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Empowerment Technologies) q2 CLAS1 ICT Project for Social Change v4 (RO-QA) - Liezl Arosio - RHEA ANN NAVILLA copy-1

Quarter II – Week 1
ICT Project for Social Change
APPLIED – Empowerment Technologies - Grade 11/12
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter II – Week 1: ICT Project for Social Change
First Edition, 2020
Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or
office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for the exploitation of such work for a
profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this CLAS are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.
Published by the Schools Division of Puerto Princesa City
Development Team of the Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets
Writer: Alexis D. Diosaban
Content Editor: Napthalie M. Andre-e
Language Editor: Denard V. Budao
Reviewer: Dennis M. Lucas, PhD
Illustrator: Alexis D. Diosaban
Layout Artist: Alexis D. Diosaban
Management Team:
Servillano A. Arzaga, CESO V, SDS
Loida P. Adornado PhD, ASDS
Cyril C. Serador PhD, CID Chief
Ronald S. Brillantes, EPS-LRMS Manager
Dennis M. Lucas PhD, EPS-EPP/TLE/TVL
Eva Joyce C. Presto, PDO II
Rhea Ann A. Navilla, Librarian II
Division LR Evaluators: Ronald S. Brillantes, Mary Jane J. Parcon, Jim Paul M. Belgado
Cynthea H. Cabanero, Rhea D. Romero, Rosario T. Gonzales,
Liezl O. Arosio, Karl Gabriel G. Buenafe
Division of Puerto Princesa City-Learning Resource Management Section (LRMS)
Sta. Monica Heights, Brgy. Sta. Monica, Puerto Princesa City
Telephone No.: (048) 434 9438
Email Address: puertoprincesa@deped.gov.ph
Grade & Section:
Lesson 1
ICT Project for Social Change
Learning Competencies:
• Explore the principles of interactivity and rich content in the context of Web 2.0 and
the participation of the user in the online experience (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIk14)
• Share anecdotes of how he/she has used ICTs to be part of a social movement,
change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship
• Identify a local or regional cause or issue for Social Change related to specific
professional tracks that can be addressed or tackled using an ICT Project for Social
Change (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IImp16)
1. Discuss how the new media, through its rich content and collaboration features, has
changed their experiences both as creators and user;
2. Make students share personal experiences in using ICT to be part of a social
movement, change, or cause; and
3. Identify a local or regional cause or issue for Social Change related to specific
professional tracks that can be addressed or tackled using an ICT Project for Social
Let’s Explore and Discover
Unlocking of
• Rich Content
Interface or
Interactive media
refers to the
transformative ways
that people share
information and
ideas through
creative uses of
The ways of utilizing the Web technologies have undoubtedly progressed over the last
few years. Each stage of the evolution has brought forth new tools and methods that are
truly relevant to the increasing demands of the users. Likewise, the development of the Web
has incorporated the use of contemporary innovative technology and redefined the way we
organize, communicate, and collaborate with each other.
What would you combine to make your digital content interactive? Discuss your answer.
Evolution of Web Technologies
WEB 1.0
The first iteration of the web represents the web 1.0, which, according to Berners-Lee,
is the “read-only web.” In other words, the early web allowed us to search for information
and read it. There was very little in the way of user interaction or content generation.
WEB 2.0
The term Web 2.0 was first used around 2004. Since the Internet technology became
more interactive, it also became more accessible and available for everyone. The users can
now interact, contribute, and create their own Internet space and content with web 2.0
WEB 3.0
Web 3.0 is described by Tim Berners-Lee (father of the WWW) as the read-writeexecute web. It is referred to as the semantic web or data driven web content and response.
Semantic markup refers to the communication gap between humans and computerized
applications. One of the biggest challenges of presenting information on the web is that
applications cannot provide context to data and, therefore, can’t understand what is
relevant. Through the use of some semantic markup (or data interchange formats), data
could be put in a form not only accessible to humans via natural language but able to be
understood and interpreted by software applications as well. The context of the search of the
user is processed by a programming language to help the user by presenting options of what
the person is interested in.
