The Polytropic Analysis of Centrifugal JOHN IVI. SGHULTZ Senior Engineer, York Division, B o r g - W o r n e r Corporation, York, Pa. Mem. A S M E The real-gas equations of polytropic analysis are derived in terms of compressibility functions X and Y which supplement the familiar compressibility factor, Z. A polytropic head factor, f, is introduced to adjust test results for deviations from perfect-gas behavior. Functions X and Y are generalized and plotted for gases in corresponding states. Introduction LI HE thermodynamic design and test evaluation of centrifugal compressors is frequently based upon a polytropic analysis employing perfect-gas relations. In many instances real-gas relations would be more accurate, but these are virtually unknown. The purpose of this paper is to derive the real-gas equations of polytropic analysis and to show their application to centrifugal compressor testing and design. T o do so we must supplement the familiar compressibility factor, Z, by two additional functions, X and Y. Like Z, these compressibility functions can be generalized and plotted for gases in corresponding states. Thus another purpose of this paper is to publish generalized charts of the compressibility functions X and Y. We shall also discuss isentropic analysis, relate it to polytropic analysis, and show how the two can be combined to advantage. In this connection we shall define a polytropic head factor, / , to adjust polytropic head measurements for test gas deviations from perfect-gas behavior. T o conclude our study we shall consider a numerical example employing the real-gas equations of polytropic analysis. A comparison of the results with those obtained by perfect-gas relations will reveal the inaccuracy of the latter. Many similar instances are regularly encountered in centrifugal compressor applications. 0, 1, 2, and 3 locate these states on a Pressure-Volume diagram of the gas, Fig. 1. Let a smooth path, p, be drawn between points 0 and 3, passing through or between points 1 and 2. Curve p may be regarded as the path of a reversible process whose energy balance is QP + Wp = lh - Ho (1) where Qp is reversible heat input, TFP is net reversible mechanical energy input, and H is enthalpy from the test data. For our adiabatic test compressor the energy balance is IF = H HA „+ IV (2) 2<7 where W is shaft-work input to the test gas and v is gas velocity. For convenience we shall rewrite (2) TF ARE = H3 - (2a) Ho Origin of Polytropic Analysis Imagine we have tested an adiabatic (uncooled), three-stage, centrifugal compressor without side-flow, and have determined the thermodynamic states of the test gas at the compressor inlet (state 0) and at the outlet of each stage (states 1, 2, and 3). Let points C o n t r i b u t e d b y the P o w e r Test C o d e s C o m m i t t e e and presented at the W i n t e r A n n u a l M e e t i n g , N e w Y o r k , N . Y . , N o v e m b e r 2 7 D e c e m b e r 2, 1960, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. M a n u s c r i p t received at A S M E Headquarters, S e p t e m b e r 19, 1960. Paper N o . 6 0 — W A - 2 9 6 . SPECIFIC VOLUME Fig. 1 P r e s s u r e — V c l u m e centrifugal compressor test diagram of a Nomenclatureacoustic velocity, fps cP = specific heat at constant pressure, ft-lb/lb deg R = (dH/dT)r Cy = specific heat at constant volume, cP ft-lb/lb deg R CV = (bE/bT)y e = polytropic efficiency dP e = V dH E isentropic efficiency internal energy, ft-lb/lb E H-PV es = polytropic head factor 0 = standard gravitational acceleration 0 = 32.174 ft./sec 2 f H = enthalpy, ft-lb/lb J rp — Joule-Thomson coefficient, deg R ft 2 /lb J f ~ (dT/dP) „ k = specific heat ratio k = Cp/ Cy L = compressibility function L = T_ / dP' P \i>T Journal of Engineering for Power m — m = M M n = n = P P Pc Pr = = = = = = polytropic temperature exponent P dT , along p T dP impeller Mach number u/a polytropic volume exponent V dP , - - — along p path of constant efficiency e absolute pressure, psf absolute critical pressure, psf reduced pressure (Continued On next page) JANUARY 1 96 2 / 6 9 Copyright © 1962 by ASME Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: where A K E is the kinetic energy increase through the compressor. Combining (1) and (2a) we obtain Qp + wp = W - (3) ARE showing that path p requires both heat and mechanical energy to keep abreast of mechanical energy alone in the test compressor. Only if the compressor were reversible would every test point, and p, coincide with the isentrope So where Qp = 0. Evidently the relative magnitude of Qp is an index of irreversibility or inefficiency. Conversely, the relative magnitude of 1VP is an index of reversibility or efficiencj'. Let us define an efficienej' TF„ Hz W„ H0 W - A (4) KE where e is compressor efficiency with respect to path p. To evaluate e we note that r3 VdP W, -I Pa r 1 VdP H 3 — Ho V TdS (7) where T is absolute temperature and S is entropy, the equation of an isentrope (dS = 0) is 1 = V dP (S) dH which coincides with (0) for Q„ = 0 W„ = W - MiE (9) e = 1 We complete our review without finding any discrepancy between (0) and our original discussion. In fact, we conclude that (6) is uniquely suited to our purpose. The next step is to discover