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Elementary Science Worksheet: Seeds, Food, Health

Write the word meaning-7
5.Moist Body
 Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False:-5
1. Exercise is important for staying healthy.[ ]
2. Fish and eggs are rich in carbohydrates.[ ]
3. All matter is made up of very small particles.[
4. Accidents occur due to our carelessness.[
5. We should follow the safety rules to avoid accidents.[ ]
 Fill in the blanks:-10
1.A________ is tied on a fractured hand to restrict its movement.
2.Small fire can be put out using a_______.
3.______ are body building food.
4.We should drink plenty of____.
5.The process by which a seed grows into a baby plant is called______.
Answer the following questions:-28
1. Define Germination?
2. Name the five main components of food.
3. What is vaccination? Name any two disease which can be prevented by
taking vaccine.
4. What is a molecule?
5. What is corrosion?
6. What are the part of a seed?
7. Name any three parts of the plant other than the seed from which a new plant
can grow.