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Senior High School
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Second Quarter
Quarter 3: Module 1
Patterns of Written Texts Across Disciplines
Layout Artist:
Barbara Fe A. Santoyo
May F. Villanueva
Marexcza Z. Salinas
Arneil A. Pagatpatan
City of Good Character
What I Need to Know
Reading and Writing has been the most essential form in learning. Indeed,
improving your reading and writing skills also goes hand in hand with developing
your communication skills. The more you read and write the more you broaden
your vocabulary and are able to articulate concepts accurately and more actively to
others. Increasing your ability to communicate also helps make you a better worker
or student.
Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines
Moreover, in this lesson, you will learn concepts and do practice activities that
will help you do the following:
1. classify different texts according to genre and genre form;
2. recognize the generic features and structure of specific text; and
3. differentiate the patterns of development used in written texts.
What I Know
Before you proceed to the different activities inside the module, answer first
the short pre-assessment activity below to find out what you already know about
the topic patterns of text types across disciplines.
Read the following statement. Write the letter of the answer on the blank
before each number.
_____ 1. A Narrative is...
A. an experience or event that you remember for a long time.
B. a note of important events.
C. a person’s anecdote
D. something that explains or how to do it.
_____ 2. When a text gives the similarities and differences of one particular topic,
what kind of pattern is this?
A. Comparison & Contrast
B. Description
C. Narration
D. Process analysis
_____ 3. What is important in a process analysis text?
A. Cohesive device
B. Effects or result
C. Sequence
D. Time elements
City of Good Character
_____ 4. The Lakers is one of the most influential teams in the NBA during the
1990's. The line suggests that the text pattern is a __.
A. Cause & Effect
B. Comparison & Contrast
C. Description
D. Narration
_____ 5. What is the first step to do in understanding a text?
A. Choose an interesting topic
B. Identify and research who is the writer
C. Identify its genre
D. Write your conclusion
Well, how was it? Do you think you worked well?
If all your answers are correct, very good! This shows that you already know
much about the topic. You may still study the module to review what you already
know. Who knows? You might learn a few more things as well.
If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This means that this module is for you.
It will help you understand important concepts that you can apply in your daily life.
If you study this module carefully, you will learn the answers to all the items in the
test and a lot more! Are you ready?
Patterns of Written Texts Across
What’s In
Can you still recall what you learned in your English class? What is genre?
Wikipedia defines “Genre as any form or type of mode (written, spoken, digital,
artistic, etc.) with socially-agreed-upon conventions developed over time”.
Genre is most popularly known as a category of literature, music, or other forms of
art or entertainment, whether written or spoken, audio or visual, based on some set
of stylistic criteria, yet genres can be aesthetic, rhetorical, communicative, or
functional. Genres form by conventions that change over time as cultures invent new
genres and discontinue the use of old ones.
Prose is a form of spoken or written language that exhibits a grammatical
structure, a literary text that tells a story and a natural flow of speech.
Forms of Prose
The main categories of prose are Fiction and Non-fiction. When we say Fiction
those are non-true characters in the existing world while Non -fiction are real life
City of Good Character
Fiction is a prose narrative in which situations and characters were just
invented by the writer to make the readings more interesting. In novels, short stories
and folktales, the characters and events are extra- ordinary. This is actually making
use of imaginative writing to make the text seemingly different.
Non-fiction on the other hand like essays, biographies and many more deals
with real life people, places or things and events. The writers make use of different
techniques in order to make his work achieve its purpose.
What’s New
Do you enjoy reading poems or writing it? How do you find it?
Poetry is a very imaginative kind of writing that uses rhythm and other
poetic devices. It is very powerful because a writer has to make use of devices in
order to create a good one.
Forms of Poetry
Lyric Poems are musical verses that express the observations and feelings of
the speaker.
Narrative Poems are those that we love to hear because they present stories.
Epics are long, narrative poems written in a dignified style that talks about
the adventure and heroic deed of a certain character.
Ballads are songlike poems that tell a story of romance and adventure. Free
verse is poetry written in irregular rhythmical patterns of matter.