whether (6) can be rearranged to permit direct integration of (5) in (4a). (o) where absolute pressure P and specific volume T" arc related by p. Thus (4) may be written J P0 dll = VdP + Derivation of Equations For any homogeneous gas we may regard H as a function of P and T and write (4a) and could be evaluated by graphic integration. The result would be somewhat arbitrary, however, because p was not precisely defined. A path equation would eliminate this uncertainty and is in fact essential if our analysis is to have much utility. Let us redefine p therefore by the path equation dH dH dP dP dT dp ] dH dP )r ( dT ) „ ( dH (10) )F The Joule-Thomson coefficient, JT, and the specific heat at constant pressure, CP, are defined dP J; where e is that constant for which p passes through points 0 and 3. B y integrating (6) we obtain (4a), hence constant e in (6) corresponds to efficiency e in (4a), and p may be considered the path of constant efficiency between 0 and 3. Reviewing our previous discussion we note that (6) eliminates points 1 and 2 from any role in determining p. This generalizes our analysis to compressors of any number of stages and even to individual stages themselves. Consideration of the latter topic reveals a unique property of (6). Let points 0 and 1, 1 and 2, 2 and 3 in Fig. 1 be joined bj- paths Vh Pi defined by efficiencies ei, ei, e3 in (6). Should these stage efficiencies all be equal (6) requires that p for the over-all compressor coincide with P l , p 2 , Pz for the individual stages, and that e for the over-all compressor equal ei, e2, ei. Continuing our review, we note that p should coincide with the isentrope So for Qp = 0. From the general thermodynamic relation dH + dT_ ^ (11) dH \ vr )r . so that (10) becomes dH dP = Cr \ dT - dp Jt (10a) Among the general thermodynamic relations for any homogeneous substance we find Jf - V \ dT Cp (12) A general equation of state for any gas is PV = ZRT (13) -Nomenclaturep, P, Qp R ^ = p/p = absolute total pressure, psf = reversible heat input along p = individual gas constant, ft-lb/lb deg R 1545.4 molecular weight entropy, ft-lb/lb deg R absolute temperature, deg R 459.69 + deg F absolute critical temperature, deg R T, = reduced temperature S T T Tc = = = = 70 / JANUARY 1962 Tr = T/Tc T, = absolute total temperature, deg R u = impeller rim speed, fps v = gas velocitj', fps V = specific volume, f t 3 / l b IF = shaft-work input to gas, ft-lb/lb IFp = poly tropic head, ft-lb/lb 1FS = isentropie head, ft-lb/lb A' = compressibility function 1' = compressibility function p_ / ay Y ~ V V dP , T compressibility factor Z PV Z RT AKE = AICE M kinetic energy increase, ft-lb/lb 2g = polytropic head coefficient isentropie head coefficient Note: = Multiply Btu by 778.26 to obtain ft-lb. Transactions of f fie A S IE Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: where Z is the compressibility factor and R the individual gas constant. From (13) we obtain t)F ^ Z r dP L 1 ~ -Z \ &P 1 + (12a) \ bT JP P where m T dT dP <1H cIP bZ P VbT Y1F dT ( — dP P Z P_ rfT ZR. r i T Cp L e dP — T / bZ (106) ) \bTjr L z jr \ Z + ' V <>T )p_ (6 o) C p — (jy — 1 bP \ / bV_ bT )v \ bT I bE c. where E is internal energy. bP \ _ P^ T T (bZ\ T bZ Z \ bT J v 1 + (20a) / bZ 1 +f \bT dT P dZ Z dP _ ~ 1 P dT P dV T dP V dP C) P dV is (6a) or (6b) and — —j^ is (6c) or (6rf). T / bZ Z V bT (15 a) At this point let us pause to review our progress. We have discovered several rearrangements of (6), each determining path p of constant efficiency e. These may be summarized conveniently by By inserting (15a) into (6a) our path equation may be written P dT T dP P_ dV T dP ( 1 + - k T ) / bZ Z \bT Z + 1 + /,, (dJ'l T f bZ lyr P_ dZ^ n - 1 ~Z dP n (13) Cy dT + dP n where Cp ZR For any homogeneous gas we may regard V as a function of P and T and write dV_ bT P dP Cp (H (\ ei + ,J ) . ( L{M 1 + X) bP bT bP /T \ bT Jy \bV ,P (20) From (13) we obtain F ,bPjT P P 1 ~ Z ( bZ \bP / T (21) By inserting (14) and (21) into (19) our path equation may be written Journal of Engineering for Power (6 0) 1 (19) Y - m(l + X) I t-- " I"' and dF (6/) dP V (6b) where k m (17) so that (15) becomes 1 + \bT Finally, by differentiating (13) our path equation may be written P where — From (13) we obtain bT )v~ JL JL F dP (16) bT , y 1 ^ bP )T_ r -i + T Z \ZT\_ _e r ( H 2 / bZ r + i \ bT ) J (15) In (15) Cv is specific heat at constant volume and is defined 1 +¥ By inserting (6b) and (20a) into (6c) our path equation may be written Another general thermodynamic relation for any homogeneous substance is JL JL (6c) is (6a) or (6b). By inserting (10b) and (13) into (6) our path equation may be written Cy = ZR T * In (20) we may combine (14), (17), and (21) to obtain and (10a) becomes CP - p_ / bz (14) \ bT / P, so that (12) becomes CP dv V + T / bZ 1 + bT p and \ / bZ > T (bV\ V bT ,)p~ v Y = 1 - — Z L = 1 + T I /p - 1 bZ P_ / bV bP V \dP ( bZ T ( bP bT P \<>T/v JANUARY { (22) 1962 / 7 1 Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: In terms of compressibility functions (22) we may write (12a), (15a), and (20a) X JT — cp X) (1 + AQ L = Y (1 + A ) ZR ( 1 X \ (1 + «,.