Uploaded by Khadi Wave


How to get from point A to point B with less stress, struggle, and suffering.
Take note of exactly where you currently are in your life right now.
How are you enjoying your current reality?
What are you struggling with the most right now?
What is most important to you right now?
Imagine what you want your life to look like exactly 1 year from now.
Paint a picture in your mind of your ideal life this time next year.
What are all the benefits for making this life a reality?
Why do you think this hasn’t happened yet?
What is standing in your way?
What have you tried already?
What do you think may stop you from achieving this one year from now?
Who do you need to become to make this vision a reality?
How do you currently feel physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?
What does your future-self look like, feel like, and think like as a person?
What do they believe is possible for their life?
What are some of the routines, traits, and habits that your future self has?
What areas do you need to improve in your current life to become that person?
What are you currently doing that is the opposite to the life of your future self?
What do you need to STOP doing, and what do you need to START doing?
4. What daily, weekly, and monthly steps do you need to take in order to create your ideal life
1 year from now?
- Work backwards and reverse engineer the steps over the next 12 months.
- What is the very first step you could take today?
- What is the worst thing that could happen by taking this first step?
- What is the best thing that could happen by taking this first step?
- What are the consequences of not taking action today?
How much time are you happy to spend not going after what you really want in life?
How would you feel being in the exact same position as you are now this time next year?
What are you going to do to make sure that won’t be the case?
What support do you need along the journey?