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Korean Conjunctions: Basic Sentence Connectors

Korean Conjunctions: Basic Sentence Connectors
“But” in Korean
Similar to the English language, there are several ways to express “but” in Korean. This isn’t limited to one word. In Korean, these
words can either be used as standalone words or attached to other words.
Read on as we’ve explained each of them below.
그렇지만 (geureochiman) But, however
But, although
~지만 (~ jiman)
But, however, by the way
그런데 (geureonde)
~ㄴ/는데 (~ㄴ/neunde) But, however, though
But, or
그러나 (geureona)
그렇지만 (geureochiman) = But, however
This is the first way to say “but” in Korean. This Korean conjunction comes from the verb 그렇다(geureota), which translates
as simply as “yes.”
However, when you attach ~지만 (~ jiman) to its stem, you are forming a single word that literally means “That’s correct, but…”,
which you can then follow with the contradiction to what you are responding to. Let’s see how it’s used in the first sentence
example below.
For example:
오늘 친구랑 영화보러 가고 싶어요. 그렇지만 내일 시험 있어서 공부해야 해요.
(oneul chingurang yeonghwaboreo gago sipeoyo. geureochiman naeil siheom isseoseo gongbuhaeya haeyo.)
I want to go see a movie with a friend today. However, I have an exam tomorrow, so I have to study.
~지만 (~ jiman) = But, although
In learning Korean conjunctions, this is one of the first ones to focus on in using “but” in Korean. It is used to unify two sentences
into one sentence. Here’s the second sentence example:
For example:
오늘 친구랑 영화보러 가고 싶지만 내일 시험 있어서 공부해야 해요.
(oneul chingurang yeonghwaboreo gago sipchiman naeil siheom isseoseo gongbuhaeya haeyo.)
Although I want to see a movie with a friend today, I have to study for an exam I have tomorrow.
그런데 (geureonde) = But, however, by the way
This is one of the most common Korean conjunctions. It can also be used to form a contradiction, just like 그렇지만
(geureochiman). However, it is better used to relate the two clauses to each other. It’s the form often used among friends.
This conjunction can be used to change topics. The shortened form is 근데 (geunde), with the same meaning.
For example:
어제 하루종일 잤어요. 그런데 오늘 피곤해요.
(eoje harujongil jasseoyo. geureonde oneul pigonhaeyo.)
I slept all day yesterday. But today I am tired.
~ㄴ/는데 (~ㄴ/neunde) = But, however, though
Similar to ~지만 (~ jiman), this Korean conjunction can be used to directly connect the two sentences into one.
For example:
어제 하루종일 잤는데 오늘 피곤해요. (eoje harujongil jatneunde oneul pigonhaeyo.)
Though I slept all day yesterday, I’m tired today.
그러나 (geureona) = But, or
You can say “but” in Korean in this scenario with a similar meaning to 그렇지만 (geureochiman) and 그런데 (geureonde).
However, in comparison to the two, it is more of a formal style. You’d most often see it used in literary or academic papers. Of all
the Korean conjunctions on this list, this is the one you’ll most likely only see on paper.
“Or” in Korean
The conjunction “or” is used when choosing between options. There are three ways for you to say “or” in Korean.
In Korean, you can use the conjunctions ~나 (~ na), ~거나 (~ geona), or 아니면 (animyeon) depending on the words that they are
~나 (~ na)
~거나 (~ geona) Or
아니면 (animyeon) Or, unless, if not
~나 (~ na) = Or
This conjunction literally means “or,” so you can use this to connect two nouns between which to choose. This is one of the most
useful Korean conjunctions. It’s a great one for upgrading your basic Korean sentences.
For example:
오늘 뭘 먹을까? 고기나 치킨? (oneul mwol meogeulkka? gogina chikin?)
What shall we eat today? Meat or chicken?
~거나 (~ geona) = Or
This conjunction has the same meaning as the above, but it is used in connecting two verbs.
For example:
수업이 끝나면 영화보거나 집에 갈 거예요.(sueobi kkeunnamyeon yeonghwabogeona jibe gal geoyeyo.)
When the class ends, I will either watch a movie or go home.
