4.10. 4.5 Band theory of solids We now have a qualitative description of electrical conduction from a quantum viewpoint. lfwe wish to obtain quantitative results then we also need to consider the energies of the electrons in a solid. . 98 Ii: !U(TIUCAl ~~O~!lnllE!;i !SOliD!> 01' (b) (a) 35 ;., C1 "- OJ c: LLJ . ..-- 15 . .0 - - - - - - - -- - 35 band capacity 2N, ..,,' 2p. . . . . . .."" 25 99 '" 7///77//j partiallyfilled ... '/ / / / / / / // ~p band capacity 6N, filled " .. 25 band capacity 2N, " / / / / / / / / / filled .::' , , , , , , " 15 band capacity 'lN, filled To begin with let us remind ourselves of the restrictions which govern the energy levels in an isolated atom (see Chapter 1).These can be summarized by the following statements: 1. The properties ofthe electrons in an atom are determined by four parameters, or quantum numbers, which are denoted n, I,mland ms.n is the principal quantum number, Itakes integer values from 0 to (n-l), mlis allowed integer values from -I to +1and mscan be - !or +!. 2. The electrons are only allowed to occupy certain discrete energy levels, which we label using the quantum numbers n and I (since-the..e.n.ergyof an electron does not usually depend on mlor ms).The letters s, p, d and f are used to denote the states I = 0, 1, 2 a~ely. 3. The occupancy ofthese levels is determined by the exclusion principle which states that each electron must possess a unique set of quantum numbers. Ifwe apply these rules to a sodium atom, which has 11 electrons, we find that two electrons occupy each of the 1s and 2s levels, six occupy the 2p level, leaving one electron in the 3s level, as shown in Fig. 4.11(a).However, in a solid the atoms are not isolated. In fact they are in close proximity to a large number of other atoms. What happens in this case? Let us first of all consider the situation with just two sodium atoms. When the atoms are far apart-they behave like isolated atoms, but as we move them closer together, the outer (Le. 3s) electrons begin to interact, which affects the energies of these electrons. Ifwe plot the positions of the energy levels as a function of the separation between the atoms we obtain a picture as in Fig. 4.12. At the equilibrium separation, ao,we therefore have two states, one of which is at a lower energy than the 3s state in an isolated atom, and one which is at a higher energy. We have to be very careful how we interpret this result. The energy levels can no longer be considered to belong to a specific atom, rather they are a property of the pair of atoms considered as a whole. Consequently, this picture does not imply that the 3s electron attached to one atom has a higher energy than that on the other atom. In fact, since there are two allowed values of ms for each state, both of the electrons can occupy the lowest energy level (Fig.4.13). Ifwe extend this same argument to a system of N sodium atoms, we should get N discrete 3s energy levels, as shown in Fig. 4.14(a). However, in a macroscopic crystal the number of atoms, N, is typically of the order of 1024and the energy levels span a range of only a few electron volts. Consequently, the spacing between adjacent levels is so small (see Question 4.11) that we effectively have a continuous band of energies, as shown in Fig. 4.14(b).Similar interactions occur for the 1s, 2s and 2p electrons, but the interactions are much weaker because these electrons are closer to their respective nuclei, and so the corresponding bands cover a smaller range of energies (Fig. 4.15). . 100 #, 4: ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS ' . DISTRIBUTION OF THE ELECTRONS BETWEEN THE ENERCY STATES 101 .111111 Illil "" "'/ / . 3s ,,, , ,, ~ ,, ,, Isolated Naa~~m . . ,, , ,- Two Na,atoms ,, ,. ,, . 3s illill 3s Isolated Na atom >- ~ Qj c: LIJ Figure 4.13 Ina system of two sodium atoms. the two 3s electrons occupy a lower energy levelthan in the isolated atoms. (Note the similarity with the diagram of a hydrogen molecule. Fig. 1.13.) 2s 1s >en ... Qj c: LIJ °0 ~ Separation >- ~ Figure 4.15 The formation of 1s, 2s, 2p and 3s energy bands in sodium. The bands become progressively narrower for electrons which are more tightly bound to the parent nucleus. Qj c: LIJ 1III II °0 Separation °0 Separation 4.6 Distribution of the electrons between the energy states-the Fermi-Diracdistrib~tion Figure 4.14 (a) The energy levels for the 3s electrons in a group of Nsodium atoms as a function of the separation between the atoms. (b) For large values of Nthe states are so closetogether that we effectively have a continuous band of allowed energies. Although the quantum states in a solid are so closely spaced that we can treat them as a continuous band of energies, we still need to be aware of the existence of the discrete energy levels when we consider how many electrons can occupy each band. If the crystal contains N atoms then in the is band we have N discrete states, which are capable of accommodating a total of 2N electrons. Since there are two is electrons in each sodium atom, we have precisely the right number of is electrons needed to occupyall of the states in the is band. Similarly, we find that all2N and 6Navailable positions in the 2s and 2p bands are occupied. Now we come to the 3s band. This also has a capacity to accommodate 2Nelectrons, but since there is only a single 3s electron in each sodium atom, there are only N electrons available to occupy these spaces. Consequently, the 3s band is just partially occupied. We therefore obtain an overall picture for the energy bands of sodium as shown in Fig.4.11{b). Before we consider how the presence of the energy bands <¥fectsour model of electrical conduction in a metal we need to examine this partially filled band in more detail. In particular, we want to know which quantum states are filled and which are vacant. We would also like to have some information about the energies of these quantum states. We will address these questions in the following sections. If an energy band is only partially filled, such as the 3s band in sodium, which states do the electrons occupy? We lmow that electrons tend to occupy the lowest available energy levels, so if there areN electrons in the band then as a