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STAT 200 Elementary Statistics Course Syllabus

STAT 200, Sec!on 302: Elem Sta!s!cs, WB, SU21
2215 - 202021S1
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Course Syllabus
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Instructor | Course Descrip!on | Prerequisite Skills | Required Materials | Assignments & Grading | Examity | Extension Policy | Grading Scale | Technical Requirements | Academic Integrity |
Addi!onal Policies
STAT 200: Elementary Sta!s!cs
UP WEB Sec!on 302
Summer 2021
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New Analy!cs
Assignments are weighted by
Instructor: Elizabeth Eisenhauer (call me Liz)
Email: Use the Canvas Conversa!ons system under the “Inbox” tab in Canvas to send personal messages. Emails received outside of Canvas may go unanswered. All content-related ques!ons
should be posted to the appropriate discussion board.
Office Hours: Mondays 3-3:30pm and Thursdays 1:30-2pm
Instructor Availability: Correspondence for this course will take place through Canvas Conversa!ons (i.e., Inbox), discussion boards, and Teams. Monday through Friday Canvas is checked
mul!ple !mes a day and a response will be sent within 24 hours. Canvas may be checked less frequently on the weekends. Please plan accordingly.
Lab Assignments
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Course Descrip!on
Sta!s!cs is the art and science of using sample data to make generaliza!ons about popula!ons. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:
September 2021
cri!cally consume sta!s!cally-based results reported in popular media,
recognizing whether reported results reasonably follow from the study and analysis conducted,
recognize ques!ons for which the inves!ga!ve process in sta!s!cs would be useful and should be able to answer ques!ons using the inves!ga!ve process,
produce and interpret graphical displays and numerical summaries,
recognize and explain the central role of variability in the field of sta!s!cs. recognize and explain the central role of randomness in designing studies and drawing conclusions,
use sta!s!cal models to address a research ques!on. conduct and interpret the results from hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, and
use and interpret the results from StatKey and Minitab Express.
Adapted from the GAISE College Report
Prerequisite Skills
To be successful in STAT 200 you should be able to perform the following mathema!cal opera!ons: addi!on, subtrac!on, mul!plica!on, division, exponents, square roots, and summa!ons.
Review materials are available in Lesson 0 of the online notes.
Required Materials
WileyPLUS and Minitab Express are required for this course.
WileyPLUS is our online homework system. It comes with access to an electronic copy of the textbook. Purchasing a hard-copy of the textbook is op!onal. WileyPLUS may be purchased
directly from Wiley from within the course in Canvas. Or, you have the op!on of purchasing a WileyPLUS access code from other sources of your choosing and redeeming your access code
within the course in Canvas.
Minitab Express is the required so#ware for this course. It is compa!ble with both PC and Mac pla$orms. Minitab Express is currently available through So#ware @ Penn State
(h"ps://so#warestore.psu.edu/all-products/browse/keyword/minitab ). Be sure that you are downloading Minitab Express, NOT Minitab 19.
The TI30-XS Mul!view is recommended, though any calculator with square root and memory func!ons is sufficient. Contact your instructor if you have any ques!ons concerning calculators.
Assignments & Grading
Assignment Category
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
By nature, the course content is cumula!ve. All assignments are comprehensive of that lesson’s learning objec!ves and may also include relevant review ques!ons covering prior lessons’
learning objec!ves.
WileyPLUS Assignments
WileyPLUS is a homework system provided by Wiley that supplements the online notes and textbook. Problems will be assigned for each lesson and are automa!cally graded. Each problem may
be a"empted an unlimited number of !mes. Ques!ons answered late will receive half credit.
Lab Assignments
There will be one lab ac!vity for each lesson. Submissions must be PDFs. Students should download the assignment, type answers directly into that Word document, save as a PDF, and upload
to the appropriate Canvas submission box. Handwri"en submissions are not acceptable. Use the Word Equa!on editor to show all calcula!ons. Answers are expected to be in gramma!cally
correct sentences with all work shown. Answers without work shown will not receive full credit. If Minitab Express or StatKey are used, include all relevant output and always clearly iden!fy the
final answer. Late lab assignments are accepted with a 20 point per day late deduc!on. Our goal is to return labs graded within a week.