Principles of Interactive Media
✓ Media is rich with graphical and textual elements along with video and/or sound
✓ Accessed or viewed thru a website, projector (movie) or other form of delivery like in
✓ It is user-centered.
✓ It has the ability to be browsed and/or navigated.
✓ Media is more illustrative as it communicates messages through graphics.
✓ It is capable of transferring information easily.
✓ It usually has an orienting effect for user such as it provides help and illustrates
navigation and program features.
✓ Linear or non-linear. Linear active content progresses often without any navigational
control for the viewer such as a cinema presentation while the non-linear uses
interactivity to control progress as with a video game or self-paced computer-based
✓ It promotes active learning.
The Importance of an Interactive Website
Increased Time On Website
The amount of time spent on a website is technically known as dwell time. When you
add more features to your site such as a video, the user may watch the video, get more
familiar with your brand for example, and in return that user’s dwell time is increased. The
impact of this of course is that it would suggest to Google that people visiting your site are
finding what they are looking for and that it is good quality content, which means Google
may then rank you higher for a particular keyword or possibly a set of them.
Increased Conversion Rate
For those with businesses, one of the main objectives of having a website is to have
your users convert and either purchase a product or a service you provide. Having an
interactive website can assist with this. For example, if you had a local business which
offered driving experiences, a video highlighting all the main experiences and showing
previous customers would not only increase your dwell time but also increase your social
proof and brand trust as they are getting a much greater insight into the service and are
therefore going to be more likely to convert and may even potentially increase any future
sales through word of mouth etc.
Improved User Experience
Overall, user experience is highly important for many reasons such as: conversion
rate, repeat business, as well as also boosting a lot of other metrics such as: average time
per session and bounce rate. For instance, if you provided a service such as phone repairs,
on your site you could have an online chat set up so that you could interact with customers
directly and answer any of their queries they may have.
This in turn ensures the consumers find what they are looking for and at least get
some kind of answer to their query as opposed to simply ‘bouncing’ (exiting) the site with
little to no interaction (suggesting to Google that you may not be the best source for that
niche). Additionally, we can also see how adding an interactive feature such as an online
chat would affect conversion rate. The user would have a much more personalised experience
that is now more likely to end in a conversion.
Overall, it is clear that having an interactive website can positively impact many
metrics such as: bounce rate, average time per session, conversion rate and possibly more,
indirectly. With this, you can hopefully create a more personalised and trusted brand that
sees more conversions. And if your site does not offer a service or product (for example a
blog or informational site) then you could impact your rankings in a positive way.
(Source: Bright Design (UK) Ltd. n.d. The importance of an interactive website. Accessed December 20, 2020.
Popular Types Online Content
Blog Posts
A blog is one of the most popular types of content marketing you can use to grow your
brand. This is why it’s becoming increasingly popular. According to Growth Badger, there
are over 600 million blogs, out of the 1.7+ billion websites that currently exist. In fact, a
report by Statista indicated that there are about 31.2 million blogs in the United States
Social Media Posts
If you want to reach your target audience faster, having a social media as a strategy
is a must. With social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, you
can build relationships with your customers and reach new audiences. The reason is simple.
Social media is one of the most popular online activities that people engage in. In fact,
according to Emarsys, there are over 3.2 billion social media users in the world today.
If you want to engage your audience quickly and grab their attention, then you should
use video content as a strategy. This is because more people now view video content online
than ever before. According to Cisco, by 2022, 82% of internet traffic will be video.
Additionally, 90% of consumers state that videos help them make purchasing decisions.
What this means is that no matter the industry you operate in, video is one of the best types
of content marketing to reach and engage your target customers. With videos, you can create
different types of content in your industry. This helps you to engage your target audience
and leave them asking for more.
Case Studies
When people want to learn more about your business, they want to hear from other
customers who have used your products or services. This is why case studies are among the
most valuable and powerful types of content marketing. With case studies, you can let your
prospects see the buyers’ journey from start to finish. You can do this by showing the exact
steps you took to help specific clients to get excellent results from using your products or
services. Also, you can use case studies to explain how to use some of your products and
services. People prefer case studies before making a purchase online because it helps them
to understand your brand better. It also lets your consumers see if your product/service is
something that will add value to their business.