—>• co (20b) where subscript V denotes constant specific volume. (6c), (6/), and (22) Y Y - m( 1 + mT = 0 nT = 7 ms 7 + * Y 1 ke (1 + A') — e (25) k - 1 (6 h) X) From where subscript T denotes constant temperature. In a perfect gas X = 0, Y — Z = 1, and our equations reduce to A") 2 1 (24) (15b) From (20b) we see that one of our compressibility functions can be eliminated. We chose to retain X and 5' so that k - 1 From (Ge), (6/), and 5" (12b) Cy = ZRL( 1 + - thej' are not paths of constant efficiency. (22) = k - 1 k 1 (6/1 its' = A- and mI{' = » ! r ' = 0 (1 + C p — Cy — ZR A)2 rin' = » ? ' = 1 (15 c) Y Recalling that p is an isentrope when e = 1, let us examine this special case: ZR , „ (k »>s = — (1 + A ) = ' ns = Z Y - (1 + k ms( 1 + X) A) (60 Y where subscript S denotes constant entropj'. The result is confirmed by the general thermodynamic relation for any homogeneous substance dV ) dP J a = 1 ( k \dP - (23) ) J7 which, by (6/) and (22) may be written P_ / _ 1 V ~ ~ iis [ dP )s ZR n„ (k \ = _ - 1 Y - l\ ~ K ~ ) m „ ( l + A) = (2'a) JT' = 0 (12c) Cy' = /? (15 d) where superscript ' denotes a perfect gas. It is interesting to compare the previous real-gas equations with these perfect-gas relations. The former are entirely rigorous and hold for any homogeneous gas whatever. Some of our results have been published before. Edmister and McGarry [I] 1 derived the equivalent of ms = {ZR/CP){ 1 + X) in 1949 and published generalized charts of {Z/T)X and ZR( 1 + A") for gases in corresponding states. In 1951, Edmister [2] ZR derived the equivalent of m„ = —— X and theorized that an CP equation of the form m = k (23a) Another special case is the path of constant enthalpy for which " L " = 1 Cp' - Y 1 mv' XY I — + X I might represent the CP \e J general case. Of course the equivalents of our perfect-gas relations are well known, having been published in many textbooks. Returning to (6/) we see that none of our rearrangements of (6) permits direct integration of (5) because m and n are variables. We suspect, however, that they are relatively constant compared to P, V, and T. If this be the case, we can integrate (6/) as if m and n were constants and obtain ( T T A T 2 (1 + A ) ~ Y ( l + — = constant PV" = constant (6j) n-1 where subscript H denotes constant enthalpy. A seemingly trivial case is that of constant pressure for which e = 0: (6A-) Subscript P denotes constant pressure. Two other paths are also described bj- (6/) although in general 72 / JANUARY 1962 P " Z (6m) = constant The three paths defined by (6m) are all approximations of path p, becoming identical with p as m and n become constant. Our analysis is called "polytropic" because the polytropic process is commonly defined by the path equation PV" = constant. This path is called a "polytrope." One of our equations (6m) 1 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. Transactions of f fie A S I E Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: is a polytrope, hence we call e "polytropic efficiency," Qp "reversible polytropic heat input," and W p "net reversible polytropic work input" or "polytropic head." A less common but more fundamental definition of the polytropic process is the path equation V(clP/dH) = constant, for which p is a polytrope by (6). This definition suits our analysis better, but in either case our equations remain the same Test Evaluation For reasons not pertinent to our discussion it is appropriate to relate compressor head to compressor speed by a polytropic head coefficient, p, which is defined gwp (26) 2.U2 where g is standard gravitational acceleration and u is impeller rim speed. The summation is taken over the number of impellers within the compressor. For our three-stage test compressor Let us rearrange (Gm) to belter advantage: p = (26a) ?ti2 + ur - f us- er, if all the impellers are of the same diametei, sir, * = Z,o_ Z (On) (0- p_ Po and log ( T / T o ) = log ( P / P „ ) m log (P/Po) (60) log ( V J V ) Individual stage coefficients p.*, can be determined from individual stage heads and speeds. Should these coefficients all be equal, and should the stage efficiencies also be equal, (5), (6), and (26) require that p for the over-all compressor equal p. 1, p.2, for the individual stages. This is another unique property of (6). Perhaps our detailed discussion of polytropic analysis has obscured the simplicity of the actual test procedure which may be summarized: 1 Determine P, V and H at the compressor inlet and outlet, states 0 and 3. 2 Compute log ( P 3 / P c ) = _ n 1'1 1 = log (ZQ/Z) " Now we can integrate (5), at least approximately, by (6/), (6/1), (60), and (13): W„ = log (F0/F3) log ( P / P „ ) n (266) 3u2 n IF. n - 1 (P.Vz - P0F0) (27) rF c1 Z VdP = R I — dT Jpc Jt0 "> H3 - H0 W„ ill2 + U2'2 + W32 N — \ J n—1 rp \ rnn - ZMJ 0 L\ The accuracy of W p in (27) depends upon the constancy of n along p. Later we shall discover means to minimize this dependence. 