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Download civic education grade 10-12 pdf zambia
What is the importance of civic education in zambia. Download civic education pamphlet grade 10-12 pdf zambia. fifomegezotito Download civic education notes grade 10-12 pdf zambia.
CIVIC EDUCATION REVISED NOTES GRADES GRADE 10....................................................
1 GRADE 11......................................................71 GRADE. 12.....................................................163 GRADE TEN INTRODUCTION TO CIVIC EDUCATION . WHAT IS CIVIC EDUCATION? It is the awareness of the public in Civic matters such as governance, Politics, Work Culture, Human Rights and Socio-economic issues. It is the imparting of
knowledge, ability and capacity of Citizens to make sense of their Political world. It is the imparting of knowledge to people on issues pertaining to national affairs which hinge on governance. This means that Civic education may also refer to the active participation and engagement in self-governance by the citizens of the country. It covers the rights,
duties, obligations and responsibilities of citizens. IMPORTANCE OF CIVIC EDUCATION It helps to form competent, active and responsible citizens. It enables citizens to be aware of their fundamental rights and freedoms. It enables citizens to participate in voluntary organizations such as workers unions, women’s associations, community
organisations, etc. It helps citizens to acquire proficiency in monitoring and correcting policies and laws of their country. It helps to facilitate the development of knowledge, skills and values in pupils. It enables to produce knowledgeable learners who are aware, can make decisions, judge and act based on human rights and social responsibilities. It
enables citizens to be analytical, innovative, creative and constructive mind which will cherish and safeguard individual liberties and human rights. It helps to produce learne rs who can express one’s own ideas freely, exercise tolerance for other people’s views and maintain discipline and hard work for the sake of personal and national development.
It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand, cherish and defend its equality. It enables pupils to understand, cherish, promote and protect the equality between men and women, human rights, the rule of law, representative governance etc. It enables pupils to
contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand, cherish and defend its equality. NORTHERN PROVINCE, CIVIC EDUCATION NOTES, 2016 Page 1 Thank you for your participation! Republic of Zambia CIVIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL SYLLABUS GRADE: 10 - 12 Prepared by:
The Curriculum Development Centre P.O. BOX 50092 Lusaka – Zambia 2004 i © Curriculum Development Centre, 2003. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner. ii PREFACE The historical background of the Zambia High School Civic Education Curriculum can be traced to the period after 1991 when Democratic system of Governance was reintroduced in Zambia. As a result, in 1995, the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Southern University Democratic
Governance Project under United States Agency for International Development (USAID), commissioned a Needs Assessment on the introduction of Civic Education in Zambian High Schools.
CIVIC EDUCATION REVISED NOTES GRADES GRADE 10.................................................... 1 GRADE 11......................................................71 GRADE. 12.....................................................163 GRADE TEN INTRODUCTION TO CIVIC EDUCATION . WHAT IS CIVIC EDUCATION? It is the awareness of the public in Civic matters such as governance,
Politics, Work Culture, Human Rights and Socio-economic issues. keha It is the imparting of knowledge, ability and capacity of Citizens to make sense of their Political world. It is the imparting of knowledge to people on issues pertaining to national affairs which hinge on governance. This means that Civic education may also refer to the active
participation and engagement in self-governance by the citizens of the country. It covers the rights, duties, obligations and responsibilities of citizens. IMPORTANCE OF CIVIC EDUCATION It helps to form competent, active and responsible citizens. yopuzi
It enables citizens to be aware of their fundamental rights and freedoms. It enables citizens to participate in voluntary organizations such as workers unions, women’s associations, community organisations, etc. It helps citizens to acquire proficiency in monitoring and correcting policies and laws of their country. It helps to facilitate the development
of knowledge, skills and values in pupils. It enables to produce knowledgeable learners who are aware, can make decisions, judge and act based on human rights and social responsibilities. It enables citizens to be analytical, innovative, creative and constructive mind which will cherish and safeguard individual liberties and human rights. It helps to
produce learne rs who can express one’s own ideas freely, exercise tolerance for other people’s views and maintain discipline and hard work for the sake of personal and national development. It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand, cherish and defend
its equality. It enables pupils to understand, cherish, promote and protect the equality between men and women, human rights, the rule of law, representative governance etc. It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand, cherish and defend its equality.