Quizzes will consist of mul!ple-choice, numeric entry, and open-ended ques!ons on content covered in the online course notes or textbook. Some quiz ques!ons may require the use of Minitab
Express or StatKey. Quizzes are !med; the !mer begins when you open the quiz and cannot be paused. When the !me expires the quiz is automa!cally submi"ed. Each lesson quiz may be taken
up to two !mes and only the higher score will be counted. The exam prac!ce quizzes may be taken an unlimited number of !mes and only the highest score will be counted. Quizzes are not
proctored and are open-note/open-book. Students may not work with other people during the quizzes. The quizzes will close at 11:59:00 PM United States Eastern Time on the due date
specified in the weekly schedule. Mul!ple choice and numeric entry ques!ons are graded automa!cally; the instructor will grade the open-ended ques!ons in the order they are submi"ed.
Midterm & Final Exams
The exams are set up like large quizzes. They are !med and the !mer cannot be paused or stopped. The exams automa!cally submit when the !mer ends or the exam is due. The exams are
proctored by Examity; more informa!on is presented in the following sec!on. During each exam, students are permi"ed to have one page of notes (8 1/2"x11"; typed or handwri"en; doublesided). Before each exam, more informa!on will be provided in an exam facts page.
Examity (Exam Proctoring)
In this class, you will take your exams remotely and they will be proctored by a service called Examity®. Review the Proctored Exams with Examity page for instruc!ons on how to use Examity®.
Please log in as soon as possible to set up your profile. You will not be able to schedule exams un!l your profile is complete. Examity® system requirements are:
Desktop computer or laptop (tablets, Chromebooks, and cell phones do not meet requirements)
Webcam and microphone (built-in or external).
Connec!on to network with sufficient internet speed: at least 2 Mbps download speed and 2 Mbps upload. Hot spots are not recommended. Test internet speed at
Browser (Chrome or Firefox) with pop-up blocker disabled.
Use the Examity System Check to determine if your computer is ready: Examity Computer Readiness Check
If you have any ques!ons or concerns, contact Examity’s technical support team 24/7 via email at support@examity.com or phone at (855)392-6489.
Extension Policy
Each student is permi"ed an extension on one lesson during the semester. This will extend the due date for the WileyPLUS assignment, lab assignment, and quiz for that lesson by 5 days. You
must contact the instructor in wri!ng via the Canvas Inbox sta!ng that you would like to use your extension for that lesson. Students are advised to save their one extension for an emergency
situa!on. This extension may not be used on the exams.
Addi!onal extensions and extensions on the exams are only given under rare circumstances in which there is an unpredictable emergency outside of the student’s control. Students may be
asked to provide confirmable documenta!on. These situa!ons are handled on a case by case basis at the discre!on of the instructor.
If at any !me during the semester you are experiencing a medical or mental health condi!on that prevents you from comple!ng your coursework for an extended period of !me (i.e., longer than
the 5-day extension) you should contact the instructor as early as possible. You may be asked to reach out to World Campus Student Disabili!es Resources to obtain a Temporary
Accommoda!on Le"er. They will review your documenta!on and provide you with a le"er to give to your instructors outlining the appropriate accommoda!ons given your condi!on.
Grading Scale
The final le"er grade will follow the guidelines as shown in the table below. All grades will be available in the Canvas grade book. Final grade totals will not be rounded (e.g., 89.9% is a B+).
Le"er Grade
Minimum Percentage
Technical Requirements
Please review the Technical Requirement of Online Courses page on the Department of Sta!s!cs’ website. Since this course is delivered online, technical problems may arise. Cases, where the
problem is due to Canvas or WileyPLUS availability, may be considered by the instructor, but personal computer issues are the student’s responsibility. Be sure to allow yourself enough !me to
complete the lessons to avoid these issues. If technical issues arise during a !med assessment, you should immediately contact the PSU IT HelpDesk. For informa!on on who to contact for
different technical-related issues, see the Help & Support page in the online notes.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly ac!vity free from fraud and decep!on and is an educa!onal objec!ve of this ins!tu!on. All University policies regarding academic integrity apply to
this course. Academic dishonesty can lead to a failing grade or referral to the Office of Student Conduct .
