Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide Version C-2009.06, June 2009 Copyright Notice and Proprietary Information Copyright © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and documentation contain confidential and proprietary information that is the property of Synopsys, Inc. The software and documentation are furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. No part of the software and documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Synopsys, Inc., or as expressly provided by the license agreement. Right to Copy Documentation The license agreement with Synopsys permits licensee to make copies of the documentation for its internal use only. Each copy shall include all copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and proprietary rights notices, if any. 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Registered Trademarks (®) Synopsys, AMPS, Astro, Behavior Extracting Synthesis Technology, Cadabra, CATS, Certify, CHIPit, Design Compiler, DesignWare, Formality, HDL Analyst, HSIM, HSPICE, Identify, iN-Phase, Leda, MAST, ModelTools, NanoSim, OpenVera, PathMill, Physical Compiler, PrimeTime, SCOPE, Simply Better Results, SiVL, SNUG, SolvNet, Syndicated, Synplicity, the Synplicity logo, Synplify, Synplify Pro, Synthesis Constraints Optimization Environment, TetraMAX, UMRBus, VCS, Vera, and YIELDirector are registered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc. Trademarks (™) AFGen, Apollo, Astro-Rail, Astro-Xtalk, Aurora, AvanWaves, BEST, Columbia, Columbia-CE, Confirma, Cosmos, CosmosLE, CosmosScope, CRITIC, CustomSim, DC Expert, DC Professional, DC Ultra, Design Analyzer, Design Vision, DesignerHDL, DesignPower, DFTMAX, Direct Silicon Access, Discovery, Eclypse, Encore, EPIC, Galaxy, Galaxy Custom Designer, HANEX, HAPS, HapsTrak, HDL Compiler, Hercules, Hierarchical Optimization Technology, High-performance ASIC Prototyping System, HSIMplus, i-Virtual Stepper, IICE, in-Sync, iN-Tandem, Jupiter, Jupiter-DP, JupiterXT, JupiterXT-ASIC, Liberty, Libra-Passport, Library Compiler, Magellan, Mars, Mars-Rail, Mars-Xtalk, Milkyway, ModelSource, Module Compiler, MultiPoint, Physical Analyst, Planet, Planet-PL, Polaris, Power Compiler, Raphael, Saturn, Scirocco, Scirocco-i, Star-RCXT, Star-SimXT, System Compiler, System Designer, Taurus, TotalRecall, TSUPREM-4, VCS Express, VCSi, VHDL Compiler, VirSim, and VMC are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc. Service Marks (sm) MAP-in, SVP Café, and TAP-in are service marks of Synopsys, Inc. SystemC is a trademark of the Open SystemC Initiative and is used under license. ARM and AMBA are registered trademarks of ARM Limited. Saber is a registered trademark of SabreMark Limited Partnership and is used under license. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Printed in the U.S.A. Discovery™ AMS: ii Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide, C-2009.06 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Contents Part I: 1. Part II: 2. Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii Introduction to Mixed-Signal Simulations Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Three Mixed-Signal Simulation Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Verilog-SPICE Flow (Flow #1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 VHDL/Verilog-SPICE (Flow #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Verilog-AMS-SPICE (Flow #3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Preparing for a Mixed-Signal Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Donut Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Mixed-Signal Simulation Setup File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Compiling and Running a Mixed-Signal Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mixed-Signal Simulation Using Mixed Signal Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Mixed Signal Feature Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Verilog-top/SPICE-top Flows and Donut Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Multiple Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPICE View Selection for Multi-view Cells Under Verilog . . . . . . . . Verilog View Selection for Cells Under a SPICE Parent. . . . . . . . . . 14 15 15 Automatic Verilog Dummy Module Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Verilog-A Model Instantiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 iii Contents 3. iv Parameter Passing Rule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 XMR (Cross Module Referencing) Across Analog-Digital Boundary . . . . Logic XMR Access to Analog Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Real XMR Access to Analog Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $snps_force_volt() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $snps_release_volt() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $snps_get_volt(). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 17 18 19 19 20 Interface A/D and D/A Signal Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When A/D and D/A Converters are Not Inserted for a mixed net . . 21 23 Signal Conversion from Verilog-to-SPICE and SPICE-to-Verilog. . . . . . . Converting Signal Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Converting Signal Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating a Resistance Map File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 26 28 30 Post-layout Simulation Through Back-annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Using the SDF File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Known Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Known Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Mixed-signal Setup Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Netlist-related Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Identical Module/Subcircuit Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Case-sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Method #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Method #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 37 37 Netlist Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Simulation Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Port-related Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Port-mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Duplicate Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Mixed-signal Control Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 The choose Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 The a2d command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The d2a command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Contents The bus_format Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 52 The insert_cell Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 The spice_top Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 The use_spice Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 The use_verilog Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 The optimize_shadowfile Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 The param_pass Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 The print_thru_net Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 The remove_d2a Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 The map_by_node Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 The rmap_file Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 The shadow_file_dir Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 The spice_port_order_as_vlog Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 The mview_vlog_noportswap Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Summary of Mixed-signal Simulation Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Known Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow . . . . . . . . 69 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Setting Up the Simulation Environment for the Verilog-SPICE Flow . . . . . . . . 70 Version Compatibility Between Analog and Digital Engines . . . . . . . . . . Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Required UNIX Paths and Variable Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 70 71 Required Input Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Compiling the Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Running the Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Invoking the Interactive Mode with the UCLI Debugging Feature with Verilog-SPICE 75 5. The ucli% ace Analog Interactive Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 DC Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Recompiling the Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Mixed-signal Simulation Output and Display in Verilog-SPICE. . . . . . . . . 79 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Capturing Analog and Digital Signals in the Output File(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Printing Analog Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 v Contents Dumping Digital Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Generating a Unified Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merged VPD output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merged UOD Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 82 83 Part III: VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Mixed-Signal Simulation 6. 7. 8. vi Using the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Donut Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Multiple Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Selection for Cells Under a VHDL Parent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Selection for Cells Under a Verilog Parent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . View Selection for Cells Under a SPICE Parent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 89 89 89 Real Port Support for VHDL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Interface A/D and D/A Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Generating a Merged Output file for Analog and Digital Signals . . . . . . . 90 Known Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Input Netlist Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 VHDL and Verilog Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transistor-level Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 96 Using a VHDL Setup File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Using a Verilog Wrapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File for VHDL/Verilog-SPICE . . . 99 The use_vhdl Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 The use_verilog and use_spice Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE. . . . . . . . . . . 103 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Installation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Contents Setting up the NS-VCS-MX Simulation Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Required Input Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Compiling the Netlists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 The Analysis Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The vlogan Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The vhdlan Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 106 109 The Elaboration Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Running the Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Simulation Time Resolution in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Interactive Simulation with UCLI using NS-VCS-MX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Back-annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Using the Autowrapper Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 10. Mixed Simulation Output and Display in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE . . . . . . . . . 125 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Generating an Analog Output File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Generating a Digital Output File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Generating a Merged VPD Output File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 9. Part IV: NanoSim-VCS-AMS Mixed-Signal Simulation 11. Using the NanoSim-VCS-AMS Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Analog and Digital Domains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Understanding Analog and Digital Blocks in Verilog-AMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 The Concept of Nets and Disciplines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 vii Contents 12. Mixed-Signal Report Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 simv.msv Directory and Mixed-signal Report Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 through_net.rpt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 hierarchy.rpt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 mview.rpt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 interface_element.rpt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 names_map.rpt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 13. Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCSAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Selecting Multiple Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Understanding Hierarchical Layering of SPICE and Verilog-AMS in a Design 142 Unsupported Features and Limitations in NS-VCS-AMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules . . . . . . . . . 144 Identifying the Correct Connect Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Understanding Connect Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Steps for Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation in NS-VCS-AMS . . . . . . . . . . 149 Files Containing Connect Rule and Connect Module Definitions . . . . . . . . . . 151 15. Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Steps for Running a Mixed-signal Simulation in NS-VCS-AMS . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Compile Options Specific to NS-VCS-AMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -ams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -ams_discipline logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -ams_drreport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -ams_iereport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 154 154 154 155 Required Input Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Verilog Netlist Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 14. viii Contents Part V: A. Files Containing Connect Rule and Connect Module Definitions. . . . . . . 156 Compiling and Running the Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Appendices Mixed-Signal Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Unified Output Display (UOD) File Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 UOD File Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 NanoSim-supported Command-line Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 NanoSim Command-line Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Reserved Keywords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS-AMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 B. C. D. ix Contents x About This Manual The Discovery AMS Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide describes how to set up and use mixed-signal simulations in Discovery-AMS using one of the following setups: ■ NanoSim-, HSIM-, or XA-VCS ■ NanoSim-, HSIM- or XA-VCS-MX ■ NanoSim-VCS-AMS Audience This user guide is meant for designers who use the Discovery-AMS Mixed-Signal Verification (MSV). Knowledge of UNIX, the analog tool used in mixed-signal (NanoSim, HSIM or XA), VCS/VCS-MX, and a waveform viewer is assumed. Related Publications For additional information about these interfaces, see ■ The NanoSim/HSIM/XA Release Notes, available on SolvNet (see Accessing SolvNet on page xiii) ■ Documentation on the Web, which provides HTML and PDF documents and is available through SolvNet at Please refer to the documentation for the following related Synopsys products: ■ NanoSim, HSIM, or XA ■ VCS ■ VCS-MX Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide xi About This Manual Conventions Conventions The following conventions are used in Synopsys documentation. Convention Description Courier Indicates command syntax. Italic Indicates a user-defined value, such as object_name. Bold Indicates user input—text you type verbatim—in syntax and examples. [] Denotes optional parameters, such as: write_file [-f filename] ... Indicates that parameters can be repeated as many times as necessary: pin1 pin2 ... pinN | Indicates a choice among alternatives, such as low | medium | high \ Indicates a continuation of a command line. / Indicates levels of directory structure. Edit > Copy Indicates a path to a menu command, such as opening the Edit menu and choosing Copy. Control-c Indicates a keyboard combination, such as holding down the Control key and pressing c. Customer Support Customer support is available through SolvNet online customer support and through contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center. xii Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 About This Manual Customer Support Accessing SolvNet SolvNet includes an electronic knowledge base of technical articles and answers to frequently asked questions about Synopsys tools. SolvNet also provides access to a wide range of Synopsys online services, which include downloading software, viewing Documentation on the Web, and entering a call to the Support Center. To access SolvNet: 1. Go to the SolvNet Web page at 2. If prompted, enter your user name and password. (If you do not have a Synopsys user name and password, follow the instructions to register with SolvNet.) If you need help using SolvNet, click SolvNet Help in the Support Resources section. Contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center If you have problems, questions, or suggestions, you can contact the Synopsys Technical Support Center in the following ways: ■ Open a call to your local support center from the Web by going to (Synopsys user name and password required), then clicking “Enter a Call to the Support Center.” ■ Send an e-mail message to your local support center. ■ • E-mail from within North America. • Find other local support center e-mail addresses at Telephone your local support center. • Call (800) 245-8005 from within the continental United States. • Call (650) 584-4200 from Canada. • Find other local support center telephone numbers at Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide xiii About This Manual Customer Support xiv Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Part: 1 Introduction to Mixed-Signal Simulations Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 1 2 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 1 1 Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation This chapter provides a quick introduction to the mixed-signal features available in Discovery-AMS. Overview Discovery-AMS provides a mixed-signal simulation, which enables simulating a design that is partly modeled in analog and partly in digital. Mixed-signal simulation is possible through three different solutions depending on which of the analog simulators available in Discovery-AMS you use. The three solutions are: ■ NanoSim-VCS/VCS-MX ■ HSIM-VCS/VCS-MX ■ XA-VCS/VCS-MX Each of the above solutions supports some or all of the following flows: ■ Verilog-SPICE ■ VHDL/Verilog-SPICE ■ Verilog-AMS-SPICE Table 1 on page 4 maps the solutions to the flows. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 3 Chapter 1: Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation Three Mixed-Signal Simulation Flows Table 1 Solutions Flows Verilog-SPICE VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Verilog-AMS-SPICE NanoSim-VCS/VCS-MX X X X HSIM-VCS/VCS-MX X X XA-VCS/VCS-MX X X Note: Throughout this manual, any reference to "Verilog" implies "System-Verilog" as well. This means that wherever Verilog is supported in the mixed-signal flows, System-Verilog is supported as well. This chapter contains the following topics: ■ ■ ■ Three Mixed-Signal Simulation Flows • Verilog-SPICE Flow (Flow #1) • VHDL/Verilog-SPICE (Flow #2) • Verilog-AMS-SPICE (Flow #3) Preparing for a Mixed-Signal Simulation • Donut Configuration • Mixed-Signal Simulation Setup File Compiling and Running a Mixed-Signal Design This overview briefly describes these features and the components required to perform a mixed-signal simulation. These topics are described in more detail in the subsequent sections of this chapter. Three Mixed-Signal Simulation Flows There are three mixed-signal simulation flows available, and depending on the description languages used to model the netlists (e.g., SPICE, VHDL, Verilog), 4 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 1: Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation Three Mixed-Signal Simulation Flows one of the three flows must be used. The complete list of features and limitations of each flow is described in detail in subsequent chapters: 1. Verilog-SPICE Flow (Flow #1) 2. VHDL/Verilog-SPICE (Flow #2) 3. Verilog-AMS-SPICE (Flow #3) Verilog-SPICE Flow (Flow #1) The Verilog-SPICE flow (Flow #1) is required when the analog parts of the design are modeled in one of the SPICE formats supported by the analog engine or behavioral analog (Verilog-A, ADFMI), and the digital parts are modeled in Verilog. This flow is supported in three mixed-signal solutions (depending on the analog engine used for the mixed-signal simulation): NSVCS, HSIM-VCS, and XA-VCS. VHDL/Verilog-SPICE (Flow #2) The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE flow (Flow #2) is required when a part, or all of the digital portion of the design, is modeled in VHDL. In this flow, VCS-MX, which supports VHDL as well as Verilog, must be used as the digital engine. This flow is almost identical to Flow #1 (some restrictions apply) with the additional capability of supporting VHDL blocks in the digital netlist. This flow is supported in three mixed-signal solutions (depending on the analog engine used for the mixed-signal simulation): NS-VCS, HSIM-VCS, and XA-VCS. Verilog-AMS-SPICE (Flow #3) The Verilog-AMS-SPICE flow (Flow #3) is required when a part, or all of the design, is modeled in the Verilog-AMS language. Parts of the design can also be modeled in SPICE and/or conventional digital Verilog. The only solution currently supporting this flow is NS-VCS-AMS. HSIM and XA cannot be used as the analog engine in this flow Note: VHDL is not currently supported in this flow. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 5 Chapter 1: Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation Preparing for a Mixed-Signal Simulation Preparing for a Mixed-Signal Simulation To run a mixed-signal simulation in any one the three flows, a mixed-signal control file must be created. This file contains mixed-signal commands that control the configuration of the mixed-signal simulation. This section describes the donut configuration concept in a mixed-signal simulation, and the mixed-signal control file: ■ Donut Configuration ■ Mixed-Signal Simulation Setup File Donut Configuration One of the factors that impacts the setup of a mixed-signal simulation is the netlist formats used in different layers of the design hierarchy. For example, if the top level of a design is in SPICE format, the design is called SPICE-top. A design could also be Verilog-top, VHDL-top or Verilog-AMS-top. Also, a design in which Verilog is on top of SPICE in the hierarchy is called a Verilog-SPICE donut configuration. There are many possible donut configurations for each of the three flows. There are also restrictions on certain types of donut configurations that are described in detail in following sections. Figure 1 shows a simple design and its hierarchy. The top_blk (top block) instantiates two child blocks blk-1 and blk-2. Child block blk-2, in turn, has child block blk-2-1. 6 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 1: Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation Preparing for a Mixed-Signal Simulation Figure 1 Sample design with hierarchy Cells blk-1 and blk-2-1 are referred to as leaf cells, because they are located at the bottom of a hierarchy branch. In a mixed-signal simulation, there are many possibilities for a donut configuration. Figure 2 shows a Verilog-SPICE-Verilog donut configuration. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 7 Chapter 1: Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation Preparing for a Mixed-Signal Simulation Figure 2 Verilog-top configuration In Figure 3, another example of a possible donut configuration is shown where a SPICE-top design has a SPICE-Verilog donut configuration. 8 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 1: Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation Preparing for a Mixed-Signal Simulation Figure 3 SPICE-top configuration Any one block in the hierarchy can have definitions in more than one format. For example, blk-2 in Figure 3 can have both SPICE and Verilog definitions— such a cell is called a multi-view cell. The tool automatically selects a view for each multi-view cell. By default, the view that matches the parent block is selected (if available). For example, if blk-2 (in Figure 3) is a multi-view cell with both SPICE and Verilog views, by default the analog engine selects the SPICE view because it is the view for its parent block top_blk. The default behavior can be changed by using a command that explicitly instructs the tool to select a particular view for a given cell. The view selection commands are described in detail in Chapter 3, Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow. Mixed-Signal Simulation Setup File To run a mixed-signal simulation, a mixed-signal simulation setup file must first be created. This file is passed to VCS during compile time, and contains the call to the analog engine (NanoSim, HSIM, or XA) and optional mixed-signal Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 9 Chapter 1: Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation Compiling and Running a Mixed-Signal Design commands. Example 1 shows a sample mixed-signal control file for the NanoSim-VCS flow. Example 1 Mixed-signal simulation setup file use_spice -cell blk-1; use_spice –cell blk-2; choose nanosim -n blk-1.spi blk-2.spi bus_format _%d; -C ns.cfg ; Compiling and Running a Mixed-Signal Design Before running a mixed-signal simulation, the netlist must be compiled. This is the stage where all digital and analog netlists are parsed, and the design hierarchy is built with analog and digital components. After the compilation, an executable binary file is generated that must be run to start the mixed-signal simulation. Example 2 shows a sample compilation command. Example 2 Compilation command vcs -ad=control.init comp.log top_blk.v blk-2-1.v -l comp.log -o simv -l In Example 2, VCS is called and the Verilog files top_blk.v and blk-2-1.v are passed to it. Also passed to VCS is the mixed-signal simulation setup file control.init. This command generates an executable called simv and a log file called comp.log. To start the simulation, the executable file must be run. 10 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Part: 2 Mixed-Signal Simulation Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 11 12 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 2 Using Mixed Signal Features 2 This chapter provides a detailed description of the features supported in all flows of Discovery-AMS mixed-signal simulation. Overview Discovery-AMS allows mixed-signal simulation of a design in which some parts of the design are modeled in SPICE and other parts in HDL (Verilog, VHDL, or Verilog-AMS depending on the mixed-signal flow). Note: It is recommended that before starting a mixed-signal simulation, both SPICE subcircuits and Verilog modules be verified individually to make sure they are error-free. A basic familiarity with both VCS and the analog simulator involved in mixedsignal is assumed, for review of this chapter. Refer to the respective manuals for each product for more information. This chapter describes the following topics: ■ Mixed Signal Feature Highlights ■ Known Limitations Mixed Signal Feature Highlights The following features are described in detail in this section: ■ Verilog-top/SPICE-top Flows and Donut Configurations ■ Multiple Views ■ Automatic Verilog Dummy Module Generation Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 13 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights ■ Verilog-A Model Instantiation • Parameter Passing Rule ■ XMR (Cross Module Referencing) Across Analog-Digital Boundary ■ Interface A/D and D/A Signal Conversions • ■ ■ When A/D and D/A Converters are Not Inserted for a mixed net Signal Conversion from Verilog-to-SPICE and SPICE-to-Verilog • Converting Signal Values • Converting Signal Strength • Creating a Resistance Map File Post-layout Simulation Through Back-annotation • Using the SDF File Verilog-top/SPICE-top Flows and Donut Configurations Discovery-AMS supports both Verilog-top/VHDL-top and SPICE-top configurations. In a SPICE-top configuration, the spice_top command must be used in the mixed-signal simulation setup file, which by default is assumed to be called vcsAD.init. For Verilog-top or VHDL-top configuration, no specific command is required. For a description of the spice_top command, as well as other mixed-signal commands used in Discovery-AMS, see Chapter 3, “Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow.” Discovery-AMS allows any type of donut configuration (for example, Verilog/ VHDL-SPICE-Verilog/VHDL, SPICE-Verilog/VHDL-SPICE, etc.) with the following: ■ In mixed-signal flow with NanoSim, ADFMI models can only be at the leaf level and cannot contain a child block with a SPICE or Verilog view. Multiple Views Each block in the design can have definitions in more than one view (for example, it can have both SPICE and Verilog definitions). By default, Verilog-SPICE selects the view of the multi-view cell that is identical to the parent block view. A particular view of a multi-view cell can also be 14 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights selected explicitly by using "use_spice" or "use_verilog" mixed-signal commands. SPICE View Selection for Multi-view Cells Under Verilog By default, if a multi-view child cell is instantiated under Verilog, the Verilog view of the child is used. But the mixed-signal command "use_spice" can be used to direct the tool to instantiate the child cell in SPICE view instead. If a multi-view cell is instantiated under SPICE, by default the SPICE view of the child is used. Using the "use_spice" command on the child cell will have no impact because the child view is already SPICE. Please refer to The use_spice Command on page 55 for more details. Verilog View Selection for Cells Under a SPICE Parent By default, if a multi-view child cell is instantiated under SPICE, the SPICE view of the child is used. But the mixed-signal command "use_verilog" can be used to direct the tool to instantiate the child cell in Verilog view instead. If a multi-view cell is instantiated under Verilog, by default the Verilog view of the child is used. Using the "use_verilog" command on the child cell will have no impact because the child view is already Verilog. Please refer to The use_verilog Command on page 56 for more details. Note: In mixed-signal simulation using NanoSim, the views for ADFMI and Verilog-A cannot be switched in the mixed-signal simulation setup file. To switch views for ADFMI, the NanoSim command-line option -fm adfmi file(s) must be used. To switch views to Verilog-A, see the section Verilog-A Model Instantiation. Automatic Verilog Dummy Module Generation Discovery-AMS requires an internal Verilog view for every cell in the design— even SPICE cells. The tool automatically generates dummy Verilog modules for all subcircuits available in the SPICE netlist that do not have a corresponding Verilog module. A Verilog dummy module, also called a dummy wrapper or shadow file, is defined as a spicemodule instead of module, and contains the port name, port direction, net name, and instance module definitions (if available). Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 15 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights These dummy Verilog modules are generated during the compile time, and are kept in the simv.daidir directory (for more information about the compile and simv.daidir directory, please refer to Chapter 4, Running a MixedSignal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow. Verilog-A Model Instantiation In Discovery-AMS, Verilog-A can be used as the analog view of a cell. Such a Verilog-A cell can be instantiated under SPICE or Verilog. There are two ways to read in Verilog-A blocks in Discovery-AMS depending on the mixed-signal flow used. ■ ■ For the Verilog-SPICE and Verilog/VHDL-SPICE flows, Verilog-A blocks are read in by: • Using the .hdl command in the SPICE netlist to readin Verilog-A file(s). • Using the appropriate command in the analog simulator to select the Verilog-A view, in case there are both SPICE and Verilog-A definitions for the same block. For NanoSim, the command is use_model_veriloga. For HSIM, the command is .param HSIMUSEVA=<module name>. For the Verilog-AMS-SPICE flow, all Verilog files, including Verilog-A, are passed to VCS at compile time. In this flow it is still possible, although not preferable, to read in Verilog-A files through SPICE .hdl as well. Parameter Passing Rule Parameters can be passed between HDL blocks (Verilog or VHDL) and SPICE. ■ In Verilog-SPICE and Verilog/VHDL-SPICE flows, parameter passing between HDL and SPICE is not enabled by default. To enable parameter passing, the mixed-signal command "param_pass enable;" must be used (see the mixed-signal command section of this manual). ■ Parameter passing between SPICE and Verilog-A is always enabled in all solutions if Verilog-A is read in via the SPICE .hdl command, as shown in Example 3. Example 3 Parameter Passing .hdl "" x1 in out inv_verilog_a vhigh=3.3 vlow=0 td=10 16 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights ■ In NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX, parameter passing between HVA (Hierarchical Verilog-A) blocks is disabled by default. To enable parameter passing, the following environment variable must be set: setenv HVA_ON 1 ■ In HSIM-VCS and HSIM-VCS-MX parameter passing between HVA blocks is not an issue because these solutions do not support HVA. ■ In XA-VCS and XA-VCS-MX parameter passing between HVA blocks is supported by default. ■ In the Verilog-AMS-SPICE flow parameter passing between Verilog and SPICE and parameter passing between HVA blocks are enabled by default. XMR (Cross Module Referencing) Across Analog-Digital Boundary Discovery-AMS provides two XMR options to access internal analog nodes in Verilog: ■ Logic XMR Access to Analog Nodes ■ Real XMR Access to Analog Nodes Logic XMR Access to Analog Nodes In this method, the Verilog code can simply treat an internal analog node as a logic value for read or write operations. The same XMR principles used to access a digital net must be used to access an analog net. This means that the full hierarchical path to the analog node must be given whenever an XMR read or write is made. Discovery-AMS inserts a2d or d2a converters automatically depending on whether Verilog is reading from or writing to the internal analog node. The inserted converters will be subject to the same rules that govern the conventional interface nets, including resistance map lookup. These a2d and d2a converters will appear in the "simv.msv/interface_element.rpt" file along with all other interface elements. And just like any other interface element, the "a2d" and "d2a" mixed-signal commands can be used to change the default settings for the a2d or d2a converters inserted for logic XMR. Example 4 shows an example of a logic XMR read on an analog node with the hierarchical path "top.i1.i2.x1.clk" into a Verilog wire. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 17 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Example 4 Assigning the Logic Value Corresponding to the Voltage of an Analog Node to a Verilog Wire. assign verilog_wire = top.i1.i2.x1.clk; Example 5 shows a logic XMR read on an analog node with the hierarchical path "top.i1.i2.x1.strb" into a Verilog register Example 5 Assigning the Logic Value Corresponding to the Voltage of an Analog Node to a Verilog Register. initial begin ... verilog_reg = top.i1.i2.x1.strb; ... end Example 6 shows how a logic XMR write can be done on an analog node. The d2a converters inserted by Discovery-AMS will translate the logic values to voltage values and apply them to the analog node. Example 6 Assigning Logic Values of a Verilog Register to an iNternal Analog Node as Voltages. reg rst_reg; assign top.i1.i2.x1.rst = rst_reg; initial begin ... rst_reg = 1'b0; #5 rst_reg = 1'b1; ... end Real XMR Access to Analog Nodes In this method, internal analog nodes are accessible to Verilog as real values. The access is made through calls to Verilog system tasks or system functions as described in. The following Verilog system tasks and system functions provide real XMR access to Analog nodes from Verilog: Table 2 Accessing Analog Nodes with System Tasks or System Functions System Tasks System Function 18 ■ ■ $snps_force_volt(analog_node, voltage) $snps_release_volt(analog_node) ■ $snps_get_volt(analog_node) Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Limitation: For the 2009 release, XA-VCS does not support real XMR. Also, real XMR is not supported in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE and Verilog-AMS-SPICE flows. $snps_force_volt() This system task allows Verilog to force a voltage to any analog node, even one connected to an ideal voltage source. In such a case this system task must override the ideal voltage source. Syntax $snps_force_volt(analog_node_name, verilog_real_value | verilog_real_variable); Argument Description analog_node_name The full hierarchical node name for the internal SPICE node. This can also be a mixed net (an A/D interface net). verilog_real_value, verilog_real_variable An explicit real value or a Verilog real variable. The value will be applied to the analog node as an ideal voltage source. Example: $snps_force_volt (top.i1.spcell.n1, 3.3); $snps_force_volt (top.i1.spcell.n1, real_var); The voltage of the analog node will stay at the given real value until the next $snps_force_volt or $snps_release_volt system task calls. $snps_release_volt() This system task removes the voltage source applied by a previous $snps_force_volt task, and from that point on, allows the analog node to assume voltages determined by the analog circuit. If the node has not been forced with $snps_force_volt or is already released, this system task will have no effect. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 19 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Syntax $snps_release_volt (analog_node); Argument Description analog_node_name The full hierarchical node name for the internal SPICE node. This can also be a mixed net (an A/D interface net). Example $snps_release_volt (top.i1.spcell.n1); $snps_get_volt() This is a Verilog function that allows sampling of voltage values for internal analog nodes. A function must be used in an expression or assignment. System tasks are stand-alone Verilog statements that must appear individually in a line of Verilog code. This function can be used to assign a value to a Verilog real variable or it could be used as a real value in an expression. Syntax: $snps_get_volt (analog_node_name) Argument Description analog_node_name The full hierarchical node name for the internal SPICE node. This can also be a mixed net (an A/D interface net). Example real_var = $snps_get_volt(top.i1.spcell.n2); if($snps_get_volt(top.i1.i2.sp1_node > 2.5) … else … end 20 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Limitation: These system tasks and functions operate on an on-demand basis and are not event-driven. This means that they sample/apply analog voltages only at times when they are called in the Verilog code. Interface A/D and D/A Signal Conversions Mixed nets are the signals that enable the connection between analog and digital blocks in a mixed-signal simulation. These signals are the interface signals located at the analog-digital boundary. Depending on whether the direction of the signal transfer is from digital-toanalog or from analog-to-digital, Discovery-AMS must perform D/A or A/D conversions. ■ In the Verilog-AMS-SPICE flow, the A/D and D/A conversions are done via "Connect Modules" (see Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules on page 144). ■ In the Verilog-SPICE and Verilog/VHDL-SPICE flows, A/D and D/A converters are inserted automatically by the tool to carry out A/D and D/A conversions. These conversions take place automatically based on the following principles: ■ Mixed nets can be uni-directional, in which case they are either a2d or d2a. ■ Mixed nets can be bi-directional, or inout, which implies that at different simulation times they can be either of an a2d or d2a nature. ■ The direction of the mixed nets is determined from Verilog port directions: ■ • In a Verilog child under a SPICE parent configuration, the port direction of the Verilog child determines the direction of the mixed nets. • In a SPICE child under a Verilog parent configuration, if the SPICE child has a Verilog view as well, the port directions in that Verilog view determine the direction of the mixed nets. • If the SPICE child does not also have a Verilog view, the direction of all mixed nets will be inout. The default high and low voltage values in a d2a conversion are the local analog VDD and 0V, respectively.You can use the mixed-signal "d2a" command to override these default values (see Mixed-signal Control Commands). Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 21 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights ■ The default high and low voltage threshold for A/D conversion is 50% of the local analog VDD. You can use the mixed-signal"a2d" command to override these default values (see Mixed-signal Control Commands). ■ In the d2a conversion, the digital driver is modeled as an ideal source in series with a resistor on the analog side. The value of the resistor depends on the Verilog drive strength, and is determined by the resistance map file (see the section Creating a Resistance Map File). ■ The behavior of a2d conversion depends on the direction of the mixed-net interface: • If the interface is a uni-directional a2d mixed-net, the analog driver is modeled as a digital driver with the Verilog default drive strength of 6 or Strong. • If the interface is a bidirectional mixed-net, the a2d events will be modeled as a digital driver whose drive strength is determined by the effective output resistance of the analog driver. The analog engine calculates that output resistance and uses it as an index "resistance map file" to get a corresponding drive strength for Verilog. Smaller output resistances lead to stronger Verilog drive strengths and larger output resistances lead to weaker Verilog drive strength (see the section Creating a Resistance Map File). You can use the a2d command’s hiz_on and hiz_off options to change these default behaviors for a2d and bidirectional mixed-nets. Note: Calculating a2d drive strength and estimating the output resistance for the a2d conversion is time consuming, which could noticeably slow down the simulation if there are too many ports requiring it. Therefore, Synopsys recommends that the use of "inout" mixed-nets be limited to those interface nets that are functionally bidirectional. For those interface nets that have become bidirectional only because they were ports of a single-view SPICE cell (with no Verilog view to determine port directions), it is recommended that you use the "a2d" command with the "hiz_off" option to turn off a2d drive strength calculation. 22 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights ■ Only resistive elements—equivalent channel resistance for MOS transistors and/or ideal resistors—that can be traced to the local power supply or to ground from a mixed net are used in the calculation of net output resistance, when such calculation is done. ■ The Verilog drive strength calculation in the a2d conversion for a mixed net ignores the effects of BJTs, diodes, or coupling capacitors connected to the ports inside the subcircuits. A WARNING message is generated by NS-VCS when BJTs or coupling capacitors are connected to mixed nets: WARNING:NanoSim:0x2070fe17: the element ‘’ is not supported in mixed net driving strength calculation When A/D and D/A Converters are Not Inserted for a mixed net There are two cases in which A/D or D/A converters are not inserted on the path of a mixed net: Case #1 When two SPICE ports are connected to each other via a Verilog wire in the parent Verilog cell Case #2 When two Verilog ports are connected to each other via a SPICE net in the parent SPICE cell In these two cases, the analog engine detects that the origin and destination of the mixed nets are from the same domain (SPICE or Verilog); as a result, No A/ D or D/A converters are inserted on their paths. Figure 4 on page 24 graphically demonstrates Case #1. Two SPICE blocks, blk-1 and blk-2, are instantiated under a Verilog parent, and a port of blk1 is connected to a port of blk-2 via a Verilog wire. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 23 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Figure 4 SPICE is the source and destination Because both the source and destination of that wire are analog, that wire is treated as an analog net and no A/D or D/A converters are inserted on this path from blk-1 to blk-2. As a result, this mixed net is optimized as an analog net, despite its definition as a Verilog wire, and by default is captured only in the analog output file. (You can have a digital image of the signal dumped in the digital output file, which is explained in the following text). Figure 5 on page 25 graphically demonstrates Case #2. Two Verilog cells, blk-1 and blk-2, are instantiated under a SPICE parent, and a port from blk-1 is connected to a port from blk-2 via a SPICE net. 24 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Figure 5 Verilog is the source and destination Because the tool detects that both the source and destination of the signal is digital, it does not insert A/D or D/A converters on the path from blk-1 to blk2, and treats the SPICE net connecting the two digital ports as a digital net. As a result, this mixed net is optimized as a digital wire, despite its definition as a SPICE net. By default, this mixed net is captured only in the digital output file. (You can have an analog image of the signal dumped in the analog output file, which is explained in the following text). Such mixed nets—which cross the analog and digital boundary, yet do not incur the insertion of A/D or D/A components—are referred to interchangeably as through-nets or thru-nets. The through-net in Case #1 that connects two analog blocks is referred to as an a2a through-net. The through-net in Case #2 that connects two digital blocks is referred to as a d2d through-net. An a2a through-net is optimized as an analog node and, by default, is dumped only in the analog output file. You can use the print_thru_net mixed-signal control command to generate a digital image of the signal created and dumped in the digital output file. In doing so, a redundant A/D converter is added to the optimized analog net to generate the digital image. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 25 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Note: No converter is inserted on the path from blk-1 to blk-2. The new a2d converter will be added from the analog net between blk-1 to blk-2 and the digital domain. The same principle applies to d2d through-nets. By default, a d2d through-net is optimized as a digital node and is dumped only in the digital output file. You can use the print_thru_net mixed-signal control command to generate an analog image of the signal created and dumped in the analog output file. In doing so, a redundant D/A converter is added to the optimized digital net to generate the analog image. Caution! These redundant A/D and D/A converters can create excess overhead for the mixed-signal simulation and degrade performance; therefore, these converters should be used with caution. Also, when a dummy A/D or D/A converter is connected to an optimized net, that mixed net is no longer reported as a "through-net". Signal Conversion from Verilog-to-SPICE and SPICE-to-Verilog Note that the term SPICE refers to all transistor-level netlist formats supported by the analog engine. See the following conversion sections: Converting Signal Values In the A/D or D/A conversion, Discovery-AMS must translate both the signal value and the signal strength from one domain to the other. The signal strength translation (in each direction) is implemented with the help of the resistance map file, which is described in the section Creating a Resistance Map File. The rules governing D/A signal conversion are summarized in Table 3. Table 3 Signal value conversion rules for digital-to-analog conversion Verilog value Transistor-level value 0 ■ ■ 26 0V (gnd) Can be modified with the d2a mixed-signal control command. Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Table 3 Signal value conversion rules for digital-to-analog conversion Verilog value Transistor-level value 1 ■ ■ Local supply voltage value Can be modified by the d2a mixed-signal control command. Z ■ The analog node will not be driven by Verilog. The voltage of the node will depend entirely on the analog circuitry. X ■ 0V Can be modified by the d2a mixed-signal command. ■ Signal value conversion from the transistor level to Verilog is followed by the digital event generation rule. By default, 50% of the local voltage supply is used as a threshold for digital event generation. To change the threshold values for digital event generation, the mixed-signal control command a2d must be used. The A/D signal value conversion rules are displayed in Table 4. Table 4 Signal value conversion rules for analog-to-digital conversion Transistor-level value Verilog value ■ Less than (<) or equal to (=) the low threshold voltage (default = 50% of local voltage supply) Can be modified by the a2d command 0 Greater than (>) or equal to (=) the high threshold voltage (default = 50% of local voltage supply) Can be modified by the a2d command 1 In case of bidir interface nets or if the drive strength calculation is enabled for a2d interface nets and the analog node is HiZ. Z ■ ■ ■ ■ No value is converted from transistor-level to X in Verilog. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 27 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Example 7 sets 0.35V as the low-thresh and 0.65V as the high-thresh for a2d conversion at interface net "top.dout". If the voltage on the top.dout interface node decreases to 0.35, a digital event is generated and the logic value changes to 0. If the voltage on the top.dout interface node increases to 0.65, a digital event is generated and the logic value changes from 0 to 1. Example 7 Setting low-thresh and high-thresh a2d loth=0.35 hith=0.65 node=top.dout; Converting Signal Strength There are eight different drive strengths defined in the Verilog language—0 is the weakest and 7 is the strongest. The following list shows the eight Verilog drive strengths and the way logic 0 and 1 are represented for each level in Verilog: ■ Level 7: supply0, supply1 ■ Level 6: strong0, strong1 (default) ■ Level 5: pull0, pull1 ■ Level 4: large, large ■ Level 3: weak0, weak1 ■ Level 2: medium, medium ■ Level 1: small, small ■ Level 0: highz0, highz1 These drive strengths enable multiple drivers—with differing strengths—to drive the same net that can be modeled in Verilog. In case of a conflict between multiple drivers driving a net, the driver with the value from the strongest driver prevails and determines the net value. Unless explicitly stated in the Verilog code, the default drive strength for all Verilog nets is 6 (Strong0, Strong1). For the A/D conversion, if the mixed net has inout direction, the tool calculates the effective analog output resistance of the mixed net to estimate an equivalent drive strength on the digital side. By default all SPICE ports are assumed to be inout, unless the SPICE cell has a Verilog view where the direction of ports are explicitly declared. If the direction of a SPICE port connected to a mixed net is output, no drive strength mapping from Analog to Digital will take place during A/D conversion and the mixed net will always assume Level 7 strength (the strongest) in Verilog. 28 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights But if the mixed net connects to a SPICE port of type inout (either because there is no Verilog view for the SPICE cell or the direction of the port in the Verilog view is defined as inout) then the tool calculates the effective output resistance for the analog output and maps it to a corresponding drive strength in Verilog. This can be a time-consuming task during simulation and it is recommended to avoid bi-directional mixed nets as much as possible. For the D/A conversion, the Verilog drive strength is translated to an average resistor in series with a model analog voltage supply. This drive strength mapping in D/A conversion occurs for both unidirectional and bi-directional mixed nets. The following sections describe the rules governing these conversions: Verilog-to-Transistor Level Conversion Verilog strength is converted to an average resistance value. This value is calculated from a corresponding resistance range listed in a resistance map file. For example, strength “5” is converted to 3500.15 (ohm). See Figure 6 for a visual representation. Figure 6 Verilog-to-transistor-level strength conversion Transistor Level-to-Verilog Conversion Transistor-level resistance value is converted to the corresponding Verilog strength by a resistance map file. For example, resistance value 200 (ohm) for logic “1” and resistance value 450 (ohm) for logic “0” is converted to strength “6”. See Figure 7 for a visual representation. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 29 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights Figure 7 Transistor level-to-Verilog strength conversion Creating a Resistance Map File The rmapAD.init default resistance map file is available in the directory /<analog_simulator_installed_directory>/platform/ns/interface/ vcsace The default resistance map file is used, unless you specify your own resistance map file using the rmap_file command in the mixed-signal simulation setup file (vcsAD.init, by default). You can create a custom resistance map file using unidirectional mapping or bi-directional mapping. The unidirectional resistance map file is useful when you want different resistance mapping for either direction: from Verilog-totransistor level, or from transistor level-to-Verilog. Unidirectional Mapping See the following syntax and description for strength (Verilog) to resistance (transistor-level) unidirectional mapping. 30 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Mixed Signal Feature Highlights The unidirectional -from syntax is resistance_map -from analog resistance_value_range -to verilog strength; The unidirectional -to syntax is resistance_map -to analog resistance_value_range -from verilog strength; See Example 8 for a unidirectional file sample. Example 8 Unidirectional mapping resistance_map -from analog 90000.2-1e32 -to verilog 0; resistance_map -from analog 70000.2-90000.1 -to verilog 1; resistance_map -from analog 50000.2-70000.1 -to verilog 2; resistance_map -from analog 5000.2-50000.1 -to verilog 3; resistance_map -from analog 4000.2-5000.1 -to verilog 4; resistance_map -from analog 3000.2-4000.1 -to verilog 5; resistance_map -from analog 1.2-3000.1 -to verilog 6; resistance_map -from analog 0-1.1 -to verilog 7; resistance_map -to analog 2002.2-1e32 -from verilog 0; resistance_map -to analog 1500.2-2002.1 -from verilog 1; resistance_map -to analog 1000.2-1500.1 -from verilog 2; resistance_map -to analog 500.2-1000.1 -from verilog 3; resistance_map -to analog 400.2-500.1 -from verilog 4; resistance_map -to analog 300.2-400.1 -from verilog 5; resistance_map -to analog 1.2-300.1 -from verilog 6; resistance_map -to analog 0-1.1 -from verilog 7; Note: Both direction definitions are required for unidirectional mapping. Bi-directional Mapping See the following syntax and description for strength (Verilog) to resistance (transistor-level) bidirectional mapping. The bi-directional syntax is resistance_map Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 resistance_value_range strength; Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 31 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Post-layout Simulation Through Back-annotation See Example 9 for a bidirectional file sample. Example 9 bidirectional file sample resistance_map 90000.2-1e32 0; resistance_map 70000.2-90000.1 1; resistance_map 50000.2-70000.1 2; resistance_map 7000.2-50000.1 3; resistance_map 6000.2-7000.1 4; resistance_map 1000.2-6000.1 5; resistance_map 1.2-1000.1 6; resistance_map 0-1.1 7; Post-layout Simulation Through Back-annotation Discovery-AMS supports back-annotation of analog nodes, including those at the analog/digital boundary, with DSPF/SPEF files. The Verilog modules instantiated inside the back-annotated analog blocks do not get backannotated by DSPF/SPEF files—you must use the SDF files to back-annotate those Verilog modules separately. Discovery-AMS also supports back-annotation of digital blocks with SDF files; mixed nets are not back-annotated (current limitation). The instantiated SPICE subcircuit is not affected by the SDF files— you must use the HSPF/HSPEF files to back-annotate those SPICE subcircuits. To simulate donut-configured netlists with back-annotation, DSPF/SPEF or HSPF/HSPEF files must be used for the SPICE representations—depending on whether the SPICE block is the top level or at lower levels. Use the SDF files to back-annotate the Verilog modules. Using the SDF File Use the $sdf_annotate system task (function) to specify SDF files in a Verilog module. This usage model is identical to VCS. In Example 10, the $sdf_annotate system task (function) is called inside the initial block in the my_back_annotation module. The ./dut.sdf SDF file is in the current directory. In example 7, the path ./dut.sdf points to the location of the SDF file and module top identifies the Verilog block on which the SDF backannotation must be applied. 