Lecture 1. The Earth: How and Why We Study it Introduction to the Earth System EAS 2200 Today’s Plan Organizational matters Plan of the course Why study the Earth? How we study the Earth How science works Earth science - uniquely historical Origins of Earth Science, Early Concepts Geologic Time Thinking about geologic time Organizational Matters Syllabus & Course Plan Note dates for prelims Textbook Grading Plan of the Course Introduction/Origin of the Earth Earth Materials & Their Properties Earth from Inside Out Structure of the Earth Plate Tectonics: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Deformation Reshaping the Face of the Earth: Water, Ice, Wind, Erosion and Deposition Evolution of Life, Atmosphere, and Climate The Atmosphere The Oceans The Biosphere Changing Climate on the Modern Earth Goals for This Course Introduce you to study of the Earth as an integrated system. Virtually every aspect of the Earth affects and is affected by every other aspect of the Earth. Examples: Geological processes affect climate Climate affects geological processes Life affects climate – climate affects life Life is a geological process! Prepare you for advanced courses in Earth Science Expose you to concepts, vocabulary, etc. that you’ll need in advanced courses. Why study the Earth? Resource Exploitation Environmental Protection/Preservation Curiosity – The Earth is a fascinating place! Only planet where 3 states of matter are known to exist continuously at the surface. It is continually geologically active (unlike the other terrestrial planets) in this solar system. It is the only planet known to have life. How we study the Earth: How science works The fundamental postulate Observations, hypotheses, and skepticism Parsimony Scientific Progress Math and Science The Fundamental Postulate Every phenomenon has an explanation based ultimately on the fundamental laws. “Raffiniert ist der Herr Gott, aber boshaft ist er nicht.” (God is subtle, but he is not malicious)– Einstein Put another way, there is no such thing as magic, only phenomena we don’t understand. (The fundamental laws do allow for chance events, hence the future is not preordained.) It seems Einstein was wrong when he said, “Gott würfelt nicht” (God does not play dice). While the fundamental laws do not always allow us to predict the outcome of events, they do allow us Currency of Science Science deals in only 2 quantities: Observations Hypotheses – paradigms In Science, Nothing is Sacred! Science deals only in observations and hypotheses and both can be wrong. Therefore, there is no such thing as a scientific fact. Even the wildest theories can turn out to be right (examples: relativity, plate tectonics), and seemingly certain ideas wrong (invariance of time, fixed continents). Consequently, question everything. (Including what you learn in this class!) Observations The most basic building block of science. Also known as data, results, experiments, “measurements”, etc. Might be an experiment in a physics laboratory, a chemical analysis, a series of ocean temperature measurements, or a seismogram. How can we tell whether observations are wrong or not? Independently replicate them. But replication does not guarantee that an Hypotheses These too go by various names: theories, models, laws, etc. Hypotheses are, very simply, just attempts to explain observations. How to we know if a hypothesis is right? A hypothesis is tested by comparing its predictions with additional observations, i.e., new experiments, new measurements, etc. If it passes the test, fine (but it could always fail the next one). If it fails, it is modified or discarded. The latter sometimes leads to scientific revolutions (e.g., relativity and quantum physics, evolution, plate tectonics). Occam’s Razor or Parsimony Which theory do we accept when two theories explain the same phenomenon equally well? The principle is that the theory that explains the greatest range of phenomena in the simplest manner is preferred – in general. Don’t make nature more complicated than it already is! Scientific Progress Although breakthroughs occasionally occur, most scientific progress is piecemeal with new observations suggesting minor adjustments to theories. New observations sometimes suggest new theories. New theories & paradigms often suggest new observations. Often, key observations must await new technical or instrumental advances. Sometimes, new technical advances lead by chance to important new observations. Mathematics and Science A curious and remarkable thing is that the universe can sometimes be quantified and described with great precision with mathematics. This was perhaps Newton’s greatest contribution, and the most important thing that the Greeks missed. Even when there is inherent uncertainty, the uncertainty itself can be precisely quantified. While in practice, some things remain too complex for us to describe mathematically, there is in theory a mathematical description. The Special Nature of Earth Science The Earth we see today is the consequence not only of the fundamental laws, but also of a long sequence of events, which we were not around to observe. Earth science is a science where history matters (also true of astronomy and biology). One challenge is to deduce that history. Another is to use this history (in partnership with lab measurements and Science and You While this course will be devoted to informing you of what we know about the Earth (or what we think we know), the main focus of science is research, i.e., what we don’t know. There is still much that we don’t know. Some, maybe even much, of what we think we know will turn out to be wrong. Critical research skill is to learn how to learn more effectively… In the next decade or two, the torch will pass to your generation to push the frontiers of knowledge forward. There is abundant opportunity for you to become part of the scientific enterprise. Origins of Earth Science Geology originated in the 16th century with Georg Bauer (Agricola) (1494-1555) and Nicolas Steno (1638-1686) who observed that rocks were laid down in definite layers, or strata, and that these layers occurred in a consistent order over a wide area. Leonardo Da Vinci made accurate reconstructions and maps of the evolution of the Arno River through time Modern physical science, however, begins with Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and Issac Newton (1643-1727), who deduced fundamental laws of motion and established the mathematical basis of James Hutton and Modern Earth Science James Hutton (1726-1797) is viewed by many Englishspeakers as the founder of modern geology. Important ideas Infinite expanse of geologic time Uniformitarianism — “What is, also was” hypothesis Recognized the role of internal