아니면 (animyeon) = Or, unless, if not
This is used like the Korean conjunctions ~나 (~ na) and ~거나 (~ geona). For example, you can use it instead of ~나 (~ na) or
together with ~거나 (~ geona). You can also use it between two sentences to make them sound more natural.
For example:
고기를 먹을까요? 아니면 다른 거 먹을까요? (gogireul meogeulkkayo? animyeon dareun geo meogeulkkayo?)
Shall we eat meat? Or shall we eat something else?
“And” in Korean
“And” in Korean is commonly expressed in two ways. The first is with 그리고 (geurigo), while the second is with ~고 (~go).
그리고 (geurigo) and
and, and then
~고 (~go)
그리고 (geurigo) = and
You’ve already learned a few different ways to say “and” in Korean from previous lessons. We’re going to show you another way.
Use this Korean conjunction to connect nouns. You can also use it as the beginning of another sentence that follows your first one.
For example:
슈퍼에서 우유를 사주세요. 그리고 계란도 사주세요. (syupeoeseo uyureul sajuseyo. geurigo gyerando sajuseyo.)
Please buy milk from the supermarket. And please buy eggs as well.
~고 (~go) = and, and then
This is one of the basic Korean conjunctions. This version of “and” in Korean has a nearly identical meaning to 그리고 (geurigo)
and is often used to connect actions together, typically in the form of “First X, and then Y.”
For example:
저녁을 먹고 샤워할 거예요. (jeonyeogeul meokgo syawohal geoyeyo.)
I’ll eat dinner and then take a shower.
“So” in Korean
When expressing an effect of a previous statement, the word “so” is used. The words 그래서 (geuraeseo) and 그러니까
(geureonikka) can be used to express “so” in Korean.
So, so that, thus, and so, therefore
그래서 (geuraeseo)
그러니까 (geureonikka) Therefore
그래서 (geuraeseo) = So, so that, thus, and so, therefore
The ~서 (~ seo) ending expresses cause and effect in the verbs it is attached to.
For example:
오늘 하루종일 남자친구한테서 연락을 못 받았어요. 그래서 슬퍼요. (oneul harujongil namjachinguhanteseo yeollageul mot
badasseoyo. geuraeseo seulpeoyo.)
I didn’t receive any contact from my boyfriend all day today. Therefore, I am sad.
그러니까 (geureonikka) = Therefore
This conjunction is very similar to 그래서 (geuraeseo). More so than 그래서 (geuraeseo), it emphasizes an action made as an
effect of the cause.
For example:
그 날 가족과 함께 모일 거예요. 그러니까 생일파티에 못가요. (geu nal gajokgwa hamkke moil geoyeyo. geureonikka
saengilpatie motgayo.)
I will do a get-together with my family that day. Therefore, I cannot go to the birthday party.
“Because” in Korean
Similar to the word “so,” “because” in Korean is also used to express cause and effect.
~서 (seo)
~니까 (~ nikka) Because of
~서 (seo) = Because
As a result of an action, this conjunction shows what happens next. It’s one of the most common Korean conjunctions.
Like this:
오늘 사탕을 많이 먹어서 배가 아파요. (oneul satangeul mani meogeoseo baega apayo.)
My stomach hurts because I ate a lot of candy today.
~니까 (~ nikka) = Because of
This is used in a similar fashion as ~서. You will see the Korean conjunctions ~니까 (~ nikka) and ~서 (~ seo) quite often. Like 그러
니까 (geureonikka), it focuses more on expressing the reason why something could not happen. It can be used in the past tense.
For example:
하루종일 잤으니까 폰을 못 봤어요. (harujongil jasseunikka poneul mot bwasseoyo.)
I couldn’t look at my phone because I had slept all day.
“If ” in Korean
This conjunction is generally used to express what must occur before something else will take place.
Here are different ways to use “if” in Korean.
그러면 (geureomyeon) If it’s so, in that case
If, once
~면 (~ myeon)
Nonetheless, even if, even so, but still, nevertheless
그래도 (geuraedo)
그러면 (geureomyeon) = If it’s so, in that case
You can use this conjunction to start sentences that expand on the information previously revealed to you in the conversation.