1 Isentropic Analysis TO n—l w. n - 1 _P ZqRTQ - 1 Po (5a) w, (PV - P0V0) There is another thermodynamic analysis of centrifugal compressors called "adiabatic" or "isentropic." This differs from polytropic analysis by substituting isentropic head, IF.;, for polytropic head, TF,,. The isentropic head of a compressor is the net mechanical energy input required by a reversible adiabatic compressor having the same inlet state and outlet pressure. The path of a reversible adiabatic compression process is an isentrope. For our test compressor, Fig. 1, this path is S0 and the isentropic head is TF.s = ( , R R I ) M ~ R Hi - Ho I Z O T O ) (28) P , = P3 S 4 = S„ WD which from (5a) and (60) can be approximated by V ,og w = WP P»F 0 In ( P / P 0 ) when / (In = P_\ (PV + P„F„ log (P:,/Pc) log ( F 0 / F 4 ) (28a) Po n = 1 and evaluate e for our test compressor by (4a), (5a), and (60). Another useful test result is the polytropic head coefficient. Journal of Engineering for Power IFs s {PsVi ~ PoVS) The accuracy of TVs in (28a) depends upon the constancy of n s along So. JANUARY 1 96 2 Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: / 73 The isentropie efficiency is IF, = / Hi — H o cs = Ws Ho H, W - A KE /PF - log log (29) P 0 F„' PF PoFo and the isentropie head coefficient is gWs V-s (AH, - Ho) Ul' + »22 + M32 (30) Isentropie stage efficiencies and head coefficients may be evaluated from individual stage heads and speeds. Unlike their polytropic counterparts, however, equal isentropie stage efficiencies and equal isentropie stage head coefficients must exceed es and p.s for the over-all compressor. The disparity increases as the pressure ratio or the number of stages increases and varies from one gas to another. This difficulty may be traced to the general thermodynamic relation A \ ds = T (31) IF, = JPoVo hi ( P / P 0 ) when Hs — Ho >>s ns ns - (PVS 1 P„Fo) - log ( P / P . ) log ( F o / F . , ) Our test procedure becomes: 1 Determine P, V, and H at the compressor inlet and outlet, states 0 and 3. Determine V and II at the isentropie outlet, state 4. 2 Compute requiring that pressure lines diverge on a Mollier chart. The rest follows from (28), (29), and (30). As a consequence, the extension of centrifugal compressor test results to other compressors or other gases is accomplished better by polytropic than by isentropie analysis. log = " (P3/P0) log ( F „ / F 3 ) ns log (P3/P0) log (Vo/Vi) Polytropic Head Factor Hi — Ho Despite its shortcomings isentropie analysis does have one advantage: Ws in (28) is exact, whereas IF, in (5a) and (27) is approximate. In a similar manner TFS in (28a) is approximate, and the similarity suggests that the ratio of (28) to (28a) must nearly equal the ratio of (5) to (5a). Accordingly, we define a polytropic head factor Hi — Ho We had better incorporate / into (5a) and our test procedure summary. The former becomes w„ = / \n - 1 P 0 F„ 71—1 « - ft/ - PoVo) (27a) (PSF 3 - IF P„F„) 1F„ H 3 — Ho PoVo) which is the ratio of (28) to (28a). Multiplying the approximate TF„ of (5a) or (27) by / we approach the exact Wp of (5) independent of the constancy of n along p. A closer approach might be obtained if / were determined along Si or but So is more convenient and should be sufficient. I11 many cases / is so near unity as to be superfluous. p\ (P,Vi (32) (.P3V< - n = 1 1 71-1 M = ffJFp i'r + + «32 Equations (27a) are limited to tests of uncooled centrifugal c o m pressors without side-flow. In (56) and (27a) W p is nearly independent of the const ancj r of n along p. Compressor Design Relations similar to (27a) are emplo3Ted to design centrifugal compressors when detailed thermodynamic tables or charts of the design gas are unavailable. The problem is to determine TF, u, the number of stages, F 0 , V3, and T3 from Po, To, and P 3 . Gathering (4), (56), (6h), (6n), (13), and (26) we obtain rp \ 17111 = ./' /i. - 1 ZollTo P_ = / ' \n - 1 ft. L \ V ZR m = - . . - I — + A' ) = CP Y - ZT = / (PF - 1962 m( 1 + X) (1 + X) -(h: /'r,l"u) mZT 74 / JANUARY (1 + X ) 2 1 - ZoTo) | (56) (33) Transactions of f fie A S IE Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: W = ^ e + Similar to (5c) is a version of (6) containing (6/), (6/i), and (13): MCE dH M V0 = (1 (6 p) +eX) For anj' homogeneous gas (6p) must hold along a path of constant efficiency. An approximate integration of (6p) is ZoRTo Po H Fa = CP dT gw, Ho ^ CP(T Vo {Pz/PoY'" T, = T0(P,/Po)"> For (33) a mean value of either CP or k is estimated from whatever thermodynamic data are available. Mean values of A', Y, and Z are obtained from generalized compressibility charts for gases in corresponding states, as is Zo at the compressor inlet. For best accuracy a trial-and-error solution is required; i.e., the discharge temperature must be assumed in order to estimate mean values of X, Y, and Z. The selection of e and p is based upon test data and experience. The usual assumption for / is unity. Frequently A KE is negligible. The separation of « from the number of stages in Z v 2 involves considerations not pertinent to our analysis. P± i\Po ir = e . P Po ('•Hr) (33b) + 1 Po ( t = Po - 1 bW. + 1 dS ZR ( 1 p \ ( T - (6r) ) 1 for any homogeneous gas along a path of constant efficiency approximate integration of (6r), using (6m), is ZoRTo Zp - Po .log (Zo/Z) r„{pjp„y HI- AVo ZoiPz/Po)1' This results from a version of (5a) in which we integrate (5) approximately by (6/), (dh), (6n), and (13) assuming CP, X, and into be relatively constant compared to P and T: f T [)'„ = R IV = H II',. = e(H dT £ ( i t : t - ) CpfJ - P \ In An Z ((is) (Zo Po B y trial-and-error the correct combination of Sz and Z3 is found