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Introduction to Physics: Course Overview & Expectations

What is Physics and why do
we study it?
Mr. Boehringer
We study physics specifically
and science in general so that
we can understand our
Do we need to understand the
universe to just live in it?
No, you can skate by, but you should
strive for basic literacy in science so that
1) you cannot be potentially, easily
mislead by others.
2) you have some idea of what is going
on with your health and the
technology around you.
3) you can live well.
Because it is amazing that we can hurl a
735,000 lb thing into the sky in a controllable
747 taking off from Anchorage, AK
Because this bridge is made out of wood and
still allows large, heavy trucks to roll across!
Because the universe is complicated and
beautiful and how it works affects us, even if it is
sometimes far away and we choose not to care.
The Carina Nebula and young stars
A little about this class
• What we study in physics I:
• Math & Matter
• Motion
• Forces
• Energy
• Momentum
• Gravity & Orbits
• Heat
• Waves & Sound
• Light & The Atom
• Electricity
• Electromagnetism
All of which boils down to
“how stuff moves”
Math and Physics
• Math is our language
– Some relationships can be (and will be)
discussed conceptually, but most are
inherently mathematical and can only be
understood as relationships between numbers
• Algebra competency
– Student must be able to solve Algebra II level
problems for maximum success. We
encourage strong students in PreAP Algebra
II all students in PreCal to take PreAP
Why PreAP?
• Rigor
• More in depth learning and application
• A more challenging class environment
• More student independence/flexibility
• BEST preparation for college/university
• Possible college credit by exam*
Stuff you need:
• Pencil
• Paper
• Graphing Calculator (check out from
• Access to computer/internet
• WebAssign account (free this year!)
• Edmodo account (free)
• Straight edge
• Notebook if you want one
Homework and Success
• Homework is often the one chance where
you can practice what we have done in
class on your own before taking a test or a
• It is essential for success!
• My promise to you:
I will not assign it if it is not important.
• If I assign it, it goes without saying that it
should be done.
• Why?
– Immediate feedback
– Individual accountability
– Preparation for college
– Deadline Flexibility
• How do I do online HW?
– The same way you do regular HW.
• There are assorted ways to cheat the system. I
know most of them. If you discover one and if you
want to cheat your way through the HW, fine, but
don’t complain to me when you can’t do it come
test time.
How can I answer questions
without a textbook?
1) Pay attention and take notes in class. There is
not enough time in the universe for me to teach
you everything, though I will try. So
2) Use the online resources linked on the right side
of my webpage.
3) Use the internet. You have access to the
greatest compendium of knowledge ever put
together by man. Make use of it. Learn to
search it for what you need.
You can probably find most of your HW questions answered online.
Doesn’t do you any good if you can’t figure it out for yourself.
Sign up ASAP
• Cost: $Free this year!
– I have modified content so that it is all
technically created by me, so webassign lets
you use the service free of charge since we
are not linked to a textbook. AP students still
– Can use the same account for multiple
classes, but may need to pay designated fee
for each course.
• There is a book for this class.
• We will not use it.
– I’s not a bad book, but it is a bit too hard for
PreAP Physics, and a bit too easy for AP
– It might be helpful from time to time. Check a
copy out with the Librarian if you want. It is:
Cutnell & Johnson. Physics. John Wiley &
Sons, 5th edition
– Online textbook resources: my webpage, links
on right side column (some good stuff here)
• Varies Weekly
– Schedule posted weekly in the back and on
the door
• Most Weeks:
– Mon: AM & PM
– Tues: AM only (sometimes PM)
– Wed: AM & PM
– Thurs: AM only
Ask! Even if the schedule says I am not available,
– Fri: None
I may be able to give you a few minutes.
Recommended Resource
• Cracking the AP Physics B Exam.
Princeton Review, Any recent edition,
available on Amazon.com for about $12
– Use as a study guide as we go through the
• “Textbook” section with worked out examples
• “Problem” section with sample multiple-choice and
• Great to study for tests and quizzes
• Formative: 40%
– Short 5 question quizzes: 1
– Longer problem-solving quizzes: 2
– General lab work: 1
– Formal lab reports: 2
– HW: depends on how many assignments are
grouped, usually weighted as 2
• Summative: 60%
– Tests, Major projects
Other Grading Points…
• Late work: Max 70%, 3 days to complete
– Work is late if not handed in when requested,
even within the same class period.
• Retesting: Not available.
• Make-up: Generally 1 day per excused
absence. DON’T SKIP TESTS.
• Cheating: Don’t do it.
Contacting me…
Or use the contact form on my website:
Updates through Twitter and Remind 101
•Review the rest of your syllabus.
•Sign up for WebAssign by the end
of next week.
•You and your parents sign class guidelines
form AND lab safety contract.
•Lab safety quiz ___________