first approximation we can assume that the lowest Nf2 states are occupied and the higher energy states are vacant. This suggests that there is an abrupt cut-offbetween those states which are occupied and those which are vacant. The corresponding energy is called the Fermi energy, Ep.We can state this another way by saying that the pr06al5i1ity-thara-state is occupied is equal to 1.0 if the energy of the state is less than the Fermi energy, and equal to 0.0 if the energy is greater than the Fermi energy, as shown in Fig. 4.16. Whilst the above analysis is correct at a temperature of absolute zero, at any finite temperature some of the electrons gain thermal energy and are excited into higher energy states. Consequently, at any instant in time there are a number of electrons which have energies greater than the Fermi energy, and a corresponding number of vacant spaces below the Fermi energy. This is shown schematically in Fig.4.17. The statistical distribution of the electrons in this case was first determined by Enrico Fermi and Paul Dirac in 1926.Accordingto their theory, the probabilityf{E) that a state with energy E is occupied at temperature T is given by I I 1 1 f(E)= e (E-E,J/k.T +1 (4.12) . 102 flU: 1)1!!II~lrV ~: nE(fRI(j'U.I"ROI"!E~"I'IU Of MnAI.~ ~rAru 103 Fermi energy now represents a sort of average maximum energy. In fact, we can see trom Example 4.3 that the Fermi energy can be defined as the energy for which the probability of occupation is equal to one-half. 4.7 The density of states This is the Fermi-Dirac distribution. We will not attempt to justifY this relationship (if you want more details then refer to Beiser-see Further reading) but we are interested in what the distribution looks like. At T = 0 Kthe equation predicts the same distribution as shown in Fig. 4.16 (see Question 4.12), but at higher temperatures the abrupt step in the distribution becomes more gradual, as shown in Fig. 4.18. In this case it is no longer meaningful to refer to a maximum energy of the electrons, but the In the previous section we introduced the Fermi-Dirac equation. This describes how the electrons are distributed as a function of energy, but it does not tell us how many, if indeed any, electrons exist at a particular energy. To find out this information we need to determine how many quantum states exist at the relevant energy. Since we are dealing with a continuous band of energies, we should really determine how many quantum states occur in a small energy range, e.g. between E1and E1+ oE.By repeating this procedure over many such intervals we can construct a histogram showing how the number of quantum states varies as a function of energy (see Fig. 4.19). Ifwe make the energy range oEsufficiently small, the histogram becomes a smooth curve. This curve is referred to as the density of states function and can be determined either by experimental methods or by calculation. The density of states for a typical energy band is shown in Fig. 4.20. A characteristic feature is that the majority of states occur in the middle of the band, with comparatively few states available near the extremes of the band. A calculation of the density of states is in general rat~er complicated, but for a simple metal the density of states can be obtained, at least for the lower part of the energy band, without too much difficulty. We will consider this problem in the next section. Readers with no previous experience of quantum theory may wish to omit this section. . 104 4: ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS , .'" ') {l'i oE ..c E ::J Z E1 -----THEFREEELECTRONMODEL 105 comparison, the average thermal energy of the electrons is equal to kBT,which at room temperature is approximately 0.025 eV. Consequently, the chances of an electron escaping from the metal under normal conditions are very small, and so for mathematical convenience we will assume that the box containing the electrons is of infinite depth. To simplify matters further, let us begin by restricting our attention to a onedimensional case. We will assume that the box is oflength L,where L is the size of the sample. According to quantum theory, the energy, E, of an electron in such a system is given by the differential equation VI G.I ... fa ... VI .... 0 ... G.I .' EI+0E E,+20E fi2 Energy d21f! (4.13) - 2m. dx2 =Elf! Figu re 4.19 Ahistogram of the number of quantum states with energies between £1and £, + 8E,E, +8Eand £, + 28E, and so on. where If!is known as the eigenfunction. (Ifyou are familiar with quantum theory, you may recognize the above equation as the Schr6dinger equation for a particle in a onedimensional potential well of infinite depth.) From Example 4.4, we can see that Equation (4.13)is satisfied by eigenfunctions of the form (4.14) If! = A sin(kx x) VI 2fa ... VI where A is a constant. These eigenfunctions can be represented graphically, as shown in Fig. 4.21, and the corresponding energies are given by '0 ... G.I ..c E ::J Z fi2k2 fi21l2n2 2m. 2m. L2 E=-2£= x (4.15) where nx is an integer. EL Eu Energy Fi,gure4.20 Thedensityof states for a typical energy band.ELandEu indicate the lower and upper edges of the energy band. -- >- ~ In order to calculate the density of states, we first of all need to determine the positions ofthe energy levels in the crystal. To do this we will use the so-called free electron model. In this model it is assumed that the average potential inside the metal due to the valence electrons and ions is constant throughout the sample, but that at the edge of the sample there is a large potential which stops the electrons escaping from the metal. The depth of the box is equal to the amount of energy required for an electron to escape from the metal. This quantity is known as the work function and can be determined from measurements of the photoelectric effect (see Serway in Further reading). The work function is usually of the order of a few electron volts. In nx= 2 G.I C LU 4.8 The free electron model * nx= 1 L I Figu re 4.21 In theJree electron model it is assumedthat theelectrogsare trapped in a deep potential well. The figure,showsthe form of the first feweigenfuottions fora one.. dimensionalcase. Thecorrespondingenergiesare givenbyeqn (4.15). . L