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Disease, Immunity, and Pathogens: A Textbook Excerpt

10 Disease and immunity
Let's begin
10.1 find out how pathogens are transmitted from one host to another
10.2 learn how the body defends itself against pathogens
10.3 explain what immunity is, and how it is produced naturally and through
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Describe the characteristics of the Ebola virus that make it particularly lethal,
and explain why the 1989 Reston outbreak did not result in human fatalities
despite the presence of the virus.
The Ebola virus is particularly lethal because it attacks almost all tissues in
the human body except for the bones, causing severe tissue damage and
leading to high mortality rates. The virus replicates at lightning speed and
causes devastating diseases. During the 1989 Reston outbreak, the Ebola
virus found in the monkeys was identified as the same strain as the one from
Zaire in 1976. However, this particular strain of Ebola was not harmful to
humans, which is why the outbreak did not result in human fatalities. This
difference in pathogenicity meant that, while the virus could cause disease in
monkeys, it did not have the same lethal effect on humans, allowing health
officials to control the outbreak without human deaths.
10.1 Pathogens & Transmissible Disease
Describe a pathogen is a disease-causing organism
Describe a transmissible disease is a disease in which the pathogen can be
passed from one host to another
A pathogen is transmitted by
by direct contact, including through blood and other body fluids
indirectly, including from contaminated surfaces, food, animals and air
Controlling the spread of disease
Explain the importance of the following in controlling the spread of disease
A clean water supply
Where clean water is not supplied through pipes, a deep well can be
the best source of water. It is even better if the water is boiled before
use, to kill any pathogens it might contain.
Hygienic food preparation
Keep food cold so bacteria and fungi reproduce more slowly
Prepare food hygienically to avoid contamination from pathogens by
washing hands well with soap and cleaning work surfaces with
products as bleach to kill pathogens
cook food well (long enough at high temperature) to kill bacteria and
cover food to prevent flies landing on it before eating
use seperate chopping boards/ utensils for cutting uncooked meat
wash hands after using the bathroom before handling food
good personal hygiene
washing with soap removes substances which trap pathogens as well
as pathogens themselves from the skin
use tissues to catch sneezes and coughs
diposed of used tissues as soon as possible as pathogens can still be
wash hands after using the bathroom
waste disposal
waste food is a food source for flies than can act as vectors for
transmissible disease and so should be disposed of in a sealed
rubbish bins should be covered and removed to the landfill dor
disposal or burning regularly
all rubbish should be stored before collection away from human
sewage treatment
homes and public places should have plumbing and drains to safely
remove faeces and waste which can carry pathogens
raw sewage should be treated to remove sold waste and kill pathogens
before being released into the environment
Describe cholera as a disease caused by a bacterium which is transmitted
in contaminated water
The infected person suffers severe diarrhoea, in which large quantities of
water are lost from the body in watery faeces. Without treatment, death
may occur from dehydration and the loss of chloride ions from the blood.
The cholera bacterium produces a toxin that cause secretion of
chloride ions into the small intestine, causing osmotic movement of
water into the gut, causing diarrhoea, dehydration and loss of ions from
the blood
Enough water with sugar and salt
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10.2 Body Defences
The body defences
Mechanical barriers
covers almost all parts of your body to prevent infection from
pathogens. If it is cut or grazed, it immediately begins to heal itself,
often by forming a scab
hairs in the nose
these make it difficult for pathogens to get past them further up the
nose so they are not inhaled into the lungs
Chemical barriers
made in various places in the body, pathogens get trapped in the
mucus and can then be removed from the body (by coughing,
blowing the nose, swallowing etc)
stomach acid
contains hydrochloric acid which is strong enough to kill any
pathogens that have been caught in mucus in the airways and then
swallowed or have been consumed in food or water
White blood cells
phagocytosis: engulfing and digesting pathogenic cells
lymphocyte: producing antibodies
10.3 Immunity & Vaccination
Acitive Immunity
Describe active immunity is the defence against a pathogen by antibody
production in the body
Each pathogen has its own antigens, which have specific shapes
Lymphocytes have the ability to 'read' the antigens on the surfaces of
cells and recognise any that are foreign
Lymphocytes then make specific antibodies which are a complementary
shape to the specific antigens on the surface of the pathogenic cell
which clump pathogenic cells together so they can't move as easily
(known as agglutination) and releasing chemicals that signal to other
cells that they must be destroyed
Initial and secondary immune response
The initial response of a lymphocyte encountering a pathogen for the first
time and making specific antibodies for its antigens can take a few days,
during which time an individual may get sick
secondary immune response: lymphocytes that have made antibodies for
a specific pathogen for the first time will then make memory cells that
retain the instructions for making those specific antibodies for that type of
This means that, in the case of reinfection by the same type of
pathogen, antibodies can very quickly be made in greater quantities
and the pathogens destroyed before they are able to multiply and
cause illness
memory cells provide long-term immunity
It does not work with all disease-causing microorganisms as some of
them mutate fairly quickly and change the antigens on their cell surfaces
• Therefore, if they invade the body for a second time, the memory cells
made in the first infection will not recall them as they now have slightly
different antigens on their surfaces (e.g. the cold virus)
a.Infection happens at time 0. Explain why the number of antibodies
does not begin to rise until some hours after this.
b. Describe and explain what happens to the number of bacteria over
the four-day period.
Describe and explain what happens to the number of bacteria the
second time a person comes into contact with the bacteria.
Predict and explain what would happen if the person is infected with a
different kind of bacterium, after an immune response like the one in
Explain active immunity is gained after an infection by a pathogen or by
weakened pathogens or their antigens are put into the body
the antigens stimulate an immune response by lymphocytes which
produce antibodies and memory cells are produced that give long-term
Explain the role of vaccination in controlling the spread of disease
If a large enough percentage of the population is vaccinated, it provides
protection for the entire population because there are very few places for
the pathogen to breed - it can only do so if it enters the body of an
unvaccinated person. This is known as herd immunity
If the number of people vaccinated against a specific disease drops in a
population, it leaves the rest of the population at risk of mass infection, as
they are more likely to come across people who are infected and
contagious This increases the number of infections, as well as the number
of people who could die from a specific infectious disease.
Passive immunity & breastfeeding
Passive immunity is a short-term defence against a pathogen by antibodies
acquired from another individual, including across the placenta and in breast
Memory cells are not produced in passive immunity
Explain the importance of breast-feeding for the development of passive
immunity in infants
It helps the very young to fight off infections until they are older and
stronger and their immune system is more
QUESTIONS (Advanced)
Let's finish with simple KEYWORD exercise