to satisfy (6s). Then V3, T3, and Hz are read directly from the tables or charts and IF and u are computed by (2a), (4), and (26). In summary ,S ^ So Z Z — - dT m " Jr. 1 R - i log 1 ) P> — i 0 log (Zo/Z3) Ho + A KE - (33 c) - Ho) p(5c) To) Helacions similar to (6r) and (6s) are (I H'„ ) w> C pTo dP " + A KE •i\ = ' •' x + Individual stage values of CP or k, X, Y, Z, e, and n are employed for (33b). When detailed thermodynamic tables or charts are available the designer can obtain F 0 and So directlj' and can determine V3, T3, and Hz from S 3 . Knowledge of Sz stems from (6), (7), and (13) which produce H FII = (6?) IF (33«) , To) eX) where CP and X are mean values along p. Having determined v by (33) or (33a), a stage-by-stage analysis is required to determine stage outlet values of P, V, and T from stage inlet values P ( „ Vo, and To. For this purpose (33) and (33a) are modified by An alternate form of (33) eliminates Y but requires Z3: <VA, - (1 + ry/'„ + A Journal of Engineering for Power 1 S - dS _ C_P / 1 - dT ~ T S„ ; CP e \l+eA 1 - (60 e 1 + eX 111 To J JANUARY 1 96 2 / 7 5 Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: which follow from (6/), (6/t), and (6c). The differential equation (6<) must hold for any homogeneous gas along a path of constant efficiency. The approximate integration (6f) contains mean values of C P and X . B y taking the ratio of (61) to (69) we find 1 / & - So \ r T - T \H, Ho) .In - 3 0 (27 b) (T3/TA)_ which is another test evaluation equation like (27) and (27a). Although (276) was derived from real-gas equations its accurac} 7 is suspect because it is also a perfect-gas relation. Probably better is e = 'log (Z0/Z3) Z3T3 — ZqTQ 1— H 3 — //< Zo — Z:i log {Zz'l\) "s Vs = i^s e ix W, "S 1 - 1 1] e M TF„ m, s [(P/P„)'» - 1] ZR ms = — (1 + X) + A (1 + X) CP = Y AT ) P — V \ AV AT/P Both (34) and (34a) reduce to the perfect-gas equation (P/Po)""' - = (P/Po)'" (K - L\ ms ^ »i, 5 (i + X) R _ k - CP ~ 1 k (346) for X = 0, y = Z = 1. In many cases the complications of (34), or even the simpler (34a), can be avoided by using (346) as a first approximation to estimate Fa' by (35). With TV in (27a) an e' is obtained corresponding to es'. Then r PV (1 + X) (1 + es_ es Ms e' e M AT 1 Y 1 ~ 1 ms' Y CPT m(l + (34a) A H\ es k Y - m[(P/Po)"'s - 71-1 R Y - Ws Po U ) _ U ) PV Vs m = >ns derived from (4), (5a), (6s), and (13). Another design technique with thermodynamic tables or charts is to determine V3 and T3 from H3 which is found by converting from polytropic to isentropic analysis. The conversion is accomplished by combining (4), (56), (6/1), (61), (11), (13), (15c), (16), (18), (22), (26), (29), and (30) to obtain e_s = eA (27c) (Z0r0) ns — 1 P \ "s - namic tables or charts of the design gas. As before, e and fj. are based upon test data and experience. Note that CP, Cv, k, X, and Y computed for ms and ns may differ from those computed for m and n. Often the mean values of CP, X, and Z required for ms do not differ appreciably from those required for m. In that case (34) can be simplified by (5c) to become (34) X) I T " " ! " ' (34c) Usually es/e by (34c) is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. Having determined es and by (34), (34a), or (34c) the designer combines (28), (29), and (30) for his isentropic analysis: Ws = Hi - P = P3 H S 4 = So T IF = ( AF \ ZM2 Ws A ICE (35) gJVs = Ms V c _ \AP )T _ (AH - A Tjv V HS = Ho + AT FAP^ )v = CP k = PF(I + xy TY Cp Cv For (34) the values of P, F, T, and H necessary to compute mean values of CP, CV, k, X, and Y are obtained from the thermody76 / J A N U A R Y 196 2 es ^ Values of P, V, T, H, and S for (35) are obtained from the thermodynamic tables or charts. When a similar compressor has been tested with the design gas es and /J.s can be inferred directly from the test data and no conversion from e and ^ is necessary. Equations (33), (33a), (336), (33c), (34), (34a), (346), and (35) are limited to the design of uncooled centrifugal compressors without side-flow. An important application of polytropic analysis is the evaluation of equivalent performance tests where a centrifugal compres- Transactions of the A S M E Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: sor designed for one gas is shop-tested with another. B y duplicating certain design parameters the test conditions become equivalent to the design conditions and test values of e and p. from (27a) can be used in (33), (33a), or (33c) to predict field performance. Usually isentropic analysis is inaccurate for this purpose because of difficulties resulting from (31). One of the design parameters of centrifugal compressors is the acoustic velocity of the gas. For an infinitestimal disturbance this can be shown to be SP' {- g a = V \ where a is acoustic velocity. (36) we find (36) = ^ ^ (36a) The designer relates acoustic velocity to compressor speed by a speed coefficient or impeller Mach number, M , defined M : (37) At the compressor inlet .1/ becomes »i il/„ = (37a) «o By inserting (56), ( 6 « ) , (26), and (36a) into (37a) we obtain n—1 1 +1 - i).w Pi ( p ^ n u- 1 = = (38) for the first stage, where ns is evaluated at the inlet and m and n are mean values. Similar relations apply to the other stages and to the