Uploaded by Nap Demaraye


7 Guiding Principles To 10x Your
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Hey, Nap here . . .
Let me ask you a question . . .
When you design a business website, what’s the most important thing
you consider?
I hope your answer’s 2.
In fact, I might even argue that on all types of websites, conversion is
your end goal.
Here’s my take:
Whether it’s your portfolio, service website or even e-commerce store,
The only thing that should be on your mind is how you sell.
Because let’s be honest, the only thing that matters to a business owner
is revenue.
OK, I might be wrong there, it’s retaining customers.
You see, recurring purchase equals more revenue.
OK, that’s actually still revenue (lol).
Of course, I’m not saying that you should compromise design.
All I’m saying is, design should complement on the end goal of your
So, what should be your top priority?
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The customer’s buying journey.
Because that’s how you can make sales.
And your clients will be happier from the result of your craft.
So how do you do that?
Through a well-designed website and persuasive copy combined.
Fortunately, these 7 principles will guide you
To design a high-converting website.
But you must understand,
While these principles tie to copywriting,
These should not hinder your creative side.
After all, I’m currently in the middle of creating my own website too.
And there’s no greater joy than to see your clients the happiest when you
Here they are . . .
All yours.
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Principle 1
Copy should dictate design.
OK, this is controversial . . .
Because this is where an executive, a marketing team, a web designer,
and a copywriter clash.
I get it, everyone wants to leave a mark on the world.
But let’s face it . . .
The entire structure of your website depends on the copy.
Also, in my most biased opinion (I hope business owners would agree
with me here),
Persuasive copy should always come first when your priority is sales.
I understand that as a web designer this is the most taxing part of your
But if your concern is conversion, your copy should drive your website.
And design should merely amplify it.
Now I can almost hear your mind saying,
“Pft! There’s AI . . .”
I know, I know.
Let’s get into that later.
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Principle 2
Your wireframe should map out the
customer’s buying journey.
60 percent of the world’s population now has mobile devices.
It’s common sense to optimize your website not only for desktops, but
also for mobile phones.
If you don’t do that, you’re missing out on a lot of money.
Heck, visitors won’t even bother visiting your site again.
So, the customer’s buying journey.
How do you determine that?
Imagine how a customer buys,
Think of the process by which you can make your customer’s life easier,
without them thinking when buying.
What are the next steps they should take?
What possible objections and questions arise before, during, and after a
If you consider this, you’ll have happier customers who’ll even
recommend you to others.
Now, who doesn’t want that?
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Principle 3
Both your design and copy should feel
We can all agree on one thing: humans long for connection.
Let me explain . . .
The deciding factor in a purchase is not logic or reason, but emotion.
That’s right.
It all comes down to one question.
“Will I feel better with my current decision?”
Even that thought ties back to emotion.
Because let’s face it,
We hate to feel miserable.
From a copywriter’s point of view, words should connect on an
emotional level persuading customers to buy.
Of course, this is different on a web designer’s perspective.
The choice of color, shape, typography, and animation all play a crucial
role here.
Now to your thoughts earlier.
“But can I just use AI to generate copy?”
Well, yes you can!
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If you want to sound robotic and won’t appeal to human emotions,
Let’s get one thing perfectly clear . . .
Your customers are not dumb.
If they feel like your copy does not push their emotional buttons,
I guarantee you – they will leave your website.
Now why would you risk that?
Also, know this . . .
No AI copy is perfect or in its final form.
That’s also true for a human copy.
Both can revise their works.
Though, AI can dish out faster turnover rate.
Now, I’m not against AI.
It’s very helpful to make you more efficient.
In fact, I even use it myself.
But it can only be more effective to someone who’s already a
So, the fundamental question remains . . .
Who can directly appeal to the emotions of your potential customers?
Would you risk your business over convenience? Your choice.
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Principle 4
Your web design should match the
message of your brand.
Without proper brand messaging, your business will look and sound like
everyone else.
You look generic, you’re not standing out.
Or WORSE you damage your own brand.
And you can also say goodbye on staying ahead of your competitors.
So, what can you do?