32 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Known Limitations Example 10 $sdf_annotate system task to specify SDF files module my_back_annotation(); initial $sdf_annotate("./dut.sdf",top); endmodule In Example 8, the $sdf_annotate system task (function) is specified inside the initial block in the top module. In this case, you do not need to specify top in the task—the back-annotation applies on all instances of the module top. Example 11 $sdf_annotate system task and initial statement module top ( ); ........ initial $sdf_annotate (“./dut.sdf”); ........ endmodule Known Limitations The following are current limitations: ■ NanoSim set_sim_hierid command is ignored in the NanoSim-VCS/ VCS-MX flow. (At all times, use the default "." (period) hierarchical delimiter.) The following features are not supported in the NanoSim-VCS/VCS-MX flow: ■ HAR ■ BDC ■ .ALTER ■ Bisection ■ Selective BA (back-annotation) ■ SDF annotation on the mixed-net A mixed net can be back-annotated with an SDF file, but due to hierarchical net name optimization, the delay introduced by the SDF file might not be transferred to the analog side in the D2A direction, which could lead to incorrect results. But in the A2D direction, the delay introduced by the SDF file for the mixed net is accounted for. Because of this inconsistency and potentially incorrect results, the use of SDF back-annotation on mixed nets is strongly discouraged. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 33 Chapter 2: Using Mixed Signal Features Known Problems Known Problems The following problems currently exist: 34 ■ SDF back-annotation to the library cells does not function properly. Use the library cells as design modules, if possible. ■ When a programming language interface (PLI) is used along with the g++ complier on the Linux platform, an error messages for multiple symbol definition... might be generated. To resolve the error, set the UNIX environmental variable as follows: setenv NO_STDPP 1 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 3 3 Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow This chapter describes the required steps for preparing Verilog and SPICE netlists for mixed-signal simulations, and how to generate a mixed-signal control file. Overview Before using any one of the mixed-signal flows, there are several tasks that should be completed. Verilog netlist files and/or SPICE netlist files may need some modification for a successful netlist compilation. Check these guidelines before simulating a design. When running a mixed-signal simulation, note that the required mixed-signal simulation control file contains commands that are described in the Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File section of this chapter. This chapter contains the following topics: ■ Mixed-signal Setup Checklist ■ Netlist-related Issues ■ ■ • Identical Module/Subcircuit Name • Case-sensitivity • Power Supplies • Netlist Statements • Simulation Time Port-related Issues • Port-mapping • Duplicate Ports Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 35 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Setup Checklist ■ Mixed-signal Control Commands ■ The optimize_shadowfile Command ■ Summary of Mixed-signal Simulation Commands ■ Known Limitations Mixed-signal Setup Checklist Table 5 is a checklist for the setup of the mixed-signal simulation. Each task that pertains specifically to Verilog, SPICE, or both, is checked and is detailed throughout this chapter. Table 5 Mixed-signal setup checklist Topic Task Verilog SPICE Netlist-related Issues Identical Module/Subcircuit Name x x Case-sensitivity x x Power Supplies x x Netlist Statements Port-related Issues x Simulation Time x x Port-mapping x x Duplicate Ports x x Netlist-related Issues Each topic listed in Table 5 is described in the following: Identical Module/Subcircuit Name For a multi-view cell, the Verilog module name and the SPICE subcircuit names must be identical, as well as the number of ports and their names between the two views. 36 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Netlist-related Issues Case-sensitivity For a multi-view cell, the Verilog module name’s case and the SPICE subcircuit name’s case must be identical. The cases for port names must be identical between SPICE and Verilog views. Also, be aware that every name in HSPICE netlists is treated as lowercase (by default). Because Verilog is case-sensitive, and VCS processes everything as-is (by default), you must be aware of any possible case discrepancies between the two views that may arise. Power Supplies Power supplies must be passed to SPICE subcircuits to function properly. If the SPICE subcircuit is instantiated under Verilog, the supply nets can be passed to it by one of the following two methods: Method #1 If neither the subcircuit definitions, nor their instantiations under Verilog, contain the supply pins (that is, VDD and VSS), then the supply pins must be propagated to the SPICE subcircuits statements in SPICE. Method #2 If both the subcircuit definitions and their instantiations under Verilog contain the supply pins (that is,VDD and VSS) then there are two options for passing supplies to SPICE: ■ Verilog can drive the powernets (e.g. drive VDD to 1'b1 and VSS to 1'b0). The powernets will be fed to SPICE through d2a elements at the boundary. All d2a interface elements include a series resistance map resistor which are undesirable for powernets. To remove the resistance map use the "d2a" command with "powernet" option for both VDD and VSS. Example: d2a powernet d2a powernet Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 hiv=1.2 lov=0 hiv=1.2 lov=0 node=top.vdd; node=top.vss; Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 37 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Netlist-related Issues assuming that the power supply is 1.2V. The hierarchical paths to the powernets must be taken from the "simv.msv/interface_element.rpt" report file. ■ A new two-port SPICE subcircuit must be created that has defined analog supplies. By instantiating this new subcircuit under Verilog, the two ports are connected to the supply pins for other SPICE cells under Verilog. In this way, the SPICE cell receives its supply. Figure 8 shows an example of the SPICE definitions for Method #1, in which VDD and VSS pins do not appear in the subcircuit port list, and a .global statement is used instead to provide supply net connectivity: Figure 8 SPICE supply pins passed to a subcircuit via a .global statement Figure 9 shows the Verilog instantiation of the subcircuit defined in Figure 8. Because the power supply nets are defined and passed to SPICE subcircuits as globals nets, they do not need to appear in the SPICE instantiation under Verilog: 38 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Netlist-related Issues Figure 9 Instantiation of the subcircuit defined in Figure 8 Examples for Method #2 are displayed in Figure 10 and Figure 11. Supply nets are defined as subcircuit ports and are passed to SPICE cells at their instantiations under Verilog. Figure 10 shows the subcircuit definitions. A two-port SPICE subcircuit is defined that contains analog supply sources: Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 39 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Netlist-related Issues Figure 10 SPICE definitions for the design cell and a user-defined subcircuit Figure 11 shows the instantiation of these cells under Verilog. Note that the two-port subcircuit containing the analog supplies must be instantiated under Verilog, to establish supply connections to SPICE cells. 40 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Netlist-related Issues Figure 11 Instantiation of SPICE cell containing analog supplies under Verilog to establish supply connectivity Netlist Statements Any statements, keywords, or elements that are not supported by by the analog simulator in a stand-alone analog simulation are also not supported in mixedsignal either. For example, a y element in an Eldo format netlist is not supported in NanoSim and is therefore not supported in NS-VCS. All other options and/or statements that are required for correct analog simulation setup, such as .options scale=1e-6, must be included in the netlist for mixed-signal as well. See Example 12 for a SPICE netlist file sample. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 41 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Port-related Issues Example 12 SPICE netlist file sample .lib ‘models’ TT .inc ‘cells.spi’ .options scale=1e-6 .temp 27 .global vdd gnd .subckt test a b c d x1 a b n1 vdd cell1 x2 c n1 d ref cell2 vref ref gnd 2.0 .ends vvdd vdd 0 dc 3.3 vgnd gnd 0 dc 0 .end Simulation Time In mixed-signal simulation, the simulation time can be determined by either the analog domain (usually by the .tran statement) or in the digital domain (usually a $finish system task in the Verilog code). In the case when different stop times are specified in analog and digital domains, the smaller of the two times determines the simulation stop time. Note: For NanoSim, HSIM, or XA to be able to report the completed percentage of simulation time, there must be a .tran statement in the SPICE code. The analog engine bases its percentage calculation on the run time given by the .tran statement. Port-related Issues The section contains information about: ■ Port-mapping ■ Duplicate Ports Port-mapping For a SPICE parent instantiating a Verilog child, by default, ports are mapped by position. However, name-based port mapping can be achieved by creating a 42 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Port-related Issues SPICE view for the Verilog cell (if one is not already there). The tool then automatically maps ports by name for the child Verilog cell, comparing the port order between the SPICE and Verilog views, and rearranging the Verilog port order to match the SPICE view. In the case of a Verilog parent instantiating a SPICE child, either name-based or position-based port-mapping can be used. When using port-mapping by name, the Verilog module port name begins with a period character ( . ), and must be identical to the SPICE port name. The cases for port names at the instantiation must be identical to the case of ports in the subcircuit definition. Figure 12 demonstrates the Verilog syntax for name-based port mapping. Figure 13 is an example of port mapping by name. Figure 12 Verilog syntax example nor i2 (.a(in1)); instance port name module port name module name Figure 13 instance name Port mapping by name // Verilog instantiation ... //name mapping nor2 i2(.a(in1), .b(in2), .zn(out2)); *SPICE subckt .subckt nor2 zn a b ... .ends Port-mapping at the Verilog instantiation can also be implemented by the port position. Port count and positions must be identical between the Verilog instantiation and the SPICE subcircuit definition. In Figure 14, the port zn of the SPICE subcircuit nor1 is connected to the wire out1 at the instantiation of that subcircuit in Verilog. The port count must also be identical. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 43 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Port-related Issues Figure 14 Port mapping by position // Verilog instantiation ... //position mapping nor1 i1 (out1, in1, in2); *SPICE subckt .subckt nor1 zn a b ... .ends Port-mapping between Verilog and SPICE can also be achieved for bus ports. By default, Discovery-AMS requires that the bus members be contiguous in the subcircuit definition (that is, no other port defined between any two members of the same bus port), and the ports must be sequentially numbered—ascending or descending. Failing to meet these two requirements leads to compilation failure. Additionally, the ascending or descending order of the bus members in SPICE must be identical to the order expected by the Verilog parent block; otherwise, the port connections will be incorrect. However, if the bus port definition in the SPICE subcircuit does not meet these requirements, the problem can be resolved by defining a Verilog view for the subcircuit and using the following mixed-signal command to set the port order in the SPICE subcircuits to that of their Verilog view: spice_port_order_as_vlog; Figure 15 shows an example of a SPICE subcircuit with bus ports and its instantiation in a Verilog parent block. In the SPICE subcircuit, the port names a[3], a[2], a[1] and a[0] are contiguous, and the sequencing of the bus members meets the expectation of the parent Verilog (both are descending). As a result, compilation should be without problems related to the bus order in SPICE. In addition, the port connections for this bus are correct since both the bus port a in SPICE and the wire ai in Verilog are in a descending order. By default, the tool assumes that the SPICE port names that connect to a mixed-net and contain closed bracket characters [ ] are members of a bus. If the bus notation in the SPICE subcircuit is a string different from [ ], use the mixed-signal bus_format command to override the default SPICE bus notation. For example, if the bus members of the SPICE subcircuit in Figure 15 were a<3>, a<2>, a<1> and a<0>, add the following command to the mixedsignal simulation setup file: bus_format <%d>; For more information, see The bus_format Command section. 44 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File Figure 15 Port mapping for the Verilog vector port and SPICE scalar port // Verilog instantiation ... addr i3(.a(ai[3:0]), .b(bi[3:0]), .cin(ci), .s(su[3:0]), .cout(co)); ... *SPICE subckt .subckt addr a[3] a[2] +a[1] a[0] b[3] b[2] b[1] +b[0] cin s[3] s[2] s[1] +s[0] cout .ends Duplicate Ports Duplicate port names in the SPICE subcircuit cannot be used, except for power supply nodes. Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File By default, VCS looks for vcsAD.init file as the mixed-signal simulation setup file if no file name is specified with the VCS switch "-ad". You can specify a different file name with the -ad=<control_file_name> compile-time option. The mixed-signal simulation control file contains all the commands to configure mixed-signal simulation. The mixed-signal simulation setup file must contain the choose command. See the following syntax, examples, and descriptions for the mixed-signal control commands: ■ The choose Command ■ The a2d command ■ The d2a command ■ The bus_format Command ■ The insert_cell Command ■ The spice_top Command ■ The use_spice Command ■ The use_verilog Command ■ The optimize_shadowfile Command Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 45 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands ■ The print_thru_net Command ■ The remove_d2a Command ■ The map_by_node Command ■ The rmap_file Command ■ The shadow_file_dir Command ■ The spice_port_order_as_vlog Command ■ The mview_vlog_noportswap Command ■ The rmap_file Command To use these commands, the following rules apply: ■ All commands must be completed with a semi-colon (;) ■ To create a comment line, insert the double forward-slash character (//) ■ Commands can span more than one line with no line continuation character needed. The Enter character at the end of each line will serve as the line continuation character. For example, the following command spread across two lines is considered one command line: choose nanosim -nspice test.spi output_files/nanosim ; -C config –nvec test.vec -o Mixed-signal Control Commands The following section describes the syntax and application of mixed-signal control commands. Note: As of the 2009.06 release, the additional VCS switches ("-ad_hsim" and "-ad_xa") which were previously required for HSIM and XA mixed-signal simulations, are no longer needed. The choose Command Use the choose command to point to the analog simulator (NanoSim, HSIM, or XA) and pass command line options to it. 46 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands See the following syntax , examples, and description for the choose command: choose nanosim nanosim_command_line_options; choose hsim hsim_command_line_options; choose xa xa_command_line_options; Example 13 specifies that a SPICE netlist named net.spi and an analog configuration file named cfg for the NanoSim simulation must be read. Note that the first line is a comment, which is preceded by a double-slash character (//). Example 13 The choose command in NanoSim-VCS/VCS-MX simulation //This is a comment choose nanosim -n net.spi -C cfg; Example 10 specifies that HSIM is the analog engine in the mixed-signal simulation and a SPICE netlist named net.spi must be passed to it. Example 14 The choose command in HSIM-VCS/VCS-MX simulation //This is a comment choose hsim -i net.spi; Example 11 specifies that a SPICE netlist named net.spi must be read by XA and it also uses the -c command line option to pass XA analog configuration commands stored in the xa.cmd file. Example 15 The choose command in XA-VCS/XA-VCS-MX simulation //This is a comment choose xa -n net.spi -c xa.cmd; Mixed-signal simulation does not support all NanoSim command-line options. See Appendix C, “NanoSim-supported Command-line Options,” for the supported options. The a2d command Use this command to control all aspects of the A2D interfaces in the NS/HSIM/ XA-VCS and NS/HSIM/XA-VCS-MX solutions. If this command is not specified, then by default all a2d events will be triggered at 50% of the local VDD. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 47 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Syntax a2d [ loth=lo_thrsh[V | %] ] [ hith=hi_thrsh[V | %] ] hiz_off | hiz_on ] <cell=cell_name port=port_name | node=hier_name> Options Description lo_thrsh, hi_thrsh These two options determine the low and high threshold values [ The values are numeric and specify absolute voltage values if used alone or followed by v or V. hiz_off Turns off the a2d drive strength calculation. All a2d events are passed to digital with the Verilog default drive strength of 6 (strong). With this option enabled, no HiZ event will be passed to digital, because the HiZ state is determined as part of the a2d drive strength calculation. This feature is enabled by default for unidirectional a2d interfaces. hiz_on Turns on the a2d drive strength calculation. For each a2d event, the analog engine calculates the analog output resistance and uses that value as an index to the "resistance map" file to get the corrsponding Verilog drive strength to pass to Verilog. With this option enabled, HiZ states are passed to digital if the analog engine identifies them. This feature is enabled by default for bidirectional interface nets. 48 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Options Description cell=cell_name, port=port_name, node=hier_name The command can be applied as cell-based, in which case the cell name and port name must be given. Alternatively, the command can be, instance based, in which case the hierarchical path to the instance port must be given. Cell and port names can contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character. For example,*, cell = *foo, port=* Each of the specifications in the following example sets the low threshold to 0.7V: Example loth=0.7 loth=0.7v loth=0.7V If, however, the numerical values are followed by % character, the values represent ratios of the local supply. For example, the following specifications set the low threshold value to 20% of the local supply: Example loth=20% Each of the specifications in the following example sets the low threshold to 0.7V: Example The following example sets the a2d low and high thresholds for node "top.i1.ctl" to 0.2V and 1.7V respectively. a2d loth=0.2 hith=1.7 node=top.i1.ctl; Note: If multiple a2d commands in the mixed-signal control file target the same node, the last command overrides all the others. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 49 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands The d2a command Use this command to control all aspects of the D2A interfaces in the NS/HSIM/ XA-VCS and NS/HSIM/XA-VCS-MX solutions. Syntax d2a [powernet][rf_time=slope_time] | [rise_time=rise_time] [fall_time=fall_time][delay=delay_time][x2v=0|1|2|3|4] [hiv=high_voltage lov=low_voltage] <cell=cell_name port=port_name | node=hier_name> Options Description powernet This command identifies a d2a node as an ideal voltage source on the analog side without the resistance map resistor. This option must be used when Verilog drives analog powernets in order to remove the series resistance map resistors and to allow efficient partitioning of the analog circuit. rf_time=slope_time Specifies the analog rise and fall times. The default time unit is in seconds, so specify the sub-unit with the value rf_time=1.5n, for example. With this option, both rise and fall times are set to the same value . rise_time=rise_time Specifies the analog rise time. This option must be used in combination with the fall_time option. The default time unit is in seconds, so specify the sub-unit with the value fall_time=1n rise_time=2n, for example. NOTE: When fall_time and rise_time are used, the resistor maps are not used to perform digital-to-analog translation. fall_time=fall_time Specifies the analog fall time. This option must be used in combination with the rise_time option. The default time unit is in seconds, so specify the sub-unit with the value fall_time=1n rise_time=2n, for example. NOTE: When fall_time and rise_time are used, the resistor maps are not used to perform digital-to-analog translation. 50 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Options Description delay=delay_time Specifies the delay before the analog transition starts. The default time unit is in seconds, so specify the sub-unit with the value delay=1.5n, for example. x2v= Specified with a value of 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. Sets the rule on how a logic X must be translated to a voltage level on the analog side: Use this option to manage the translation of the X to a voltage level. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0: always set to the logic zero voltage (default) 1: always set to the logic one voltage 2: if node is in PWL, SMS, or analog mode, set to (the logic one voltage + the logic zero voltage)/ 2; otherwise, set to low_voltage. 3: set to previous voltage 4: if logic = 0, set to the logic one voltage else; if logic = 1 set to the logic zero voltage else get previous voltage. hiv=high_voltage Specifies the logic one voltage level value. By default, the analog engine determines this value. This option must be used in combination with the lov= option. lov=low_voltage Specifies the logic zero voltage level value. By default, the analog engine determines this value. This option must be used in combination with the hiv= option. cell=cell_name, port=port_name, node=hier_name The command can be applied as cell-based, in which case the cell name and port name must be given. Alternatively, the command can be instance based, in which case the hierarchical path to the instance port must be given. Cell and Port names can contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character. For example,*, cell = *foo, port=* Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 51 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Example d2a hiv=1.8 lov=0.1 node=top.i1.ctl; d2a powernet hiv=1.2 lov=0 node=top.vdd; d2a powernet hiv=1.2 lov=0 node=top.vss;; Note: If multiple d2a commands in the mixed-signal control file target the same node, the last command overrides all the others. The bus_format Command Use the bus_format command to specify the bus format used in the SPICE netlist. The bus index is indicated by the number shown at the %d position in the SPICE netlist. The bus index must be sequential from MSB to LSB or from LSB to MSB: for example, a<3> a<2> a<1> a<0>. If the bus index is not sequential, NanoSim/HSIM/XA prints an error message and exits. See the following syntax, example, and description for the bus_format command: bus_format open_char %d close_char; Example 16 shows how to specify NS-VCS that angle brackets (< >) are used as the bus notation in the SPICE netlist: Example 16 Angle bracket character as a bus format bus_format <%d>; *SPICE subckt .subckt addr4 a<3> a<2> a<1> a<0> +b<3> b<2> b<1> b<0> cin +s<3> s<2> s<1> s<0> cout .ends Example 17 Specifies that the underscore ( _) character in the SPICE netlist is used as open_char, and no character is used as close_char. Example 17 Underscore character as a bus format bus_format _%d; 52 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands *SPICE subckt .subckt addr4 a_3 a_2 a_1 a_0 +b_3 b_2 b_1 b_0 cin +s_3 s_2 s_1 s_0 cout .ends Note: Discovery-AMS only supports the following bus format characters for SPICE: { } < > [ ] _ The insert_cell Command This command allows the insertion of a 2-port SPICE netlist on the analog side of an interface net. Syntax insert_cell [model= ADFMI_model_name [param=parameter_list] ] [subckt= subcircuit_name apin=port_name dpin=port_name ] <cell=cell_name port=port_name | node=hier_name> subckt= subcircuit_name apin=port_name dpin=port_name Options Description subckt= subcircuit_name apin=port_name dpin=port_name Identifies a two-port subcircuit to be inserted on the analog side of the interface and determines which port will face the analog side and which the digital side. The "apin=" and "dpin=" options are only needed if the the two ports of the inserted cell are not called the default names "apin" and "dpin". model= Only for NS-VCS, NS-VCS-MX and NS-VCS-AMS ADFMI_model_name solutions: identifies the name of the ADFMI model [param=parameter_list] to be inserted at the interface. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 53 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Options Description cell=cell_name, port=port_name, node=hier_name The command can be applied as cell-based, in which case the cell name and port name must be given. Alternatively, the command can be instance based, in which case the hierarchical path to the instance port must be given. Cell and port names can contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character. For example,*, cell = *foo, port=* Example To insert the 2 port SPICE subcircuit: .subckt multiplier in out ... .ends At the interface net "top.rst", the following command must be used: insert_cell subckt=multiplier apin=in dpin=out node=top.rst; Example To insert the 2 port SPICE subcircuit: .subckt term apin dpin ... .ends At the interface net "test.i1.d_in", the following command must be used: insert_cell subckt=term node=top.i1.d_in; The spice_top Command Use the spice_top command to indicate that the top-level of the design is described in SPICE. This command is required for simulating a SPICE-top design. See the following syntax, example, and description for the spice_top command: spice_top [name=unique_name]; 54 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands The unique_name option assigns a name (of your choice) to the top-level dummy module instance—see Example 18. Specifying a unique_name option is useful when you want the name of the top-level block in design be something other than the default SPICE-top name "snps_sptop". Example 18 unique_name option spice_top name=my_top; The use_spice Command Use the use_spice command to explicitly instruct the tool to use the SPICE view of a multi-view cell for a child cell under a Verilog parent. By default Discovery-AMS chooses the view for the child cell that is the same as the parent cell view. So if the parent of a multi-view cell has a Verilog view, by default the same view will be picked for the child cell. Use this command to override the default view selection and explicitly select the SPICE view for a given cell or instance of a cell. The * (asterisk) wildcard is accepted for SPICE subcircuit names. In the case of NS-VCS/VCS-MX, a configuration file can also be specified with the -C option. See the following syntax, example, and description for the use_spice command: use_spice -cell subcircuit_names [-C cfg_file_name]; use_spice instance_names [-C cfg_file_name]; Note: The first syntax shows the cell-based view selection, in which all instances of the given cell use the SPICE view. The second syntax shows the instance-based view selection, in which only the given instance name uses the SPICE view. Important: Both the instance_names and the subcircuit_names options cannot be used in a single command line. Example 19 shows how the SPICE view is used for all instances of the cell memory. This command can be used when both the memory Verilog module and the memory SPICE subcircuit are available. Example 19 Instantiating the SPICE subcircuit instead of the Verilog module use_spice -cell memory; Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 55 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Note that the instance name (under the SPICE view) begins with the letter X. To ensure that you are using the correct hierarchical path to the instance, use the hierarchical names listed in the "interface_element.rpt" file under the "simv.msv" directory as a guide. The "interface_element.rpt" file is explained in Chapter 12, Mixed-Signal Report Files. The use_verilog Command Use the use_verilog command to explicitly instruct the tool to use the Verilog view of a multi-view cell for a child cell under a SPICE parent. By default Discovery-AMS chooses the view for the child cell that is the same as the parent cell view. So if the parent of a multi-view cell has a SPICE view, by default the same view will be picked for the child cell. Use this command to override the default behavior and explicitly select the Verilog view for the given cell or instance of a cell. The * (asterisk) wildcard can be accepted for module names. See the following syntax, example, and description for the use_verilog command: use_verilog [use_vcs] -module module_name; use_verilog [use_vcs] instance_name; Note: The first syntax shows the cell-based view selection, in which all instances of the given cell use the Verilog view. The second syntax shows the instance-based view selection, in which only the given instance name uses the Verilog view. The use_vcs command can be used as an alias for the use_verilog command. Important: Both the instance-based and cell-based options cannot be used in a single command line. Example 20 shows how to use the Verilog view for all instances of the cell memory. This command can be used when both the memory Verilog module and the memory SPICE subcircuit are available. Example 20 Instantiating the Verilog module instead of the SPICE subcircuit use_verilog -module memory; (use_vcs -module memory;) 56 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Be aware that in most cases, when the use_verilog command is specified in SPICE, the instance will begin with the X character. The optimize_shadowfile Command Use the optimize_shadowfile command to optimize the shadow Verilog hierarchy generated for SPICE blocks. To save compile time, this command instructs the analog engine that it should not generate unnecessary Verilog dummy modules for blocks with the SPICE view. If references to nets in the transistor-level netlist (from the Verilog netlist) are made when this command is used, compilation errors related to the cross-module references (XMR) may occur. Be cautious when using this option with XMR. See the following syntax, example, and description for the optimize_shadowfile command: optimize_shadowfile; In Example 21, NanoSim/HSIM/XA is instructed not to generate some of the Verilog dummy modules so the Verilog hierarchy under the SPICE view can be optimized. Example 21 Optimizing Verilog hierarchy under the SPICE view optimize_shadowfile; Note: Using this command prevents VCS from probing inside the SPICE hierarchy; this can prevent optimization of D2D through-nets, potentially increasing the number of interface nodes. The param_pass Command This command enables parameter passing between Verilog/VHDL and SPICE. Table 6 shows the default behavior for parameter passing in different flows. Use the param_pass command’s disable and enable options to change the default behavior. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 57 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands param_pass [enable | disable] Table 6 Flow Default Description Verilog-AMS-SPICE enable Parameter passing between Verilog and SPICE is enabled by default. Verilog-SPICE disable Parameter passing between HDL and SPICE is disabled by default. Verilog/VHDL-SPICE disable Parameter passing between HDL and SPICE is disabled by default. The print_thru_net Command Use the print_thru_net command to force NanoSim/HSIM/XA to instantiate a dummy A/D or D/A converter at the given mixed-net to make an image of through-nets visible in the other domain. By default, a2a through-nets are only dumped in the analog output file, and d2d through-nets are only dumped in the digital output file. See the following syntax, example, and description for the print_thru_net command: print_thru_net a2a|d2d|all; Argument Description a2a Prints the digital image of all a2a through-nets in the digital output file d2d Prints the analog image of all d2a through-nets in the analog output file all Combines both the a2a and d2d arguments Important: When the print_thru_net command is added, extra A/D or D/A converters are inserted, which could potentially result in a slower simulation. 58 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands The remove_d2a Command Use the remove_d2a command to remove a D2A (digital-to- analog) mixednet from the digital-analog boundary, and apply a constant DC voltage on the analog side source with a value defined by the dc= argument. The node= argument takes a mixed-net. The node= argument cannot take the asterisk wild card character ( * ), such as node=* . However, a partial node search using the asterisk character is legal; for example, node = top.din* matches all signals with names starting with the top.din string. See the following syntax, example, and description for the remove_d2a command: remove_2da [dc=dc_voltage_source_value] node=node_name; Example 22 shows that top.VVDH is no longer a mixed-net node. The constant dc voltage source value is 1.8V. , and is applied to that net in the transistor-level netlist. Example 22 Removing the node from the interface remove_d2a dc=1.8 node=top.VVDH; Example 23 shows that all net names starting with top.V are no longer considered mixed-nets. In addition, the constant dc voltage source with a value of 2.5V is applied to those nets in the transistor-level netlist. Example 23 Using the wild card to specify nodes remove_d2a dc=2.5 node=top.V* ; Note: When multiple remove_d2a commands are used for the same mixed-net(s) in the mixed-signal simulation setup file, the last command takes precedence. The map_by_node Command Use the map_by_node command if a specific resistance value is required for d2a conversion at an interface node, instead of the value calculated from the resistance map file. This command is only effective in the digital-to-analog direction. See the following syntax, example, and description for the map_by_node command: Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 59 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands map_by_node r=resistance_value node=node_name(s); In Example 24, the 5 ohm resistance value is applied to the interface resistor connected to the top.n1 node. Example 24 Using 5 ohm as the interface resistor value map_by_node r=5 node=top.n1; When multiple map_by_node commands are used for the same mixed-nets in the mixed-signal simulation setup file, the last command takes precedence. The rmap_file Command Use the rmap_file command to specify the resistance map file or the path to where the resistance map file is located. If the command is not specified, the default rmapAD.init resistance map file from the NanoSim/HSIM/XA installation will be used. See the following syntax, example, and description for the rmap_file command: rmap_file resistance_map_file_name [options]; The node, instance and subcircuit options are mutually exclusive, and cannot be used with each other in the same command. However, these options can be used in separate rmap_file commands. When more than one rmap_file command is used, the last command overrides the settings of the previous one(s). See Table 7 for the four rmap_file command option categories. Table 7 rmap_file command option categories Category Command option file Custom resistance map file name. node node=nodename(s) instance inst=instance_names(s) inst=instance_name port=port_name(s) 60 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Table 7 rmap_file command option categories Category Command option subcircuit subckt=subckt_name(s) subckt=subckt_name port=port_name(s) In Example 25, is the resistance map file in the current directory. Example 25 Using user-defined resistance map available in the current directory rmap_file; In Example 26, is the resistance map file in the /home/john/ work directory. Example 26 Using user-defined resistance map with the directory path rmap_file /home/john/work/; In Example 27, is the resistance map file that is applied to the top.i1.wen and nodes. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets. Example 27 Applying user-defined resistance map to the specified node rmap_file node=top.i1.wen; In Example 28, is the resistance map file that is applied to all mixednets connected to the and instances. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets. Example 28 Applying user-defined resistance map to the specified instances rmap_file; In Example 29, is the resistance map file that is applied to the mixednet connected to port Z located at the top.i1 instance. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets. Example 29 Applying user-defined resistance map to the specified port in the specified instance rmap_file port=Z; Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 61 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands In Example 30, is the resistance map file that is applied to all mixednets connected to the pad subcircuit. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets. Example 30 Applying user-defined resistance map to the specified subcircuit rmap_file subckt=pad; In Example 31, is the resistance map file that is applied to the mixednet connected to the IN port located at the pad subcircuit. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets. Example 31 Applying user-defined resistance map at the specified port in the specified subcircuit rmap_file subckt=pad port=IN; In Example 32, is the resistance map file that is applied to the top.i1.clk, top.i2.addr[0], top.i2.addr[1] and top.i2.addr[2] mixed-nets. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixednets. Example 32 Applying user-defined resistance map at the nodes specified in the file rmap_file nodefile=n1.txt; Example 33 shows the content of the n1.txt file. Example 33 n1.txt node file top.i1.clk top.i2.addr[0] top.i2.addr[1] top.i2.addr[2] In Example 34, is the resistance map file that is applied to the mixednets connected to the top.i1, top.i2, and instances. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixednets. 62 Example 34 Applying user-defined resistance map to the instances specified in the file rmap_file instfile=inst1.txt; Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Example 35 shows the content of the inst1.txt file. Example 35 inst1.txt instance file top.i1 top.i2 In Example 36, is the resistance map file that is applied to the mixednets connected to the pad, abc and xyz subcircuits. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets. Example 36 Applying user-defined resistance map to the subcircuits specified in the file rmap_file subcktfile=s1.txt; Example 37 shows the content of the s1.txt subcircuit file. Example 37 s1.txt subcircuit file pad abc xyz In Example 38, is the resistance map file that is applied to all mixednets matched by the *addr* string. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets. Example 38 Applying user-defined resistance map at the nodes matched by the wild card rmap_file node=*addr*; In Example 39, the resistance map file is ignored because the second rmap_file command also encompasses the signal identified by the first command. When two or more rmap_file commands encompass the same signals, the last command always prevails—file rmap is applied to node top.i1.addr.n1. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets that are not covered by these commands. Example 39 Command priority rmap_file rmap_file node=top.i1.addr.n1; node=top.*addr*; Example 40 is illegal. The options are mutually exclusive. The node and inst options cannot be used together in the same command. An additional rmap_file command must be used, such that one command contains the Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 63 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands inst= option and the other command contains the node= option, as shown in Example 41. Example 40 Illegal command usage rmap_file node=top.i1.addr; In Example 41, is the resistance map file that is applied to the mixednets connected to the instance. The file is applied to the top.i1.addr.n1 node. The default resistance map file is applied to the remaining mixed-nets. Example 41 Correct command usage rmap_file rmap_file node=top.i1.addr.n1;; If multiple rmap_file commands target the same mixed-nets, and each one of the commands uses one of the node, instance or subcircuit options, use the options with the rmap_file command in the following order: (1) subcircuit-based, (2) instance-based, and (3) node-based. The wild card (*) character can be used in the port, node, instance, or subcircuit name. The period (.) character is the required hierarchical separator. The string length must not exceed 4,096 characters. Note: When multiple rmap_file commands are used for the same mixed-net(s) in the mixed-signal simulation setup file, the last command takes precedence. The shadow_file_dir Command Use the shadow_file_dir command to specify the directory in which debugged Verilog dummy module files reside. In Verilog-SPICE and VHDL/Verilog-SPICE flows, Discovery-AMS automatically generates Verilog dummy module files for subcircuit definitions that are available in the SPICE netlist files. VCS reads the files after they are generated, resolving all required modules in the Verilog hierarchy. If there are any problems in the Verilog dummy modules, which is usually caused by differences in the number of ports or their names between Verilog and SPICE views, VCS fails in the compilation phase. 64 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands All generated Verilog dummy modules are located in the simv.daidir directory, or the unique_name.daidir directory, where unique_name is the output name specified with the VCS "-o" option. See the following syntax, example, and description for the shadow_file_dir command: shadow_file_dir directory_path; Example 42 shows how to have Verilog dummy modules created in the /home/john/work/wrapper_dir directory. Example 42 Setting the Location for Verilog dummy modules shadow_file_dir /home/john/work/wrapper_dir; The spice_port_order_as_vlog Command Use the spice_port_order_as_vlog command to force Discovery-AMS to use the Verilog port order at the instantiation of the SPICE view. This command applies to multi-view SPICE blocks instantiated under Verilog. By default, if the SPICE view and the Verilog view of the multi-view cell have a differing port order, the tool errors-out at compile time. The mview_vlog_noportswap Command Use the mview_vlog_noportswap command to force Discovery-AMS to use the SPICE port order. This command applies to multi-view Verilog blocks instantiated under SPICE. By default, if the SPICE view and the Verilog view of the multi-view cell have a differing port order, Discovery-AMS uses the Verilog port order to make port connections. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 65 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Summary of Mixed-signal Simulation Commands A summary of the mixed-signal simulation setup file commands is shown in Table 8. Table 8 Mixed-signal simulation commands Command Use Definition choose analog_engine_name command-line options; required Specifies NanoSim, HSIM, or XA as the analog engine and its command-line options. bus_format open_char %d close_char; optional Specifies bus format used in the SPICE netlist. set interface_opt [option] node=node_name(s); optional Models the digital-to-analog interface. mview_vlog_noportswap; optional Applies to multi-view Verilog blocks instantiated under SPICE. This command forces the use of the original SPICE port order instead of the default Verilog port order. optimize_shadowfile; optional Optimizes Verilog dummy modules and hierarchy under the SPICE view. no_thru_net_opt [a2a | d2d | all]; optional Instructs NanoSim/HSIM/XA to instantiate dummy A/D or D/ A inverters to generate the digital image of an a2a through-net and/or the analog image of a d2d through-net. remove_d2a [dc=dc_voltage_source_value] node=node_name; optional Specifies a d2a mixed-net to be removed from the Verilog and transistor-level boundary. rmap_by_node r= resistance_value node=node_name(s); optional Applies the resistance value to the interface resistor connected to the node at the digital-to-analog interface. 66 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Table 8 Mixed-signal simulation commands (Continued) Command Use Definition rmap_file resistance_map_file_name optional Specifies the resistance map file to be used. spice_port_order_as_vlog; optional Applies to multi-view SPICE blocks instantiated under Verilog. It forces DiscoveryAMS to apply the port order in the Verilog view of the cell to the SPICE instantiation. shadow_file_dir directory_path; optional Specifies the directory where mixed-signal intermediate files will be stored. spice_top [name=unique_name]; optional Specifies that the top level of the design is SPICE use_spice -cell subcircuit_names -C cfg_file_name; optional Specifies cells or instances to be modeled and simulated in analog. The "-C" option can only be used in NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX. optional Specifies cells or instances to be modeled and simulated in digital. OR rmap_file resistance_map_file_path_name [option]; OR use_spice instance_names -C cfg_file_name; use_verilog -module module_name; OR use_verilog instance_name; Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 67 Chapter 3: Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Mixed-signal Control Commands Known Limitations The following are known limitations: ■ Bi-directional pass switches and registered nets (tran, rtran, tranif1, rtranif1, tranif0, and rtranif0) that are connected to mixed-nets are not supported—the results could be incorrect. ■ Jumper ports that are connected to the mixed-nets are not supported—the results are incorrect. See Example 43 for a sample jumper port. Example 43 Jumper port sample module jumper (a, a); inout a; ... endmodule 68 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 4 4 Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow This chapter provides information for the mixed-signal simulation with NS-VCS/ HSIM-VCS, and XA-VCS, including interactive and post-layout parasitic backannotation. Overview Information about compiling and simulating the design is described in Chapter 2, “Using Mixed Signal Features.” This chapter contains the following topics: ■ Setting Up the Simulation Environment for the Verilog-SPICE Flow • Version Compatibility Between Analog and Digital Engines • Licenses • Required UNIX Paths and Variable Settings • Using the 64-bit Binaries ■ Required Input Files ■ Compiling the Design ■ Running the Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow • Invoking the Interactive Mode with the UCLI Debugging Feature with Verilog-SPICE ■ DC Initialization ■ Recompiling the Design Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 69 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Setting Up the Simulation Environment for the Verilog-SPICE Flow Setting Up the Simulation Environment for the Verilog-SPICE Flow To set up the simulation environment, be aware of the following: Version Compatibility Between Analog and Digital Engines To successfully run a simulation in the Verilog-SPICE flow, ensure that the versions of the analog engine (NanoSim/HSIM/XA) and VCS are compatible; otherwise, the compilation fails. Also ensure that the Operating System utilities (such as cc, gcc and ld) used during the VCS compilation meet the mixedsignal simulation version requirements. All the version compatibility requirements for NanoSim/HSIM/XA and VCS, as well as the correct versions for compile utilities, are provided in the compatibility table available in the Release Notes on SolvNet. Licenses To run a mixed-signal simulation, the following license keys are required: ■ Regular license keys for NanoSim, HSIM, or XA (depending on which analog engine is being used) ■ Regular license keys for VCS ■ Mixed-Signal keys for NanoSim, HSIM, or XA (depending on which one of them are used) Either LM_LICENSE_FILE or SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE can be used to specify the license file location. setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE Location_of_License_File or setenv SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE Location_of_License_File By default, if any one of the required licenses for the analog or digital engines are missing, the simulation will not compile or execute. 70 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Setting Up the Simulation Environment for the Verilog-SPICE Flow To enable queuing for license keys, so that the compilation/simulation waits for the required license key to become available, do the following: ■ For NanoSim: setenv EPIC_WAIT_LICENSE ■ For HSIM: setenv EPIC_WAIT_LICENSE setenv HSIM_WAIT_LICENSE ■ For XA: setenv EPIC_WAIT_LICENSE setenv XA_WAIT_LICENSE ■ For VCS: Use the +vcs+lic+wait switch at compile time. vcs +vcs+lic+wait ... Required UNIX Paths and Variable Settings To set the paths for NanoSim/HSIM/XA and VCS, do the following: ■ For NanoSim: source NanoSim_installation_directory/CSHRC_ns ■ For HSIM: set path = (HSIM_installation_directory/hsimplus/bin $path) ■ For XA: source XA_installation_directory/CSHRC_xa ■ For VCS: setenv VCS_HOME VCS_installation_directory set path = ($VCS_HOME/bin $path) See Example 44: Example 44 Required UNIX paths and settings setenv VCS_HOME /usr/synopsys/VCS/vcsmx_2009.06 set path = ($VCS_HOME/bin $path) source /usr/synopsys/Nanosim/2009.06/CSHRC_ns Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 71 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Required Input Files Using the 64-bit Binaries Currently, mixed-signal supports Solaris, Suse, and Linux (AMD) 64-bit platforms. The binaries must be either 32-bit or 64-bit for both the analog and the digital engines. It is not permitted to have a 32-bit binary for one engine and a 64-bit binary for the other; such a combination would result in incompatibility between the binaries and a compilation error. To enable 64-bit binaries for mixed-signal, the VCS switch "-full64" must be used: vcs -ad -full64 ... This tells VCS to use 64-bit binaries and also instructs the analog engine (NanoSim, HSIM, or XA) to use 64-bit binaries as well (assuming that the 64-bit binaries for the analog engine are installed and the environment variables for the analog engine are set as described above). Required Input Files Before using the Verilog-SPICE flow, the following files must be in place: ■ Verilog netlist files ■ Verilog-A module files, if used ■ SPICE netlist files (including device model libraries) ■ Mixed-signal simulation control file ■ Command file One of the following, depending on which analog engine is being used: • NanoSim config file • HSIM hsim.ini command file • XA command file Compiling the Design To compile the design, invoke the vcs command: 72 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Compiling the Design vcs verilog_design_file(s) -ad [=mixed-signal_control_file] [vcs options] Example 45 shows that vcs compiles the design.v file with the -ad VCS compile time option. It reads the default vcsAD.init file as the mixed-signal control file. The simv simulation executable is created (if no errors occur during the compilation). Example 45 vcs compiles the design.v file with the -ad option vcs design.v -ad Example 46 shows that vcs compiles the design files listed in the my_list.txt file with the -ad VCS compile time option. It reads the my_setup.init file as the mixed-signal simulation control file. A simulation executable, my_simv, is created, instead of the default simv executable. Example 46 vcs compiles the my_list.txt file with the -ad option and my_setup.init file vcs -f my_list.txt -ad=my_setup.init -o my_simv Example 47 is identical to Example 45, except for the-full64 option. This option generates 64-bit simv executable instead of the default 32-bit. Example 47 -full64 option vcs design.v -ad -full64 After simv is generated, the simulation can be run using the following syntax: simv [vcs run-time options] Example 48 shows how to instruct VCS to generate a run time log file called simv.log. Example 48 Simulation is executed with the simv .log file simv -l simv.log Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 73 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Running the Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Running the Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow To synchronize the digital and analog events, ideally, both the analog and digital engines should have the same time resolution value, where time resolution is the smallest timestep the simulator is allowed to take. ■ By default, in the case of NanoSim and HSIM, the analog engine assumes the smaller of the analog and digital time resolution. For example, if VCS time resolution is 10ps and NanoSim/HSIM time resolution is 1ps, NanoSim/ HSIM will run with 1ps time resolution and VCS with 10ps time resolution. ■ XA does not have a predetermined time resolution. In XA the time resolution is constantly optimized and adjusted for accuracy and performance during simulaton. As a general rule the analog time resolution cannot be greater than the digital time resolution, because a loss of synchronization that could happen at run time causing a run time error. ■ In NS-VCS, if the digital time resolution value is smaller than the analog time resolution value, then NanoSim automatically overrides its own time resolution with the smaller digital value so as not to violate the above rule. ■ In HSIM-VCS, such a violation will result in a compliation error and a warning that the analog time resolution value cannot be smaller than the digital time resolution value. ■ In XA_VCS, such a violation cannot occur, because of the adjustable time resolution mechanism in XA. Table 9 shows a few examples for NanoSim/HSIM and VCS time resolution settings and the final values that are eventually used for analog and digital time resolutions. XA is not mentioned in this table because it does not have the notion of a predetermined time resolution. Table 9 74 Timestep synchronization behavior overview NanoSim/HSIM VCS Time Resolutions 10 ps 10 ps The analog and digital engines both use 10 ps time resolution. Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Invoking the Interactive Mode with the UCLI Debugging Feature with Verilog-SPICE Table 9 Timestep synchronization behavior overview NanoSim/HSIM VCS Time Resolutions 10 ps 1 ps ■ ■ 1 ps 10 ps In the case of NS-VCS, the VCS timestep overrides the NS timestep so that both use 1 ps as a timestep value. In the case of HSIM-VCS a compilation error occurs warning that the analog timestep cannot be smaller than the digital timestep. NS/HSIM and VCS use their own time resolution values independently ■ ■ NS/HSIM uses 1 ps VCS uses 10 ps Limitation: All timestep values for NanoSim, HSIM, and VCS must be set to a value that is a power of 10; for example 1ns, 10ps, 100ps. Invoking the Interactive Mode with the UCLI Debugging Feature with Verilog-SPICE To enable the interactive mode during a mixed-signal simulation, it is recommended to use the VCS UCLI (Unified Command Line Interface) debugging feature. Note: The previous method of entering Ctrl-C during a mixed-signal simulation, or using the simv -s option, invokes the now-obsolete CLI debugging feature in VCS and is not recommended. To invoke the UCLI interactive mode, first use the -debug or-debug_all VCS compile option: vcs -debug_all ... Next, invoke the simv binary file by passing the -ucli option to it: Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 75 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Invoking the Interactive Mode with the UCLI Debugging Feature with Verilog-SPICE % simv -ucli This switch stops the mixed-signal simulation at simulation time 0, and generates the UCLI prompt: ucli% All UCLI commands can be used at this prompt, such as ucli % run 10 which will run the simulation for 10 (VCS) units of time. The VCS time unit is usually defined by the `timescale directive in the Verilog code. The following command prints all the digital sources that drive the given node_name with the file and line numbers locating the contributing Verilog code ucli% drivers -full hier_node_name The ucli% ace Analog Interactive Commands You can use analog interactive commands at the UCLI prompt if they are preceded by the ace command as shown in the following examples. Example 49 NS-VCS: Using NanoSim pnc interactive command at the UCLI prompt ucli% ace pnc hier_node_name Example 50 prints the node current for the given node in HSIM-VCS. Example 50 Get node current for a given node in HSIM-VCS ucli% ace ni hier_node_name Example 51 shows how the XA interactive command "iprint_time" can be used at the UCLI interactive prompt. Example 51 The use of XA interactive command "iprint_time" in the UCLI interactive prompt ucli% ace iprint_time For a complete list of the UCLI commands, please refer to the VCS Unified Command Line Interface User Guide. 