over-all compressor. Sometimes it is necessary to subdivide individual stages and consider impeller and diffuser performance separately. Referring again to Fig. 1, imagine we have a test point locating the thermodynamic state of the gas between an impeller and its diffuser. Let constant-efficiency paths, pt and p,h representing the impeller and diffuser, connect this state with the stage inlet and outlet states. The polytropic head, 1FP, or \VpJ, of the impeller or diffuse!' is the net reversible mechanical energy input along p; or pd. (26 c) It follows from (26), (26c), and (39) that Pi IF,, AH; e,i; IF, - A ICE, IF. 1F„„ IF,, - AHj IF AICE, Wpd c,i (4c) - A ICEd It follows from (4) and (4c) that + e, " V _ ed "I, Journal of Engineering for Power (89) c where IFP and e are stage head and efficiency. (40) ed Total Pressure and Temperature Throughout our entire discussion P and T have represented "static" pressure and temperature as distinguished from "int a c t " or " t o t a l " values. By total pressure and temperature, P t and T„ we mean the stagnation values resulting from an isentropic deceleration of a flowing gas. The distinction is onlj' important in compressor tests where v2/'2g is appreciable compared to }V P ; e.g., in the testing of impellers or diffusers. The difficulty is that a temperature-sensing device in a gas stream "feels" 2', rather than T and registers some intermediate temperature depending upon its particular characteristics. Assuming that these characteristics are known we can surmount the problem by installing a pressure probe to measure P,. Then by combining (4), (5c), (6i), and (6n) with e = 1 we can write V2 ^ ZRT 2g ms T P ( ' ~\P ms CP{T, T (1 + - T) X) 'LL ZR (41) k - Y 1 k (1 + X) For small ratios P,/P, (41) simplifies to v2 2g I (P, - P)V P, - P> (41a) r Side-Flow and Cooling AKEd In (46) the shaft-work input, IF,, to the impeller is also the shaft-work input, IF, to the entire stage. The shaft-work input to the diffuser, IF,,, is zero. Thus (46) becomes W - Pi where p and e are the stage head coefficient and efficiency. Equations (4c), (26c), (39), and (40) are used with our previous relations to separately consider impeller and diffuser performance. T. (4 6) | e< Impeller and diffuser efficiencies, e, and ed, are defined by (4): IF„, " P' gw„ . gWpi Pel = ' By inserting (13) and (23a) into a = V^gPV p^idn (39) also relates individual stage heads and efficiencies to those of the over-all compressor. Impeller and diffuser head coefficients jit, and pd are defined by (26): Thus far none of our analysis has included compressors having either side-flow or cooling. The treatment of side-flow requires that the compressor be subdivided into units of constant mass flow rate, with due consideration given to the mixing effects when the side-flow is inward. The homogeneity of such a mixture entering the next stage may be questionable but is usually assumed for practical purposes. A similar procedure is employed for interstage cooling since the compressor can be subdivided into uncooled units and the intercooler treated separately. Most cases of liquid injection cooling also fall into this category. Even diaphragm cooling can be handled this way if most of the cooling takes place between the diffuser outlet and the inlet of the succeeding stage. If a cooled compressor is tested for over-all values of e and p. these are only significant for the tested ratio of gas cooling to An equation like J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 2 / 77 Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: mechanical energy input. Both the magnitude of this ratio and its distribution within the compressor are controlling factors. * Other Applications Y = 1 Polytropic analysis is not limited to centrifugal compressors alone but can be applied to any machinery handling compressible fluids. This includes turbines as well as compressors, provided that e is replaced by the reciprocal of turbine efficiency. Nor is our analysis limited exclusively to machinery. The determination of orifice and nozzle flow rates can be accomplished by (4) or (29) using e = es = 1, with (56) or (5c), (6f), (6ft), and an empirical flow coefficient. The results are similar to (41) with the addition of an approach velocity factor and a flow coefficient. Another application is the P, V, T relation of a throttling process, which is represented by (6j) and (6ft). The P, V, T relations of constant volume and constant temperature processes are represented by (6ft) and (24) or (25). At first glance a constant pressure process appears to be indeterminate by (6k) and (6n). However, we can rearrange (6h) to supplement (6/i) by mPn P = 1 + A (On) Wr/Pr - (22 a) T\ / dZ Z \ bPr / Tr and determine X and Y from the slopes of constant Pr and Tr lines representing Z. The usual plot of Z contains lines of constant Tr versus Pr from which Y can be determined directly. A cross-plot to obtain lines of constant PT versus Tr is necessary to determine X . In this manner X and Y were obtained from the Nelson-Obert charts throughout the region 0 ^ Pr ^ 3 and 0.6 ^ Tr ^ 5. These graphic determinations were plotted along with values calculated by finite differences in (22) for a common refrigerant