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to,
fabrica!ng informa!on or cita!ons
facilita!ng acts of academic dishonesty by others
unauthorized possession of assessments or answer keys
submi'ng the work of another person, or work previously used by oneself, without informing the instructor
tampering with or modifying the academic work of other students
sharing any course materials (e.g., assignments with or without answers; quizzes; exams; online course notes) via personal communica!on or websites other than those communica!ons used
as a part of the course
copying from other students, answer keys, or solu!ons sets
having a tutor or other person complete an assignment
These are all examples of academic dishonesty. Instructors regularly monitor the web for inappropriate pos!ng of instruc!onal materials.
It is expected that any work submi"ed is your own. Class members may work on WileyPLUS homework assignments and lab assignments in groups, but each student must write up answers in
their own words and submit separately. Students may study together for quizzes and exams, but each student must complete these assessments independently, using their own words.
For any material or ideas obtained from other sources, such as the textbook or other informa!on you find on the web, in the library, etc., a source reference must be given. Direct quotes from
any source must be iden!fied as such.
Academic Integrity Viola#ons
In cases where academic integrity is ques!oned, the Policy on Academic Integrity indicates that procedure requires an instructor to no!fy a student of suspected dishonesty before filing a
charge and recommended sanc!on with the College. Any instances of academic dishonesty in this course will be pursued under the University and Eberly College of Science regula!ons
concerning academic integrity. Procedures allow a student to accept or contest a charge. If a student chooses to contest a charge, the case will then be managed by the College’s Academic
Integrity Commi"ee. If a disciplinary sanc!on also is recommended, the case will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct . Academic integrity viola!on sanc!ons range from receiving a 0
on the assignment in ques!on to an F or XF in the course with a recommenda!on for addi!onal disciplinary sanc!ons.
Addi!onal Policies
Accommoda!ons for Students with Disabili!es
Penn State welcomes students with disabili!es into the University’s educa!onal programs. Every Penn State campus has an office for students with disabili!es. Student Disability Resources
(SDR) website provides contact informa!on for every Penn State campus (h"p://equity.psu.edu/sdr/disability-coordinator ). For further informa!on, please visit the Student Disability Resources
website (h"p://equity.psu.edu/sdr/ ).
In order to receive considera!on for reasonable accommoda!ons, you must contact the appropriate disability services office at the campus where you are officially enrolled, par!cipate in an
intake interview, and provide documenta!on: See documenta!on guidelines (h"p://equity.psu.edu/sdr/guidelines ). If the documenta!on supports your request for reasonable
accommoda!ons, your campus disability services office will provide you with an accommoda!on le"er. Please share this le"er with your instructors and discuss the accommoda!ons with them
as early as possible. You must follow this process for every semester that you request accommoda!ons.
Counseling and Psychological Services
Many students at Penn State face personal challenges or have psychological needs that may interfere with their academic progress, social development, or emo!onal wellbeing. The university
offers a variety of confiden!al services to help you through difficult !mes, including individual and group counseling, crisis interven!on, consulta!ons, online chats, and mental health screenings.
These services are provided by staff who welcome all students and embrace a philosophy respec$ul of clients’ cultural and religious backgrounds, and sensi!ve to differences in race, ability,
gender iden!ty and sexual orienta!on.
Counseling and Psychological Services at University Park (CAPS) (h"p://studentaffairs.psu.edu/counseling/ ): 814-863-0395
Counseling and Psychological Services at Commonwealth Campuses (h"p://senate.psu.edu/faculty/counseling-services-at-commonwealth-campuses/ )
Penn State Crisis Line (24 hours/7 days/week): 877-229-6400 Crisis Text Line (24 hours/7 days/week): Text LIONS to 741741
Educa!onal Equity/Report Bias
Penn State takes great pride to foster a diverse and inclusive environment for students, faculty, and staff. Acts of intolerance, discrimina!on, or harassment due to age, ancestry, color, disability,
gender, gender iden!ty, na!onal origin, race, religious belief, sexual orienta!on, or veteran status are not tolerated and can be reported through Educa!onal Equity via the Report Bias webpage
(h"p://equity.psu.edu/reportbias/ ).
