Uploaded by Eric Goldstein


NEPQ Framework Cold Call
Connecting Questions
“Hey, is this **First Name**?” It’s just Pierre with Grow SOI“
It looks like we were messaging a middle of march I think, about
possibly getting you some more sellers. You’re a like realtor,
right? (Very Confused Tonality)
Frame: Oh ok. Can I just ask a couple questions, just to see if we
can help…If you feel it’s appropriate of course.
Outcome: “So I guess when it comes to getting more leads, do
you know what type of leads you’re looking for specifically?”
Leads: “So I guess it would makes sense to ask. What’s working
for you now to getting new leads?” - Anything else?
“Have you always done it that way?” – Only if it’s different
“It seems like you’re doing well, how long have you been a
Missing: Do you like the results that you’re getting from X?
It sounds like things are going fairly well for you, if you had to
change or improve on something in terms of quality/ volume of
leads, what would that be if anything?
“To get the full picture here;
1. What area you currently serving?
2. What are the homes going for in that area?
So just as an example, how many closings have you gotten in the
past few months?
“Ok, and if you had the right systems in place that can possibly
help with X, Y problem, how many would you want say… 6
months from now?”
● Is that your humble number? - If it’s a shitty goal
So let me see if I got this right, from what you said it sounds like
you're possibly wanting **More sellers/ Bigger team**, but you
might be struggling to do that due to **Lack of social media**.
Does that sounds correct … “
(Lower Voice) And btw, do you feel like this a priority for you to
get more closings? Or how do you feel?
Sweet. So real quick, here’s what we’re doing…
Do you know ChatGPT and all the AI stuff that has come out
recently? it’s crazy, it pretty much has access to all the
information on the web within it’s finger tips. So basically we work
with brokerages and single agents, and every one we tailor a plan
specifically for them, their market, and their goals. But we’re
mainly using AI to position them in a place online with Google to
catch people looking to buy and sell in specific areas to contact
them rather than them having to chase down a lot of the tire
kickers. Almost like an authority figure.
“Do you feel like you resonate with that?”
(Downplay it) Cool. Here’s what I was thinking, we can do like a
quick zoom call 30-40 minutes, figure out where you’re at and
where you’re trying to go, then if it makes sense, then I’ll walk you
through what we’re doing. Can we do that?
“Can we perhaps do either tomorrow or day after?”
Sweet, and I just sent that video over to (EMAIL), Were you able
to get it?
Great, make sure to go through that before our call alright?
Have a good one, talk soon
What do you do?
1. “We work with different agents, and every one we tailor it
specifically for them. We’re mainly using AI to position our
realtors on the Web to get all those sellers and buyers
looking to move to contact them instead of their competition.
And some we can’t help so that’s why the next call is done to
figure out the specifics of what you’re really needing”
“Does that resonate with you?”
2. “We do a bunch of stuff, I hate to throw something at you
that’s random. Really the next step is getting on a call to
figure out what’s the most appropriate, and I’ll totally lay it
out all out of you.”
3. We work with different agents, and every one we tailor it
specifically for them. Because as you already know every
problem has a different solution
What’s the price?
“The price is dynamic, there's different pricing for someone that
wants instant results and someone else that wants more longterm growth”
Pay per closing?
“We have both upfront or pay at closing depending on what
makes the most sense, each situation is different, I’m sure you
understand, right? ”
“You’ll also find a video you can watch to that. It’ll give you some
better questions to ask when we’re on the call, because you’ll
have a better idea of some of the things we do for our clients, if
that would be helpful”
“Great! And before you leave, is there anyone you’d like to have
with you on the call?”
Mindset and Tonality
- We are an agency that deals with big companies and smaller
ones, we tailor specific plans for them and sometimes we
can’t help.
- We are the experts
- Make sure they understand at a high level what you’re
selling, otherwise they feel the zoom call will be a waste of
- Tonality must be very chill as if you’re having 20 of these
calls/ day
- Say ‘man’, ‘brother’ Sparingly