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Geotechnical Engineering I Course Outline

CE 382
Geotechnical Engineering I
1st Semester 1438/1439 H
Course Outline
•Types and classification of rocks.
•Formation of soils.
•Basic Definitions and Phase Relations
•Consistency Limits and Indices
•Classification of soils.
•Soil compaction.
•Permeability and seepage.
•Principle of Effective Stress.
•Stresses in Soil Mass.
• Instructor: Prof. AWAD Ali Al-Karni
Office: 2A-6
Office hours: As Posted
Phone: 467-7041
email: akarni@ksu.edu.sa
• Text Book:
o Das, B.M. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering,
Latest edition.
• Supplementary References:
o Holtz, R.D. and Kovacs, W.D. (1981). An Introduction to
Geotechnical Engineering, Prentice Hall.
o Bowles, J. (1992). Engineering Properties of Soils and
their Measurement, McGraw Hill.
Grade Distribution
• 2 Mid-term exams
• Assignments
• Lecture participation+ Quizzes
• Final Exam
1st Mid-term Exam:
15 minutes after Maghreb Prayer
2nd Mid-term Exam:
17/3/1439H 5/11/2017G
15 minutes after Maghreb Prayer
1. Civil Engineering Materials
o Steel
o Concrete
o Earthen Materials
o Others (wood, aluminum, plastic …….etc.)
Many courses in our department are linked to the
first three materials in various aspects:
•Measurement and testing (ex. Lab. course)
•Theoretical bases (ex. Geotechnical Engineering I)
•Applications (ex. Foundation Engineering)
2. Earthen Materials
• The earth crust is composed of soils and rocks.
• Rock can be defined as a natural aggregate of
minerals and mineraloids that are connected by
strong bonding or attractive forces.
• Soil The word soil could mean different meanings
to different scientific disciplines like pedology, soil
science (agronomy) , geology, and civil
• To the civil engineer soil is defined as the
uncemented or weekly cemented accumulation of
disintegration of rocks.
• In soils voids exist between particles and the voids
may be filled with a liquid, usually water, or gas ,
usually air. As a result, soils are often referred to as
a three-phase material or system (solid, liquid and
• It should be noted that the dividing line between soil
and rock is arbitrary and many natural materials
encountered in engineering practice cannot be
easily classified. They may be either a "very soft
rock" or a "very hard soil".
3. Importance of Soil in Civil Engineering
• Soil is one of the most widely encountered
materials in civil engineering.
• All structure regardless of the material of which
they are constructed , rest ultimately upon soil or
• Soil is the medium through which loads applied at
the surface are transmitted to underground
structure like sewers, culverts, tunnels etc.
• It is used as a construction material in many
engineering structures like earth-fill and rock-fill
dams, levees.
4. Why soil is unique compared to other
engineering materials?
• Most of civil engineering materials are man-made
and their properties are controlled and easily
measured. Soil on the other hand is naturally
• Behavior
anisotropic, time-dependent.
• soils are heterogeneous, i,e. different from one
location to another location.
5. Why do we care more about soils (core courses
involve soils, rock is left for electives)?
• Soil formations are frequently found in urban
• Contrary to soils, rocks are generally more
sound and pose no problems with regard to
both bearing and deformations.
6. Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical engineering is the sub discipline of civil
engineering that involves natural materials found close
to the surface of the earth.
The term geotechnical engineering is defined as the
science and practice of that part of civil engineering
involving the interrelationship between the geological
environment and the works of man. The engineer doing
this specific type of eng. Work is "GEOTEHNICAL
The geotechnical commission of the Swedish railways
was the first to use the word geotechnical
(GEOTEKNISKA), the combination of geology and civil
engineering technology.
‫الترجمة العربية‬
‫ الهندسة الجيوتيكنيكية‬
‫ الجيوتقنية‬
‫ التقانة األرضية‬
We can witness that adopting the term “Geotechnical"
is reflected in the names of courses in our department
(before we use geology, soil mechanics I, soil
mechanics II etc.). Now (Introduction to geotechnical
engineering, Geotechnical Engineering I, Geotechnical
Engineering II, etc.).
7. Branches of Geotechnical Engineering
In a general sense, geotechnical engineering has
two branches:
•Soil Engineering
•Rock Engineering
Soil engineering is the application of the principles
of soil mechanics to practical problems.
Soil Mechanics is the branch of geotechnical engineering that
deals with the physical properties of soil and behavior of soil
masses subjected to various types of forces. It applies the
basic principles of mechanics including kinematics, dynamics,
fluid mechanics and the mechanics of materials to soils.
Rock Engineering is the application of the principles
of rock mechanics to practical problems.
8. Applications of Geotechnical Engineering
• Foundation Engineering
• Tunnel Engineering
• Dam Engineering
• Retaining Walls
• Slope Stability
• Geoenvironmental Engineering
• Pavement Engineering
• Earthquake Engineering
• Geosynthetics
• Etc.
9. Historical Development
Historically soil mechanics or geotechnical engineering has
gone through four stages:
• Before mid -1700's only experience and rule of thumb
• Mid 1700's to 1925 some theories were developed
Coulomb (1776), Rankine (1856), D'Arcy (1856), Atterberg (1911),
Boussinesq (1885).
(However, still not accepted as independent discipline)
• 1925 – 1960 many authorities date the beginning of soil
mechanics as an engineering science to the publication of
"Erdbaumechanik" by Karl Terzaghi.
• 1960 – Present: There has been a real information explosion in
the number of conferences, technical journals, and books.
 Based on the emphasis and the nature of study in the
area of geotechnical engineering, the time span
extending from 1700 to 1927 can be divided into four
major periods:
1. Pre-classical (1700 to 1776 A.D.)
2. Classical soil mechanics—Phase I (1776 to 1856 A.D.)
3. Classical soil mechanics—Phase II (1856 to 1910 A.D.)
4. Modern soil mechanics (1910 to 1927 A.D.)
 The profession of geotechnical engineering has
matured and is now an established branch of civil
engineering, and thousands of civil engineers declare
geotechnical engineering to be their preferred area of
Geo-engineering at KSU
CE382 Geotechnical Engineering I
CE380 Soil Mechanics Laboratory
CE 481 Geotechnical Engineering II
CE 483 Foundation Engineering
Elective Courses:
CE 484 Deep Foundations
CE 485 Introduction to Rock Mechanics
CE 486 Improvement of Geotechnical Engineering Materials
CE 487 Geotechnical Engineering in Arid Regions
CE 488 Selective Topics in Geotechnical Engineering
M.Sc. : CE 581 to CE 589
Ph.D. : CE 681 to CE 689