Sonnets are a form of rhyming lyric poetry with fourteen lines that follow
iambic pentameter rhyme scheme; each line has ten syllables.
Haiku is a poetry from Japan consisting of seventeen syllables arranged in
three lines that follows five syllables, second is seven and five syllables in the third.
Can you still recall your previous readings in your English Class? Try
answering this by writing the title of the Fiction Prose form and Non-Fiction Prose
form and classify also their genre.
1. Ex. Anna Karenina by Leo
City of Good Character
Try This: Online Research
I’m sure that you’re good at making use of google on your cell phone or
laptops in searching or looking for a particular word that you really want to know.
As you can see, below is a table of Poetry. All you have to do is to look for titles for
each poetry making use of what you have learned in Junior High and at the same
time with the help of Wikipedia or Google. Be ready to share your work online with
your classmates.
The Odyssey by Homer
The Iliad by Homer
Song ____________
of Myself by Walt Whitman
The Highway
Man by Alfred Loyes
Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare
Sonnet __________
82 by William Shakespeare
Bridal Ballad by Edgar Allan Poe
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe
5. Haiku
The Old Pond by Matsuo Bashio
The Light by Yoza Buzon
Great Job! You were able to do the task.
Now, let us discuss drama. Drama is a story that is usually presented on
stage by performers such actors and actresses that make the drama more exciting
to the audience.
Forms of Drama
Comedy is a story presented in a very humorous manner and usually ends
happily. Tragedy is a heart-breaking stage story because the characters usually end
up in accident or death. The downfall of the main character makes it sad in the end,
while a Melodrama story is full of excitement where characters are sometimes too
emotional or exaggerated. Farce is a funny play in a theater based on ridiculous
events. Historical Drama is a play that takes place in the past and real events. The
characters are based on a true to life persons story but the dialogue is created by the
City of Good Character
What is It
Texts have been classified simply into literary and informational texts.
Literary Texts include those short stories, novels, poems and dramas and
many more.
Informational Texts provide factual information. consumer, public and
workplace documents such as letters to business, memos, news, articles and
advertisement are considered informational materials.
a. Consumer documents are printed materials that accompany products and
services like manuals, labels, brochures etc.
b. Workplace documents are those that pertain to operations or to aid a
c. Public Documents are documents written to provide information that is
concerning to the public such as speeches, signs, rules and regulations.
d. Textbooks are materials used in school.
Text Features and Structures are design elements to a text that is why it is
important for you to understand that when you read there are some parts of the texts
that help you understand the content of the said article.
Let us get closer to the mostly used Pattern of Written Text types, this
means how the writer organizes the text according to its purpose.
1. Narration in its basest definition, is storytelling. It is a sequence of events,
not necessarily arranged in chronological order, told by a narrator, happening in a
particular place at a particular time. Narration is creating a world based on the
writer’s imagination. It is also revisiting a world based on the author’s memory. In
either case, the reader is aimed to be transported from one’s real world to the reality
of the story being read.
Read this example:
“The death of Grandmother Zabielska was the first one experienced by
the children. Both their grandfathers had died long before. None of the children
remembered them. She was the first person that they knew, and whom they lived with.
For that reason, her end came for them as a kind of model death. It also explains how
the seventy-second year, the age at which she died, came to mark them for a close- in
that human life, just as the redline on a thermometer points to the normal temperature.
They always believed that whoever died before that age died young too, while every
additional year was a gift”.
From: “Grandmother Zebielska”
By: Sofia Starowieyska Morstin
City of Good Character
2. Description creates a strong impression; an overall effect of image about
the topic. Description tells about the uses of senses. It brings the person, place or
object to life.
Read this example:
She worked in a public school, which I would not like to tell others when I was
young because she was just a janitress who took care of the school facilities. She was
loved by many because of her kindness and dedication to work. I think she was
admired by the school head, but I don’t see her that way simply because she’s just
putting me in a big shame whenever we see her. That's why I asked my classmates to
avoid her.