76 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow DC Initialization Note: The analog simulation time cannot be advanced using the UCLI command. The analog simulation time can only be advanced by advancing the digital simulation time in UCLI. (See the VCS User Guide for more information.) DC Initialization Due to replacing existing SPICE subcircuits with Verilog modules, the analog DC initialization in mixed-signal simulation may not be identical to the standalone analog simulation. For DC initialization condition-sensitive circuits, it may be necessary to apply specific DC initialization condition values at certain nodes to get expected simulation behaviors. Recompiling the Design In the current standalone version of VCS, the -Mupdate option is on by default. As mixed-signal requires both the compile-time phase and run-time phase to work seamlessly, do not compile incrementally. When you modify any design files (Verilog, Verilog-A, or SPICE) or the mixedsignal control file: ■ Remove all of the intermediate files/directories generated by the previous mixed-signal simulation by removing the simv.daidir and csrc directories. ■ Restart the compilation. Also, if you use the analog configuration commands to change the case sensitivity in SPICE netlists, then you musr recompile the design before those changes can take effect. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 77 Chapter 4: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow Recompiling the Design 78 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 5 5 Mixed-signal Simulation Output and Display in VerilogSPICE This chapter describes how to generate separate digital and analog waveforms or a unified output file in Verilog-SPICE and how to view them. Overview In Verilog-SPICE, simulation results can be ■ Generated separately for analog and digital signals. ■ Viewed with Signal Explorer, CosmosScope, or nWave. Alternatively, the output can be ■ Generated as a single output file in VPD (VCD Plus Dump) or UOD (Unified Output Display) format. This chapter contains the following topics: ■ ■ Capturing Analog and Digital Signals in the Output File(s) • Printing Analog Signals • Dumping Digital Signals Generating a Unified Output Capturing Analog and Digital Signals in the Output File(s) To capture digital and analog signals in the output file(s), use two sets of commands: one set for analog signals and another set for digital signals. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 79 Chapter 5: Mixed-signal Simulation Output and Display in Verilog-SPICE Capturing Analog and Digital Signals in the Output File(s) Printing Analog Signals Any method of printing analog signals that is used in stand-alone analog simulations for NanoSim, HSIM, or XA can also be used in the Verilog-SPICE flow, such as: ■ The NanoSim print_node_v and print_node_i config commands ■ The NanoSim print_veriloga_var config command to capture VerilogA variables in the output ■ The $display, $strobe and $write functions within the Verilog-A code to dump Verilog-A variables or voltage and current values on the screen ■ SPICE-specific print commands, such as the HSPICE .print and .probe commands ■ The XA "probe_waveform_va -var *" config command to capture Verilog-A variables in the output ■ The HSIM ".param hsimvaprintvar=1" parameter to capture VerilogA variables in the output The format of the analog output file can be any one of the formats supported by the analog engine, including .vpd, .fsdb and ASCII .out. The following configuration commands must be used to set the output format for analog signals: ■ For NanoSim Use the set_print_format for=vpd | fsdb ... command inside the NanoSim config file. See the NanoSim User Guide for more details. ■ For HSIM Use the SPICE parameter .param HSIMOUTPUT=vpd to have HSIM generate a VPD output. By default HSIM generates an fsdb file. See the HSIMplus Reference Manual for more details. ■ For XA Use the set_waveform –format fsdb|wdf|wdb|out|vpd command inside the XA command file. See the XA User Guide for more details 80 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 5: Mixed-signal Simulation Output and Display in Verilog-SPICE Capturing Analog and Digital Signals in the Output File(s) Dumping Digital Signals To dump digital signals in the output, use the common VCS methods, including: ■ The $dumpvars() and $dumpfile() system tasks in the Verilog code to generate VCD output. ■ The VCS +vcs+dumpvars+output_file_name compile time option to capture and dump digital signals in the given output_file_name in VCD format. ■ The $vcdpluson() system task in Verilog code to create VPD output. Use this system task along with either the -PP or the -debug_pp VCS compile option, which enable VPD dumping. To capture a specific analog or digital signal within the hierarchy, the hierarchical path to that signal must be specified. To obtain the hierarchical path to all cells within the design, use the information in the hierarchy.rpt file generated at compile time. This file is located under simv.msv directory. If the VCS option "-o vcs_output" is used to specify a VCS output name other than the default "simv", the file will be located under the "vcs_output.msv" directory. See hierarchy.rpt on page 138 for more detail. Example 52 shows an entry in the hierarchy.rpt file: Example 52 hierarchy.rpt file entry top(top).dut(addr4).x1<addr>.x3<inv20> This shows, for example, that the hierarchical path to instance dut is top.dut and the hierarchical path to instance x3 is top.dut.x1.x3 ■ To print a net called net1 under dut, which is a digital instance, use (in the Verilog code) $dumpvars(0, top.dut.net1); or $vcdpluson(0, top.dut.net1); ■ To capture all signals under dut and two hierarchical levels below it, use $dumpvars(3, top.dut); Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 81 Chapter 5: Mixed-signal Simulation Output and Display in Verilog-SPICE Capturing Analog and Digital Signals in the Output File(s) or $vcdpluson(3, top.dut); ■ To print a net called net2 under x3, which is an analog instance, use the following commands: • For NanoSim Use the print_node_v top.dut.x1.x3.net2 configuration command. • For HSIM, XA, and NanoSim Use the .print v(top.dut.x1.x3.net2)or the .probe v(top.dut.x1.x3.net2)the SPICE command ■ To print everything under x3, use the following commands: • For NanoSim Use the print_node_v command. • top.dut.x1.x3.* configuration For HSIM, XA, and NanoSim Use the .print v(top.dut.x1.x3.*) or the .probe v(top.dut.x1.x3) SPICE command. For more details on the commands controlling the generation of output files and dumping signals, please refer to the documentation for the specific simulator (VCS, XA, HSIM, or NanoSim) . Generating a Unified Output There are two ways to generate a Unified Output file that will contain both analog and digital waveforms: ■ Merged VPD output ■ Merged UOD Output Merged VPD output VPD is a binary waveform format that allows compact and efficient storage of output data. To generate a merged VPD file the following steps must be taken: 1. VCS must generate a VPD output 82 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 5: Mixed-signal Simulation Output and Display in Verilog-SPICE Capturing Analog and Digital Signals in the Output File(s) 2. NanoSim/HSIM/XA must be instructed to generate an analog output in the VPD format and then merge it with the digital VPD file. Use the following commands to merge a VPD file containing both analog and digital signals: • For NanoSim Use the set_print_format for=vpd command: • For HSIM Use the param HSIMOUTPUT=vpd • file=merge config file=merge SPICE command: For XA Use the set_waveform –format vpd command. –file=merge config The merged VPD file takes the name determined by VCS, which can be either of the following: ■ The VCS default name ■ The file name specified by the $vcdplusfile() system task in Verilog For more information on VPD file generation in VCS, see the VCS/VCSi User Guide. Merged UOD Output UOD is a text waveform format that is generated through post processing of digital and analog outputs. Because of its large size and many limitations (mentioned below), Synopsys recommends that you use merged VPD instead of UOD whenever possible. Only NanoSim and HSIM (not XA) can generate a UOD file. To generate a merged UOD file the following steps must be taken: 1. VCS must generate a VCD output (as described earlier). 2. NanoSim/HSIM must create output of .out format. Use the following configuration commands to create a merge UOD file: • For NanoSim Use either the set_print_uod out=uod or the set_print_uod out=all configuration command: Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 83 Chapter 5: Mixed-signal Simulation Output and Display in Verilog-SPICE Capturing Analog and Digital Signals in the Output File(s) The choice of command depends on whether you intend to purge the original VCD and OUT files after the merge (the first command) or to keep them (the second command). See the NanoSim Command Reference for more detail. • For HSIM Use either the .param HSIMOUTPUT=uod1&out or the .param HSIMOUTPUT=uod2&out SPICE command: The choice depends on whether you intend to purge the original VCD and OUT files after the merge (the first command) or to keep them (the second command). Limitations 84 ■ Because UOD files are created through post processing of digital and analog outputs at the end of the simulation, they cannot be generated in interactive mode. ■ Viewing waveforms during simulation (marching waveforms) is not possible using UOD files, because the file is not generated until after the completion of the simulation. ■ UOD files are in ASCII format, which have a much larger size than a compact binary format such as VPD. Synopsys recommends that you use a merged VPD file, instead of a UOD file, to avoid generating a huge output file and filling disk space. Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Part: 3 VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Mixed-Signal Simulation Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 85 86 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 6 Using the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow 6 This chapter provides the basic information needed to start simulating in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE flow—including installation and setup. Overview The Verilog/VHDL-SPICE flow provides a mixed-signal, mixed-HDL language verification solution. Verilog/VHDL-SPICE enables simulating a design described in SPICE (or other transistor-level description language that the analog engine supports), Verilog-HDL (“Verilog”), and VHDL. You must be familiar with the SPICE, Verilog, and VHDL languages, as well as NanoSim, HSIM, or XA (depending on which analog engine is being used) as well as VCS_MX. See the respective manuals for more information. This chapter contains the following sections: ■ VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Highlights ■ Known Limitations VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Highlights In VHDL/Verilog-SPICE simulation, different parts of the design can be simulated in SPICE, Verilog, or VHDL models. VHDL/Verilog-SPICE supports both Verilog-top and VHDL-top flows. SPICEtop is also supported. The following features are described in detail in this section: ■ Donut Configurations ■ Multiple Views Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 87 Chapter 6: Using the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Highlights • View Selection for Cells Under a VHDL Parent • View Selection for Cells Under a Verilog Parent • View Selection for Cells Under a SPICE Parent ■ Real Port Support for VHDL ■ Interface A/D and D/A Conversion ■ Generating a Merged Output file for Analog and Digital Signals Donut Configurations NS-VCS-MX/HSIM-VCS-MX/XA-VCS-MX support VHDL-top, Verilog-top, and SPICE-top design configurations. There is no restriction on donut configurations. VHDL, Verilog or SPICE blocks can each instantiate blocks of the other two formats without restriction. The only requirement is for SPICE instantiations under VHDL; those SPICE cells must also have a Verilog view available in order for the instantiation under VHDL to take place. Multiple Views The blocks in the design can contain more than one view (for example, SPICE and VHDL). By default, VHDL/Verilog-SPICE selects the view for the multi-view cell that is identical to the parent block view. If that view is not available, VHDL/VerilogSPICE selects the next-available view. A particular view of a multi-view cell can also be selected explicitly. The method of explicit view selection for a child cell depends on the view of the parent cell. 88 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 6: Using the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Highlights View Selection for Cells Under a VHDL Parent For a VHDL parent, a Verilog or VHDL view for a child cell can be selected by pointing to the design library that contains that view. This can be done in a number of ways. ■ By placing the VHDL use lib_name.cell_name constructs inside the VHDL code that explicitly points to a particular cell in a particular library ■ By VHDL configurations that determine which "architecture" from what "library" must be used for which instance or instances ■ During the elaboration of the design where a library name can be specified from where the cells must be selected. The elaboration stage of design compilation is described later in more detail. For more details on VHDL and Verilog view selections, see the VCS-MX User Guide. To select the SPICE view for a child cell, 1. VHDL code must use one of the three methods described above to select the Verilog wrapper, since SPICE cells instantiated under VHDL require a Verilog view of the SPICE cell. 2. The use_spice mixed-signal command must be used to indicate that the SPICE view of the cell will replace the Verilog wrapper. View Selection for Cells Under a Verilog Parent For a Verilog parent, a Verilog or VHDL view for a child cell can be selected during design elaboration by specifying the design library name that contains the desired view of the child. The elaboration stage of design compilation is described later in more detail. For more details on VHDL and Verilog view selections, please refer to the VCS-MX User Guide. To select the SPICE view for a child cell, use the use_spice mixed-signal command. View Selection for Cells Under a SPICE Parent For a SPICE parent, a Verilog view for a child cell can be selected by the use_verilog mixed-signal command. To select the VHDL view, use the use_vhdl mixed-signal command. For details about the syntax of the use_spice and use_verilog mixedsignal commands, see Mixed-signal Control Commands. For details about the Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 89 Chapter 6: Using the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Known Limitations syntax of the use_vhdl mixed-signal command, see Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File for VHDL/Verilog-SPICE. Real Port Support for VHDL VHDL/Verilog-SPICE supports the exchange of real values between VHDL and SPICE blocks. Refer to the Using a Verilog Wrapper section in Chapter 7, Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow, for details. Interface A/D and D/A Conversion In VHDL/Verilog-SPICE, the A/D and D/A conversions between SPICE and Verilog follow the same rules as in the Verilog-SPICE flow. However, through net optimization and drive strength conversion only take place for interface nets between SPICE and Verilog, not for those between SPICE and VHDL. Each time a signal crosses the SPICE-VHDL boundary, an A/D or D/A component is instantiated. The "a2d" and "d2a" commands that control A/D and D/A conversions (and their thresholds) are the same as in the Verilog-SPICE flow. Refer to the Interface A/D and D/A Signal Conversions in Chapter 2, Using Mixed Signal Features, for more details. Generating a Merged Output file for Analog and Digital Signals VHDL/Verilog-SPICE can create merged VPD files and (in cases of NS-VCSMX and HSIM-VCS-MX) UOD files. Please refer to Chapter 10, Mixed Simulation Output and Display in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE for further details. Known Limitations Some limitations exist in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE, due to the existing limitations in the VCS-MX flow. See the VCS-MX User Guide for more details. 90 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 6: Using the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Known Limitations The known VHDL/Verilog-SPICE limitations are: ■ Verilog wrappers are required for instantiations of SPICE under VHDL (Please refer to "Using a Verilog Wrapper" section below for further details). However, donuts of Verilog and SPICE blocks, or SPICE instantiating VHDL, do not require a Verilog wrapper. ■ To generate a unified output display (UOD) file for all VHDL, Verilog and SPICE signals, the digital output must be in VPD format (VCD is not supported). And the UOD format is not supported in XA-VCS-MX. You must generate a VPD file for both Verilog and VHDL signals for the UOD to work properly. A merged VPD file is also supported and is the recommended way of generating a merged output file. Please refer to Chapter 10, Mixed Simulation Output and Display in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE for further details. ■ The NanoSim set_sim_hierid configuration command is ignored. ■ Instance-based view selection under SPICE and Verilog is not supported. This means that only the cell-based options of the use_verilog, use_vhdl, and use_spice commands can be used. Instance-based view selection under VHDL is possible if done through VHDL library selection mechanism (that is, a VHDL configuration file or VHDL "use lib.entity" directives in the code). ■ Thru-net optimization is not supported for interface nets between SPICE and VHDL. Note: As an alternative, real type connections in VHDL can be used to generate unidirectional connections of SPICE ports via VHDL. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 91 Chapter 6: Using the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Known Limitations 92 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 7 7 Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow This chapter provides the instructions on how to prepare the files (input data) to run a mixed-signal simulation with NS-VCS-MX/HSIM-VCS-MX or XA-VCS-MX. Overview Some of the issues that require attention for VHDL/Verilog-SPICE mixed-signal simulation are identical to those for the Verilog-SPICE. Those issues are: ■ Netlist-related ■ Port-related For a description of the steps to take to ensure that these issues are addressed, refer to the Netlist-related Issues and Port-related Issues sections in Chapter 3, Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow. Figure 16 shows the recommended steps to take to prepare files for NanoSim/ HSIM/XA-VCS-MX mixed-signal simulation. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 93 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Input Netlist Files Figure 16 Flow for preparing a mixed-signal simulation This chapter contains the following sections: ■ Input Netlist Files • VHDL and Verilog Descriptions ■ Using a VHDL Setup File ■ Using a Verilog Wrapper ■ Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File for VHDL/Verilog-SPICE • The use_vhdl Command • The use_verilog and use_spice Commands Input Netlist Files Ensure that all the netlist files that model each block in the design are present. The required files for analog models and blocks in the design are: 94 ■ Transistor-level descriptions (or SPICE netlists) ■ Device model libraries (can be included inside the SPICE netlist) Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Input Netlist Files Note: The NanoSim/HSIM/XA configuration commands for analog parts of the design are not required, but often used. The required files for the digital components of the design are ■ VHDL and/or Verilog descriptions of the digital blocks ■ Dummy Verilog wrappers for SPICE blocks instantiated under VHDL ■ VHDL setup file ■ Mixed-signal simulation control file Details for each of these files follows. VHDL and Verilog Descriptions Here are the issues to consider regarding the VHDL and Verilog netlists: ■ A VHDL block can contain a real data type port, as long as that port is meant for data exchange between two VHDL blocks, or a VHDL and SPICE block. ■ In the case of VHDL instantiating SPICE, where a Verilog wrapper is required for SPICE, the Verilog port that corresponds with the VHDL real port must be defined as wreal. ■ The VHDL real ports and the Verilog wrapper wreal ports cannot have the direction inout. These ports must have an input or output direction. ■ Cross-module reference (XMR) across digital/analog boundary is only supported between Verilog and SPICE as explained in the Verilog-SPICE section of this document. Cross referencing an analog node from inside VHDL is not supported. ■ A mixed-net cannot connect to Verilog ports that are connected to bidirectional pass switches (tran, rtran, tranif0, rtranif0, tranif1, and rtranif1) ■ A mixed-net cannot connect to Verilog jumper ports (see Example 53) Example 53 Jumper port sample module jumper (a, a); inout a; . . . endmodule Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 95 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Using a VHDL Setup File Transistor-level Descriptions For the SPICE netlists, keep the following points in mind: ■ HSPICE and VHDL netlist formats are case-insensitive, but Verilog is casesensitive. So the best practice is to create all subcircuit, port, and signal names consistently, in either lower-case or upper-case, across all SPICE, Verilog and VHDL files. ■ Unused ports must be removed from the subcircuits that are going to be instantiated under VHDL, and a Verilog wrapper is generated for them. NanoSim removes those ports by default. The corresponding ports in the Verilog wrapper modules must also be removed. You will see a WARNING and ERROR message when NanoSim removes the port: WARNING: mixed node “net10” not found. ERROR: Unable to find nanosim id for net ‘net10’ interface signal mismatch Using a VHDL Setup File VCS-MX uses a VHDL setup file named synopsys_sim.setup to set up and configure the environment for VHDL and mixed-HDL designs. Multiple copies of this setup file can be located in the VCS-MX installation directory, in your home directory, or in your run directory. VCS-MX searches these locations—in that order—and the last file found overrides any previously found file. This setup file maps VHDL logical library names to physical directories, set search paths, set the VHDL simulation time base and time resolution, and assign values to some simulation control variables. One of the most frequent uses of the VHDL setup file is to map logical VHDL libraries to physical host directories. In VHDL, design blocks can be analyzed and stored in one or more logical libraries. This capability offers great flexibility in maintaining multiple versions of a VHDL block by analyzing each version into a different library. The VHDL setup file allows defining multiple logical library names and mapping them to their actual physical location. By default, all VHDL blocks are analyzed and stored in the WORK logical library. The default physical directory for this library is ./WORK 96 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Using a Verilog Wrapper For more information on the VCS-MX setup file, please refer to the VCS-MX User Guide. Example 54 shows a sample synopsys_sim.setup file. Here, rtl_lib and gate_lib (two logical libraries) and their physical locations are defined. Also, the WORK default logical library is mapped to the rtl_lib library. Example 54 VHDL setup file WORK > rtl_lib rtl_lib: ./rtl_library gate_lib: ./gate_library TIMEBASE=ns TIME_RESOLUTION=10ps Using a Verilog Wrapper If in the design there is a SPICE block instantiated under VHDL, a dummy Verilog wrapper for the SPICE block must be generated. This dummy module must have the same name, number of ports and port names as the SPICE cell. The body of the dummy module can be empty, as VHDL/Verilog-SPICE does not read the body of that module if it is used as a dummy wrapper for SPICE. A dummy Verilog wrapper is not required for any type of Verilog or SPICE donuts, nor for SPICE instantiating VHDL. If a Verilog description already exists for the SPICE block, use the existing Verilog module as the Verilog wrapper. If not, the wrapper can be created either manually or by using the autowrapper utility—see section Using the Autowrapper Utility in Chapter 9, “Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/VerilogSPICE,” for the autowrapper usage. If real ports are used in the VHDL description, ensure that a wreal declaration is made for the same ports in the Verilog wrapper module (also include the -realport switch when calling vlogan, which is discussed later in this document). When using a wreal declaration, only input and output ports are allowed—inout ports are not supported. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 97 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Using a Verilog Wrapper See Example 55 for a wreal declaration file sample. Example 55 wreal declaration file //Verilog wrapper for using real ports module test (a, b); input a; wreal a; output b; wreal b; /* in addition to module name, port name, and directions, wreal declaration is also required */ end module Note: Using real ports can result in a simulation performance penalty; specifically, real values passed from the analog engine to VHDL. Be aware that this, when combined with smaller time resolution values, can cause slower simulation runs. Example 56 shows a SPICE subcircuit, its instance in the VHDL description, and the required corresponding Verilog wrapper. Example 56 SPICE subcircuit * .subckt chargepump_com + com_inv<3> com_inv<2> com_inv<1> com_inv<0> + com_rsh<3> com_rsh<2> com_rsh<1> com_rsh <0> + clk * we skip the subckt description .ends Example 57 shows the instantiation of the SPICE block described in example 53 in the VHDL description. The sig_inv, sig_rsh and sig_clk signals are defined in the VHDL block and connect to the chargepump ports. Example 57 I3 98 Instance of Example 56 (SPICE subcircuit) : chargepump_com port map ( com_inv=> sig_inv(3 downto 0), com_rsh=> sig_rsh(3 downto 0), clk => sig_clk ); Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File for VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Example 58 is a Verilog wrapper that must be generated to allow the instantiation of the SPICE cell under VHDL. Example 58 Verilog wrapper 'timescale 1ns/10ps module chargepump_com(com_inv, com_rsh, clk); input [3:0] com_inv, com_rsh; input clk; // The body of the Verilog wrapper can // be empty. And if it is not, its content // will be completely ignored. endmodule Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File for VHDL/VerilogSPICE In VHDL/Verilog-SPICE, as in Verilog-SPICE, a mixed-signal control file must be created. This file, called by -ad=setup_file_name at compile time, contains mixed-signal control commands which, among other things, controls the view selection of multi-view cells and A/D and D/A conversions. All the mixed-signal simulation commands supported by Verilog-SPICE (as described in Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File in Chapter 3, Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow) are also supported in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE flow—with the following exceptions: ■ The use_vhdl Command (view-selection command), is added in VHDL/ Verilog-SPICE. This command is used to select the VHDL view of a multiview cell instantiated under SPICE. ■ The use_verilog Command must be used to select the Verilog view of a multi-view cell instantiated under SPICE. ■ The use_spice Command must be used to select the SPICE view of a multiview cell instantiated under Verilog. This command alone is not sufficient to select a SPICE view for a cell instantiated under VHDL. The conventional VHDL methods such as configuration files or explicit "use lib.cell_name" must be used to select the Verilog wrapper for the SPICE block in addition to using the "use_spice" command. ■ All view selection commands can only be cell-based. The instance-based view selection is not currently supported for the use_vhdl, use_verilog or use_spice mixed-signal commands. Instance-based view selection is Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 99 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File for VHDL/Verilog-SPICE only possible for cells instantiated under VHDL, when VHDL native methods are used (that is, through use lib_name.cell_name in VHDL code or by using VHDL configurations). Example 59 is a sample mixed-signal control file for the NS-VCS-MX file. Example 59 use_spice -cell chargepump; use_verilog –module counter; use_vhdl –cell d_flop; use_vhdl –cell rtl_lib.mux_1; choose nanosim -n spice_cells.spi -C cfg; bus_format <%d>; The mixed-signal control file for HSIM and XA will look the same except that the choose nanosim line must be replaced with choose hsim or choose xa. The use_vhdl Command The use_vhdl command selects the VHDL view of a multi-view cell instantiated in a SPICE block. See the following syntax (three formats to choose from), arguments, and description: use_vhdl –cell entity use_vhdl –cell [Library.]entity[(arch)] use_vhdl –cell [Library.]configuration See Table 10 for the use_vhdl argument descriptions. Table 10 100 use_vhdl arguments Argument Description entity Identifies the name of the VHDL entity being referenced (Required argument) Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File for VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Table 10 use_vhdl arguments Argument Description Library Explicitly specifies a specific VHDL library where you have previously analyzed the VHDL entity. By default, use_vhdl searches the default WORK logical library for the entity name. (Optional argument) arch Explicitly selects the architecture of the choice, if you have analyzed multiple architectures for the VHDL entity into a library. (Optional argument) configuration Points to the configuration, if you have analyzed a VHDL configuration to define the entity-architecture association for a given VHDL entity. (Optional argument) The use_verilog and use_spice Commands The syntax for the use_spice and use_verilog commands remain the same as in Verilog-SPICE, with the exception that instance based view selection is not supported for these commands. Refer to the use_verilog and use_spice command descriptions in the Verilog-SPICE section of this manual. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 101 Chapter 7: Mixed-signal Simulation in the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Flow Creating a Mixed-signal Simulation Control File for VHDL/Verilog-SPICE 102 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 8 Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE 8 This chapter provides information for running an NS-VCS-MX, HSIM-VCS-MX, or XA-VCS-MX mixed-signal simulation. Overview To run a VHDL/Verilog-SPICE mixed-signal simulation, you must first be familiar with stand-alone VCS-MX and NanoSim/HSIM/XA simulations. This chapter contains the following sections: ■ Installation Requirements ■ Setting up the NS-VCS-MX Simulation Environment ■ Required Input Files ■ Compiling the Netlists ■ ■ • The Analysis Stage • The Elaboration Stage Running the Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE • Simulation Time Resolution in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE • Interactive Simulation with UCLI using NS-VCS-MX Back-annotation Installation Requirements In order to use VHDL/Verilog-SPICE, both the analog engine (NanoSim, HSIM or XA) and VCS-MX must be installed. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 103 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Setting up the NS-VCS-MX Simulation Environment Check the respective release notes for the compatibility table showing the compatible versions of NanoSim/HSIM/XA and VCS-MX. The compatibility table also specifies the utilities (such as "cc", "gcc" and "ld") and the versions that are required for each release. Generally, only one version of NanoSim/HSIM/XA and one version of VCS-MX are certified for each VHDL/Verilog-SPICE release. (Non-recommended versions are not guaranteed to be compatible with each other. Refer to the Installation Requirements section of each manual for installation specifications. Setting up the NS-VCS-MX Simulation Environment Running a mixed-signal simulation requires setting up paths and environment variables for both NanoSim/HSIM/XA and VCS-MX. Here is how to set the paths: ■ For NanoSim source NanoSim_installation_directory/CSHRC_ns ■ For HSIM: set path = (HSIM_installation_directory/hsimplus/bin $path) ■ For XA: source XA_installation_directory/CSHRC_xa ■ For VCS-MX setenv VCS_HOME VCS-MX_installation_directory set path = ($VCS_HOME/bin $path) License Both LM_LICENSE_FILE and SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE can be used to specify the license file location. setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE Location_of_License_File or setenv SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE Location_of_License_File 104 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Required Input Files See the following example to set up the environment to run NS-VCS-MX on the linux platform: setenv VCS_HOME /usr/synopsys/VCS-MX set path = ($VCS_HOME/bin $path) source /usr/synopsys/Nanosim/CSHRC_linux setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 26585@synopsys:$LM_LICENSE_FILE Required Input Files Here are the required files for a VHDL/Verilog-SPICE simulation: ■ All netlist files • ■ VCS-MX setup and run-time files • ■ VHDL, Verilog, SPICE, Verilog-A, etc. synopsys_sim.setup (optional), run-time command file (optional) Mixed-signal simulation control file Compiling the Netlists In the VHDL/Verilog-SPICE flow, simulation is performed in three steps. The compilation comprises the first two steps. 1. Design Analysis 2. Design Elaboration 3. Design Simulation During Design Analysis, the syntax of Verilog and VHDL files are verified and intermediary files are generated that are used during Design Elaboration. Any syntax errors in Verilog or VHDL netlists are flagged during this step. During Design Elaboration, the design hierarchy is built based on the information obtained during the Design Analysis step. At this stage, incorrect port connectivity or missing definitions for instantiated blocks in Verilog, VHDL or SPICE are identified and flagged. Figure 17 demonstrates the two stages and the commands required for each stage. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 105 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Compiling the Netlists Figure 17 Netlist compilation stages The Analysis Stage The first step in the design compilation is the analysis of the Verilog and VHDL netlists. To analyze Verilog and VHDL files, the vlogan and vhdlan utilities are used, respectively. It is recommended that the analysis of the Verilog files be completed before the VHDL files. The vlogan Utility To analyze Verilog files, the vlogan command must be used. The syntax of the command follows: vlogan [options] verilog_file(s) 106 Argument Description -f verilog_list_file_name Specifies a file that contains a list of paths to Verilog source files and compile-time options -help Displays a succinct description of the most commonly used options -l log_file Specifies a log file where VCS-MX records compilation messages Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Compiling the Netlists Argument Description -q Suppresses compiler messages -realport Use this option if among the Verilog files passed to vloganand there is one or more Verilog wrappers for SPICE that contains a wreal port. Such wreal ports must be defined in the wrapper when a SPICE port connects to a VHDL signal of type real. -timescale=time_unit/ time_precision Enables you to specify the timescale for the source files that do not contain the ‘timescale compiler directive, and precedes the source files that do contain the ‘timescale compiler directive. -v library_file Specifies a Verilog library file to search for module definitions. -y library_directory +libext+ext Specifies a Verilog library directory to search for module definitions. -work logical_library Specifies the logical library where the intermediate files are written into. The physical location of logical libraries are defined inside the synopsys_sim.setup file. If not given, by default the intermediate files are stored in the logical WORK directory. +incdir+directory Specifies the search directories to search for files specified with the ‘include compiler directive. You can specify more than one directory, separating each path name with the plus (+) character. +v2k Enables the use of new Verilog constructs in the 1364-2001 standard. For a complete list of the command-line options for vlogan, refer to the VCS® MX/VCS MXi User Guide. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 107 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Compiling the Netlists Example 60 shows the calling of vlogan, where the two Verilog netlist files cell1.v and cell2.v are passed for analysis. Example 60 % vlogan cell1.v cell2.v Because the –work option is not given, the intermediary files generated during analysis are stored in the logical WORK directory—the physical location of which is determined in the synopsys_sim.setup file. Example 61 shows that instead of passing the names of individual Verilog files, option -f passes the file_list file to vlogan, which includes the names of the Verilog files to be analyzed. The intermediary files are also generated during the analysis of the Verilog files and are written into the vlog_lib logical library. The physical location of this logical library must be defined in the synopsys_sim.setup file. Example 61 % vlogan –f file_list -work vlog_lib Example 62 shows how to analyze a Verilog wrapper file that contains one or more wreal ports. The -realport option must be used. Example 62 % vlogan –realport wrapper1.v Here, vlogan is called to analyze the verilog file wrapper1.v. Also the option -realport is used so that the ports defined as wreal in the wrapper1.v file can be handled by vlogan; otherwise, analysis fails and an error message is generated. If there are no wreal ports defined in the Verilog files passed to vlogan, using the -realport option has no impact on the analysis. 108 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Compiling the Netlists The vhdlan Utility To analyze VHDL files, the vhdlan command must be used. The syntax of the command follows: vhdlan [options] vhdl_file(s) Argument Description -f optionsfile Specifies an optionsfile that expands vhdlan command-line options. -help Displays a succinct description of the most commonly used options. -version Prints the version number of vhdlan and exits without running analysis. -work logical_library Specifies the logical library where the intermediate files are written into. The physical location of logical libraries are defined inside the synopsys_sim.setup file. If not given, by default the intermediate files are stored in the logical WORK directory. -output outfile Redirects standard output from VCS-MX analysis (that usually goes to the screen) to the file you specify as outfile. For a complete list of the command-line options for vhdlan, refer to the VCS® MX/VCS MXi User Guide. Example 63 shows the calling of vhdlan, where the test1.vhd and test2.vhd files are passed for analysis: Example 63 % vhdlan test1.vhd test2.vhd Because the -work option is not used, the intermediary files generated during analysis are stored in the WORK logical library, the physical location of which is determined in the synopsys_sim.setup file. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 109 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Compiling the Netlists Example 64 shows the file testbench.vhd is analyzed and the intermediary files are stored in the vhd_lib logical library. The physical location of vhd_lib must be defined inside the synopsys_sim.setup file. Example 64 % vhdlan –work vhd_lib testbench.vhd The Elaboration Stage Once all the VHDL and Verilog blocks in the design (including the Verilog wrappers) are analyzed, the next step is to elaborate those blocks, as well as the SPICE cells, as the final stage of the compilation. To elaborate the design, the vcs command is used with the following syntax: vcs -ad[=initFile] ElabOptions 110 topConfig | topModule| topEntity Argument Description -ad [=initFile] Enables the mixed-signal feature. If -ad is used alone, the mixed-signal control file name is assumed to be vcsAD.init. If the file name is different, it must be given with the =initFile option. topConfig | topModule| topEntity Defines the top-level cell in the design. The toplevel cell can be defined in one of three ways: topConfig Defined by the VHDL configuration name that is defined for the top-level cell, if the design is VHDL-top. topModule Defined by the name of the top-level module, if the design is Verilog-top. topEntity Defined by the name of the top-level entity, if the design is VHDL-top. ElabOptions Some of the useful VCS options that can be used during elaboration are listed as follows. For a complete list of all VCS options, refer to the VCS® MX/VCS MXi User Guide. Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Compiling the Netlists Argument Description -debub Enables DVE and UCLI debugging. This option does not enable line-stepping. -debub_all Enables DVE and UCLI debugging, including line-stepping. -debug_pp Enables both VPD generation and UCLI debugging. One of these two options (-debug_pp or -PP) are needed in combination with a $vcspluson system task embedded in the Verilog code to generate a unified VPD output file for both Verilog and VHDL signals. Enables VPD generation. -PP One of these two options (-debug_pp or -PP) are needed in combination with a $vcspluson system task embedded in the Verilog code to generate a unified VPD output file for both Verilog and VHDL signals. -o executable_name Enables you to give the executable a different name. By default, simv is the name of the executable generated by VCS. -R Runs the simulation immediately when the compilation is successfully completed. -ucli Enables UCLI debugging and forces the simulation to start in UCLI mode at run time. Example 65 shows a sample compilation script for XA-VCS-MX containing analysis and elaboration commands for a design with VHDL, Verilog and SPICE components. The design is assumed to be VHDL-top, and the tb.vhd and blk_1.vhd files contain all of the VHDL definitions, the blk_2.v and Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 111 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Running the Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE blk_3.v files contain all of the Verilog definitions, and the all_spice.spi file contains the SPICE definitions. Example 65 vlogan blk_2.v blk_3.v vhdlan tb.vhd blk1.vhd vcs -ad=setup.init testbench -ad_xa testbench is the name of the top-level entity. Because the -work option is not present, the default logical WORK library is used to analyze the digital blocks into. The mixed-signal control file "setup.init" file can look like Example 66: Example 66 choose xa –n all_spice.spi –c xa.cmd; use_spice –cell counter ddr_flop; bus_format <%d>; Because counter and ddr_flop are multi-view cells, the "use_spice" command has been used to explicitly specify that the SPICE view of those cells must be used. Running the Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE To run the mixed-signal simulation, the executable generated during the compilation must be run. By default, simv is the executable, unless the default name is overridden by the VCS -o option. The syntax for running simv follows: % simv 112 [runtime options] Argument Description -include [VCS-MX command file_name] Specifies a file that contains VCS-MX commands to be run during run-time. -l [log_file_name] Generates a run-time log file. -ucli Starts the simulation in the UCLI interactive mode. The UCLI feature must have been enabled at compile time by passing the -ucli option to VCS. Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Running the Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Argument Description -version Prints the version of the VCS-MX used in compilation. In Example 67, simv generates a simv.log run-time log file. Example 67 % simv –l simv.log In Example 68, the -ucli option starts the simulation in the UCLI interactive mode (assuming that the -debug or -debug_all option was also used during VCS compilation). Example 68 %simv -ucli In Example 69, a command file is passed to simv at run time. Example 69 % simv –include command.txt The command.txt file can appear as follows: run 1000 echo “Simulation run for 1000 time-units” quit Simulation Time Resolution in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The time resolution rules and requirements for in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE simulation are identical to those for Verilog-SPICE simulation. Refer to the section Running the Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow in Chapter 4, Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow. Interactive Simulation with UCLI using NS-VCS-MX The simulation with UCLI rules and requirements for NS-VCS-MX are identical to those for an NS-VCS simulation. Refer to the section Invoking the Interactive Mode with the UCLI Debugging Feature with Verilog-SPICE in Chapter 4, Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 113 Chapter 8: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Back-annotation Back-annotation The same rules governing back-annotation in Verilog-SPICE apply in VHDL/ Verilog-SPICE as well. 114 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 9 9 Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE This chapter describes how to use the autowrapper utility, which can generate Verilog wrappers for SPICE subcircuits instantiated under VHDL. Overview The autowrapper generates an empty Verilog module for a given SPICE subcircuit. This chapter contains the following sections: ■ The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility • Using the Autowrapper Utility The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility As described in the previous chapters, a SPICE subcircuit cannot be directly instantiated in a VHDL or a Verilog block. A Verilog wrapper corresponding to the subcircuit must be initially created. The wrapper can be manually created or automatically created using the autowrapper utility. After the wrapper has been created, you have to change the port direction in the wrapper.v file. Port direction does not pertain to a SPICE subcircuit, as all ports are considered inout. The autowrapper utility specifies all ports with inout direction. You must change the port direction in the wrapper.v file to assign the actual direction to each port (such as input, output, or inout). Although designating the directions of all ports as inout works, it could hinder (slow) the run time because inout mixed-nets can lead to many successive back-and-forth D/A and A/D conversions. The autowrapper utility creates wrapper.v and wrapper.log files (by default). The wrapper.v file contains all Verilog wrapper modules corresponding to all Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 115 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility subcircuits that are defined in the SPICE file. For instance, if there are four subcircuits specified in the SPICE file, this utility creates four Verilog wrapper modules in the wrapper.v file. See the following syntax, example, and description: autowrapper -n[fmt] netlist_file(s)_name [-bus_fm bus_format][-cell subckt_name(s)] [-xcell subckt_name(s)] [-file netlist_file_name] [-o output_file_name][-case s|S|l|L|u|U] See the following example: autowrapper -nspice test.spi For instance, a SPICE file contains the following subcircuit, as shown in Example 70. Example 70 SPICE subcircuit file sample *spice sub circuit definition example .subckt inv a zn m1 zn a vdd vdd p 1 0.35 m2 zn a gnd gnd n 2 0.35 .ends The autowrapper utility creates a Verilog wrapper, as shown in Example 71. Example 71 Verilog wrapper module file sample //generated verilog wrapper example module inv (a, zn); inout a; inout zn; endmodule All ports are defined as inout in module inv. You must change port directions; for example, a as input and zn as output. For a description of the autowrapper utility options, see Table 11. Table 11 116 autowrapper Utility Description Utility option Description -n[fmt] netlist_file(s)_name Specifies the file name (in any NanoSimsupported format) to be read-in. (Required option) Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility Table 11 autowrapper Utility Description (Continued) Utility option Description -bus_fm bus_format Enables the recognition of bus signals (with a specified bus format) for the input netlist file. The default bus format is [%d], but it can be set to any valid node name symbols. See Table 12 . -cell subckt_name(s) Specifies the subcircuits, in the netlist file, that must be converted into Verilog wrapper modules. (All other subcircuits are ignored.) The module name uses the same casesensitivity as the subckt_name. If the defined subcircuit is not detected in the file, the following WARNING message is displayed: There is no subckt .... in nanosim_netlist_name. -xcell subckt_name(s) Specifies the subcircuits that must NOT be converted into Verilog wrapper modules. (All other subcircuits are converted into Verilog wrapper modules.) This option excludes specified subcircuits, and is case-insensitive. If the defined subcircuit is not detected in the file, the following WARNING message is displayed: There is no subckt .... in nanosim_netlist_name. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 117 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility Table 11 autowrapper Utility Description (Continued) Utility option Description -file netlist_file_name Defines a list of subcircuits that must be converted into Verilog wrapper modules. These subcircuits are defined in the netlist_file. The netlist_file must have one subcircuit name per line. You can define the excluded subcircuit(s) commenting out the subcircuit names with a semicolon (;), as in the following example: File:name.txt ;inv ;xor ;f_add adder -o output_file_name Defines the name of the output file name where the Verilog wrappers are written, and sets the .log file prefix. If the same file exists in the output directory, it is overwritten without a WARNING message. -case s|S|l|L|u|U -case s or -case S maintains case-sensitivity for the port names -case l or -case L generates lowercase port names (default) -case u or -case U generates uppercase port names Table 12 118 -bus_fm bus_format options bus signal bus format A[0] [%d] B_1 _%d C<2> <%d> D_3_ _%d_ Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility Table 12 -bus_fm bus_format options bus signal bus format E{4} {%d} F5 %d G6_ %d_ For example, the _%d bus format directs the autowrapper utility to recognize bus signals defined as A_1, A_2 ..., A_n. Using the Autowrapper Utility See the following guidelines about using the Autowrapper utility: ■ If an inout port is connected to the register type net, VCS generates an error message and stops compilation. In Verilog, a register type net should be connected to an input port—not an inout port. The autowrapper utility only generates inout ports, since direction does not exist in SPICE netlists. Therefore, before compiling, edit the wrapper.v file and specify the correct port direction. ■ The autowrapper utility generates one Verilog wrapper module per subcircuit; therefore, it can generate unnecessary Verilog wrappers. Some of these modules might be using the same module name as other Verilog modules in the original Verilog code. If this occurs, VCS generates an error message and stops compilation. Therefore, before compiling, check the module names in the Verilog wrapper file. If the name is used elsewhere in the Verilog description, and the generated Verilog wrapper is not needed, remove the module from the Verilog wrapper file. Example 72 displays the SPICE definition for subcircuits adder4 and inv, and how a Verilog wrapper can be generated. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 119 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility Example 72 Wrapper module for adder4 and inv .subckt adder4 a[3] a[2] a[1] a[0] b[3] b[2] b[1] b[0] + clk cin cout xinv1 clk clkn inv … .ends .subckt inv a zn m1 zn a vdd vdd p 1 0.35 m2 zn a gnd gnd n 2 0.35 .ends You run the following: autowrapper -nspi netlist -o net.v The content of file net.v is shown in Example 73: Example 73 net.v file sample module adder4 (a, b, clk, cin, cout); inout [3:0] a; inout [3:0] b; inout clk; inout cin; inout cout; endmodule module inv (a, zn); inout a; inout zn; endmodule The inv module is unnecessary here and can create confusion if another inv module exists in the original Verilog code. You must remove the inv module description from the net.v file. 120 ■ Verilog is case-sensitive. SPICE is not case-sensitive. The autowrapper utility maintains case-sensitivity for module names; but, you must use the -case option if you want to maintain case-sensitivity for port names. ■ No timescale information in the wrapper file is generated by the autowrapper utility. Therefore, the wrapper file must be placed at the end of the Verilog file’s compilation input: Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility vcs -ad a.v c.v d.v wrapper.v ■ If the signal in the SPICE netlist is bus- or array-type, it must be expanded. The autowrapper utility automatically generates bus- or array-type signals in the Verilog wrapper file (original SPICE subcircuit), as shown in Example 74. Refer to Table 11 for details. Example 74 Bus- or array-type signals in a Verilog wrapper (original SPICE subcircuit) .subckt mem DATA[3], DATA[2], DATA[1], DATA[0], + WL[0], WL[1], WL[2], WL[3], + WL[4], WL[5], WL[6], WL[7], + R_WB, RAM_ENB .ends The autowrapper utility automatically forms bus- or array-type signals in the Verilog wrapper file, as shown in Example 75. Refer to Table 11 for details. Example 75 Bus- or array-type signals in a Verilog wrapper (generated Verilog wrapper module) module mem (data, wl, r_wb, ram_enb); inout [3:0] data; inout [0:7] wl; inout r_wb; inout ram_enb; endmodule ■ If special characters and Verilog-specific keywords are used for the signal or subcircuit name, the name is assigned a backslash ( \ ) leading character. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 121 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility In addition, a space is inserted at the end of the name in the Verilog wrapper file, as shown in Example 76. Example 76 Backslash leading character and space in Verilog wrapper module \inverter.test ( \if , \1 , \2 ); inout \if ; inout \1 ; inout \2 ; endmodule module vsources (\0 , \B#1 , B, \CE# , CLK, DECOUT, \Q^ , XDPD, \b#2 ); inout \0 ; inout \B#1 ; inout [5:5] B; inout \CE# ; inout CLK; inout [7:7] DECOUT; inout \Q^ ; inout [7:7] XDPD; inout \b#2 ; endmodule ■ If subcircuit ports in a bus are randomly ordered in the transistor netlist, the autowrapper utility cannot function properly. See Example 77 for a sample (unsupported) file. Example 77 Subcircuit ports in bus format .subckt p7ibptacddecwr clk wlw0[0] wlw0[10] wlw0[11] wlw0[12] +wlw0[13] wlw0[14] wlw0[15] wlw0[1] wlw0[2] +wlw0[3] wlw0[4] wlw0[5] wlw0[6] wlw0[7] +wlw0[8] wlw0[9] wlw1[0] wlw1[10] wlw1[11] +wlw1[12] wlw1[13] wlw1[14] wlw1[15] wlw1[1] +wlw1[2] wlw1[3] wlw1[4] wlw1[5] wlw1[6] +wlw1[7] wlw1[8] wlw1[9] writeadd[0] writeadd[1] +writeadd[2] writeadd[3] writeen[0] writeen[1] .ends ■ Nested subcircuits in the SPICE netlist are supported. A module is generated for the nested subcircuit; the module name is made of the nested subcircuit name preceded by the parent subcircuit name, itself preceded by a backslash character (\). A nested subcircuit sample is shown in Example 78. 