Ask your client if they already have a brand message.
If they don’t, well you’re in luck,
You can just make one for them.
Because you’ve just found another treasure.
Click here to access my FREE brand strategy toolkit.
And oh, did I mention it’s an editable PDF?
You’re welcome.
(We’re friends now, right?) >.<
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Principle 5
Your web design should be easy to
Go easy on the animations there, my friend.
Your goal is to make your customers buying journey easier, not
The harder your website is to navigate, the harder it is to convert your
Imagine you enter a beautiful store out of curiosity.
You’re greeted with a smiling staff,
but every step of the way she obstructs your shopping journey with
gimmicks and whatnot.
How would you feel about it?
I bet even with the most interesting product you might immediately
leave the store.
Your customer’s buying journey should be smooth and provide no
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Principle 6
Web design should be minimal.
Keep it simple. Include only the essentials.
Plus, this will make your website load faster.
If some pages don’t contribute to the customer’s buying journey, place
them in the footer.
Can you still remember the website you saw 15 years ago?
Know what they have in common?
That’s right.
It’s condensed and cluttered.
When you take a closer look,
It’s like a pile of laundry sitting at the corner.
It’s unpleasant to look at,
You feel like you’ll have a headache.
Guess what?
That's how your customers feel when you bombard them with irrelevant
So, ask yourself this question:
Suppose I’m the customer, what do I TRULY need?
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Principle 7
Be wary of using pop-ups as lead
Lead magnet is when you give something valuable to your site visitors
in exchange for their email.
What do you do with it?
You nurture them and turn them into customers (copywriter needed).
Which means MORE sales.
And this applies to ALL types of businesses.
So, whether you have a promotion, a discount, or a free resource, or
whatever that acts as a lead magnet. . .
You must strategically place it where it can be seen.
(like the call-to-action button).
Now you can disagree, but . . .
Pop-ups should only “pop out” when your visitors leave the website, not
while they’re scrolling.
Let me explain . . .
You see, most site visitors are skimmers and scanners.
If they see that you’re not relevant to them, guess what?
They leave.
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Now, say they’re in the flow of looking at your website,
You don’t want to disrupt that!
Don’t give them distractions like
“Sign up to my newsletter, 20% discount, FREE course, etc.”
Don't give them another job!
If you do that, you’re only shooting yourself in the foot.
Instead, do this . . .
Place your lead magnet on the top of the navigation bar as a banner so
they can see it as soon as they land on your home page.
However, the only exception is if you have more free resources they can
access . . .
(You should place it on a footer and make a dedicated page about it.)
“OK, I get that, but what if they eventually leave?
Now, we’re talking . . .
How do you make them stay longer and potentially make a purchase?
(Disclaimer: This won’t work if your customer has an ad-blocker)
Well, that’s the only time you should use pop-ups.
Now, your customer would think,
“Did I miss something?”
And before they know it, you hook them back again.
But how?
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Now, that’s another crucial job of a copywriter.
And . . .
That’s a wrap!
Surely, there are many factors that come into play for conversion but . . .
If you follow these principles when designing, I guarantee that you’ll
have a high-converting website . . .
Whether it’s your own or your clients.
To summarize:
1. Copy should dictate design.
2. Your wireframe should map out the customer’s buying journey.
3. Both design and copy should feel personal.
4. Your web design should match the message of your brand.
5. Your web design should be easy to navigate.
6. Your web design should be minimal.
7. Be wary of using pop-ups as a lead magnet.
Of course, it’s not always rainbows and unicorns.
Your clients might disagree with you here and there, but still be
Be polite when expressing your recommendations.
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If they agree with you, great!
If they don’t, take it with a grain of salt.
After all, it’s their business and nobody else’s.
In conclusion,
Let me end this with a quote from Frank Chimero:
“The interfaces that were made without people in mind will be
ignored by visitors altogether.”
Web Copywriter
Web Designer in Progress :)
If I miss something, reach out through my email:
Also, let’s connect on LinkedIn:
If you need help from your website,
feel FREE to use me as a resource.
I’ll do my best to help. :)
Website Copy Specialist