NORTHERN PROVINCE, CIVIC EDUCATION NOTES, 2016 Page 1 Thank you for your participation! Republic of Zambia CIVIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL SYLLABUS GRADE: 10 - 12 Prepared by: The Curriculum Development Centre P.O. BOX 50092 Lusaka – Zambia 2004 i © Curriculum Development Centre, 2003. All rights reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
ii PREFACE The historical background of the Zambia High School Civic Education Curriculum can be traced to the period after 1991 when Democratic system of Governance was reintroduced in Zambia. As a result, in 1995, the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Southern University Democratic Governance Project under United States
Agency for International Development (USAID), commissioned a Needs Assessment on the introduction of Civic Education in Zambian High Schools. This study was undertaken by a group of experts spearheaded by Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa. One key recommendation from the Lungwangwa Study was that Civic Education needed to be
introduced in all High Schools in Zambia. However, it was not until 2002 that this objective was achieved. A Feasibility Study and Baseline’ Survey was Commissioned by Irish Aid under it’s Governance Portfolio, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, through the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC). The findings from the two research
works clearly indicated the importance of the Outcomes Based Approach in the Civic Education Curriculum. Emphasis was made on the integration of the following aspects:• • A variety of methodologies such as, debate, field trips drama simulations and research work. A project or field work component aimed at providing learners with an opportunity
to develop and acquire research, analysis, evaluation and reporting skills among others. In view of the above, Curriculum Development Centre produced the Civic Education Syllabus between September and November 2003. The themes and topics covered in the Civic Education Curriculum are based on the set goals of the National Policy on
education “Educating Our Future” (1996). Pages 5-6. It is hoped that this syllabus will enable school leavers to gain the Civic knowledge and acquire skills to make them understand and practise their civic values right and obligation as responsible Zambian citizens. Dr. James Mulungushi PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The High School Civic Education Teaching and Learning Materials were developed by a committee of professionals drawn from various institutions comprising Curriculum Development Specialists from the Curriculum Development Centre, Civic Education teachers from pilot schools and lecturers from the University of
Zambia, Nkrumah College of Education and National In-Service Teachers College.
The team worked tirelessly under the supervision of the Chief Curriculum Specialist, Ms. Oakinah Mutinta Mweembe. We are greatly indebted to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Mrs. Lilian E. L. Kapulu for her invaluable support, and Mr. Alfred K. Sikazwe, former Director, Standards and Curriculum for his guidance, encouragement
and passionate support towards the Civic Education programme from inception. The writing team greatly appreciates the help received in form of training and materials from the Human Rights Commission (HRC), the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) and Zambia
Civic Education Association (ZCEA) among others. We wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to Ms Mary Mupeta and Ms Josephine Kambikambi for the invaluable secretarial duties they performed in the course of writing these materials. We also thank many other people too numerous to mention, who in one way or the other contributed to
the production of the materials. lara Finally, our sincere gratitude goes to the Government of Ireland through the Governance Portfolio of the Irish Aid for funding the High School Civic Education programme in Zambia. jine
1 GRADE 11......................................................71 GRADE.
It is the imparting of knowledge, ability and capacity of Citizens to make sense of their Political world. It is the imparting of knowledge to people on issues pertaining to national affairs which hinge on governance. This means that Civic education may also refer to the active participation and engagement in self-governance by the citizens of the
country. It covers the rights, duties, obligations and responsibilities of citizens. IMPORTANCE OF CIVIC EDUCATION It helps to form competent, active and responsible citizens. It enables citizens to be aware of their fundamental rights and freedoms. sevohevilojo It enables citizens to participate in voluntary organizations such as workers unions,
women’s associations, community organisations, etc. It helps citizens to acquire proficiency in monitoring and correcting policies and laws of their country. It helps to facilitate the development of knowledge, skills and values in pupils. It enables to produce knowledgeable learners who are aware, can make decisions, judge and act based on human
rights and social responsibilities. It enables citizens to be analytical, innovative, creative and constructive mind which will cherish and safeguard individual liberties and human rights. It helps to produce learne rs who can express one’s own ideas freely, exercise tolerance for other people’s views and maintain discipline and hard work for the sake of
personal and national development. It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand, cherish and defend its equality. It enables pupils to understand, cherish, promote and protect the equality between men and women, human rights, the rule of law, representative
governance etc. It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand, cherish and defend its equality. NORTHERN PROVINCE, CIVIC EDUCATION NOTES, 2016 Page 1 Thank you for your participation! Republic of Zambia CIVIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL
SYLLABUS GRADE: 10 - 12 Prepared by: The Curriculum Development Centre P.O. BOX 50092 Lusaka – Zambia 2004 i © Curriculum Development Centre, 2003. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. ii PREFACE The historical background of the Zambia High School Civic Education Curriculum can be traced to the period after 1991 when Democratic system of Governance was reintroduced in Zambia. As a result, in 1995, the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the
Southern University Democratic Governance Project under United States Agency for International Development (USAID), commissioned a Needs Assessment on the introduction of Civic Education in Zambian High Schools. This study was undertaken by a group of experts spearheaded by Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa. One key recommendation
from the Lungwangwa Study was that Civic Education needed to be introduced in all High Schools in Zambia. However, it was not until 2002 that this objective was achieved. A Feasibility Study and Baseline’ Survey was Commissioned by Irish Aid under it’s Governance Portfolio, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, through the Curriculum
Development Centre (CDC). The findings from the two research works clearly indicated the importance of the Outcomes Based Approach in the Civic Education Curriculum. Emphasis was made on the integration of the following aspects:• • A variety of methodologies such as, debate, field trips drama simulations and research work.