122 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility Example 78 Nested subcircuit (original SPICE subcircuit) .subckt s in out .subckt inv13 in out .ends inv13 .ends s An automatically generated Verilog wrapper module sample is shown in Example 79. Example 79 Nested subcircuit (Verilog wrapper module) module s (in, out) inout out; inout in; endmodule module \s.inv13 (in, out); inout out; inout in; endmodule Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 123 Chapter 9: Creating Verilog Wrappers in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE The VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Autowrapper Utility 124 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 10 10 Mixed Simulation Output and Display in VHDL/VerilogSPICE This chapter describes the ways analog and digital waveforms can be generated and saved in NS-VCS-MX, HSIM-VCS-MX and XA-VCS-MX simulations. Overview The output of VHDL/Verilog-SPICE mixed-signal simulation can either be saved into two separate files—one file for VCS-MX results (.vpd format) and another for analog results (for example,.vpd or .fsdb format)—or the simulation can generate a unified single output (in .vpd format or .uod in the case of NS-VCS-MX or HSIM-VCS-MX format) that contains both digital and analog waveforms. This chapter contains the following sections: ■ Generating an Analog Output File ■ Generating a Digital Output File ■ Generating a Merged VPD Output File Generating an Analog Output File The same methods described in the Verilog-SPICE chapter earlier in this document are applicable in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE as well (see Printing Analog Signals on page 80). Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 125 Chapter 10: Mixed Simulation Output and Display in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Generating a Digital Output File Generating a Digital Output File To capture both VHDL and Verilog signals in the design, the format of the digital output file must be VPD (also called VCD+). Storing digital signals in VPD also provides the option of merging the digital and analog signals into a unified output file. The method for generating the VPD file for digital signals depends on whether the design is VHDL-top (top-level cell is in VHDL) or Verilog-top (top-level cell is in Verilog). The steps to generate VPD output for VHDL-top designs follows: 1. Use the -PP or -debug_pp compile time options with VCS to enable VPD generation by VCS-MX, as follows: vcs -ad top_entity_name -PP or vcs -ad top_entity_name –debug_pp 2. Use the simv run time options "-ucli -i ucli_command_file_name" to pass UCLI commands to dump a VPD file to VCS_MX. The command file must contain a dump command to create a VPD file. It can also contain an optional command to specify the name of the output VPD file. The example below shows how the UCLI command file is read at run time: simv -ucli -i ucli_command_file where the content of the command file looks like: dump -file output.vpd dump -add / -depth 99 run 50000 quit in which the -deep option specifies that all signals—at and below the hierarchical path /foo—are dumped in the VPD file. If foo is the name of the top entity, every digital signal in the design is saved in the VPD file. The -o option specifies the VPD file name, and in this example, the file name is foo.vpd. For a complete list of all options for the dump command, refer to the VCSMX User Guide. 126 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 10: Mixed Simulation Output and Display in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Generating a Merged VPD Output File The steps to generate VPD output for Verilog-top designs follows: 1. Use the -PP or -debug_pp compile time options with VCS to enable VPD generation by VCS-MX, as follows: vcs -ad top_entity_name -PP or vcs -ad top_entity_name –debug_pp 2. Use the $vcdpluson system task in the Verilog code to create a VPD output file. The file name is vcdplus.vpd. The syntax for the $vcdpluson system task is: $vcdpluson [(level_number,module_instance|net or reg)]; Example 80 captures all signals in block, and two levels below it: Example 80 $vcdpluson (2,; If $vcdpluson is called without parameters, $vcdpluson; all digital signals are dumped in the output VPD file. For more descriptions of the $vcdpluson system task, refer to the VCSMX User Guide. Generating a Merged VPD Output File In VHDL/Verilog-SPICE, a merged output file in VPD format can be created. To generate a merged VPD file, the following conditions must be met: ■ The analog signals must be saved in .vpd format and NanoSim/HSIM/XA must be instructed to merge the analog VPD output with the one generated by VCS through the following configuration commands: • For NanoSim config command: set_print_format for=vpd • file=merge For HSIM SPICE command: Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 127 Chapter 10: Mixed Simulation Output and Display in VHDL/Verilog-SPICE Generating a Merged VPD Output File .param HSIMOUTPUT=vpd • file=merge For XA config command: set_waveform –format vpd ■ –file=merge The digital signals must be saved in .vpd format The name of the merged VPD file will be the one determined by VCS. 128 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Part: 4 NanoSim-VCS-AMS Mixed-Signal Simulation Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 129 130 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 11 11 Using the NanoSim-VCS-AMS Feature This chapter provides an overview of the NS-VCS-AMS flow. Overview The NS-VCS-AMS feature enables the NS-VCS mixed-signal engine to support the Verilog-AMS language, as described in the Verilog-AMS LRM 2.2 (with some exceptions and limitations described in this section). The NS-VCS-AMS flow supports many of the same features as those in NSVCS, described in Chapter 2, Using Mixed Signal Features. This chapter describes both the features that are specific to the NS-VCS-AMS flow, and those features that differ from the NS-VCS flow. Some of the concepts in the Verilog-AMS language that must be considered when using the NS-VCS-AMS flow are: ■ Analog and digital blocks in Verilog-AMS ■ Connect rules and connect modules ■ Continuous and discrete domains ■ Nets and disciplines This chapter contains the following topics: ■ Analog and Digital Domains ■ Understanding Analog and Digital Blocks in Verilog-AMS ■ The Concept of Nets and Disciplines Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 131 Chapter 11: Using the NanoSim-VCS-AMS Feature Analog and Digital Domains Analog and Digital Domains Depending on the computational methods used to calculate the values of a signals or variable, the signal or variable can belong to the analog domain (also known as continuous domain) or digital domain (also known as discrete domain). Voltage and current values are calculated in the analog domain, while the contents of registers and states of gate primitives are calculated in the digital domain. Integer and real variables can belong to either the analog or digital domain, depending on how their values are assigned. If a value is assigned in an analog block, the domain is considered analog. If a value is assigned in a digital block, the domain is considered digital. The assignment to real and integer variables can occur only in one domain. Values calculated in the digital domain change values in a discrete and noncontinuous manner. As a result, the derivative—with respect to the time of a digital value—is always zero (0). Values calculated in the analog domain, however, vary continuously and their derivative—with respect to the time— varies (as the value varies). Understanding Analog and Digital Blocks in Verilog-AMS Verilog-AMS supports the definition of analog and digital blocks within the same module, and for the digital block to access nets in the analog block (and vice-versa). 132 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 11: Using the NanoSim-VCS-AMS Feature The Concept of Nets and Disciplines Example 81 shows Verilog-AMS code with both digital and analog blocks (highlighted). Example 81 Verilog-AMS code with both digital and analog blocks `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" module foo ( in, out); input in; output out; logic in; electrical out; reg clk; (Digital block) initial begin clk = 0; forever #5 clk = ~clk; end analog begin (Analog block) if (in == clk) V(out) <+ 1.8; else V(out) <+ 0.0; end endmodule A Verilog-AMS module can contain many digital blocks, but it can only contain one analog block as defined in the Verilog-AMS LRM (Language Reference Manual). An analog block is identified by the keyword analog. All other blocks inside a module definition are considered digital blocks (e.g., initial and always blocks). Since Verilog-AMS is a superset of the Verilog-A and digital Verilog-HDL languages, a module that only contains digital blocks (conventional digital Verilog HDL) or a module that only contains an analog block (conventional Verilog-A) is also viewed and treated as Verilog-AMS code by the simulator. The Concept of Nets and Disciplines In Verilog-AMS, the term net refers to nodes inside a module that provide connections between two or more submodules. Every port of an instantiated module provides a connection between two nets. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 133 Chapter 11: Using the NanoSim-VCS-AMS Feature The Concept of Nets and Disciplines A net can belong to a digital or analog domain. The way to declare the domain for a net is by associating it with a predefined discipline in Verilog-AMS. Two of the most common disciplines in Verilog-AMS are electrical—for analog nets, and logic—for digital nets. The discipline declaration for each net can be made explicitly in the code, or the simulator can resolve it, based on the discipline resolution algorithm. However, the discipline of all nets in a Verilog-AMS code must be determined before the simulation can start. In Example 81, port in is defined as a net of discipline logic, while port out is declared as a net of discipline electrical. Example 82 shows an example of a module in which internal nets n1, n2 and n3 are defined to make connections between submodules. Example 82 Port connectivity for instances via nets for which no explicit disciplines are defined `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" module test; // no disciplines declared for nets "n1", "n2" and "n3" blka blkb blkc i1 i2 i3 (.a( n1), .b(n2), .z(n3) ); (.out(n1) ); (.a(n3), .out(n2) ); endmodule Note: No explicit disciplines are declared for these nets, and the simulator can use the discipline resolution method to assign the proper discipline. In the digital Verilog-HDL language, no explicit discipline declaration is made for wire, reg or port, so the compilation of the Verilog-HDL files can fail when they are used in the NS-VCS-AMS flow. To resolve this problem, a default discipline can be declared for all nets without an explicit discipline declaration. This can be achieved by either placing the `default_discipline directive inside the Verilog code, or by using the -ams_discipline VCS compile switch. Example 83 shows where the `default_discipline directive in Verilog code is used to define the discipline logic as the default discipline. In this example, ports a and b of module foo have no explicit discipline declaration. 134 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 11: Using the NanoSim-VCS-AMS Feature The Concept of Nets and Disciplines However, because of the `default_discipline logic statement, the logic discipline is assigned. Example 83 Defining a default discipline using the `default_discipline directive `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" `default_discipline logic module foo ( a , b); input a; output b; … endmodule Example 84 shows the -ams_discipline VCS switch defines a default discipline. Example 84 vcs -ams_discipline switch declares a default discipline testbench.v -R -ad -ams_discipline logic Unlike nets, disciplines are not explicitly declared for variables.. The domain of a variable is determined by the context in which the assignment is made. If the variable is assigned a value in an analog context (i.e., in an analog block), the variable is considered analog. If, however, the assignment is made in a digital context (i.e., in a digital block), the variable is considered digital. A variable can only be assigned a value in one domain, but it can be accessed for reading from any domain. Example 85 shows a digital domain variable. The real variable v is assigned a value in the digital domain (inside the initial block), and as a result is considered a digital variable. Example 85 Digital variable assigned a value in a digital domain (inside "initial" block) `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" module foo; real v; initial begin v=1.5; end … endmodule Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 135 Chapter 11: Using the NanoSim-VCS-AMS Feature The Concept of Nets and Disciplines Example 86 shows a variable definition in Verilog-AMS code. The variable is assigned a value in the analog domain, and is treated as an analog variable. Example 86 Analog variable assigned a value in an analog domain (inside "analog" block). `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" module foo; real v; analog begin … v = 1.5; … end … endmodule 136 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 12 12 Mixed-Signal Report Files This chapter provides a detailed description of the intermediate files generated in these mixed-signal simulation flows: Verilog-SPICE, VHDL/Verilog-SPICE, and Verilog-AMS-SPICE. simv.msv Directory and Mixed-signal Report Files In all flows of the Discovery-AMS mixed-signal simulation, a directory with the .msv extension is created to store mixed-signal report files. By default, the name for the directory will be simv.msv unless the VCS -o option is used to change the name of the executable generated by VCS. In that case, the name of the directory will be vcs_output.msv. The following sections describe the report files that are stored in the .msv directory and explains their contents. ■ through_net.rpt ■ hierarchy.rpt ■ mview.rpt ■ interface_element.rpt ■ names_map.rpt through_net.rpt This file is only generated in Verilog-SPICE and VHDL/Verilog-SPICE flows. It contains the list of all thrunets in the design and gets generated only if there is at least one a2a or d2d net in the design. If both a2a and d2d thrunets exist in the design, the a2a nets will be listed first, followed by d2d nets, as shown in the example below: Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 137 Chapter 12: Mixed-Signal Report Files simv.msv Directory and Mixed-signal Report Files snps_sptop.lock a2a snps_sptop.reset a2a snps_sptop.f6g_b d2d snps_sptop.xpll.lfin d2d … hierarchy.rpt This file lists the hierarchical paths to all cells in the design along with their cell names with exact same content and format as in “”. An example of the file content is shown below: top(top).dut<addr4>.x4<addr>.x9<nor2> top(top).dut<addr4>.x1<addr>.x2<xor2>.x2<inv> top(top).dut<addr4>.x1<addr>.x2<xor2>.x3<inv> top(top).dut<addr4>.x1<addr>.x2<xor2>.x4<xfer> mview.rpt The name and content of this file remains unchanged. It lists all cells in the design that have more than one view (for example, SPICE, Verilog, Verilog-A). Here is an example of the file content: ; Lists of modules: Verilog Spice Verilog-A Adfmi pll pll * * * inv inv * In this example, multi-view cell “pll” has Verilog and SPICE views, while cell “inv” has SPICE and Verilog-A views. interface_element.rpt This file is only generated in Verilog-SPICE and VHDL/Verilog-SPICE flows. It contains all information related to interface nets in the design in the following format: 138 ■ A header explaining the meanings of acronyms used in the file (a2d, e2r etc.) ■ Total number of all resistors added to the netlist because of interface elements ■ A list of resistance map files used ■ A list of all interface nodes Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 12: Mixed-Signal Report Files simv.msv Directory and Mixed-signal Report Files The following comment lines appear at the top of the report file. They explain the meaning of the acronyms used in describing the type of interface nets: # a2d: Analog to Digital interface node # d2a: Digital to Analog interface node # inout: bidirectional interface node # e2r: Real interface node with an Analog to Digital direction # r2e: Real interface node with a Digital to Analog direction The header is followed a list of resistance map files used in the design. If no explicit resistance map file is used, only the default resistance map will be listed: rmap_file 1 = tool_install_dir/ otherwise all resistance map files that apply to interface nets will be listed as shown below: rmap_file 1 = ./ rmap_file 2 = ./ rmap_file 3 = ./ rmap_file 4 = ./ rmap_file 5 = ./ The next section in the report file is the list of interface nodes, which looks like the following: … a2d loth=0.2v hith=1.7v node= snps_sptop.xpll.lock; d2a hiv=3.3 lov=0.0 node= snps_sptop.xpll.xpfd.xlock.lock; inout hiv=3.3 lov=0.0 loth=0.3v hith=2.7v node= top.i1.clk; e2r node=top.i2.ctl; r2e; … The “loth” and “hith” values for “a2d” and “inout” nodes are reported as absolute values and not as ratios (percentages). It is important to note that for “a2d” and “d2a” nodes, the reports are generated with correct syntax for “a2d” and “d2a” commands. Consequently, to change the default settings, these lines can be copied and pasted into mixed-signal control file (vcsAD.init) and the only changes needed will be the ones to the high and low levels/thresholds. The equivalent report in the Verilog-AMS-SPICE flow is the Connect Module report which can be generated with the VCS option -ad_iereport. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 139 Chapter 12: Mixed-Signal Report Files simv.msv Directory and Mixed-signal Report Files names_map.rpt This file is only generated in the Verilog-SPICE and VHDL/Verilog-SPICE flows. Each line in this file corresponds to an interface element and contains two entries in the following format: interface_low_conn : interface_hi_conn where low_conn and hi_conn refer to the two ends of a mixed-net. ■ low_conn refers to the net name in the child cell that connects to the interface. ■ hi_conn refers to the net name in the parent cell that connects to the interface. If Verilog/VHDL instantiates SPICE, the hi_conn node will be in Verilog/VHDL net and the low_conn will be a SPICE one. If SPICE instantiates Verilog/VHDL, the hi_conn will be a SPICE net and low_conn will be a Verilog/VHDL one. In the following example, signal top.ctl is the hi_conn for the given interface net and top.i1.x4.ctl_sig is the low_conn net. top.i1.x4.ctl_sig:top.ctl: 140 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 13 Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS 13 This chapter describes using multiple views, donut partitioning, and connect modules in NS-VCS-AMS. Overview The following topics are described in this section: ■ Selecting Multiple Views ■ Understanding Hierarchical Layering of SPICE and Verilog-AMS in a Design ■ Unsupported Features and Limitations in NS-VCS-AMS ■ Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules • Identifying the Correct Connect Module • Understanding Connect Rules Selecting Multiple Views In the NS-VCS-AMS flow, multi-view cells can exist, meaning that the cells have both a SPICE subcircuit and a Verilog module definition. The appropriate view can be selected by using The use_spice Command or The use_verilog Command (mixed-signal control commands). Both of these commands—just as in NS-VCS—support instance-based, as well as cell-based, view selection. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 141 Chapter 13: Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS Understanding Hierarchical Layering of SPICE and Verilog-AMS in a Design Note: In the NS-VCS-AMS flow, there is no distinction between Verilog-A, digital Verilog-HDL or Verilog-AMS code. Verilog-A and digital Verilog-HDL are both viewed as subsets of Verilog-AMS. Legacy digital Verilog-HDL code or legacy Verilog-A code are both considered Verilog-AMS code in the NSVCS-AMS flow. In the NS-VCS-AMS flow, a cell can only have one module definition. Regardless of the type of Verilog language used, the definition is viewed as Verilog-AMS and can be selected by using the use_verilog command. Example 87 shows a mixed-signal control file where both instance-based and cell-based view selection commands are used. Example 87 A mixed-signal simulation setup file with both cell-based and instance-based usage for "use_spice" and "use_verilog" commands choose nanosim -n spice_files.spi -c cfg; use_verilog use_spice top.i1.i2; top.i1.i3; use_verilog -module use_spice -cell mux; inverter; Note: In the NS-VCS-AMS flow, all Verilog files are passed to VCS at compile time. In the NS-VCS flow, Verilog-A files are passed to NanoSim, using the `hdl command. Although this feature is also supported in the NS-VCS-AMS flow, it is recommended that all Verilog files, including legacy Verilog-A, be passed to VCS at compile time as described in Chapter 4, Running a MixedSignal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow. Understanding Hierarchical Layering of SPICE and Verilog-AMS in a Design NS-VCS-AMS supports both SPICE-top and Verilog-top flows. It also supports any donut configuration with arbitrary layering of SPICE and Verilog-AMS in the design hierarchy. By default, NS-VCS-AMS assumes that the design is Verilog-top, unless the spice_top command is placed in the mixed-signal control file. The support of the SPICE-top and Verilog-top flows in NS-VCS-AMS is consistent with their 142 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 13: Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS Unsupported Features and Limitations in NS-VCS-AMS support in NS-VCS. For further information, please refer to the section Three Mixed-Signal Simulation Flows in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Mixed-Signal Simulation. Unsupported Features and Limitations in NS-VCS-AMS The following Verilog-AMS 2.2 features are not currently supported in the NSVCS-AMS flow: ■ Cross-Module Referencing (XMR) across the analog/digital boundary Note: XMR within the Verilog code is supported. However, an XMR in which the source or the target of the XMR is located in the analog domain is not supported. ■ abstol parameter in ddt() (LRM chapter 4.4.4) ■ aliasparam (LRM chapter 3.2) ■ ddx() (LRM chapter 4.4.7 ) ■ detail discipline resolution (LRM chapter ■ driver access functions, $driver_xxx (LRM chapter 8.10) ■ hierarchical net discipline coercion (LRM chapter ■ hierarchical system parameters (LRM chapter 7.2.6) ■ last_crossing (LRM chapter 4.4.11) ■ localparam (LRM chapter 3.2) ■ parameterized-width analog buses ■ parameter arrays (LRM chapter 3.2.4) ■ paramsets (LRM chapter 7.3 ) ■ $param_given() (LRM chapter 10.11) ■ $port_connected() (LRM chapter 10.11) ■ predefined macros (LRM chapter 11.7) ■ $rdist_xxx functions (LRM chapter 10.3) ■ $simparam() (LRM chapter 10.1) ■ VPI routines (LRM chapter 13) Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 143 Chapter 13: Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules In Verilog-AMS, the conversion of signals between the analog and digital domains is done by interface blocks called connect modules. Connect modules are inserted automatically by the simulator at the interface between analog and digital nets, but they can also be inserted manually. A connect module is a predefined Verilog-AMS module with two ports—one analog and one digital. Example 88 shows a sample connect module with the arbitrary name of snps_cm_a2d that takes an input of type electrical and produces an output of type logic. Example 88 An a2d connect module with an arbitrary name of "snps_cm_a2d" connectmodule snps_cm_a2d (ain, dout); output dout; input ain; logic dout; electrical ain; … // The body of the connect-module … // will be defined here endmodule Identifying the Correct Connect Module The process of identifying and applying the appropriate connect module for each interface requires the following steps: 1. The simulator ensures that every net in a module has a defined discipline. If a net does not have an explicit discipline definition, the discipline resolution algorithm is called to resolve and assign a discipline based on the discipline of other nets connected to it. 2. Once the disciplines for all nets are determined, the simulator identifies connections between nets of digital and analog disciplines 3. connect modules with matching disciplines are then inserted between the analog and digital nets. Direction of the ports are also accounted for. Note: These steps occur at compilation time. If any steps are unsuccessful, the compile exits with an error message. 144 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 13: Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules Verilog-AMS enables associating a particular connect module, based on the disciplines and port directions of the two nets connected, by defining a connect rule that is passed to the simulator. Connect modules of this type are commonly called a2d connect modules. Connect modules that take a digital input and deliver an analog output are usually called d2a connect modules. The connect modules with bidirectional analog and digital ports are called bidi connect modules. Understanding Connect Rules Example 89 shows a connect rule where two connect module associations are made. The first rule defines the connect module to be used in case an a2d interface must be inserted between two nets. The second rule defines the connect module to be used as a d2a interface between two nets. Example 89 Connect rule definition "snps_crules" connectrules snps_crules; connect snps_cm_a2d input electrical, output logic ; connect snps_cm_d2a input logic, output electrical ; endconnectrules A connect rule may contain many more associations; for example, to define interfaces between other types of digital and analog disciplines, or to define bidi connect modules. Note: Connect rules and connect modules are only deployed by the simulator if there is a connection between a digital and an analog net. If no direct connection exists throughout the netlist, connect rules and connect modules are not used. In NS-VCS-AMS, all conversions of signals between digital and analog are done by-way-of connect modules, as opposed to the resistance mapping used in NS-VCS. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 145 Chapter 13: Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules Example 90 displays an example in which no connect module is required. Example 90 Direct net access between analog and digital blocks within the same module module foo ( dig_in, dig_out, an_in, an_out); input dig_in, an_in; output dig_out, an_out; reg dig_out; logic electrical dig_in, dig_out; an_in, an_out; … always @ (above(V(an_in), +1) dig_out = 1b'1; // analog signal accessed in digital domain … analog begin if (dig_in == 1b'1) // digital signal accessed in analog domain V(an_out) <+ 1.8; end … endmodule Figure 18 shows an example of a circuit, a simple inverter chain, where connect modules are used because of a direct connection of analog and digital nets. 146 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 13: Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules Figure 18 Verilog-D logic Cells of an inverter chain modeled in SPICE, Verilog-D, Verilog-A and Verilog-AMS SPICE logic electrical Verilog-AMS electrical logic electrical Verilog-A electrical electrical The circuit in this example contains four inverters: ■ The first inverter is modeled in Verilog-D The inverter is defined by a module that contains only digital block(s) ■ The second inverter is modeled in SPICE All ports of a SPICE cell assume electrical discipline in NS-VCS-AMS ■ The third inverter is modeled in Verilog-AMS with logic input and electrical output The inverter is defined by a module that contains both an analog block and digital block(s) ■ The fourth inverter is modeled in Verilog-A The inverter is defined by a module that contains only an analog block Note: In the NS-VCS-AMS flow, all "Verilog" modules, regardless of whether they contain an analog or digital block, or both, are considered Verilog-AMS code. The examples of Verilog-A and Verilog-D referenced in Figure 18 are only used for clarification. Figure 19 shows where the simulator inserts connect modules. There are two inserted connect modules: d2a and a2d. