Cornell Notes June 6th 1944 Soldiers were heading on a boat to fight on the attack. The Long awaited landing in northern france began, The US, and France, Germany were all on the attack, The US was trying to trick hitler to try and destroy him and make him no more, The Allied Nations landed on beaches in Normandy, Beginning gunshot noises or either cannons or bombs shot in the sky destroying lots of boats and perishing soldiers, The Allied Nations launched the largest invasion in all of history of warfare. People on parachutes were landing in farmer fields and many landed in different places, About 4,414 soldiers were killed in total on the D-Day battle, But that's not all about 2,501 americans were also killed, More than 5,000+ were wounded and injured almost 73,000 Allied Soldiers were assassinated and 153,000 Allied forces were wounded pretty badly. Questions Why was it called D-Day? What Beef caused this war to go on?