3.Cause and effect shows a causal analysis. The writer usually writes a single
cause but with multiple effects or even multiple causes with multiple effects.
Read this example:
Tv or television has dramatically transformed our lives since it was first
introduced in 1954. Many of our children became a fanatic of anime and other
children's shows which somehow affected the attitude of the young ones. They can
easily acquire gestures and catch words uttered in those cartoons they have seen.
They had very little self-esteem and became lazy of doing tasks mainly because they
didn’t want to miss their noon time shows.
4.Comparison and Contrast helps to create a focused argument and give
your reader a different view by weighing the differences of the said topic.
Read this example:
Many parents all over the country are in a quandary whether to enroll their
children to online classes amidst the world-wide Pandemic. Parents are now having a
hard time to decide on this issue.
Face to face classroom right now is impossible due to the threat of virus.
Traditional methods of learning are beneficial to both the learners and teachers.
However, we have to adjust to new challenges in the teaching and learning process.
The use of technology in order to teach students at home is a gargantuan task but it
can be done. Teaching and learning without the physical presence is a big leap for
everyone. It is true that teachers’ role in the face-to-face classroom is irreplaceable but
in times like the present, teaching online is inevitable.
5. Process Analysis tells the readers how to do the process or how something
works. It explains each step in the process. It can be written in a wide scope of topics,
from highly technical processes to the simplest way in logical order.
City of Good Character
Read this example:
To make delightful and Instagrammable hot cakes, first, prepare the ingredients
needed like flour, butter, water, and egg. Then, mix all the ingredients in a big mixing
bowl. Third, preheat your pan by putting butter on it. Then, place a small amount,
enough to make a small circle of pancake and finally remove the pancake and spread
butter on top.
6. Definition this text tells the readers what is being defined. It gives examples
that readers will understand.
Read this example:
You know the feeling when you’re reading or streaming a movie when your wifi goes out. What is Wi-fi? and why do you depend on it so much? Understanding the
concept of Wi-Fi is important for users of modern technology because it connects us to
the world. Wi-Fi is the wireless local network between nearby devices such as routers,
computers and smartphones. It is a part of LAN (local area Network) that replaced the
wired ethernet option.
What’s More
Activity 1
Read the following lines and identify the kind of pattern used in writing.
___________1. Coronavirus is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2, a new strain of virus that was first detected in Wuhan,
___________2. On the other hand, the difference between the poor and rich has been
very noticeable especially right now that the poor don’t have anything to sustain their
living unlike the rich who still manage to live with ease. But the good thing is, both
the rich and the poor are resilient, thus are able to cope with the present situation.
___________3. Many people believe in the power of prayer that is why we have to follow
certain guides in praying. We should look first for a quiet place and meditate by
praising Him. Then, confess all your sins and ask for forgiveness. Prayer can move
___________4. Maureen is a simple ordinary girl who loves to be with people. One day,
she realized that most of her fancy dreams were the same as her mother. She found
a diary in the underground library of their house. She almost cried when she read
“All my life, I’ve dreamt to be a singer but mom wouldn’t allow me to”.
___________5. The rising numbers of death caused by Corona virus may be from
several factors: one of these is that people often go out and the possibility of getting
the virus is not remote. Observing Physical l distancing and lack of discipline are
also some of these factors.
City of Good Character
___________6. It is said that this is the noblest profession in the world. Being in the
field has never been easy, seeing the four corners of the old building classroom that
was painted with white and a big planks of wood colored green makes this stay a
promise to teach and to learn, call it tasking but it is very rewarding.
____________7. Bike has been one of the old school hobbies but indeed a fantastic
experience to go places by using the two wheels and brakes as armor. It doesn’t
require fuel or diesel.
___________8. Her hands have been rough due to the many years she had worked in
a big old house of her so- called Madam. She has a very warm voice that I would still
like to hear even now that my house is far from her. I miss her cooking for the family
especially when we have special days. I always long for her sweet simple scented
perfume that lingers whenever she passes by.
