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This are very important question to me and to any relationship before going into it
.I want you know if you do believe in LOVE and if yes can you just tell me what
love means to you ? becausei believe if you don't know love or believe in Love you
can not love and be loved in return by anyone.we all know LOVE is the root of all
relationship . so tell me what love is to you if you truely believe in it and if
you really looking for a soulmate or a second half.i am a very loving woman and i
believe so much in love.
I love the way you have put how much love means to you but to me LOVE means alot
because i believe so much in LOVE, I'm talking about fate here - when feelings are
so powerful it's as if some force beyond your control is guiding you to someone who
can make you happy beyond your wildest dreams and i believe Love is not about
finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how
much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end. Most
women in the present days don't love but lust because they don't really know about
love and they are not loving. I believe you should never question if you are in
love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need to ask and i also believe the
best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt. And i wish to love that
way for now and till life end on my side.so i will love to tell more about my past
and presently before we go on.
What is a Good Relationship to you..??
I think a good relationship requires being each other's best friend, and trusting
one another. I think each should respect the other's opinion and that stupid
arguments over stupid things are healthy, as long as they are not taken too far.
Good communication. Never being ashamed of each other for any reason. On occasion
surprising your mate with a nice romantic date or evening toget her and telling
each other I love you.
A good relationship is when your partner is more than just a partner... they should
be your best friend.good relationship is one purely based on trust, if nothing
else. Being able to be miles apart yet never worrying a minute about what they're
doing. Communication at all times is so important, and most importantly, respect
for each other and their need for alone time as well as together time.
Two people trusting each other fully, not being afraid to tell the other what one
thinks, whether it be good or bad, and the other respecting their opinion. Being
able to enjoy the same things with each other, enjoying each other, and being able
to take their separate lives and smoothly combine their lifestyles into a couple's
lifestyle. that's a good relationship. Did you agree with me?
I just want you to know that there is so much to come out of this if we just give
room for trust and understanding i see more goodness in this because God just have
so much reason for this communication.. we can build more in this long distance and
get to see each other physically and emotional expression with self
confident.....can we give room to Trust and love..???
So where do you See yourself in next 5years what are your main Goals of life within
that 5years,Do you believe there is Ghost and spirit how is your Christianity
believe and do you believe in ANGELS and what are the 3 things you put first in
Life?? I Love to know what you think about me,do you believe we can make more than
magic because you just have become a part of me and i just don,t know what to say
but i think you the best thing that have ever happen to me within some years now.
You are such a nice guy to me and am looking forward to that day i would see you
face to face... I really do want to get to know much more about you.. Lets just
continue talking this way and see where its leads us to.. I think this is better
way of getting to know each other.. Distance doesn't really matters to me cause i
know we are surely going to meet when i get back to the states...
But, just so you know, I thought I would tell you what I was looking for, and see
what you think... All I am looking for is "True Love," no Games, no Playing
around, just want to find my soul mate in life...the one man I connect with in
every way... I do know very much about you, yet any woman that does not treat you
with respect, true love, genuine kindness and caring is absolutely a fool True Love
can be given without being shared, but a shared Love still allows for your special
loved one to grow.
To me, there is nothing more special than a shared Love. One that delights in our
loved one's achievements, and growth as a person. One that has no jealousy, anger
or mistrust. I believe when I have met the right person, we will believe so
completely in each other, and Love each other so completely, that we will trust
without hesitation as well.... I am a lovingly touchy person. I like to hold
hands, hug and kiss ... when appropriate... I like open affection, but in good
taste, not for affection sake. I love to look into my loved one's eyes, and often
get accused of starring... But I stare at flowers too, they never complain that I
could look at them from when the blossom until they fade away... I like being
touched too. Held and having my hair played with... I like simple things, not
complications and overbearing....
Well i would really like to get to know a lot about you and learn somethings with
you cause u seems to be kind of ready in getting to know my kind of person and
hopefully we can meet in person soon. With time we will get to know each others
feelings,motives and intentions towards each other and it will help us grow knowing
each other and trusting each other.
I believe that the most important 'key' to a successful relationship would have to
be TRUST...I believe that with TRUST, love will follow, However, what I have
noticed is that many people think trust, or expect that trust is to been armed by
the other person, when in all actuality it is something that comes from within
Yourself. All too many times people will say they don't trus due to past
experiences, Right..???
But there is a risk in trusting someone, i know in your heart you will still have
the doubting mind about me well i only think this way but i want to asure you that
i am here for true thing i am not here for games. Nothing is worth closing ur
heart. Nothing is worth living in a world of fearing what bad 'may' Come to u.
Without TRUST,u close your heart to the happiness and joy that true love brings. i
hope you understand what i am saying...