A project or field work component aimed at providing learners with an opportunity to develop and acquire research, analysis, evaluation and reporting skills among others. In view of the above, Curriculum Development Centre produced the Civic Education Syllabus between September and November 2003. The themes and topics covered in the Civic
Education Curriculum are based on the set goals of the National Policy on education “Educating Our Future” (1996).
Pages 5-6. It is hoped that this syllabus will enable school leavers to gain the Civic knowledge and acquire skills to make them understand and practise their civic values right and obligation as responsible Zambian citizens. Dr. James Mulungushi PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The High School Civic
Education Teaching and Learning Materials were developed by a committee of professionals drawn from various institutions comprising Curriculum Development Specialists from the Curriculum Development Centre, Civic Education teachers from pilot schools and lecturers from the University of Zambia, Nkrumah College of Education and National
In-Service Teachers College. The team worked tirelessly under the supervision of the Chief Curriculum Specialist, Ms. Oakinah Mutinta Mweembe. puhuzomi We are greatly indebted to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Mrs. pacuvaze Lilian E. L. Kapulu for her invaluable support, and Mr. Alfred K. Sikazwe, former Director, Standards
and Curriculum for his guidance, encouragement and passionate support towards the Civic Education programme from inception. The writing team greatly appreciates the help received in form of training and materials from the Human Rights Commission (HRC), the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC),
Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) and Zambia Civic Education Association (ZCEA) among others. We wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to Ms Mary Mupeta and Ms Josephine Kambikambi for the invaluable secretarial duties they performed in the course of writing these materials. We also thank many other people too numerous to
mention, who in one way or the other contributed to the production of the materials. Finally, our sincere gratitude goes to the Government of Ireland through the Governance Portfolio of the Irish Aid for funding the High School Civic Education programme in Zambia. F. C. Mfula (Mrs) Acting Director STANDARDS & CURRICULUM MINISTRY OF
EDUCTION iv INTRODUCTION The Civic Education Component is currently integrated in the Social and Development Curriculum covered at Grades 1-7. riduje However at the Upper Basic (Grades 8-9), it is offered as a separate subject. The introduction of Civic Education at High School level was to fill the gap that existed between Grade 9 and
College or University level of education. This gap has had an impact on Grade 12 school leavers who in most cases graduated with little or no experience of Civic Education with regards to their roles, rights and obligation. Hence, this major development in the curriculum was identified as an important contribution to Zambia’s education system. The
High School Civic Education Syllabus covers a cross section of political, economic, social and cultural issues that are key to Zambia’s democratic system of governance. Some of the themes and topics covered in the Civic Education Syllabus include: Constitution, Citizenship, Governance System in Zambia, Introduction to Human Rights, Corruption,
Introduction to Cultural Studies, Substance Abuse. Governance, Family Law, Development Planning, Poverty in Zambia, Environmental Education and Global Issues. Undoubtedly, the teaching and learning of Civic Education will help society recognize the role that this subject plays in our constantly changing world. The Ministry of Education,
therefore, hopes that through civic education learners will be equipped with knowledge; skills and values to enable them practise their civic rights and perform duties as responsible Zambian citizens. v AUTHORS: Dr. Yizenge A. Chondoka Dr. O.
