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Draft Resolution: VIVA LA FRANCE - Green Energy Transition

Draft Resolution: VIVA LA FRANCE
Agenda: Discussing the sustainability of the oil economy and the global
transition to green energy
Sponsors : The French Republic
Signatories : Federal Republic of Germany, Kingdom of Denmark, United
Arab Emirates, Commonwealth of Australia, Kingdom of Sweden,
Republic of Ghana, Republic of India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Socialist
Republic of Vietnam, Kingdom of Norway, The United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland,Islamic republic of Iraq,The Republic of
Philippines, Switzerland, Kingdom of Thailand
The United Nations Development Program,
Guided by The Montreal Protocol and its subsequent Kigali Amendment in 2016,
Noting with Regret the disastrous environmental consequences of the current oil
economy and the rise in global temperature continuing at the current pace according to
the IPCC reports that point towards heat waves, droughts and floods, rising seas, arctic
ice thaws, air and water pollution and species loss among others,
Noting with deep concern the social and economic exclusion faced by landowners and
residents of oil rich areas affected by the highly disproportionate revenue distribution,
Emphasising on the need of governments, international organisations, and
private sector entities to collaborate to provide financing and
technical assistance for sustainable energy projects,
Aware of the goals set by World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023 by IRENA, The
2013 Doha Commitments, IEA Net Zero Roadmap and the Paris Agreement of 2015,
1) Encourages the international community to reduce trade friction with countries
that contribute by manufacturing and exporting clean energy technology, which
can help other countries achieve their decarbonisation goals;
2) Emphasises the proper implementation of Article 4.10 of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change with respect to the global transition to
green energy by ensuring that the implementation of the transition response
measures is equitable and does not adversely affect developing countries,
particularly those that are dependent on fossil fuel production, export and
processing by;
a) Keeping in mind the technological and financing needs, particularly in
developing countries concerning their workforce and their marginalised and
vulnerable populations,
b) Ensuring that the social and economic conditions for these said populations
remain stable or are improved;
3) Advises the strengthening of international cooperation arrangements like The Paris
Agreement that need to be enhanced or scaled up to better address equity,
economic diversification, just transition for the workforce and other marginalised
sectors, and the impact of response measures
a) Suggests governments negotiate a universal carbon price rather than focus
on country emissions limits as an alternative approach,
b) Advices for an amendment in The Paris Agreement to be based on each
nation’s accumulation of emissions over time rather than being limited only
to the current Carbon Dioxide emissions;
4) Further invites the international community to establish funds like the Loss and
Damage Fund at COP27 which aims at providing financial assistance to poorer
countries, which are often most vulnerable to environmental disasters
a) The fund shall initially be housed at the World Bank,
b) Suggests countries in economic positions of power to pledge money to
these funds and further increase donations to the Green Climate Fund for
5) Draws the attention of the international community to groundbreaking new
technological advancements and suggests the integration of these green energy
innovations into their energy sector
a) Advancing in Solar Photovoltaics by deploying floating solar farms to help
maximise land use,
b) Diversifying renewable energy sources by investing in geothermal
advancements and ocean energy among others,
6) Suggests the creation of a board of emission inspectors called board of emission
inspectors(BETI) that inspect the net emissions of the respective country and reports back to
the UNDP and the matters of the reports will consist of:
1. Extraction and Processing Emissions
2. Transportation and Distribution Emissions: pipeline leaks, transportation, burning of
natural gas (flaring)
3. Methane Emissions: Natural Gas;
7) Encourages Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives ( CSR) in pertinence to working
towards the UNSDG 7 and making it a part of the CSR obligation to work towards green
energy solutions.