Name: Aigner Jana, Erhart Laura, Kaltenbach Lisa-Marie Matr. No().: Lesson Plan Target group: School (type): primary school Grade: 4th Number of students (ca.): 20 Level of language proficiency: Duration: min Subject matter analysis: Topic(s): The cupcake Rhyme Contextualization: Rhymes are already known Working in pairs is known Story telling with pictures are already known Afterwards: roleplay with different shopping scenes (grocery) Language skills: Speaking, reading, listening, play, sing, fill in Language systems: Bakery, cupcake, frosting, down around the corner, penny Down around the corner, in the bakery shop, were 5 little cupcakes with frosting on top. Along came ____ with a penny on top. She/ he bought one cupcake and she/ he took it away. She/ he said “Boo hoo hoo. I guess I’ll come back another day.” Pronunciation: Bakery, cupcake, frosting, down around the corner, penny Language functions: narrating Reference to curriculum Precise aims/objectives: The learners … Wide their cultural horizon (British culture) Understand the rhyme and can summarize the content in their own words Can say the rhyme rhythmically Understand the craft instructions for making finger puppets Outline of the lesson: rough time frame procedure interaction format skills / language system materials Setting the scene Introduce the situation with pictures. Whole group is listening Inform Pictures of the bakery “Down around the corner there is a bakery shop. This is a bakery. At the bakery you can buy many delicious things. You can buy bread and rolls. Look at the girl. She wants to buy something at the bakery. Next you show the inside of the bakery. Draw the students attention to the manifold choice of cupcakes. “In this bakery you can buy many different cupcakes. I love cupcakes. There is this cupcake with frosting on the top. This cupcake is with rosy frosting and a Speak Introduce Rhyme notes cherry on top.” Introduce all the central words from the rhyme so that the children can already hear them before actually learning the rhyme. Presentation oft the rhyme Play the rhyme from the CD. Support the children’s understanding by using your finger puppets. Alternatively you may use pictures. Whole group Listen CD Watch Rhyme Pictures Choral chanting Say the rhyme line for line and let the students repeat. You may vary the production by having groups of children repeat (boys, girls, left side, right side) I say the words students repeat Play with your voice Listen Rhyme Read Speak Make sure that every student is repeating the rhyme! Sing Sing the rhyme Fill with names of the classmates Introduction oft the written words Present the text on an overhead transparency Read out the rhyme line for line Whole group While students repeat fill in the missing letters of the brickwords. If necessary, you get the children to repeat it more often Read Speak Rhyme on overhead Match Read the whole rhyme with your class. Cover the text from right to left more and more so that the children have to remember more and more Individual Hand out sentence strips for all the kids. Individual Read Sentence strips Have an eye phase Play the rhyme again and again work For weaker students you may colour the words that vary. Teamwork Match Rhyme Speak Rhyme Students get together in pairs and present the rhyme to each other. Presentation The class presents the rhyme which they know by heart. You may also organize a tea party and the children present the rhyme (or more rhymes) with the held of puppet fingers. Extra activity Making finger puppets! You need: Pipe cleaners Glue Pictures of the cupcakes Take a pipe cleaner and wind it around your finger. Put a dab of glue on a picture of a cupcake and stick it on the pipe cleaner. Small groups Pictures Presenting Whole class Making puppets Pipe cleaners Glue Pictures of the cupcakes on weaker students.