Weather-Related Emergencies
In case of weather-related delays at the University this online course will proceed as planned. If you are affected by a weather-related emergency contact your instructor at the earliest possible
!me to make special arrangements.
Military Statement
Veterans and currently serving military personnel and/or dependents with unique circumstances (e.g., upcoming deployments, drill/duty requirements, VA appointments, etc.) are welcome and
encouraged to communicate these, in advance if possible, to the instructor in the case that special arrangements need to be made.
Course Copyright
All course materials students receive or to which students have online access are protected by copyright laws. Students may use course materials and make copies for their own use as needed,
but unauthorized distribu!on and/or uploading of materials without the instructor’s express permission is strictly prohibited. University Policy AD 40, the University Policy Recording of
Classroom Ac!vi!es and Note Taking Services addresses this issue. Students who engage in the unauthorized distribu!on of copyrighted materials may be held in viola!on of the University’s
Code of Conduct, and/or liable under Federal and State laws.
Help Resources
If you need technical assistance at any point during the course, please contact the Penn State IT Help Desk .
Syllabus Subject to Change
Please note that this Course Syllabus is subject to change. Students are responsible for abiding by such changes.
Course Summary:
# Lesson 0.1 Algebra Quiz (Unlimited A"empts)
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 1 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 1 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 1 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
$ Personal Introduc!ons
to do: 11:59pm
# Canvas Equa!on Editor Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 2 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 2 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 2 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Canvas Equa!on Editor Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 2 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 2 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 2 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 3 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 3 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 3 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 4 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 4 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 4 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 4 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 4 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 4 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 5 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 6 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 5 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 6 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lessons 5 & 6 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 5 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 5 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 6 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 6 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lessons 5 & 6 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Midterm Exam (Proctored)
due by 11:59pm
# Midterm Prac!ce Quiz (Required)
due by 11:59pm
# Midterm Exam (Proctored)
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 7 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 7 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 7 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 7 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 7 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 7 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
Wed Jul 14, 2021
# Lesson 8 Lab
due by 11:59pm
Fri Jul 16, 2021
# Lesson 8 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 9 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 9 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 9 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 9 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 7 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 7 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 8 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 9 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 9 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 9 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 9 Quiz
due by 12:33am
# Lesson 10 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 11 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 10 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 11 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Lessons 10 & 11 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 12 Quiz
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 12 Lab
due by 11:59pm
# Lesson 12 WileyPLUS
due by 11:59pm
# Final Exam (Proctored)
due by 11:59pm
# Final Exam Prac!ce Quiz (Required)
due by 11:59pm
# Final Exam (Proctored)
due by 11:59pm
Tue May 25, 2021
Tue Jun 1, 2021
(2 students)
(2 students)
Sun Jun 6, 2021
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(2 students)
Tue Jun 8, 2021
Tue Jun 15, 2021
(1 student)
Sun Jun 20, 2021
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(1 student)
Tue Jun 22, 2021
(1 student)
(1 student)
Sun Jun 27, 2021
(1 student)
(1 student)
(1 student)
Tue Jun 29, 2021
Fri Jul 2, 2021
Tue Jul 6, 2021
(3 students)
(1 student)
Sun Jul 11, 2021
(1 student)
(2 students)
Tue Jul 13, 2021
(1 student)
(1 student)
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(4 students)
Sun Jul 18, 2021
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(4 students)
Tue Jul 20, 2021
Wed Jul 21, 2021
(1 student)
(1 student)
(1 student)
Fri Jul 23, 2021
(1 student)
(1 student)
(1 student)
(2 students)
Sun Jul 25, 2021
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Mon Jul 26, 2021
Tue Jul 27, 2021
Tue Aug 3, 2021
(2 students)
Tue Aug 10, 2021
Wed Aug 11, 2021
(2 students)