12.....................................................163 GRADE TEN INTRODUCTION TO CIVIC EDUCATION . WHAT IS CIVIC EDUCATION? It is the awareness of the public in Civic matters such as governance, Politics, Work Culture, Human Rights and Socio-economic issues. lubejazihohiju It is the imparting of knowledge, ability and capacity of Citizens to make
sense of their Political world. It is the imparting of knowledge to people on issues pertaining to national affairs which hinge on governance. This means that Civic education may also refer to the active participation and engagement in self-governance by the citizens of the country. It covers the rights, duties, obligations and responsibilities of citizens.
IMPORTANCE OF CIVIC EDUCATION It helps to form competent, active and responsible citizens. It enables citizens to be aware of their fundamental rights and freedoms. It enables citizens to participate in voluntary organizations such as workers unions, women’s associations, community organisations, etc. lixabuxemevi It helps citizens to acquire
proficiency in monitoring and correcting policies and laws of their country.
It helps to facilitate the development of knowledge, skills and values in pupils. It enables to produce knowledgeable learners who are aware, can make decisions, judge and act based on human rights and social responsibilities. It enables citizens to be analytical, innovative, creative and constructive mind which will cherish and safeguard individual
liberties and human rights. It helps to produce learne rs who can express one’s own ideas freely, exercise tolerance for other people’s views and maintain discipline and hard work for the sake of personal and national development. It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making
them understand, cherish and defend its equality. It enables pupils to understand, cherish, promote and protect the equality between men and women, human rights, the rule of law, representative governance etc. It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand,
cherish and defend its equality. NORTHERN PROVINCE, CIVIC EDUCATION NOTES, 2016 Page 1 Thank you for your participation! Republic of Zambia CIVIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL SYLLABUS GRADE: 10 - 12 Prepared by: The Curriculum Development Centre P.O. BOX 50092 Lusaka – Zambia 2004 i © Curriculum Development Centre, 2003.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. ii PREFACE The historical background of the Zambia High School Civic Education
Curriculum can be traced to the period after 1991 when Democratic system of Governance was reintroduced in Zambia. As a result, in 1995, the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Southern University Democratic Governance Project under United States Agency for International Development (USAID), commissioned a Needs Assessment on
the introduction of Civic Education in Zambian High Schools. This study was undertaken by a group of experts spearheaded by Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa. One key recommendation from the Lungwangwa Study was that Civic Education needed to be introduced in all High Schools in Zambia. However, it was not until 2002 that this objective was
achieved. A Feasibility Study and Baseline’ Survey was Commissioned by Irish Aid under it’s Governance Portfolio, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, through the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC). The findings from the two research works clearly indicated the importance of the Outcomes Based Approach in the Civic Education
Curriculum. Emphasis was made on the integration of the following aspects:• • A variety of methodologies such as, debate, field trips drama simulations and research work. A project or field work component aimed at providing learners with an opportunity to develop and acquire research, analysis, evaluation and reporting skills among others.
It is the imparting of knowledge to people on issues pertaining to national affairs which hinge on governance. kocica This means that Civic education may also refer to the active participation and engagement in self-governance by the citizens of the country. It covers the rights, duties, obligations and responsibilities of citizens. IMPORTANCE OF
CIVIC EDUCATION It helps to form competent, active and responsible citizens. hemivotonicane It enables citizens to be aware of their fundamental rights and freedoms. It enables citizens to participate in voluntary organizations such as workers unions, women’s associations, community organisations, etc. It helps citizens to acquire proficiency in
monitoring and correcting policies and laws of their country. It helps to facilitate the development of knowledge, skills and values in pupils. It enables to produce knowledgeable learners who are aware, can make decisions, judge and act based on human rights and social responsibilities. It enables citizens to be analytical, innovative, creative and
constructive mind which will cherish and safeguard individual liberties and human rights.
It helps to produce learne rs who can express one’s own ideas freely, exercise tolerance for other people’s views and maintain discipline and hard work for the sake of personal and national development. It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand, cherish
and defend its equality. It enables pupils to understand, cherish, promote and protect the equality between men and women, human rights, the rule of law, representative governance etc.
