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Multicultural Student Education & Career Guide Programs

I am worried about the future of my
children. What career guide programs
are available for multicultural students?
Career Guide Programs for the Stable Growth of Students
Career guide programs are provided to help multicultural students grow stably by developing their
Bilingual Strength Development Support
Bilingual Speech Contest
National Bilingual Speech Contest has been held annually since 2013 in order to encourage
bilingual learning of multicultural students and to help the students establish their identity and
build a sense of pride.
Bilingual Electronic Textbooks
In order to promote bilingual learning of multicultural students, bilingual textbooks in the form of
e-books have been developed and provided through web and mobile applications.
Russian, Cambodian, Thai, Mongolian,
e-book planning
and development
Ministry of Education / National Institute for
Lifelong Education, National Center for Multicultural Education
National Center for Multi-cultural Education
Play (App) Store ⇨ Search and download “Bilingual
Textbooks of National Center for Multi-cultural
Career Guide Program
Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Filipino
Mirae Asset Park Hyeon Joo Foundation / University
Knowledge Press, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Mirae Asset Park Hyeon Joo Foundation
Play (App) Store ⇨ Search and download “Bilingual
"Dream Letter"
(Career-related Newsletter for Parents)
자녀의 꿈을 지원하는
학부모 진로소식지
Multilingual (Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian) career
resilience program (Jillo Tantan) has been developed
and distributed with the goal to improve the career
resilience of immigrant youth.
To help parents of multicultural students in career guidance
for their children, “Dream Letter,” a newsletter containing
career-related information by elementary, middle and high
school grades, is published in foreign languages (Chinese,
Vietnamese) and distributed through online and offline
channels four times a year to multicultural families
(to be additionally distributed in English and Russian in 2020).
※ Data available via Career Net (www.career.go.kr).
Information on Public Education &
Educational Support Programs for
Multicultural Students and Parents
Schools in the Republic
of Korea are open to all!
According to the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child
every child under the age of 18 living in the Republic of Korea has the right to compulsory education (six
years of elementary school and three years of middle school education) regardless of his or her residency
status. Therefore, all multicultural students living in Korea are guaranteed of a fair opportunity of education
regardless of their native country or nationality.
* 多Types of Multicultural Students
Multicultural students can be largely divided into those of international marriage families and those of foreign families.
Multicultural students from international marriage families can be divided into “children born in Korea” who were born between a Korean national and
a marriage immigrant and grew up in Korea and “immigrant children” who were brought by a marriage immigrant into Korea after his or her marriage
with a Korean national and who were born between a Korean national and a marriage immigrant, grew up in the country of the marriage immigrant
and came into Korea. Multicultural students from foreign families are children born between foreigners, such as ethnic Koreans from China, ethnic
Koreans from post-Soviet states, and Syrian refugees.
Multicultural students entering public education
※ Source: Ministry of Education (2020). Multicultural Education Support Plan 2020
Which process does a multicultural student need to go through to enter school?
Please specify by type.
Multicultural student with Korean nationality
• Entering elementary school
Elementary school
Receive notice for school
attendance and prepare
for school entrance
Middle school
High school
Application form submitted
and middle school allocated by
elementary school where student is
Application form submitted and high school allocated by
middle school where student is enrolled
Information on how to
enter public education
Support on early
adaptation to school life
• Information
on school
entrance/transfer for children
from multicultural families
• “Stepping
Stone” course to help
multicultural students scheduled
to enter/transfer to elementary/
middle school in their early
adaptation to school life
※ Check information individually on the High School Entrance
Information Portal (www.hischool.go.kr)
※ Entrance and transfer procedures for multicultural student with Korean nationality are the same as those of non-multicultural students.