For example:
이번 일요일은 쉬는 날이에요? 그러면 그때 같이 밥을 먹어요.
(ibeon illyoireun swineun narieyo? geureomyeon geuttae gachi babeul meogeoyo.)
Is this Sunday a day off? In that case, let’s eat together then.
~면 (~ myeon) = If, once
Attaching this Korean conjunction to a verb, you can make a sentence saying you’ll do something if you first do X or once you first
do X.
For example:
집에 도착하면 연학할게요 (jibe dochakamyeon yeollakalgeyo.)
I will contact you once I get home.
그래도 (geuraedo) = Nonetheless, even if, even so, but still, nevertheless
This Korean conjunction is used to say something will be done or something will be happening, regardless of what is said in the
first sentence.
For example:
어제 머리가 많이 아팠어요. 그래도 친구랑 놀러 갔어요. (eoje meoriga mani apasseoyo. geuraedo chingurang nolleo
My head hurt a lot yesterday. Even so, I went to play with a friend.
“With” in Korean
There are two ways to use “with” in Korean, which depend if the previous word ends with a vowel or a consonant.
위해 (wihae)
~와 (wa) = with
If the word ends with a vowel 와 (wa) is added.
For example:
어제 친구와 점심 먹었어요. (eoje chinguwa jeomsim meogeosseoyo.)
Yesterday I ate lunch with a friend.
~과 (gwa) = with
If the word ends in a consonant, the conjunction 과 (gwa) is added instead.
You can also use 와 (wa)/과 (gwa) with 함께 (hamkke) or 같이 (gachi ) afterward. They mean “together.”
For example:
할머니는 삼촌과 함께 살아요. (halmeonineun samchongwa hamkke sarayo.)
My grandmother lives with my uncle.
“For” in Korean
There are two ways to use “for” in Korean.
at that time
그때 (geuttae)
그러면 (geureomyeon) well then / in that case
그 다음(geu daeum) after that
위해 (wihae) / 위해서(wihaeseo) = for
[noun] +을 (~eul) /를 (~reul) 위해서 (wihaeseo)
For example:
Using “for” in Korean with a noun:
엄마를 위해 선물을 사요. (eommareul wihae seonmureul sayo.)
I buy a gift for mom.
[verb] + 기 위해 (~gi wihae) or 기 위해서 (~gi wihaeseo)
For example:
Using “for” in Korean with a verb:
살빼기 위해서 운동해요. (salppaegi wihaeseo undonghaeyo.)
I exercise to lose weight.
“Then” in Korean
“Then” in Korean can be expressed in three different ways.
그때 (geuttae) = at that time
For example:
그때 그녀를 잘 몰랐어요. (geuttae geunyeoreul jal mollasseoyo.)
I didn’t know her well then.
그러면 (geureomyeon) = well then / in that case
For example:
그러면 이걸 다시 해보자. (geureomyeon igeol dasi haeboja.)
Then let’s try this again.
그 다음(geu daeum) = after that
For example:
음식을 주문하고 그 다음 차를 마실 거예요. (eumsigeul jumunhago geu daeum chareul masil geoyeyo.)
I will order food and then drink tea.
Simple Response in a Conversation
In addition to the Korean conjunctions you’ve learned above, here’s a simple response you can use for basic conversations.
It’s not really a Korean conjunction, but it’s usually used in Korean conversations that you might encounter, so we thought we’d
add it in. It’s a very basic and useful Korean sentence. We’ve also added the English translations and example sentences for each
그래요 (geuraeyo) = OK, Yes, That’s right
This is a basic response in a conversation at each level of politeness. We recommend using 그래요 (geuraeyo) since it’s
considered polite but still good for everyday conversations.
그렇습니다 (geureoseumnida) is the formal version you might use at the office when giving a speech or during formal situations.
You would use 그래 (geurae) with someone younger than you or someone with whom you’re on close terms.
For example:
A: 우리 내일 5 시에 만날까? (uri naeil daseot sie mannalkka?)
Shall we meet tomorrow at 5:00?
B: 그래! (geurae!)