How to Debug a FIORI App and the Debug Triggers in SAP Backend? 31812,404 Edit Introduction There is a saying if you can find the perfect place or spot to Debug in SAP you can solve anything and everything. This blog will cover how you can set the Debugger in SAP ABAP and the executing will be from SAP Fiori. Solution First we login to Fiori and we will choose the App we want to check. We will Use Customer Balance aka FBL5N Now put some Company Code and Press F12 and Press Go Below is the ODATA service which contains the ABAP Code. Now go to Transaction Code /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE and search for the ODATA service Now we double click on the Service and hit SAP Gateway Client Now hit Service Implementation Double Click on Data Provider Class Click on Display Object List Open the Redefinitions and open this Method. Redefinitions contains your code. Now put External Breakpoint as shown below Now go to Fiori and enter some parameter and hit Go Wala Debugger has stopped. Conclusion The above blog you can use for both SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA Below is the video version FollowLikeRSS Feed