It enables pupils to contribute to the promotion of democratic values and sustenance of democratic systems by making them understand, cherish and defend its equality. NORTHERN PROVINCE, CIVIC EDUCATION NOTES, 2016 Page 1 Thank you for your participation! Republic of Zambia CIVIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL SYLLABUS GRADE: 10 12 Prepared by: The Curriculum Development Centre P.O. BOX 50092 Lusaka – Zambia 2004 i © Curriculum Development Centre, 2003. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
the prior written permission of the copyright owner. ii PREFACE The historical background of the Zambia High School Civic Education Curriculum can be traced to the period after 1991 when Democratic system of Governance was reintroduced in Zambia. As a result, in 1995, the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Southern University
Democratic Governance Project under United States Agency for International Development (USAID), commissioned a Needs Assessment on the introduction of Civic Education in Zambian High Schools. This study was undertaken by a group of experts spearheaded by Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa. One key recommendation from the Lungwangwa
Study was that Civic Education needed to be introduced in all High Schools in Zambia. However, it was not until 2002 that this objective was achieved. A Feasibility Study and Baseline’ Survey was Commissioned by Irish Aid under it’s Governance Portfolio, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, through the Curriculum Development Centre
(CDC). The findings from the two research works clearly indicated the importance of the Outcomes Based Approach in the Civic Education Curriculum.
Emphasis was made on the integration of the following aspects:• • A variety of methodologies such as, debate, field trips drama simulations and research work. A project or field work component aimed at providing learners with an opportunity to develop and acquire research, analysis, evaluation and reporting skills among others.
In view of the above, Curriculum Development Centre produced the Civic Education Syllabus between September and November 2003. The themes and topics covered in the Civic Education Curriculum are based on the set goals of the National Policy on education “Educating Our Future” (1996). Pages 5-6. It is hoped that this syllabus will enable
school leavers to gain the Civic knowledge and acquire skills to make them understand and practise their civic values right and obligation as responsible Zambian citizens. Dr. James Mulungushi PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The High School Civic Education Teaching and Learning Materials were
developed by a committee of professionals drawn from various institutions comprising Curriculum Development Specialists from the Curriculum Development Centre, Civic Education teachers from pilot schools and lecturers from the University of Zambia, Nkrumah College of Education and National In-Service Teachers College.
The team worked tirelessly under the supervision of the Chief Curriculum Specialist, Ms. Oakinah Mutinta Mweembe. We are greatly indebted to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Mrs. Lilian E. L. Kapulu for her invaluable support, and Mr. Alfred K. Sikazwe, former Director, Standards and Curriculum for his guidance, encouragement
and passionate support towards the Civic Education programme from inception. The writing team greatly appreciates the help received in form of training and materials from the Human Rights Commission (HRC), the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) and Zambia
Civic Education Association (ZCEA) among others. We wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to Ms Mary Mupeta and Ms Josephine Kambikambi for the invaluable secretarial duties they performed in the course of writing these materials. We also thank many other people too numerous to mention, who in one way or the other contributed to
the production of the materials. Finally, our sincere gratitude goes to the Government of Ireland through the Governance Portfolio of the Irish Aid for funding the High School Civic Education programme in Zambia. F.
C. Mfula (Mrs) Acting Director STANDARDS & CURRICULUM MINISTRY OF EDUCTION iv INTRODUCTION The Civic Education Component is currently integrated in the Social and Development Curriculum covered at Grades 1-7. However at the Upper Basic (Grades 8-9), it is offered as a separate subject.
The introduction of Civic Education at High School level was to fill the gap that existed between Grade 9 and College or University level of education.
This gap has had an impact on Grade 12 school leavers who in most cases graduated with little or no experience of Civic Education with regards to their roles, rights and obligation.
Hence, this major development in the curriculum was identified as an important contribution to Zambia’s education system. The High School Civic Education Syllabus covers a cross section of political, economic, social and cultural issues that are key to Zambia’s democratic system of governance. Some of the themes and topics covered in the Civic
Education Syllabus include: Constitution, Citizenship, Governance System in Zambia, Introduction to Human Rights, Corruption, Introduction to Cultural Studies, Substance Abuse. Governance, Family Law, Development Planning, Poverty in Zambia, Environmental Education and Global Issues. Undoubtedly, the teaching and learning of Civic
Education will help society recognize the role that this subject plays in our constantly changing world. The Ministry of Education, therefore, hopes that through civic education learners will be equipped with knowledge; skills and values to enable them practise their civic rights and perform duties as responsible Zambian citizens. v AUTHORS: Dr.
Yizenge A. Chondoka Dr. O. Chakulimba Dr. Charles M. Namafe Mrs. Beatrice M. Hamwiinga Mr. Paison K. Katambala Ms. Judith M. Mulenga Mr. Isaac C. J. Mwanza Mrs.
