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Grade 4 paper 2

Part Two: Comprehension
Read the following text then answer the questions below [5]
Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Nobatia, there lived a brave prince named Peter. He was
kind-hearted and loved by all his people.
One day, a wicked dragon named Draconis began terrorizing the kingdom. He breathed fire and
cast a shadow of fear over the land.
Desperate to save his kingdom, Prince Peter sought the help of a wise witch named Selene. She
lived in a marvelous cottage deep in the Magical Forest.
Together, Prince Peter and Selene set out on a journey to defeat the dragon. Along the way, they
faced many challenges, but they never lost hope.
When they reached the dragon's cave, they found an elf named Malachi trying to control the
dragon with dark magic. Prince Peter and Selene bravely stood against him, using their powers
and friendship to defeat him.
With Malachi defeated, Prince Peter spoke kindly to the dragon, understanding his pain and
loneliness. With a grateful roar, the dragon flew away, no longer a threat to the kingdom.
Prince Peter and Selene returned to Nobatia as heroes, celebrated by the people for their bravery
and kindness. And though their adventure was over, they knew that they would always be ready
to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.
A\ circle the correct answer:
What was the name of the prince in the story?
a) Peter
b) Malachi
c) Draconis
Who helped the prince on his journey to confront the dragon?
a) A wicked sorcerer
b) A wise witch named Selene
c) A friendly dragon
What was the name of the dragon that terrorized the kingdom?
a) Aldric
b) Malachi
c) Draconis
Where did the witch Selene live?
a) In a castle
b) In the Magical Forest
c) In the kingdom's capital
5. How did the prince and the witch defeat the sorcerer Malachi?
a) With dark magic
b) With their powers and friendship
c) With the help of another sorcerer
6. What type is this text?
a. Historical fiction
b. Fantasy fiction
c. Play script
7. The underlined word marvelous means:
a. Big
b. Beautiful
c. Old
8. The underlined word bravely is an:
a. Adjective
b. Noun
c. Adverb
B\ Answer the following questions:
1. Find a sentence from the text where a connective is written at the start.
2. Find two adjectives from the text
Part Two: Language
Question One
A\ Read the following lines from a poem: [3]
"The sun smiled brightly in the sky,
As birds sang sweetly flying high.
The wind whispered secrets in the trees,
Dancing leaves rustled with ease."
find the following in the poem:
1. Rhyme:___________________________________________________________________
2. Alliteration:_______________________________________________________________
3. Simile:____________________________________________________________________
B\ Punctuate the following using speech marks and other
needed punctuation marks [2]
He exclaimed I’m so excited for the party
She asked can you pass me the salt please
They shouted look out the ball is coming our way
I whispered don’t make a sound they might hear us
C\ Write the silent letter in each word in the box: [2]
Silent letter
Question Two:
A\ Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct
adverb from the options provided: [3]
1. She sings __________.
A) wonderfully
B) pretty
C) running
2. He reads __________.
A) quickly
B) car
C) suddenly
3. They dance __________.
A) happily
B) table
C) immediately
4. The dog barks __________.
5. A) Loudly
B) marvelously
C) umbrella
6. I sleep __________on Saturdays.
A) quickly
B) House
C) early
B\ Match the following words with the suitable suffix or
prefix [2]
Suffix/ prefix
C\ Choose the correct homophone to complete each
sentence. [3]
1. The sky is a beautiful shade of ___________ today.
(blue, blew)
2. ___________ time for us to leave for the party.
(Its, It's)
3. He ___________ his breakfast quickly this morning.
(eight, ate)
4. Please ___________ your name at the top of the page.
(write, right)
5. I ___________ a bird in the tree outside my window.
(so, saw)
6. We had a picnic by the ___________ last weekend.
(sea, see)
Part Three: Writing
Describe a Monster from your imagination [10]
● Use Simile.
● Use punctuation and capitalization.
● Powerful Adjectives.
● Draw you monster.
● Do not write less than 40 words