FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DISTRESSES Photo Location Name and Possible causes Chapel Link, Distress: Pothole with KNUST Faculty of pond water Law. Causes Blocked drainage systems causing the road to flood whenever it rains. Tears and wears caused by congested traffic every Friday and trucks that carry construction materials to SCC project site. Chapel Link. Distress: Shoulder drop Entrance of SCC project site. Cause Lack of drainage system. Heavy trucks moving to the SCC project site. Asuogya road, behind Queens hall. Closer to lecturers’ bungalows. Distress: Shoving Cause Constant overflow of grey water from Queens hall drain. Photo Location Asuogya road, behind Queens handball park Name and possible causes Distress: Transverse cracking Causes Either shrinkage of asphalt layer by weather conditions or a reflection from an existing crack of the underlying layer. Asuogya road and Baffour road intersection, leading to senior staff restaurant. Distress: Edge cracking Cause Lack of lateral support to the asphalt concrete.