Astral(projection/realm), lucid dreaming, goldbach, flower of life, Robert Monroe inst, spiritual awakenings underwater and so there’s a spirit on the shore that chose the human life? Gateway Experience wave 1-7 THE GATEWAY TAPES : Robert Monroe : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Psychologist Laszlo Polgar theorized that any child could become a genius in a chosen field with early training. As an experiment, he trained his daughters in chess from age 4. All three went on to become chess prodigies, and the youngest, Judit, is considered the best female player in history. ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF GATEWAY PROCESS ( demystified ICT ( Freemason-459, coincidence? The Great Pyramid's latitude, 29.9792N, tallies with the speed of light, 299,792 km/s, 369-to toa tor, 3 describable here but not the eternal 3 win first(1)…(0)? Pdas prefined.. ‘the dao that can be spoken is not the eternal dao’ - The indescribable gods Chicken came before the egg The love in letting it all fall apart 369. It all connects through love Love is the cause but all that is It will all end in flames In the end they whispered six. Six# Puppets A good student, a good hacker Not eternal 3 on something man made (9) ie. To tor toa Mda, the three isn’t real it is And mad acc eq 323 and mad d doesn’t change, a didn’t change before, change of pos not number 323 repeating so reincarnation, where you go back to consciousness somewhere along the middle Michalels name – 7 letters, coincidentally there are also 7 arch angels In its purest form, suffering is the absence of love but also a detatchment from it Schumman resonance orbs aliens responding to the name jesus christ But not to worry, in the end we will die one complete death. If I was my love we’d be one. We are one, you are my love. Marcus. "Taoists use the metaphor of gu shen, "the valley spirit." A valley supports life, feeds the animals who live there and provides fertile earth for agriculture. It can do this only because it is empty. It accepts the flow of the river because it is most low and most humble. It receives the warmth of the sun because it is wide and not filled with anything to block the light. It brings forth life because it supports all who come to it." - Deng Ming-Dao, Scholar Warrior, p. 182 ‘human beings are musical instruments played by spiritual beings’ Angels hold the trumpets. 77 Angel-7 Man-9 Demon-6 Time-6, price-9 60s,60m, Flower of life mappped out- enigma, 13 8 ‘They figured this all out with circles’ 8 358 8-dimensions 5d cube turns to light hologram 5d-light (croquette) Angel-7 (croq) Theres a connection between ying and the number 7. What is it?, angels and white We see the 9 of things, the patterns, the result of the connection. We live in a 5d reality 13 (including jesus)- good circle 21,13 777 76 2 3 5 8 13 21 123 5 8 Yang ying branch of mandarin Amd-369 Mad-639 Mad-369 Mad-366 A/2=md A=md 6=9 6+9+3 - 666 - 18 3/2 = 1.5 33 3.15 Adding the 0 212 12 212 21 212 212 21 212 M d 32323 323 32323 – a m d 212 23 5 85 8 58 3535335335353 ‘the tangible world is movement say the masters’ Triangles, but 212 flat – creates shapes The angels of course a branch, 323 Universal body of love 3 6 9 - 36 9 – 9 9 9/18 = 1/2, 6/18=1/3 2/18=1/9, 3/18=1/6, Kindness ruthlessness kindness Ob ob(Goldbach) ? Bullish ob bearish ob ? etc. Ego alt altego 332 To think is not to be happy. To act, 3, to think. To be kind, Happy, to think. 332. 3+6=9 etc. kind-9. 7 is a reflection 4, as 9 is a reflection of 6. Happy in kind and so 332 323 – amd,md,amd Aggripas trilemma Croquette and so human life is meaningless, or the meaning of life is death to think is to suffer to die is to love or love is death plato’s allegory of the cave 8d Earth-2, 323, heaven earth hell, 13,8,13? To be kind is to suffer, to be ruthless is to love. To be happy is a crime Ruthlessness happy kind To love to suffer A life of love, the sea of stars. ^vouisiour 6 and so 9, soul and so its human experience Feuillemorte – to describe suffering 3 and so 3, 3 and so 6 and 9, 3 or 6 and so 9, 9 and so 6 and 3 I suffer therefore I love. to suffer is to love. the color of nihilism is fuellimorte. The leaf that is green under the sun is brown under the moon. Leaf(it is) The philosopher wont hear the birds, for he can’t hear past the music. Like in the myth of tantalus, thus life and beauty are his fruits. The Myth of the Lotus-Eaters A love of suffering is a yearning to stay on the island forever The lotus fruit The lover waiting at the window The stars set under love Serein, litost The cure for depression is spiritual alchemy To be kind is good, all else is wrong The three is the first truth. It is also the final question. As the sun sets and the moon rises, 323. 323, the flower and its fruits. 369 325/352 323. From 3, shaped with 6, 9 is 6 but reversed. 3 first and always is. 3)You can have 6 without 9 but you can’t have 9 without 6. 33-9, 33-6. You can have pleasure without pain, but you can’t have pain without pleasure. The shovel stops at 3, man holds 9.