___________9. A terrifying night happened last week. It was a very cold evening when
I woke up to get a cup of hot Choco in our kitchen. Suddenly, I sensed that someone
was watching over me. Slowly as I looked for my drink, the glass fell and was broken
into pieces. As I moved closely to check what happened, I felt that something was
going on but to my surprise it was Natzuko my little dog, who jumped to kiss me.
___________10. There are hundreds of human activists and social workers who are
not only speaking for their rights. What is Peace? It is considered the absence of war,
harmony and togetherness. They say that peace is something impossible. Why?
because people still choose to have their own way and look things differently as they
are that’s why war is always an answer for the struggle.
Activity 2
Reread the following paragraphs, then, compare and contrast the patterns
presented. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.
A. On the other hand, the difference between the poor and rich has been very
noticeable especially right now that the poor don’t have anything to sustain
their living unlike the rich who still manage to live with ease. But the good
thing is, both the rich and the poor are resilient, thus are able to cope with
the present situation.
B. A terrifying night happened last week. It was a very cold evening when I woke
up to get a cup of hot Choco in our kitchen. Suddenly, I sensed that someone
was watching over me. Slowly as I looked for my drink, the glass fell and was
broken into pieces. As I moved closely to check what happened, I felt that
something was going on but to my surprise it was Natzuko my little dog, who
jumped to kiss me.
The comparison and contrast in the text is clearly stated.----3pts
Appropriate grammatical structures are used. -----------------2pts
City of Good Character
What I Have Learned
In this lesson, we had a lot of discussion. It is important to remember
To understand a text, we should identify its genre and form which can be
applied especially in writing academic papers.
Text types can be Literary or informational. Literary Texts which include
short stories, novels and
dramas and many more. Informational Texts
provide factual information.
Patterns of writing text types can be used for specific purposes and there are
varied patterns.
Narration is storytelling. It is a sequence of events, not necessarily arranged
in chronological order, told by a narrator, happening in a particular place at
a particular time.
Description creates a picture of a person, place or thing or event.
Cause and effect- this type shows a causal analysis. The writer usually writes
a single cause but with multiple effects or even multiple causes with multiple
Comparison and Contrast helps to create a focused argument and give your
reader a different view by weighing the differences of the said topic.
Process Analysis tells the readers how to do the process or how something
works. It explains each step in the process.
Definition text tells the readers what is being defined. It gives examples for
the readers to understand better
What I Can Do
Search for a text (from any reading material) in any two topics from the list below.
Copy/paste in on a sheet of paper. Then, compare and contrast the pattern of each
text used.
1.A Long Journey
2.Early Pregnancy
3. My First Speech
City of Good Character
4.Sogie Bill
5. Human Trafficking
6.PWD or Person with
7. How to Climb a
Mountain Top
8. The Health
Benefits of
9. A Difficult Decision
You Made
10.Museums? Theme
11.Health Wise:
12.One thing I’m
afraid to Lose
A. Below are some statements that synthesize our lesson. Write “A”
before the letter if you agree on the statements, or “D” if you disagree. Explain
your answer.
_________ 1. Make use of simple and clear words in order to create vivid
pictures of the text in writing a description.
__________2. A narrative essay is the most effective mode of paragraph
development to use when you want to write something about a
significant event.
__________3. The use of Figurative Language is discouraged in descriptive
__________4. Shifting on the point of view is fine in comparison and contrast
as long as the reader still understands the meaning and significance of a text.
__________5. Cause and effect patterns of development make use of
transitional words.
B.Cut/paste from a newspaper or magazine of two different topics. Analyze
them by comparing and contrasting the patterns/features used.
The comparison and contrast in the text is clearly stated.----3pts
Appropriate grammatical structures are used. -----------------2pts
City of Good Character
Module 1 Quarter 3- Patterns of Text Types Across Discipline
Identify what type of pattern is being described in each number. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number. The patterns of
text types can be repeated.
________________1. This type of text pattern uses chronological order of events.
________________2. This type of text pattern tells how something is alike or
different from the other.
________________3. This type of text pattern is used alongside concrete and specific
details which were chosen by the writer to be able to paint a
picture in the reader’s mind.
