Two-Week Look-Ahead Planner Project: Enter Contractor: Enter Prepared by: Enter Meeting Date: Enter Planning for Week Ahead Ending: Enter All Attendees to sign Form SHE-F-01 – SH&E Meeting Attendance Record Insert title & details of all new construction activities planned within the next two week’s scope of work Insert Risk Rating Low Med High Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 *Note Insert all high risk activities below Form SHE-F-24 – Two Week Lookahead Planner – Version 1.0 Dec. 2023 Company Confidential 1 Two-Week Look-Ahead Planner New Activity 1 - Insert Title 1 Risk Assessments & Method Statements (RAMS) Detail of method statement (e.g. number and brief description) submition status? (Submitted / Approved etc) Have all relevant supervisory persons involved read and acknowledged the RAMS? 2 Identified High SH&E Risks / Exposures / Hazards / Issues and Controls List any High Risks (e.g. Working at Height, Deep Excavation, Critical Lifts) associated with this activity and the main controls 3 Competent Person in Charge Identify the competent person in charge of new activity, do they require any specific qualification, do they have the relevant trained staff in for the task i.e. lifting supervisors, training for confined spaces etc. 4 Location Enter Detailed Location 5 Interface Requirements Detail interface requirements to ensure operations start smoothly i.e. liaison with other contractors’ clients etc. 6 Audits/Inspectins Scheduled List any audits / inspections that are scheduled for this activity. 7 Contractors and Subcontractors Mobilizing / Demoblizing List the Contractors / Subcontractor(s) that will be involved with this activity. Have they submitted SH&E Plans or RAMS and who is managing them? 8 Permits / Licences / NOC’s Does this activity require environmental or construction permitting (e.g., storm water permit) or does the activity require any regulatory requirement NOC’s.? 9 Recommendations / Comments / Concerns: Add any recommendations / Comments / Concerns SHE-F-24 – Two Week Lookahead Planner – Version 1.0 02 April 2020 Company Confidential 2 Two-Week Look-Ahead Planner New Activity 2 - Insert Title 1 Risk Assessments & Method Statements (RAMS) Detail of method statement (e.g. number and brief description) submition status? (Submitted / Approved etc) Have all relevant supervisory persons involved read and acknowledged the RAMS? 2 Identified High SH&E Risks / Exposures / Hazards / Issues and Controls List any High Risks (e.g. Working at Height, Deep Excavation, Critical Lifts) associated with this activity and the main controls 3 Competent Person in Charge Identify the competent person in charge of new activity, do they require any specific qualification, do they have the relevant trained staff in for the task i.e. lifting supervisors, training for confined spaces etc. 4 Location Enter Detailed Location 5 Interface Requirements Detail interface requirements to ensure operations start smoothly i.e. liaison with other contractors’ clients etc. 6 Audits/Inspectins Scheduled List any audits / inspections that are scheduled for this activity. 7 Contractors and Subcontractors Mobilizing / Demoblizing List the Contractors / Subcontractor(s) that will be involved with this activity. Have they submitted SH&E Plans or RAMS and who is managing them? 8 Permits / Licences / NOC’s Does this activity require environmental or construction permitting (e.g., storm water permit) or does the activity require any regulatory requirement NOC’s.? 9 Recommendations / Comments / Concerns: Add any recommendations / Comments / Concerns Form SHE-F-24 – Two Week Lookahead Planner – Version 1.0 Dec. 2023 Company Confidential 3