I believe by the time we will both agreed and accept that the word "TRUST" is very
much important in a relationship, then we are Going to live a peaceful and
prosperous life together with our family to come, well you really sound so cool i
will like to continue this with you, You've swept off my feet From the very start,
But before we go much further Can I trust you with my heart? With all this time
we've had together.
My desire is to be sexually faithful to the man I marry. If two people love each
other and will communicate what they like and do not like about their partner's
sexual behavior, I believe many problems can be resolved. Moreover, I need real
love..i dont play games and i aint ready to be played. i have relocated before when
i was in love..i dont mind doing it again as long as i find the right man..
I am a very honest and truthful woman....i hate lies and deceit..i want real
love...not love that will hurt me.. A partner that I can work with on complimenting
each other on this journey called life. Cherish all of the above and not be taken
for granted, All am looking for is true love that will last forever and get to know
and probaly start a serious relationship with ... dont want to get hurt anymore by
a man.
My unique hope that you also search for such love and relationship And, if so, that
I can be such woman to kindle yours Hope and desire in constant love. Though I only
start to know you, I feel something special in you Hun, that I cannot completely
explain, that pulls me to you. Probably it - frank and open Manner in which you
speak to me about your life and your desire of love.
I shall tell to you Secretly, that my heart wins faster to see you in person .. I
should take advantage of each opportunity, to express, as you have entered in My
heart. My biggest hope will be to bring Pleasure and to love by your life, there
should be that a rate, which It is intended for our relationship, i hope this leads
us to a sucessful ralationship.
You are so nice and amazing , you sound like the kind of man i have always wanted
all my life .. Can i trust you with my heart? You've swept off my feet From the
very start, But before we go much further Can i trust you with my heart? With all
this time, I've learned to trust you completely, Before I've asked anything from
you You've already given yourself to me.
I agree with all what you have said and right now as i am writing this to you ..
i want you to know this and i want you to keep it in your heart that i TRUST you
with my whole entire heart but its left to yours to keep your mind up if you are
here to hurt me or make me feel bad but as for me i will never and never hurt you.
But am really scared, because i have been hurt in the past and it really hurt me so
much, i don't want to be hurt anymore, i hope you understand what am saying, cause
i was told that there are alot of bad people online and i dont want to get hurt
anymore all i want is true love real love that will last forever, i dont want to
waste my time on a man who does not love me or Trust me, but pretend as if he loved
me, All i want is a man who will love me and Trust me with all is heart and soul.
I want to change man's life, i want to be the best wife i can be. I want real love,
i want to fall deeply in love, but i dont want to fall in love that will hurt me.
Well you have qualities in a Man that I would treasure and yes I would love to have
a meal with you. thanks so much for everything you have mentioned ..I'm trusting
you with my heart now and i hope you are never gonna break it on me... Do you trust
me with your Heart?? Do have faith?? ??.. From this day forth, I promise us
forever, I�ll always be true, True to our relationship and hope it will never
�Rust�.....Trust in me and you will find Unbridled love of the purest kind, Believe
in me and don�t drift apart.. Who cares about expensive things? It seems like
everyone but me. I don't need your gifts to feel good about you.
Please just be honest with me.....well if you are honest with me i will like you to
promise me some words so that i can know your mind to me, i will like you to delete
your profile on any dating site you are, and i will like you to promise me you will
not cheat on me or break my heart and i will like you to be kind and honest to me.
i believe by the time we will both agreed and accept that the word Trust is very
much important in our relationship...then we are Going to live a peaceful and
prosperous life together with our family to come.
I believe that the most important 'key' to a successful relationship would have to
be Trust.
I believe that with trust, love will follow.
However,what I have noticed is that many people think trust,or expect that trust is
to been arned by the other person,when in all actuality it's something that comes
from within Yourself.
All too many times people will say they don't trust due to past experiences. What
they don't realize is that they have built up those proverbial walls to protect
them from the very thing they are searching for
yes, there is a risk in trusting someone, but when u finally find that right
person,it makes all the past experiences and lessons learned very much worth the
All of life's little lessons do not have to be painful...Even when they seem so at
the time...u just have to chalk it up to experience and Move on.
Nothing is worth closing ur heart. Nothing is worth living in a world of fearing
what bad 'may' Come to u. Without trust,u close your heart to the happiness and joy
that true love brings.
It's only my experience. It's a hard thing to do, a scary thing, but very much
worth it.
Honey,u have become part of me�Bcos i have give to u the key to my heart and that�s
to say i have given u my Trust...cos i need urs in return
God has blessed us to bless others...am so glad we met.