gas, dichlorodifluoromethane (Refrigerant-12) [5], which reproduces the Nelson-Obert charts within 3 per cent. The preliminary plots were checked and adjusted by a second set of calculations, this time employing (15c) for Refrigerant-12. The final generalized charts of X and Y are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Examination of these charts reveals the possibility of large deviations from the perfect-gas values X = 0, Y = 1. For pressures and temperatures outside the charted region X can become negative. Numerical Example and write (6ft) T \ I +.r (6») where subscript P denotes constant pressure. Generalized Compressibility Functions In connection with (33) we mentioned the necessity of obtaining A", 1", and Z from generalized compressibility charts for gases in corresponding states. Many such charts have been published since 1931 relating Z to Pr and Tr. B y (13) Z is defined PV RT (13 a) Pr T, Pc (42) JL In (42) P, and Tc are absolute critical pressure and temperature. Gases having the same values of P r and T r are said to be in corresponding states and often have nearly the same value of Z. The Nelson-Obert charts [3, 4], published in 1953, correlated the ^-values of twenty-six different gases within 2'/> per cent throughout the region 0 ^ Pr ^ 10 and 0.6 ^ Tr ^ 15, except near PT = Tr = 1. These gases included air, argon, benzene, carbondioxide, ethane, iso-butane, methane, neon, oxygen, nitrogen, propane, and propylene. However, it was also reported that five gases, ammonia, helium, hydrogen, methyl-fluoride, and steam correlated less accurate^, so that Pt and Tr are not universal compressibility parameters. Sometimes better results are obtained if pseudo values of Pe and Tc are employed in (42). Nelson and Obert found this to be the case with helium and hydrogen. For gases whose Z-values can be correlated accurately by P r and Tn using either actual or pseudo values of Pc and Tc. it is also possible to correlate X and 1". With (42) we may write (22) 196 2 Perhaps it would be instructive to consider the polytropic analysis of an actual compression process involving a real gas. Imagine we have tested a centrifugal compressor with Refrigerant-12 and obtained the following test data: Po = 10 psia Pi = 130 psia T0 = -10 F T3 = 210 F In a table of thermodynamic properties [5] we find: V0 = 3.8861 ft 3 /lb H, = 106.520 B t u / l b Ho = 76.880 B t u / l b V, = 0.37297 ft 3 /lb V3 = 0.41676 ft. 3 /lb Hi = 97.8-39 B t u / l b B y (27a) we obtain: while reduced pressure, Pn and reduced temperature, Tr, are defined 78 / JANUARY dZ_ = n = 1.1488 Wp = ns = 1.0944 e = f = 1.015 17,285 ft-lb/lb 0.749 The deviation of f from 1.000 shows that ns varies along SoLet us explore this variation by tabulating n s and the related properties along So. We can also tabulate these properties along p, substituting n for ns with e = 0.749. In addition to the end points our table should include the approximate mid-points of So and p where TFl5 and IF, are each about half their final totals. The results are shown in Table 1. Table 1 shows a variation in n s along So of 7.5 per cent, hence it is not surprising that TFS calculated with a constant mean ns = 1.0944 is in error by 1.5 per cent. The variation in n along p is 6.9 per cent. The similarity of this to n s reinforces our decision to adjust TFP by / = 1.015 determined from n s and WsTable 1 also shows an appreciable deviation of n s from its perfect-gas value, k. Were we to use a constant mean k = 1.173 to predict TFS, Vi, and A T s by perfect-gas relations (61) in (5a) and (6n) our errors would be 7, 17, and 22 per cent, respectively. By using the real-gas equations (6i) in (5b) and (6ft) with a constant mean Ar = 0.265, Y = 1.076, a n d / = 1.015 the corresponding errors would be 1 / 2 , 1, and l /s per cent. The foregoing mean values of k, X, and Y were estimated by Transactions of the A S M E Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: Table 1 P (psia) V (ft 3 /lb) T (deg F) H (Btu/lb) S (Btu/lb deg R ) Cp (Btu/lb deg R ) . . . Cy (Btu/lb deg R ) . . . k X Y X ms ns m -Along S 0 Middle 39 1. 1460 74..11 87..419 0..18171 0. 15343 0..13160 1. 1659 0. 220 1. 057 0. 943 0. 123 1. 103 Inlet 10 3. 8861 -10 76. 880 0. 18171 0. 13603 0. 11716 1. 1611 0. 101 1. 038 0. 974 0. 131 1. 119 Outlet 130 0..37297 159 .96 97 839 0 .18171 0 . 17462 0..14558 1. 1995 0. 519 1 .152 0. 882 0. 126 1. 041 numerical averages with double weight given the mid-point, as k = 1.1611 + 2 X 1.1659 + 1.1995 The accuracy of our results could be improved slightly by refining these constant mean values, but perfect accuracy is impossible since (6m) cannot reproduce (8) perfectly. Now imagine it were necessary to design a centrifugal compressor for the application we have just discussed, but without benefit of detailed thermodynamic data. Suppose our only information were: 10 psia R = 12.779 ft-lb/lb deg R. Vo = 3.8861 f t y i b Pc = 596.9 psia T0 = -10 F T„ = 233.6 F P3 = 130 psia e = 0.749 k = 1.160 The solution of this problem requires that we assume T3 and verify our assumption by (33). To make a long story short let us assume the correct T3 = 210 F and observe the results. T o estimate mean values of X and Y we need a tabulation