Multicultural student with foreign nationalities
• Entering elementary school
Elementary school
Middle school
High school
Submit the required
documents and application
form to the desired
elementary school
Application form submitted
and middle school allocated by
elementary school where student is
Application form submitted and high school allocated by
middle school where student is enrolled
※ Check information individually on the High School Entrance
Information Portal (www.hischool.go.kr)
※ For entrance to high school, the screening process and application period may vary according to the type of school and competent Office of Education
Adapting to school life
Support for Basic
Academic Ability
Customized Korean language
• Mentoring
by university students
(kindergarten, elementary school,
middle school)
• Supplementary
learning materials
(elementary, middle school)
• ‌Intensive education on Korean language
and culture through “Korean Language
Classroom” and “Visiting Korean Language
Education” programs (kindergarten,
elementary school, middle school)
• School transfer
Elementary school
Middle school
Check the required documents and
submit them together with entrance/
transfer application form to the head
of elementary school within the
applicable school district
Check the required documents and submit them
together with entrance/transfer application form to
the head of school
※ ‌In the “middle school district (a school district designated
for students’ admission to a specific middle school
considering the distance students need to travel to and
from school, etc.),” submit application form to the head
of middle school
High school
Check the required documents
and submit them together with
entrance/transfer application
form to the desired high school
What is the kindergarten entrance procedure for multicultural students?
For students born in Korea, the application procedure can be completed online (www.go-firstschool.go.kr) or via in-person visit to a
kindergarten. The preferential kindergarten entrance targets vary by kindergarten. Please check the guidelines for application with
the kindergarten and complete the application during the specified period.
Establishing identity and growing stably
Career guide programs
• Bilingual strength development support
• Career guide programs
• Career guide newsletter
I want to send my children to a Korean
school. How can I receive assistance?
Educational Support to Help Multicultural Students’ Early Adaptation to School Life
Information on Public Education for Multicultural Students
To guarantee educational opportunities for multicultural students, customized information is provided on
how to enter public education and about school life in Korea according to the situations and circumstances
of each student.
Information on
Public Education for
Danuri Call
Information booklet (in
13* foreign languages)
on how to enter public
education in Korea sent
to immigrant/refugee
Russian, Mongolian, Vietnamese, Arabic,
* Korean,
English, Japanese, Chinese, Cambodian, Thai, Filipino,
French, Burmese
Healthy &
Multicultural Family
Support Center
Rainbow Youth
Korea Institute for
Healthy Family
Information booklet on public education for multicultural students
distributed to organizations that are frequently visited by multicultural
students and their parents
※ ‌Data on public education for multicultural students available online via the National Center for Multicultural
Education website (www.edu4mc.or.kr).
Consulting service and customized support on public education for multicultural students provided through
local Multicultural Education Centers
<Contact Information of Multicultural Education Centers (operated in 17 cities and provinces)>
Seoul Multicultural Education Center
Busan Multicultural Education Center
Daegu Multicultural Education Center
Incheon Multicultural Education Center
Gwangju Multicultural Education Center
Daejeon Multicultural Education Center
Ulsan Multicultural Education Center
Sejong Multicultural Education Center
Gyeonggi Multicultural Education Center
Gangwon Multicultural Education Center
Chungbuk Multicultural Education Center
Chungnam Multicultural Education Center
Jeonbuk Multicultural Education Center
Jeonnam Multicultural Education Center
Gyeongbuk Multicultural Education Center
Gyeongnam Multicultural Education Center +82-55-210-5161~2
Jeju Multicultural Education Center
I am worried about sending my children to school because they are
still unfamiliar with living in Korea. Is there a program that can help
them adapt to school life quickly?
I want to send my children to a school in Korea. But, it’s difficult to
prove the education they received abroad. What should I do?
Review on Educational Background of Multicultural Students
For multicultural students of whom it is difficult to prove their educational background, such as refugee children,
children without family and North Korean defector children born in a developing country, the Office of Education
of each city and province as well as schools qualified to accredit educational backgrounds and determine grades
can accredit the students’ educational background and determine their grade. For more details, please contact
the Office of Education of your respective city/province or the local Multicultural Education Center.
“Stepping Stone” course is provided to help multicultural students scheduled to enter or transfer to
elementary and middle school in their early adaptation to school life.