I love u for everything u are to me...One day...I promise Dearest...u have changed
my life completely. u're the one who makes me beautiful
u're the one who makes me strong,you're the one who makes me so important;u're
everything to me
How lucky I am to find a man like u.Thank God above us! Honey,I promise I will
compensate u one day with the thing that u want the most.
All that I can offer u is a family,A family that belongs to us; a family where we
can share our ups and down and stay together till the day we die.
Honey,that's all I can give...I hope u like it,because I really wish that u were
near me
if I can be ur wife and ur children's mum then this would make me proud for the
next 50 or 60years
Remember,u need to take care of me for 50 or 60 years and so u've got to take good
care of yourself to do it.
Dear u're the only one that I want.
My love I want you to know i cant really stop thinking about u and i thank God i
found u
I want u to have the faith,focus in this relationship cos been
faithful,focus,honest,trustworthy can only make our dream come true
babe i want u to have the faith,focus so we can make our dream come true
I want u to have the faith in me, I want u to believe in me, I don't want u to have
a bad mind or think negative about this relationship
I want u to have a good thought about this relationship, I want u to give this a
try and see what the future will leads to us
I promise i will do anything to make u happy, I promise i will never let u down and
I promise u will be the happiest man on earth when we meet
My love i want u to have the faith,focus so we can make our dream come to true, I
want u to know things is rough for me here and u know they have bad economic and
bad government here
When i look at the way people are suffering here i shake my head for them and
believe if there is life there is hope, I want u to know my granny remain for me
and she means a lot to me and she is aged
I take good care of her, Am looking for a man that will take good care of me and
love me for who am i not because of beauty
I just want to know you can take good care of me and love me for who am i not
because of beauty,I don't cheat,lie,hurt another person feelings and i had to leave
life on my own
doing what i know how to do best in honesty and living my life to the fullest..and
i grew up to understand the principles of life and the truth that follows it
and i have made a vow to my self and God that i will forever remain honest and
truthfully to the things i say and do..cause truth and honesty is the only key to
but its very hard to go about..but i still try not to brake my vow..and i do seek
all i want with all my heart and the truth of it
Well,i am a very sincere and honest,am
caring,kind,social,smart,intelligent,passionate,friendly,romantic,and i believe in
the truth and honest of love
i am really a very sincere person when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions
with that special person
i really am down to heart honest about the things i say and do cause i don't like
hurting peoples feelings,cause everyone has a chance to laugh,so why do i make them
i am really very easy to get along with,fun to be with and am very adaptive and
communicative when it comes to conversant conversation.and my life is based on the
truth and honest of self personality
my kind of person and hopefully we can meet in person soon
Can I Trust You With My Heart?
You've swept off my feet From the very start, But before we
With all this time we've had together I've learned to trust you completely, Before
I've asked anything from u, u've already given yourself to me.
u've combined fantasy with reality Even though we're miles apart,
But what I really need to know Can I share my worries with you?
Can you handle my fears I bestow?
Can I count on you to walk with me Down a long a winding road?
I don't want a promise Of which there's no guarantee Can I trust you with my heart,
Without you breaking it on me?
My heart's vowed never to fall in love again But it's weakened & has come to
surrender, To be held in your tender hands And mended back together
I think a good relationship requires being each other's best friend, and trusting
one another. I think each should respect the other's opinion and that stupid
arguments over stupid things are healthy, as long as they are not taken too far.
Good communication. Never being ashamed of each other for any reason. On occasion
surprising your mate with a nice romantic date or evening together and telling each
other I love you.
There is a lot of love and caring in the relationship. There has to be love in
order for a relationship to work.
A good relationship is when your partner is more than just a partner... they should
be your best friend.
A good relationship is when two lovers understand each other, they're concerned for
each other and they respect one another.
A good relationship is one purely based on trust, if nothing else. Being able to be
miles apart yet never worrying a minute about what they're doing. Communication at
all times is so important, and most importantly, respect for each other and their
need for alone time as well as together time.
Two people trusting each other fully, not being afraid to tell the other what one
thinks, whether it be good or bad, and the other respecting their opinion. Being
able to enjoy the same things with each other, enjoying each other, and being able
to take their separate lives and smoothly combine their lifestyles into a couple's
Being friends first, last and always. If you have friendship as the basis of your
relationship, you can get through the hard times. The second ingredient is
commitment. With those two things, you can't lose.
A good relationship is two people that are not afraid to tell the other anything
that may come up in the relationship. Best friends. Honesty, devotion, love, and
sense of humor.
A good relationship exists when either individual has the freedom to leave but
neither wants to.