energy to drive geologic processes. Hutton thought exclusively of heat, just one form of energy, and he thought it derived from burning coal. Recognized 3 ways in which rocks formed. Rain produced when air was cooled. Early thinking on evolution and natural selection. Hutton & Plutonism Hutton recognized 3 classes of rocks Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous Because he emphasized the need for internal energy, even in the transformation of sediment to sedimentary rock, he is often thought of as a plutonist in opposition to the neptunists led by Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817). Neptunists hypothesized all-encompassing ocean that gradually receded while precipitating or depositing virtually Hutton and Natural “If an organised body is not in the situation and circumstances best adapted to its sustenance and propagation, then, in conceiving an indefinite variety among the individuals of that species, we must be assured, that, on the one hand, those which depart most from the best adapted constitution, will be most liable to perish, while, on the other hand, those organised bodies, which most approach to the best constitution for the present circumstances, will be best adapted to continue, in preserving themselves and multiplying the individuals of their race.” Hutton as Meteorologist Hutton proposed that the amount of moisture that air could hold increased with temperature. Argued that when a cold and warm air mass mixed, rain formed. Investigated rainfall and climate globally and concluded that the rainfall is regulated by the humidity of the air on the one hand, and mixing of different air currents in the higher atmosphere on the other. Hutton & Uniformitarianism “No powers are to be employed that are not natural to the globe, no action to be admitted except those of which we know the principle.” In other words, the forces that shaped the Earth in the past are the same that are reshaping it today. (This is in some sense a corollary our fundamental postulate). If taken too strictly, it can become a straightjacket. No mass extinctions? No Meteorite impacts? No Flood basalts? “no vestige of a beginning--no prospect of Hutton envisioned geologic time as effectively infinite (but not quite infinite, since he believed that God created the Earth specifically for human habitation). Unconformity at Siccar Point, Scotland Viewed geological processes as continuous, repeating cycles; e.g., erosion, sedimentation, uplift, erosion, etc. Geologic Time How do we think about it? Represent it? Relative time (&fossils+evolution!!) Principle of superposition Correlation Absolute time Radioactive Decay: nature’s clock Geologic Time: Important Points The Earth has a history. It had a beginning (but Hutton was mostly right - there is almost no vestige of it to be found on Earth, the real vestiges are found elsewhere in the solar system). The beginning profoundly affected the kind of planet Earth would become. The scale of Geologic Time is vast: 4.56 billion years. This is nearly unimaginably long to humans. If all of Earth’s history were reduced to a year, human existence would occupy the last 18 minutes; a human life would be 1/2 second. Geologic Time - the Logarithmic View Advantages/Rationale: We can determine younger ages more precisely. Record of younger periods better preserved - we know them in more detail. Younger periods (“Phanerozoic’) are more interesting biologically. Reflects history of geological interest – Geologic Time - the Spiral View Advantages/ Rationale Cycles are important: Tides, day, seasons, year, Milankovitch cycles, cycles of extinction and radiation, Wilson cycles Despite the cycles, the Earth and life do not return to the same point, but evolve. Another reflection Earth History - how do we deduce it? If the Earth has a history, and human existence and written history record only a part of that, how do we deduce what that history was? For example, why do we think life originated in the seas? Why do many think the dinosaurs were wiped out by an impact? Why do we think North America and Europe were once connected? The Earth’s history is recorded in its rocks. But how do we read that record? Relative Time: Law of Superposition Since sedimentary rocks form by things falling down under gravity, a sequence of sediments must get younger upward. This is known as the Law of Superposition, deduced by Neils Stensen (Steno) in the 17th century. Relative Time & Correlation No single sequence of sedimentary rocks provides a complete record of Earth history. We need to deduce Earth’s history by weaving pieces of history into a longer story. How do we do this? Principle is that rocks containing the same fossil assemblage were deposited at the same time. This procedure, called correlation, was discovered by William Smith in the early 19th century. (predating formal theory of evolution!) Only good back to 540Ma Building a Relative Time Scale Using correlation, we can determine the sequence in which events occurred, but not the length of time this sequence represents. Radioactive Decay and Nuclear Processes The revolution in physics that started at the end of the 19th century – in particular nuclear theory of matter – provided both a means to measure geologic time and a source of energy to power the Earth, the Sun, and the Stars. Within a decade of the discovery of radioactivity (and before Neils Bohr published is nuclear model of the atom), the first radiometric date showed the Earth was far older than physicists thought. Types of Radioactive Decay Radioactive decay refers to the transmutation of one element into another through loss (or gain) of particles from the atomic nucleus. For example: Beta decay Nucleus emits electron or positron Alpha decay Nucleus emits a helium nucleus Isotopes It is not elements per se that undergo radioactive decay, but specific isotopes of some elements. Isotopes are atoms of an element that differ only in the number of neutrons in the nucleus. Examples Isotopes are written as the chemical symbol, with the mass number pre-superscripted. 12C (6 protons, 6 neutrons) and 13C (6 protons, 7 neutrons) are stable, but 14C (6 protons, 8 neutrons) decays to 14N (7 protons, 7 neutrons). 238U and 235U are both unstable and undergo a series of decays eventually becoming 206Pb and 207Pb. Radioactive and Radiogenic Elements Absolute Geologic Time Modern measurement of absolute geologic time is now based on radioactive decay. Actually, it is usually based on the buildup of the new atoms produced by radioactive decay (easier to measure what is there than what is not; 14C is an exception). Radioactive decay is a process that occurs at rates that are independent of environmental influences (like Key Dates in Earth’ History