________________4. This text pattern is used when something should be explained
like a process.
________________5. The main purpose of this text type is to tell what something is.
________________6. This type of text pattern is utilized for character analyses.
________________7. This type of text pattern uses the following signal words:
‘As a result’, ‘accordingly’, and ‘consequently’
________________8. This type of text pattern appeals to the reader’s senses.
________________9. This type of text pattern is commonly employed in science
________________10. This type of text pattern is used to explain how an event
or action leads to another.
Read the following sentences carefully. Write T if the statement is correct
and F if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
___1. Definition as a type of text pattern is used to explain a concept, term, or subject.
___2. A paragraph developed by comparison and contrast should have a unifying
thread idea or purpose.
___3. Transition words used to signal sequence of events is important in description.
___4. A manual on how to use a hand mixer is an example of process analysis.
___5. The text pattern description uses action verbs to let the reader imagine what
they are reading.
Analyze the texts below. Compare and contrast the patterns used. Use the
rubric in the Assessment part of the module as your guide.
A.There are hundreds of human activists and social workers who are not
only speaking for their rights. What is Peace? It is considered the absence
of war, harmony and togetherness. They say that peace is something
impossible. Why? because people still choose to have their own way and
City of Good Character
look things differently as they are that’s why war is always an answer for
the struggle.
B.The rising numbers of death caused by Corona virus may be from
several factors: one of these is that people often go out and the possibility
of getting the virus is not remote. Observing Physical l distancing and lack
of discipline are also some of these factors.
The comparison and contrast in the text is clearly stated.----3pts
Appropriate grammatical structures are used. -----------------2pts
1. Marella Therese A. Tiongson and Maxine Rafaella C. Rodriguez, Reading and
Writing Skills Teacher’s Resource Material, Quezon City: Rex Printing Company,
Inc., 2016.
2. Marella Therese A. Tiongson and Maxine Rafaella C. Rodriguez, Reading and
Writing Skills. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc., 2016, 94-96.
3. Sharon Cronk-Raby, Narrative Writing.
4. https://www.eapfoundation.com/writing/essays/cande/
City of Good Character
Quarter 3 Module 1- Patterns of Written Text across Disciplines
What I Know
3.C 4. C
What’s New (Answer may vary)
Suggested answers
1. Narrative poem
Epic of Gilgamesh by Anonymous.
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.
The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred Tennyson.
We are Seven by William Wordsworth.
2. Epic
The Homeric Homes
The Iliad and Odyssey
The Mahabharata
3.Ballad: The waste Land
La Belle
4. Sonnets: Love sonnets By Shakespeare, Sonnets from the Portuguese
5. Haiku: Haiku of Matsuo Basho, A world of dew
What’s More
Activity 1
1. Definition 2. Comparison & Contrast 3. Process analysis 4. Narration
5. Cause & Effect 6. Description 7.Description 8.Description 9. Narration
10. Definition
Activity 2tment
1. A Long Journey-narration
2. Early Pregnancy-Cause and effect
3. My First Speech-Narration
4. Sogie Bill – Definition
5.Human trafficking- description
6. PWD -description
7. How to Climb a mountain Top- Process Analysis
8. The health benefits of Zumba – Cause and Effect
9. A difficult decision you made - Narration
10. Museums Theme Parks-Comparison & Contrast
11. Health wise -Description
12. One Thing I’m afraid To Lose-description
A.1. A
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A
B. Answers vary
City of Good Character
Development Team of the Module
Writers: Barbara Fe A. Santoyo (THS)
May F. Villanueva (MSHS)
Editor: Nieves T. Salazar, Ph. D. (PHS)
Internal Reviewer: Janet S. Cajuguiran (EPS- English)
Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas (PHS)
Layout Artist: Richland C. Buere (SEHS)
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Janet S. Cajuguiran
Ivy Coney A. Gamatero
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Schools Division Office- Marikina City
191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines
Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989
Email Address: sdo.marikina@deped.gov.ph
City of Good Character