like Table 1 and therefore we must choose an approximate mid-point of p. A reasonable choice would be at the square root of the over-all pressure ratio and half the assumed temperature rise; i.e., at P = 36 psia and T = 100 F. The results are shown in Table 2 with A" and 7 from Figs. 2 and 3. Table 2 Inlet 0.0168 0.649 0.11 1.04 Pr Tr .V Y Middle 0.0603 0.807 0.17 1.05 Outlet 0.2178 0.966 0.36 1.10 From Table 2 we compute the mean X = 0.20 and the mean 1" = 1.06. Assuming / = 1.000 we find by (33) m = 0.1559 V3 = 0.4141 ft 3 /lb n = 1.1455 T3 = 211.1 F Wp = 16,967 ft-lb/lb Comparing these results with the correct data from our test discussion we find the errors in TFP, V3, and A71 to be 2, 1, and Vs per cent, respectively. Had we used perfect-gas relations the results would have been Journal of Engineering for Power Middle 40 1.1862 102 91 .678 0.18909 0.15518 0.13436 1.1550 0.187 1.056 0.952 Outlet 130 0.41676 210 106.520 0.19518 0.17294 0.14806 1.1680 0.355 1.106 0.912 0. 171 1. 177 0.153 1 .113 0.146 1.101 m' = 0.1842 TV = 0.4794 f t ' / l b n' = 1.2257 T3' = 26t.5 F W p ' = 18,347 ft-lb/lb k = 1.173 Po = Inlet 10 3 .8861 -10 76..880 0 .18171 0 .13603 0 .11716 1. 1611 0. 101 1, 038 0. 974 and our errors would have been 6, 15, and 23 per cent. Now suppose it were necessary to design a compressor for this same application but with complete thermodynamic data available. Using k = 1.167 and e = 0.749 in (34b) we would obtain es' = 0.701. By (35) we would find TV = 0.41801 ft 3 /lb and by (27a) e' = 0.744. Then ~ e = 0.942 and es = 0.706 in (34c) From the data of Table 1 we find the correct es = 0.707. Alternatively we might have used (33c) to find S3 = 0.19502 B t u / l b deg R and T3 = 209.4 F. In Table 1 the correct values are 0.19518 and 210.0. This is only 0.3 deg F less accurate than the preceding isentropic solution and far less complicated. T o consider three different aspects of the same compression process we used three different ^--values. The first, 1.173, was the mean value along So. The second, 1.160, was the mean value along p. The third, 1.167, was the mean value between So and p. Each was the most appropriate for its particular application. No single value would have produced comparable accuracies in all three instances. Conclusions and Recommendations The real-gas equations of polytropic analysis indicate, and our numerical example confirms, that accuracies within a few per cent require more thermodynamic data than exist for some applications. Compressor users should recognize such applications for what they are and not expect the impossible. Furthermore, when thermodj'namic tables or charts are prepared it would be most convenient if CP or k, X, Y, and Z were included. Generalized compressibility data are helpful when specific data are lacking. Since compressibility functions X and Y have been defined and generalized here for the first time future investigators may be able to improve some regions in Figs. 2 and 3. Experience may disclose a need for extending these figures beyond Pr = 3 and Tr = 5. Investigations to improve or extend Figs. 2 and 3 are recommended. Most of the real-gas equations have also been derived and published here for the first time. Future rearrangements and derivations maj' enhance their utility. In this connection a derivation to generalize the polytropic head factor, / , would be quite useful. Finally, the A S M E Power Test Code for Centrifugal, Mixed Flow, and Axial Flow Compressors and Exhausters (PTC10-1949) should be rewritten to include polytropic analysis and equivalent JANUARY 1962 / 79 Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: x NoiiONinj 80 / JANUARY 1962 Ainiaiss3ddiAioo Transactions of f fie AS IE Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: A NOIlONfld Journal of Engineering for Power AllliaiSS3dd^OO J A N U A R Y 1 96 2 / 8 1 Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: performance testing. The present code is based upon isentropic analysis and therefore cannot provide for equivalent tests. Acknowledgments In the graphic determinations of A" and Y for Figs. 2 and 3 the author was assisted by Miss Mary H. Butler, Mr. Kenneth E. Dodrer, and Mr. George D. Ferree, all of the York Division, Borg-Warner Corporation. For the calculations involving R e frigerant-12 the author was furnished detailed specific heat data b}' Mr. Robert C. McHarness of the " F r e o n " Products Division, E. I. duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc. 82 / J A N U A R Y 1962 References 1 W. C. Edmister and R. J. McGarry, "Gas Compressor Design," Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 45, 1949, pp. 421-434. 2 W. C. Edmister, "Compressor and Expander Design," Chemical Engineering Progress, vol. 47, 1951, pp. 191-198. 3 L. C. Nelson and E. F. Obert, "Generalized Properties of Gases," TRANS. ASME, vol. 76, 1954, pp. 1057-1066. 4 L. C. Nelson and E. F. Obert, "Generalized Compressibility Charts," Chemical Engineering, vol. 61, 1954, pp. 203-208. 5 "Thermodynamic Properties of Freon-12 Refrigerant (Diclilorodifluoromethane)," E. I. duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Copyright_1955_and 1956. Transactions of the A S M E Downloaded From: on 01/29/2016 Terms of Use: