Uploaded by Isabel Paredes Tirado


Hello, my name is Anayelly, I am a
nursing student. First I get up at 6,
take a shower, have breakfast, brush
my teeth and go to university. When I
get home from university I relax by
watching my series, listening to music
or going to visit my cousins. On the
weekend I went on a trip to Cajamarca
with my family and went out to the
shopping center with my mother. On
the other hand, my favorite room is the
kitchen because I can prepare my food.
I’m organized in my room and in my
studies. Last week I cleaned the rooms,
washed the dishes, did the laundry and
In my abilities I can sing and I am
learning to play the guitar. I can speak
a language that is Spanish and I am
studying English because I would like
to know other countries and work in
large hospitals in the USA.
My favorite place to spend the
weekend is my house because I feel
comfortable and relaxed. I don't read a
book but I watch TV shows like EEG.
On my last vacation I went to visit my
aunt in Pacasmayo and I went to the
beach with my family and on my next
vacation I will go to Lima to visit my
grandmother. I also recently saw the
movie Camp Rock and I think the most
beautiful place I have ever been was
Cajamarca because it has very
beautiful landscapes. Finally, my
favorite time of year is Christmas
because I share joyful moments with
my family and friends.