I honestly think that a good relationship is one where there are no secrets. You
are completely open with each other. But the biggest key is that the other person
knows the worst possible thing about you and they love you even more for it. On top
of that you have to have faith and trust. So that when your man goes out with an
old female friend you can completely trust him and know that no matter what
happens, he will always come home to you. I know it may not seem like much but as
long as you have that and love, you are in a wonderful relationship
I define a good relationship by the way you treat each other. You could hold them
and run your fingers down the side of their face. Feel comfortable you know. And
you can also define it with fighting. Fighting is not my favorite thing to do with
my girlfriend. But it needs to be done. It's not a real relationship until you do
I would have to say good communication! Equality, LOVE, not just lust, and most of
all, friendship is needed.
For me, a good relationship is being able to open up to each other even about the
simple things in life. A relationship between two people cannot grow without trust.
Loving a person is not enough, because if you've got doubts building up inside then
you your relationship won't work. A good relationship is also based on friendship
because it is so much easier to love someone you truly know than someone you've met
5 minutes ago.
I think it is where you can trust and respect each other; when you can have passion
and romance whenever and wherever you wish.
A good relationship is when the two of you can actually feel better about your
relationship after an argument; it's when you can really respect each other's
differences and openly discuss feelings at all times
You have good relationship where there is compromise, honesty, sensitivity, and a
feel for the needs and wants of the other person and yourself.
When the couple listens and doesn't interrupt when they're trying to work out a
fight. They care for each other deeply. They share similar interests.
A good relationship is when both parties can freely express themselves with one
another and to have that open connection to be able to say anything to each other.
To have trust and faith in one another. Basically a honest, trusting, loving and
open relationship.
A good relationship is frankness and open-minded communication between friends. It
is a two-way communication without dominance and/or hypocrisy in it.
A good relationship isn't necessarily flawless, because human beings aren't
flawless. It's more important that you can grow with the person you love. If you
can learn and grow each day with your best friend standing by you in body and in
spirit-then you have a good relationship.
I don't know what happened to me whether I was crazy or just lonely, all I know is
I was sick of being deceived, mistreated, and unloved. Then you came along... I
don't know why. All I know is that I felt a connection on our first chat, something
I had never felt before which at first made me feel uneasy, stupid and even a bit
childish, which made me go through all kinds of emotions as we chatted and began
finding we had a lot in common. I felt like we had known each other from an unknown
At first I was scared and a part of me wanted to ignore and just believe that you
were just someone who was playing a game being that we were both behind the screen.
I was thinking I was crazy to have the feelings I was beginning to have for you. I
was really upset with myself and became very angry with the way I was feeling. I
didn't want to admit to you or anyone else that I was falling for someone I had
never actually met. I thought I was becoming insane myself - damn it - I tried to
fight these feelings off but they were just too powerful for me to ignore! I tried
to convince myself that this can't be for real; that you couldn't REALLY be feeling
the same as I was... I was going insane!!! No matter how hard I tried - I just
could not fight the feelings I was having for you.
Then the night came when you were expressing how you were beginning to feel which I
tried not to believe, because I was scared of being disappointed, but the magnetism
that I was feeling was so strong that I could no longer fight it. Our chats became
an everyday thing and the feelings just would not go away no matter how hard i
I believe in God our dream will come true soon, and i kept thinking about the
future, about life, and what I want out of it.. I keep thinking about us and what
this relationship means to me. I want to tell you, a lot has been running through
my head lately. i need from you is Trust so that we could last forever and Trust
each other with Open Mind. OK, i want to change a mans life..I want to be the best
wife that I could ever be...
How do you feel about this relationship.?? What do you think about me.?? What
feelings do you really have right now about me.?? Do you believe this relationship
can work for us.?? And do you really Trust me with all your heart and soul baby.??
can we really build this Love and Trust together without no breaken of heart.??.
You really make me so happy with your words... I can't wait to meet you.. You are a
blessing that my entire being is very thankful for. I feel that we were made to
love, listen, understand, and work through all times in our lives together and
individually. ;) I feel that we have shared more time together than we ever will
and I know there are many more special occasions and moments in our lives that will
surprise and bring us closer. No one else feels more right than you!! God's love
has answered this prayer I've wanted and been almost too anxious for so long. My
love will reach any distance and fly to be in your dreams and heart each evening
that we can not be together.
I think that if we take our time and do everything right, this love could blossom
into a fairytale romance. All I ask - and I know I have said it before � is that
you be true to me and be true to yourself. I have put all my trust in you, and I
have opened every fiber of my being to you and only you. I also said I don't care
about looks or money, granted they are nice things, but I am after a love that will
give me a reason to breathe. I want a future husband in my life, someone to hold,
confide in, laugh with, cry with; someone I can watch football with, fish with,
walk along the beach at night with. I want it. I deserve it, as do you. I sincerely
hope that you feel the same as I do about you.
You are so kind, you leave me speechless, you turn tears into happy bliss