Infographics are also one of the most popular types of content marketing. This is
because they’re a visual content marketing format that can help your audience understand
visual data better. Infographics are usually eye-catching, so anyone who sees them processes
and understands the information faster and better. With infographics, you can provide
useful information to your target audience. Also, you can educate your leads and customers
more effectively.
Ebooks are also effective when providing value to your audience. It can be likened to
a long-form blog content that gives potential customers valuable information. It’s similar to
other types of content marketing because the essence of an ebook is to build a relationship
with your prospects. That way, they can know your brand better, and build their trust.
One of the best types of content marketing you can use to provide value to potential
customers is a checklist. A checklist shows a step-by-step method that your audience can
take to solve a particular problem. Also, it provides them with a list of things they can do to
achieve a desired outcome.
MARKETING. January 06. Accessed December 19, 2020. https://www.bbntimes.com/companies/7-mostpopular-types-of-content-and-how-to-use-them-for-marketing.)
How to create a website with Google Sites
Google Sites is a website builder from Google that you can use to create fairly
advanced websites in just minutes. The platform uses a drag-and-drop editor, so you don’t
even have to touch HTML code to build a new website.
Perhaps the best part about creating a Google Sites website is that it’s completely free.
You just need a Google account to start using it.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up a new website with Google
Sites. To get started, just head over to the Google Sites website at sites.google.com.
1. Choose a Name And Address
The first thing you need to do to create a new website is to pick a name and
URL. By default, the URL of your site will be sites.google.com/view/yoursitename.
Keep in mind that your site URL must be unique⁠—you’ll get an error message if it is
already taken.
2. Select a Template And Theme
Google Sites offers eight templates
to help kickstart your design. These are
fully customizable, so don’t worry too
much about this choice.
Once you choose a template, you’ll
be taken to the site editor. Select a theme
for your site by clicking the Theme tab in
the navigation pane. The theme options
modify the color palette, fonts, and overall
look and feel of your website.
3. Edit Site Layout
Every page in Google Sites is
divided into sections, each with its
own layout. To create a new section
with a specific layout, navigate to the
Insert tab of the editing pane. Under
Layouts, you’ll find six basic page
section types. Click on one and a new
section with that layout will be added
to the bottom of the current page.
You can move sections up or down by dragging on the pattern of 10 dots that
appears on the left side of each section. You can also delete sections by clicking on
the garbage can symbol.
4. Create a page
To add a new page to your website, navigate to
Pages, hover over the plus symbol, and then click New
Page. Give the page a name and customize the URL
address if desired. You can drag and drop the position of
your new page within the editing pane to customize how
it appears in your site’s navigation.
5. Add content
You have a lot of options for adding content to
your website. You can create text boxes and upload
images or source them from Google Drive. You can also
select special elements, such as buttons, image
carousels, or Google Maps displays, to add to your
Any content element you add to your site can be moved around by dragging
and dropping it. You can also resize any content elements simply by clicking and
dragging on the edges.
6. General website management
Before you publish your
new website, it’s a good idea to
configure your site settings.
Click on the gear icon to modify
the style of the navigational
menu and to add a logo if you
have one. You can also connect
your site to Google Analytics so
that you can track how much
traffic you’re getting.
7. Control access
By default, your newly published site will be accessible to anyone. But, you
can also limit access to your website to only specific individuals or those with a direct
link. To invite specific people to view your site, click the sharing icon and enter emails
into the box labelled Add people and groups.
8. Track and revert changes
If you want to continue making changes to your website over time, you can.
Google Sites automatically tracks the changes you make so you can undo them at
any time if needed. To see all past versions of your website, click on the three dots
and select Version history. To undo recent changes and restore an older copy of your
website, select the desired version and click Restore this version.
(Source: Graw, Michael. 2020. How to create a website with Google Sites. June 18. Accessed December 20,
2020. https://www.tomsguide.com/features/how-to-create-a-website-with-google-sites.)
Let’s Practice
Directions: Select at least ten (10) online content-rich interfaces (e.g. learning management
system, blog, and Facebook page) pertaining to your track/strand. Rate each interface
according to their functionality using the table below.