Elementary School
Middle School
Multicultural students born in Korea as well as
immigrant students and foreign students who are
scheduled to enter or transfer to elementary school
Content of Education
Information on school life necessary for students’
adaptation to school life (how to use school facilities
and safety training, how to travel to and from school,
how to check school notices/newsletters), guidance
on developing learning habits (checking timetable,
understanding subjects, checking preparation for class,
Immigrant students and foreign students
scheduled to enter or transfer to middle school
Content of Education
Education on communication to help students
express their understanding correctly and
form sound peer groups, experience-centered
education to help students adapt to school life
and develop a sense of self-efficacy
How “Stepping Stone” Helped Me!
It was nice that there
were people in school I
had gotten to know before
Teachers help me resolve
difficulties I experienced in
school quickly.
<Stepping Stone Programs for Middle School Students>
※ ‌More details on the Stepping Stone course available online via the National Center for Multicultural Education
website (www.edu4mc.or.kr).
Teachers’ Booklet for Multicultural Students’ Public Education
To assist teachers’ guidance for multicultural students’ public education in Korea, an information booklet
containing legal grounds for the multicultural students’ educational rights and procedures for starting public
education is continuously updated and distributed.
Manual for School Register Management for Multicultural Students
This manual was developed to ensure efficient school register management for students of foreign nationalities who wish
to attend or transfer to elementary, middle and high schools in Korea. The manual contains “Elementary, Middle and High
School Attendance/Entrance Procedures for Multicultural Students” and “School Register Management Tips for Students
of Foreign Nationalities (by educational stage).”
Booklet to Assist the Operation of the Multicultural Students’ Educational Background Review Committee
This information booklet was developed for accreditation of educational background and grade determination for multicultural
students of whom it is difficult to prove their educational background, such as refugee children, children without family
and North Korean defector children born in a developing country. The booklet contains information on the operation of the
Multicultural Students’ Educational Background Review Committee and related procedures.
※ This data is available online via the National Center for Multicultural Education website (www.edu4mc.or.kr).
My children cannot speak Korean. Can
they receive Korean language education
at school?
to Korean language education,
Q Inwhataddition
other educational programs are available?
Korean Language Classroom
Support for Basic Academic Ability
When there are several immigrant or foreign students within the school, the school operates “Korean
language classroom,” a special classroom, to help multicultural students who have insufficient ability to
communicate in the Korean language adapt to their school life. In addition to systematic Korean language
education, the Korean language classroom provides education on Korean culture, which multicultural
students need in adapting to Korean society and school life.
With the Korean language ability diagnosis - correction system, multicultural students’ current level of
Korean language proficiency is identified and, based on the results, education is provided using customized
learning materials.
To help multicultural students who experience difficulty in learning improve their basic academic
abilities, a mentoring service is provided by university students and supplementary learning materials
are developed and distributed.
Diagnosis test
education and
Test on
Mentoring by University Students
1:1 mentoring service is provided by university students to help multicultural kindergarten,
elementary, middle and high school students adapt to school life and improve their basic academic
Mentoring Activities
Basic learning guidance, counseling on school life, career counseling
and activities to promote adaptation to life in Korea.
Scale test
How to Register
Contact the school where the multicultural student is
enrolled or call the Korea Student Aid Foundation
(tel: 1599-2290).
<Key Process of Korean Language Ability Diagnosis - Correction System (https://ko-ls.or.kr/)>
Development/Distribution of Supplementary Learning Materials
Supplementary learning materials that provide
additional explanation about the key concepts and
vocabularies of each subject multicultural students
find difficult are developed and distributed. These
materials are also available in the form of an
e-book for easy access anytime, anywhere.
The school my children go to does not have a Korean language class.
What should I do?
Visiting Korean Language Education
If your child's school does not offer Korean classes, you can
receive support for Korean language education through the
Visiting Korean Language Education program. The program
dispatches staff such as Korean language instructors to schools
where multicultural students need Korean language education. For
more information, please contact your city’s or province’s Office of
‌Supplementary learning materials for
elementary school subjects
Korean, math and integrated curriculum for grades
1–2; Korean, social studies, math and science for
grades 3–4/5–6
‌Supplementary learning materials for middle
school subjects
Korean (by grade), social studies, math, science
ㄱ ㄹ
※ ‌Details of supplementary learning materials and e-books available online via the National Center for
Multicultural Education website (www.edu4mc.or.kr).