Beatrice C. Mweene Mrs. Lilian S. Ntalasha Mr. Geoffrey D. Simfukwe vi EXPECTED GENERAL OUTCOMES The following are the expected general outcomes of the syllabus: 1. Developing an understanding and appreciation of the Zambian constitution, its importance and supremacy. 2. Promoting positive attitudes, responsibilities, duties,
obligations, freedoms and rights of a citizen in the learner. 3. Creating an understanding of the political process and appreciation of good governance. 4. Creating awareness on the need for respect, promotion of democracy, human rights and freedoms. 5. Developing an understanding of the dangers of corruption and its impact on society. 6.
Developing an understanding of the importance of the Zambian culture and cultural diversity. 7. Developing an understanding of the dangers and effects of substance abuse to health and life in general. 8. Creating an awareness of HIV and AIDS, care and support and its impact on the Zambian society. 9. Developing an understanding of global issues.
10. Creating awareness on the roles of the media in democracy, governance and national development. 11. Promoting an understanding of the various roles and functions of civil society. 12. Creating awareness on the need for tolerance and respect for other people’s views and the need for peaceful conflict resolution. 13. Sensitising the learners on
gender, equity and equality in relation to national development.
14. Fostering skills in the learner necessary to promote human development. 15. Creating awareness and developing skills and strategies for sustainable environmental management. vii GENERAL AND SPECIFIC OUTCOMES GRADE 10 1. CONSTITUTION General Outcome Develop an understanding and appreciation of the Zambian Constitution as
the Supreme Law of the country. Specific Outcomes • Define constitution • Discuss types of constitution • Explain the structure and content of the Zambian constitution • Describe the process of constitution making • Discuss the characteristics of a good constitution • Explain the importance of a constitution to a nation. 2. CITIZENSHIP General
Outcome Develop an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, freedoms and rights of a citizen. Specific Outcomes • Define citizenship • State qualifications of a Zambian citizen • Describe qualities of a good citizen • Outline duties of a good citizen • Identify factors that lead to bad citizenship • Explain rights and freedoms of a citizen. 1 • 3.
Discuss the importance of citizen participation in community activities. GOVERNANCE SYSTEM IN ZAMBIA General Outcome Develop an understanding of political process and governance issues in Zambia. Specific Outcomes • Define governance • Describe Zambia’s governance system in the pre-colonial era • Discuss the characteristics of good
and bad governance • Analyse different electoral systems • Explain Zambia’s electoral system • Describe the local government system in Zambia • Discuss the role of traditional Leaders in governance 4. INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RIGHTS General Outcome Develop an understanding, respect and promotion of human rights. Specific Outcomes •
Define human rights • Outline the historical development of human rights • Discuss characteristics of human rights. • Explain categories of human rights. • Discuss the significance of human rights. 2 5. CORRUPTION General Outcome Develop an understanding of the dangers of corruption and its impact on society. Specific Outcomes • Define
• Examine the various forms of corruption. • Explain causes of corruption. • Discuss effects of corruption. • Assess the impact of corruption on the Zambian society. • Identify institutions that fight against corruption in Zambia. • Show how individuals and groups in society can contribute to the fight against corruption. 6. INTRODUCTION TO
CULTURAL STUDIES General Outcome Develop an understanding of the importance of Zambia’s cultural heritage. Specific Outcomes • Define culture • Describe components of culture • Explain characteristics of culture • Discuss the importance of culture • Outline types of cultures • Outline Zambia’s societal core values 3 • Discuss Zambia’s
cultural practices 7. SUBSTANCE ABUSE General Outcome Develop an understanding of dangers and effects of substance abuse to health and life in Zambia. Specific Outcomes • Define substance and substance abuse • Describe types of substances often abused by people • Explain reasons for substance abuse • Suggest ways of avoiding substance
abuse • Discuss the effects of substance abuse on individuals, community and at national level. • Discuss measures used to prevent substance abuse. • Identify agencies involved in eradicating substance abuse in Zambia. 4 GRADE 11 1. CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE MEDIA IN GOVERNANCE General Outcome Develop an understanding of Civil Society
and the media participation in governance issues. Specific Outcomes • Define civil society. • Classify civil society in Zambia.
• Analyse the roles of civil society in governance issues. • Explain the conditions necessary for the establishment of civil society. • Discuss the importance of citizen participation in governance. • Evaluate the need for citizen participation in governance • Identify different types of media.
• Discuss the importance of access to the media in governance. • Explain the importance of the independence of the media in governance. 2.
ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT General Outcome Develop an understanding and appreciation of economic and social development. Specific Outcomes 5 • Define development, economic development and social development. • Discuss basic human needs. • Describe factors that affect production.
• Discuss factors which affect capital formation.
• Analyse the contribution of financial institutions to economic and social development. • Explain the importance of positive work culture for economic development in Zambia. • Evaluate the role of the informal sector in national development. 3. INTRODUCTION TO MAJOR INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS INSTRUMENTS. General Outcome
Develop an understanding of Major International Human Rights and Instruments. Specific Learning Outcomes • Describe the International Bills of Rights • Define the Charter-Based Human Rights Instrument (Universal Declaration of Human Rights).
• Describe the background to the Charter – Based Human Rights Instrument (UDHR). • Summarise the provisions contained in the UDHR. • Discuss the mechanisms used by the United Nations in monitoring and supervising the implementation of the Charter-Based Human Rights Instrument (UDHR). • Define Treaty-Based International Human
Rights Instruments • Describe the background to each of the major Treaty-Based International Human Rights Instruments. • Summaries of the provisions contained in each of the major Treaty-Based Human Rights Instruments. 6 4. INTRODUCTION TO THE ZAMBIAN LEGAL SYSTEM General Outcome Develop a general understanding of Zambia’s
Legal System. Specific Learning Outcomes • Define legal education • Outline elements of a good legal system • Explain sources of law in Zambia • Define criminal and civil cases • Describe the functions of legal institutions and organisations that promote justice. 5. INTRODUCTION TO PROCESSES IN THE ZAMBIAN LEGAL SYSTEM General
Outcome Develop a general understanding to the process of the Zambian Legal System. Specific Learning Outcomes • Explain the rights of a suspect in pre-trial procedure. • Discuss the rights of a suspect at the trial stage. • Explain the rights of a convicted person at post trial stage. • Describe the procedure in a criminal case justice process. 7 •
Define capital punishment. • Discuss the cases that constitute capital punishment • Analyse arguments for and against capital punishment. • Describe the procedures in the Civil Justice processes. • Describe the post trial process in the Zambian legal system 6. GENDER EQUITY AND EQUALITY General Outcome Sensitise learners on Gender Equity
and Equality in relation to national development. Specific Learning Outcomes • Define gender, gender equity, gender equality, gender discrimination and stereo-typing. • Outline the historical background of gender issue. • Describe gender roles, sex roles, stereo- type and gender gap • Discuss the social construction of gender. • Analyse the Intestate
Succession Act of 1989. • Compare and contrast gender issues in traditional and modern society. • Evaluate the work of Governmental Institutions and Non-Governmental Organisations that advocate for gender equity and equality. 7. A CULTURE OF PEACE General Outcome Develop an understanding of and the need to promote a culture of peace.
Specific Learning Outcomes • Define peace, conflict and a culture of peace. 8 • Outline methods of promoting peace. • Discuss forms of conflict at various levels. • Analyse causes of conflict at various levels.
• Assess the impact of various forms of conflict. • Describe conflict resolution strategies. • Explain ways of creating a culture of peace. 8. HIV AND AIDS General Outcome Create an awareness of HIV and AIDS, impact and mitigation measures. Specific Learning Outcomes • Define HIV and AIDS • Describe factors which expose people to HIV
Infections. • Analyse different measures used to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS. • Analyse the impact of HIV and AIDS at individual, community and national level. • Discuss HIV and stigmatisation. • Outline various ways used to protect the rights of HIV infected persons. • Discuss HIV and AIDS mitigation strategies in relation to treatment, care
and support.
• Identify institutions and organisations and their roles in dealing with HIV and AIDS. 9. SOCIAL CHALLENGES General Outcome 9 Develop an awareness of selected social challenges and promote participation in intervention measures. Specific Learning Outcomes • Define social challenges • Define child abuse • Describe different forms of child
abuse • Suggest ways of addressing different forms of child abuse. • Identify institutions that address child abuse • Suggest ways of ensuring protection against sexual assault. • Suggest ways of protecting oneself against rape • Identify effects of rape on the victim • Outline factors that lead to teenage pregnancies • Examine effects of teenage
pregnancies • Describe sexual harassment • Describe gender-based violence. • Identify institutions that deal with gender based violence. 10 GRADE 12 1.
HUMAN RIGHTS IN ZAMBIA General Outcomes Develop an understanding and appreciation of human rights. Cultivate respect for promotion and protection of human rights. Specific Outcomes • Define the Bill of Rights. • Outline elements of the Bill of Rights in the Zambian Constitution. • Analyse the limitations of the Bill of Rights. • Describe ways
of enforcing the Zambian Bill of Rights.
• Discuss Institutions which promote Human Rights in Zambia. • Explain provisions of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights. 2. RIGHTS OF THE CHILD 11 General Outcomes Develop respect and understanding of the Rights of the Child. Specific Outcomes • Explain reasons for a separate human rights instrument for children. • Outline
steps taken to come up with a United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. • Explain what is meant by children’s rights are human rights. • Describe the four principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. • Discuss the provision of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the two Optional
Protocols. 3. FAMILY LAW General Outcome Develop an understanding of Family Law in Zambia. Specific Outcomes • Define family and marriage. • Outline the elements of Family Law. • Describe types of marriages in Zambia. • Assess the effects of separation, divorce and death on the family. 4. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING General Outcome
Develop an understanding and appreciation of the importance of development planning. Specific Outcomes • Define development planning. 12 • Discuss types of development planning. • Describe methods of planning. • Discuss the importance of budgeting and fiscal discipline in development planning. • Explain the functions of Micro and Macroeconomic financial institutions. • Examine indicators of development. 5.
POVERTY IN ZAMBIA General Outcomes Develop an understanding of the causes and effects of poverty in Zambia.
Acquire knowledge in poverty alleviation and reduction strategies. Specific Outcomes • Define poverty. • Outline the causes of poverty. • Discuss poverty alleviation measures. • Evaluate poverty alleviation policies and their implementation in Zambia. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION General Outcomes • Develop an understanding of the need to
protect and preserve the environment. • Appreciate and participate in environmental management activities. Specific Outcomes • Define environment. • Outline causes of environmental degradation. 13 • Discuss environmental management. • Identify institutions that promote environmental management in Zambia. • Assess ways of addressing
environmental degradation • Discuss functions of the institutions that promote environmental management in Zambia • State some international conventions on environmental management. • Discuss the importance of biodiversity in the management of the environment. 7. GLOBAL ISSUES General Outcome Develop an understanding of globalisation
and global issues. Specific Outcomes • Define global issues. • Analyse global interdependence. • Discuss Bilateral and Multilateral aid. • Discuss International trade.
• Explain debt crisis and debt relief. • Discuss the effects of debt crisis and debt relief on Zambia. • Explain Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
• Analyse Zambia’s efforts towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. 14 ECZ Grade 12 Civic Education Pamphlets are available now in edunonia. This is to help students improve their studying capacity and understanding most effectively for students preparing for the forthcoming ECZ examination session.
An Act of Parliament established the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) in 1983 to set and conduct examinations and award certificates to successful candidates. Before this enactment, the Ministry of Education and Culture under the Examinations Section used to conduct the examinations. After the enactment, the section continued to perform
the function of conducting the examinations while simultaneously developing an institutional framework and job descriptions. The full launch and operationalisation of the Examinations Council of Zambia was in 1987 as a semi-autonomous public institution (Parastatal). Prior to the establishment of the Council, the University of Cambridge Local
Examination Syndicate in the United Kingdom was the examining and awarding body. The syndicate’s examinations catered for many countries and consequently, it was not easy for such examinations to reflect the needs of Zambia.
The country was subject to the curricula, syllabi and regulations of the syndicate with little say in the general policy of the syndicate examinations. In view of this, it became necessary to reach a decision to localise School Certificate examinations. Consequential to this was the need to develop capacity in the construction, administration and marking
of examinations. This gave rise to the establishment of the Examinations Council of Zambia. The main functions of the Council as stipulated in the Examinations Council of Zambia Act, No. 15 of 1983 are to: To conduct examinationsTo process the results;To award certificates and diplomas to candidates who pass examinations conducted by the
council;To carry out relevant research in examinations;To advise any public institution on the development and use of any system of testing or examining when requested to do so;To formulate syllabuses for examinations; promote the international recognition of qualifications conferred by the Council;To approve or reject appointments of
examiners;To organise training courses, or arrange for the training of, examiners, markers, supervisors, invigilators and other persons connected with examinations;To invite any person or body in or outside Zambia to assist the Council in the conduct of examinations. Download All ECZ Grade 12 Civic Education Pamphlets ECZ Grade 12 Civic
Education Pamphlets