Online Content Rich Interface
Direction: In the selection that you did, what are your top three favorites? Give a brief
discussion for each choice. Use the space below to discuss your answer.
1. What can make an online interface difficult to use?
2. What can help an interface user understand or navigate an online interface?
Let’s Do More
Directions: Start conceptualizing the interface you will create towards the end of the
semester. This website or portal is going to be an interactive ICT project for social change.
Imagine how they would like it to appear. What features do you plan to include? List down
the possible combination of features that you will include in developing the website to
increase its interactivity. Use the space below to elaborate your concept.
Directions: Recall stories about how you have used ICTs to be part of a social movement,
change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship. Examples of which are
participation in a school activities, participation in community works like community cleanup drives, and voluntary works like cooking or housebuilding during natural calamities.
Write a journal or a blog entry. You may also opt to create an online photo narrative or a photo
album if there is no access to the internet to share your stories/experiences. If you have no
social change or cause involvement, any social event (birthday, a reunion, a celebration)
where the you used ICTs to contribute creatively such as cooking for the Christmas holidays,
taking photos of the food you prepared and posting it on social media platforms, a meme, or
a video clip may be used for submission. Postings provide comprehensive insight,
understanding, and reflective thoughts about the topic by building a focused argument
around a specific issue, asking a new related question, or making an oppositional statement
supported by personal experience or related research.
*Use a separate paper, a file, or blog URL for submission.
1. What advocacy have you supported? In what way did you support it? Did you
use any digital tool to do so?
2. How was the ICT experience? Was it positive or negative?
3. How did ICT change the way people communicate? What do you think will the
world be like if ICTs have not been used?
Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: Identify at least ten (10) local or regional causes or issues for “social change.”
Then, create a website as a platform to list down the identified causes or issues for social
change on the context of your local community. Here’s a link to a Google Site that could be
useful for this purpose: https://sites.google.com/new.
Write down you URL here: _______________________________________________________________
Directions: How can ICT be a tool in connecting all stakeholders in your community? What
are the implications of this to your community having a “virtual” counterpart? Using a
concept map, show the intricacies of the following elements: service and product providers,
consumers, ICT, income, tapping into local community resources, etc. Further explain your
answers through an essay in not more than five sentences.
Let’s Assess
Directions: Read and answer the following questions carefully. Circle the letter of the
correct answer.
Which of the following Web refers to static and read only web?
Web 1.0
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
Web 1.0 and 3.0
Which of the following Web is more interactive?
Web 1.0
Web 1.0 and 3.0
Web 1.0and 2.0
Web 2.0 and 3.0
Which of the following Web refers to a semantic and data driven web content?
Web 1.0
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
Web 2.0 and 3.0
Which of the following is TRUE about the principles of interactive media?
Caters to the needs of the user
Enhances the user experience
Media is more illustrative as it communicates messages through graphics.
Shows visitors where the most important information is
Which of the following principles of interactive media uses interactivity to control
The following are true about the principles of Interactive Media EXCEPT:
It is capable of to be navigated.
It is user-centered
It illustrates the visual weight of an image
It promotes active learning
Which of the importance of an interactive website refers to the implication of adding
more features such as videos?
Conversion rates increase.
It improves user experience
Rank site higher for a particular keyword.
User’s dwell time increased.
Which of the following types of online content refers to one of the most popular types of
content marketing?
Case studies
Which of the following types of online content refers the strategy if you want to engage
your audience quickly and grab their attention?
Which of the following types of online content refers to a step-by-step method that your
audience can take to solve a particular problem?
Case studies
Social media posts
Answer Key
Let’s Practice
Let’s Do More
*** Answers of the student may vary***
*** Answers of the student may vary***
Answers of the student
may vary
Answers of the student
may vary
Reflective Question: *** Answers of the student may vary***
Reflective Question:
*** Answers of the
student may vary***
Let’s Sum It Up
*** Answers of the student may vary***
*** Answers of the student may vary***
Let’s Assess
1. A
2. D
6. C
7. D
3. B
8. A
4. C
9. D
5. D
10. C
DepED. 2016. Empowerment Technologies for the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track.
Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR). Accessed December
15, 2020.
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