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 147 Chapter 13: Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS Converting Signals with Interface A/D and D/A Connect Modules Figure 19 Inserted connect modules when two nets of different disciplines come into contact Verilog-D SPICE d2a logic 148 logic Verilog-AMS Verilog-A a2d electrical electrical logic Discovery™ AMS: electrical electrical electrical Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 14 14 Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS This chapter describes the special requirements for compiling netlists for an NSVCS-AMS simulation. Overview Before compiling netlists for an NS-VCS-AMS simulation, special requirements must be met; for example, identical subcircuit and module names for multi-view cells, port name matching between SPICE and Verilog views, etc. The following topics are described in this section: ■ Steps for Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation in NS-VCS-AMS ■ Files Containing Connect Rule and Connect Module Definitions Steps for Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation in NS-VCS-AMS In addition to the tasks required for using the NS-VCS flow, which are mentioned in Table 5 in Chapter 3, Mixed-Signal Simulation in the VerilogSPICE Flow, the following steps must be taken to prepare a mixed-signal simulation in NS-VCS-AMS: 1. Define proper connect modules and connect rules, if needed. 2. Use/modify the default connect rule and connect module files available in the NanoSim installation. 3. Include the following two lines at the top of the first Verilog file passed to the simulator: • `include "constants.vams" • `include "disciplines.vams" Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 149 Chapter 14: Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS Steps for Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation in NS-VCS-AMS Note: Connect rules and connect modules are not used if direct connection(s) between analog and digital nets do not exist. This occurs if the interactions between analog and digital nets are implemented by-way-of the analog/ digital cross-boundary sampling within a Verilog-AMS module—not through port connections—as shown in Figure 19 in Chapter 13, Using Multiple Views, Donut Partitioning and Connect Modules with NS-VCS-AMS. However, if there are direct connections between analog and digital nets (e.g., nets of electrical and logic disciplines), the definitions for connect rules and connect modules must be passed to the simulator at compile time. NanoSim installation comes with default connect rules and connect modules. They are located at: NanoSim_install_dir/platform_type/ns/interfaces/vcsace where platform_type is the name of the platform (e.g., linux, amd64, sparcOS5 etc.). For example, the default connect rules and connect modules for a Linux platform are located at: NanoSim_install_dir/linux/ns/interfaces/vcsace 150 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 14: Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS Files Containing Connect Rule and Connect Module Definitions Files Containing Connect Rule and Connect Module Definitions The files that contain default definitions for connect rules and connect modules are: ■ snps_cm_a2d_1.vams and snps_cm_d2a_1.vams (connect module) These files contain the default a2d and d2a connect module definitions. The connect modules contain many parameters that define their behavior, such as parameters to define the analog supply voltage, high and low thresholds for a2d or d2a conversions, delay times, etc. These parameters have default values that can be overwritten when the modules are referenced in the connect rule files. ■ snps_crules_1_xx.vams (connect rule) Specific xx strings signify specific connect rule definitions for specific analog supply voltages. For example, the default connect rule file for a 1.8V supply is: snps_crules_1_18.vams If the design has specific characteristics (e.g., an analog supply voltage of 1.6V) that do not match any of the default connect rule files, define a connect rule file by copying one of the default files to a new file and change the parameters for the connect module referenced inside of it. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 151 Chapter 14: Preparing a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS Files Containing Connect Rule and Connect Module Definitions 152 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 15 15 Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS This chapter describes the steps required for running an NS-VCS-AMS mixedsignal simulation. Overview The following topics are described in this section: ■ Steps for Running a Mixed-signal Simulation in NS-VCS-AMS • Compile Options Specific to NS-VCS-AMS ■ Required Input Files ■ Verilog Netlist Files ■ Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File • ■ Files Containing Connect Rule and Connect Module Definitions Compiling and Running the Design Steps for Running a Mixed-signal Simulation in NS-VCS-AMS The steps required for running an NS-VCS-AMS mixed-signal simulation are, mostly, identical to the steps outlined in Chapter 4, Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow. The only differences between the two flows are: ■ Compile options specific to NS-VCS-AMS ■ Required input files ■ Compiling and running the design Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 153 Chapter 15: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS Steps for Running a Mixed-signal Simulation in NS-VCS-AMS Compile Options Specific to NS-VCS-AMS The following compile options are specific to the NS-VCS-AMS flow: ■ -ams (mandatory) ■ -ams_discipline logic (optional, but highly recommended) ■ -ams_drreport (optional) ■ -ams_iereport(optional) -ams -ams To enable the NS-VCS-AMS feature, include the -ams switch in the compile script as shown in Example 91. Example 91 vcs -ad -ams … -ams_discipline logic The -ams_discipline logic option tells the simulator that all nets without an explicit discipline definition must assume discipline type logic. This compile option is used when importing legacy Verilog-D code in which no disciplines are defined for module ports. By using this option, discipline logic is assigned to all such ports avoiding a compile-time error. While logic is the common digital discipline, if other digital disciplines are defined in the Verilog-AMS code, they can be used instead of logic. See Example 92. Example 92 -ams_drreport The -ams_drreport compile option prints—both on the screen and in the compile log file—the discipline resolution report. This report lists all the interface nodes, their level of hierarchy, and how their disciplines were assigned (by-way-of discipline resolution or by explicit declaration). 154 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 15: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS Required Input Files Example 93 shows how these compile options (specific to the NS-VCS-AMS flow) can be used. Example 93 vcs -f verilog_file_list -ad -ams ams_iereport -ams_drreport … -ams_discipline logic - -ams_iereport The -ams_iereport compile option prints—both on the screen and the compile log file—a list of all the instances of connects modules in the design with the following information: ■ instance name under which the connect module was inserted ■ instance name of the connect module ■ module name of the connect module ■ discipline resolution mode used (i.e., merged or split) ■ net and port that connect to each end of the connect module Required Input Files Most of the input files required for the NS-VCS-AMS flow are identical to those in the NS-VCS flow, with some differences in the following categories: ■ Verilog netlist files ■ Mixed-signal simulation setup file ■ Files containing connect rule and connect module definitions Verilog Netlist Files In NS-VCS-AMS, all Verilog files, whether Verilog-D, Verilog-A or full VerilogAMS, are passed to the simulator at compile time. Example 94 is an example of how all Verilog files are passed to the simulator at compile time. Example 94 Verilog files passed to the simulator at compile time vcs -ams -ad Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 testbench.v Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide block2.vams … 155 Chapter 15: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File In this example, testbench.v contains Verilog-D code, contains Verilog-A code, and block2.vams contains a full Verilog-AMS code. Note: It is possible to pass Verilog-A files to the simulator using the SPICE .hdl command, but it is highly recommended to pass the files at compile time. Mixed-signal Simulation Setup File NS-VCS-AMS requires a mixed-signal control file, just like NS-VCS. The format and content of this file is identical between the two flows, and the file (just like in the NS-VCS flow), is called at compile time using the -ad switch. The only difference is when there are no SPICE file(s) used in the NS-VCSAMS flow. This occurs when all analog blocks are described in Verilog-AMS or Verilog-A code. In such a case, the call to NanoSim in the mixed-signal control file can be as simple as the following: choose nanosim -C nanosim.cfg; Files Containing Connect Rule and Connect Module Definitions In NS-VCS-AMS, definitions for connect rules and connect modules are passed to the simulator at compile time. As described in Chapter 3, Mixed-Signal Simulation in the Verilog-SPICE Flow, the NanoSim installation directory contains default connect rule and connect module files, as well as sample files with default values. These default files can be used, or new files can be created by creating a copy of the default files and modifying them to suit the specific design characteristics (e.g., changing the vsup supply voltage parameter for the connect module). Example 95 shows how connect rule and connect module definitions can be passed to the simulator. Example 95 "Connect rule" and "connect module" files passed to the simulator at compile time vcs -ad -ams snps_cm_a2d_1.vams snps_cm_d2a_1.vams snps_crules_1_18.vams … In this example, it is assumed that the files are in the local directory. If not, a full path to the location of these files is required (just as in any other Verilog file). 156 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Chapter 15: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS Compiling and Running the Design Compiling and Running the Design Similar to the NS-VCS flow, the design is compiled and run using the generated binary executable. Example 96 shows a sample compile script. Example 96 A sample NS-VCS-AMS compile script vcs -ad -ams -f verilog_file_list snps_cm_a2d_1.vams snps_cm_d2a_1.vams snps_crules_1_18.vams -ams_discipline logic -l comp.log To run the NS-VCS-AMS simulation, add the -R switch to the compile script so the simulation starts automatically after compiling or, % simv [run-time options] to run the mixed-signal simulation. Note: simv is the default name for the binary executable generated after compilation that can be overwritten using the -o exec_file_name compile time switch. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 157 Chapter 15: Running a Mixed-Signal Simulation with NS-VCS-AMS Compiling and Running the Design 158 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Part: 5 Appendices Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 159 160 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 A Mixed-Signal Commands A This appendix lists the old and new Mixed-signal commands. Overview In 2009.06 a new set of mixed-signal commands is introduced which will replace, and in some cases add to, the old command set. Table 13 maps the new commands to the old ones. The table also identifies the old, obsolete commands and new commands that do not have a counterpart in the old command set. Both sets of commands will be supported in the 2009.06 release, but the old commands will be phased out in later releases. Table 13 Old and New Mixed-Signal Commands Old Mixed-Signal Commands New Mixed-Signal Commands (to be phased out after 2009.06) (starting from 2009.06) choose choose set bus_format bus_format N/A a2d (replaces NanoSim config command "set_node_thresh" and the use of HSIM ".hsimvcs_intfparam" command for a2d interface elements) set interface_opt d2a (also replaces the use of HSIM ".hsimvcs_intfparam" command for d2a interface nets) Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 161 Appendix A: Mixed-Signal Commands Overview Table 13 162 Old and New Mixed-Signal Commands Old Mixed-Signal Commands New Mixed-Signal Commands (to be phased out after 2009.06) (starting from 2009.06) N/A insert_cell (new in 2009.06) set irmap (obsolete, replaced by XMR system tasks in 2009.06) N/A set mview_vlog_noportswap mview_vlog_noport_swap set opt_shadowfile optimize_shadowfile set print_thru_net no_thru_net_opt N/A param_pass (new in 2009.06) set remove_interface remove_d2a set res_by_node rmap_by_node set spice_port_order_as_vlog spice_port_order_as_vlog set wrapper_dir shadow_file_dir spice_top spice_top use_spice use_spice use_verilog use_verilog use_vhdl use_vhdl Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 B Unified Output Display (UOD) File Samples B This appendix contains sample Unified Output Display (UOD) files and their respective contents. UOD File Samples The sample part of the example shown in Example 97 is generated from a NanoSim .out file. Example 97 Original NanoSim .out file .index v(test_adder.c[2]) 129 v .index test_adder.c[2] 130 l Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 163 Appendix B: Unified Output Display (UOD) File Samples UOD File Samples For a sample of a .vcd file, see Example 98. Example 98 Partial content of a .vcd file $scope module test_adder $end $var wire 4 $ s [3:0] $end $var wire 3 % c [2:0] $end $var reg 1 & cin $end $scope module x2 $end $var wire 4 $ S [3:0] $end $var wire 3 % C [2:0] $end $var wire 1 & CIN $end $scope module XI15 $end $var wire 1 ( a $end $var wire 1 0 b $end $var wire 1 G c $end $var wire 1 H s $end $var wire 1 # co $end $upscope $end $scope module XI14 $end $var wire 1 * a $end $var wire 1 2 b $end $var wire 1 I c $end $var wire 1 J s $end $var wire 1 K co $end $upscope $end $upscope $end $upscope $end For a partial file sample that was converted from .vcd to _uod.out format, see Example 99. Example 99 .vcd to .out format partial file ; ; Begin VCD Definitions Part *** ; .index test_adder.c[2] 14 l .index test_adder.x2.C[2] 14 l .index test_adder.x2.XI15.c 50 l .index 54 l 164 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Appendix B: Unified Output Display (UOD) File Samples UOD File Samples All mixed-signals are generated from NanoSim/HSIM signals. NanoSim/HSIM data in mixed-signals is preserved and maintained, while VCS data in mixedsignals is eliminated. In a _uod.out file, only the analog versions of the mixed-signals are present, which are copied over from the original NanoSim/HSIM-generated .out file. The digital version of the mixed-nets are not copied over to the _uod.out file from the VCS-generated .vcd file. For a sample of a _uod.out file, see Example 100. Example 100 _uod.out file .index v(test_adder.c[2]) 129 v .index v(test_adder.x2.XI15.c) 129 v .index v( 129 v .index test_adder.c[2] 130 l .index test_adder.x2.XI15.c 130 l .index 130 l ; Begin VCD Definitions Part *** .index v(test_adder.x2.C[2]) 129 v .index test_adder.x2.C[2] 130 l For a sample nWave waveform display, see Figure 20. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 165 Appendix B: Unified Output Display (UOD) File Samples UOD File Samples Figure 20 166 nWave waveform display Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 C C NanoSim-supported Command-line Options This appendix contains a subset of NanoSim command-line options that are supported in NS-VCS, NS-VCS-MX and NS-VCS-AMS solutions. NanoSim Command-line Options For a summary of NanoSim-supported command-line options, see Table 14. Table 14 NanoSim-Supported Command-Line Options NanoSim command-line option syntax Description [--version] This option prints NanoSim’s banner, which contains version information. [-A] This option starts the double-precision version of NanoSim. You often need to use this option to simulate analog circuits. [-C configuration_ file(s)] This option does the same as the -c option, except that all the commands in the configuration files specified with this option are logged in the .log file. [-c configuration_ file(s)] This option specifies the names of the configuration files for a NanoSim run. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 167 Appendix C: NanoSim-supported Command-line Options NanoSim Command-line Options 168 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 D D Reserved Keywords This appendix describes the reserved keywords. When using NS-VCS, NSVCS-MX, or NS-VCS-AMS, these terms are treated as keywords in the Verilog modules. If any of the following keywords are used as net names, port names, instance names or module names in the Verilog (D) modules, you must rename these keywords to avoid compilation errors. Overview This appendix contains the following items: ■ Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX ■ Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS-AMS Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX See Table 15 for an alphabetical listing of the reserved keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX: Table 15 Reserved keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX abs absdelay abstol access acos acosh ac_stim always analog analysis and asin asinh assign atan atan2 atanh begin branch buf Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 169 Appendix D: Reserved Keywords Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX Table 15 170 Reserved keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX (Continued) bufif0 bufif1 capacitor case casex casez ceil cmos connect connectrules continuous cos cosh cross ddt ddt_nature deassign default defparam disable discipline discrete domain driver_update edge else end enddiscipline endcase endconnectrules endmodule endfunction endnature endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask event exclude exp final_step flicker_noise floor flow for force forever fork from function generate genvar ground highz0 highz1 hypot inductor idt idtmod idt_nature iexp ipulse ipwl isine if ifnone inf initial intial_step inout input integer join laplace_nd laplace_np laplace_zd laplace_zp large last_crossing limexp ln log macromodule max Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Appendix D: Reserved Keywords Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX Table 15 Reserved keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX (Continued) medium merged min module nand nature negedge net_resolution nmos noise_table nor not notif0 notif1 or output parameter pmos posedge potential pow primitive pull0 pull1 pullup pulldown rcmos real realtime reg release repeat resolveto resistor rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1 scalared sin sinh slew small specify specparam split sqrt strong0 strong1 supply0 supply1 table tan tanh task time timer tline tran tranif0 tranif1 transition tri tri0 tri1 triand trior trireg units vcvs vccs vectored vexp vpulse vpwl vsine wait wand weak0 weak1 while white_noise wire Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 171 Appendix D: Reserved Keywords Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS-AMS Table 15 Reserved keywords for NS-VCS and NS-VCS-MX (Continued) wor wreal xnor xor zi_nd zi_np zi_zd zi_zp Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS-AMS See Table 16 for an alphabetical listing of the reserved keywords for NS-VCSAMS: Table 16 172 Reserved keywords for NS-VCS-AMS above abs absdelay acos acosh ac_stim aliasparam always analog analysis and asin asinh assign atan atan2 atanh begin branch buf bufif0 bufif1 case casex casez ceil cmos connectrules cos cosh cross ddt ddx deassign default defparam disable discipline driver_update edge else end enddiscipline endcase endconnectrules endmodule endfunction endnature endparamset endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask event exclude exp Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Appendix D: Reserved Keywords Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS-AMS Table 16 Reserved keywords for NS-VCS-AMS (Continued) final_step flicker_noise floor flow for force forever fork from function generate genvar ground highz0 highz1 hypot idt idtmod if ifnone inf initial intial_step inout input integer join laplace_nd laplace_np laplace_zd laplace_zp large last_crossing limexp ln localparam log macromodule max medium min module nand nature negedge net_resolution nmos noise_table nor not notif0 notif1 or output parameter paramset pmos posedge potential pow primitive pull0 pull1 pullup pulldown rcmos real realtime reg release repeat rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1 scalared sin sinh slew small specify specparam sqrt Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 173 Appendix D: Reserved Keywords Reserved Keywords for NS-VCS-AMS Table 16 174 Reserved keywords for NS-VCS-AMS (Continued) string strong0 strong1 supply0 supply1 table tan tanh task time timer tran tranif0 tranif1 transition tri tri0 tri1 triand trior trireg vectored wait wand weak0 weak1 while white_noise wire wor wreal xnor xor zi_nd zi_np zi_zd Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Glossary GL A2A through-net A net that is used only for port connections between two SPICE subcircuits in a Verilog view. A2D An analog-to-digital converter. ADFMI view In a given design, at a particular hierarchy, if an ADFMI module is available and is used to simulate a particular block, it is considered an ADFMI view for that block. BA (back-annotation) Back-annotation (BA) is a process of stitching the parasitic RCs back to the design netlist through connectivity information (net name, instance name, pin name) inside the parasitic file. bidirectional switch A device that conducts in both directions. In such cases, signals on either side of the device can be the driver signal. A bidirectional switch is typically used to enable isolation between buses or signals. D2A A digital-to-analog converter. D2D through-net A net that is only used for port connections between two Verilog modules in a SPICE view. donut configuration In NS-VCS, a description of the design using different views across different hierarchies. For example: Verilog-SPICE-Verilog or SPICE-Verilog-SPICE is considered a donut configuration. In NS-VCS-MX, a donut configuration only applies to the VCS-MX description. You can instantiate a Verilog design in a VHDL design in a Verilog design (Verilog-VHDL-Verilog). This is commonly referred to as a mixed-HDL donut. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 175 Glossary DSPF A detailed standard parasitic format (DSPF) output netlist format is generated by an extraction tool, and describes interconnect information. Actual net parasitic resistance and capacitance component information is contained in this format. GUI A graphical user interface (GUI) for NanoSim. HAR Hierarchical array reduction (HAR) in NanoSim that speeds-up the simulation for memory designs (DRAM and SRAM). instantiation The process of creating an instance from a module definition or simulator primitive, and defining the connectivity and parameters of that instance. mixed-net A net that connects the discrete domain (digital) to the continuous domain (analog). All nodes that exist at the boundary between VCS and NanoSim are considered mixed-nets. mixed-signal A circuit containing analog- and digital-style components. multiple view In a given design, at a particular hierarchy, if more than one representation is available for simulation (from the choices of Verilog, SPICE, ADFMI, and Verilog-A), it is considered a multiple view. NanoSim The Synopsys fast-SPICE transistor-level simulator. PLI A programming language interface (PLI) of Verilog HDL is a mechanism for interfacing Verilog programs with programs written in the C language. PLI also provides a mechanism for accessing internal databases of the simulator from the C program. real data type The Verilog or VHDL data type defined in IEEE Std 1264-1996 and Std 13642001. 176 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Glossary resistance map file An ASCII file that equates MOSFET "on" resistance to Verilog drive strength; the resistance map file contains the signal conversion data between a SPICE analog value to a Verilog digital value, and a Verilog digital value to a SPICE analog value. SDF A standard delay format (SDF) file stores the timing data generated by EDA tools for use in any stage of a design process. The data in the SDF file is represented in a tool-independent way and includes the following information: delay, timing check, timing constraint, incremental and absolute delay. simv A Verilog simulator command. single view In a given design, at a particular hierarchy, if there is only one view available for simulation (from the choices of Verilog, SPICE, ADFMI, and Verilog-A), it is considered a single view. A single view is automatically selected for simulation as it is the only view available. SPEF A standard parasitic extraction format (SPEF) file is an IEEE standard format. This file provides a standard median to pass parasitic information between EDA tools during any stage in the design process. This format contains actual net parasitic resistance and capacitance components. SPICE netlist In the present context, the term SPICE netlist is used in place of transistorlevel netlist. SPICE-top The top level of the design hierarchy is described in a transistor-level netlist format. SPICE view In a given design, at a particular hierarchy, if a SPICE module is available and is used to simulate a particular block, it is considered a SPICE view for that block. VCS A Synopsys Verilog hardware description language (HDL) simulator. VCS-MX A Synopsys simulator for Verilog, VHDL, and mixed-HDL design descriptions. Discovery™ AMS: C-2009.06 Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide 177 Glossary Verilog dummy module A module that is the Verilog place holder for a transistor block. A dummy module is an empty module containing only the module declaration and port declarations. Verilog-top The top level of the design hierarchy is described in Verilog RTL or gate-level netlist format. Verilog view In a given design, at a particular hierarchy, if a Verilog module is available and is used to simulate a particular block, it is considered a Verilog view for that block. Verilog wrapper A Verilog netlist comprising an empty module. Only the module name and port description are in the wrapper. VHDL VHSIC HDL vhdlan A VHDL analyzer command. vlogan A Verilog analyzer command. VPD An output format for VCS-MX. VPD uses the VCD+ (value change dump) format. wreal data type A real net data type used in a Verilog wrapper module to interface a real data type VHDL port and a SPICE port in NS-VCS-MX. XMR A feature that is extensively used in Verilog testbenches, and is referred to as a cross-module reference or Verilog hierarchical referencing. This feature enables simple probing into, or monitoring of, buried signals without requiring the signals to be routed to the top of the design for observation. No declaration of global signals in a package is required for this feature, nor is any modification of the original monitored code. 178 Discovery™ AMS: Mixed-Signal Simulation User Guide C-2009.06 Index A I a2d command 47 array-type signal, Verilog wrapper 121 array-type signals, Verilog wrapper 121 autowrapper utility 115 input files configuration 167 K keywords, reserved 169, 172 B back-annotation 32 back-annotation simulation 32 bi-directional mapping 31 bus_format command 52 bus-type signal, Verilog wrapper 121 bus-type signals, Verilog wrapper 121 C choose command 46 commands a2d 47 bus_format 52 choose 46 d2a 50 rmap_by_node 59 set spice_port_order_as_vlog 65 spice_top 54 use_spice 55 use_verilog 56 configuration files, specifying 167 creating a resistance map file 30 cross module referencing (XMR) 17 D d2a command 50 DC initialization 77 double-precision mode 167 dummy Verilog modules 15 M mapping bidirectional 31 unidirectional 30 mixed-signal control file commands, summary 66 mixed-signal simulation 35, 36 mixed-signal simulation setup bus_format 52 no_thru_net_opt 58 optimize_shadowfile 57 remove_d2a 59 rmap_by_node 59 rmap_file 60 shadow_file_dir 65 spice_top 54 use_spice 55 use_verilog 56 mixed-signal simulation setup file 45 N nanosim command, choosing 47 NanoSim command-line options 167 netlist SPICE 35 Verilog 35 no_thru_net_opt command 58 nWave waveform display 165 O optimize_shadowfile command 57 179 Index P P partitioning commands bus_format 52 set rmap 100 port-mapping 43 R remove_d2a command 59 reserved keywords 169, 172 resistance map file 30 resistance map file, creating 30 rmap_by_node command 59 rmap_file command 60 simv executable 73 sno_thru_net_opt command 58 SPICE netlist array-type signal 121 bus-type signal 121 spice_top 54 spice_top command 14, 54 U unidirectional mapping 30 UOD file samples 163 use_spice command 55 use_verilog command 56 S V SDF files 32 set mview_vlog_nosportswap command 65 set spice_port_order_as_vlog command 65 setting up environment 104 setup file, creating 45 shadow_file_dir 64 shadow_file_dir command 64, 65 simulator, selecting 47 vcs +ad command -Mupdate option 73 Verilog wrapper file, bus/array-type signals 121 VHDL design library 96 180 X XMR (cross module referencing) 17