1 Substance Use Treatment The program that I selected to evaluate is Florida’s department of corrections substance use treatment. This program offers substance abuse and use programs to offenders to facilitate a successful reintegration from prison back into society (Corrections, n.d.). Different methods are used such as community-based treatment through the use of meetings and mentor programs, as well as outpatient programs that provide counseling and resources. Evaluating whether this program is impactful and significant is important as well as if the program is worth the cost that is associated with treating offenders reintegrating. Program Evaluation For this substance use treatment program, the best evaluation method to use would be cost effective analysis. Cost effective analysis is a type of evaluation research that compares program costs to actual program outcomes (Bachman & Schutt, 2018). While impact evaluation also could be a good evaluation method, substance use treatments require a significant amount of cost and are better evaluated looking at the actual outcomes versus if it worked or not because that is not exactly a straightforward answer. Since costs-effective analysis is focused on the actual outcomes and not the cost associated with achieving those outcomes, the substance use treatment program is better shown in the results of reintegrating offenders with substance issues back into society. Evaluating this specific program could be done multiple ways but the first thing is establishing what the goal is and for this specific program is if it results in a successful reintegration back into the community. The input in this case could be randomly chosen offenders that have completed the substance use treatment. With this particular program, there are multiple methods used such as outpatient programs or community based, so focusing on one could give a better picture of effectiveness. The goal is to see if they are successful in 2 reintegration, so being able to measure that could include monitoring criminal activity and occupation after completion. The hypothesis for this experiment would be if the substance use program is completed then there will be a higher success rate of reintegration. This evaluation could be measured by comparing the cost of the program for each individual and comparing it to their earnings and arrests costs. Explanations Quasi experiments could be used over true experiments because it can categorize the offenders that completed the program by drug offense type or specific substance used and can get a better understanding of a specific group to see if the success rates vary. Qualitative methods are going to be just as valuable as quantitative in this evaluation because seeing how someone is doing socially, physically, and mentally will also reflect their success on reintegration just as the cost to benefits to receiving the treatment. The big picture with these programs is to get successful results in offenders and this one is the same, with an evaluation possibly showing a successful reintegration and better life after the program. Those results could be used to urge further funding and implementation of more programs to aid offenders in the criminal justice system. 3 References Corrections, F. D. of. (n.d.). Florida Department of Corrections. Www.fdc.myflorida.com. https://www.fdc.myflorida.com/programs/bureau-of-substance-use-treatment Bachman, R., & Schutt, R. K. (2018). Fundamentals of research in criminology and criminal justice. Sage.