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Total Professional Training Programs: Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning
professional training:
Lifelong Learning
Total demonstrates its active
commitment to promoting
human development by
giving professionals in
its host countries the
opportunity to advance
outside the educational
As part of its educational program, the Group helps
employees gain recognition for their talent, no matter
what their skills sets. It does this by financing more than
50 professional training programs, from the high school
to professional master’s level. These programs, which
are tailored to each host country’s needs and organized
in partnership with local players, allow participants
to obtain recognized diplomas and professional
A variety of approaches
• In Angola, Congo, Gabon, Morocco,
Myanmar, Nigeria, Venezuela and
other countries: training for operators
alongside academic courses.
• In Niger: commitment with trucking
companies to improve road safety.
• In Qatar: financing of an Executive MBA
for young professionals.
• Worldwide: training for local engineers
and technicians in partnership with IFP
Training, as well as on-the-job training
that alternates classroom learning with
on-site internships.
“ Everyone
can advance! ”
3 questions for…
Luc Sposito,
Education Director
> Why does Total invest in training
professionals in its host countries?
Because we believe that training doesn’t
end when you leave high school or
university. On the contrary, learning is a
lifelong pursuit. Training is for everyone,
including people who were unable to
further their formal education.
> Is this commitment also a way
of expressing your corporate
social responsibility to your host
It certainly is! Our host countries expect
us to do our part in developing and
energizing their local economies. This
means hiring locally and, more broadly,
entering into subcontracting agreements
with local companies. We therefore need
to make sure that these companies have
the necessary skills in-house to meet the
requirements of a leading-edge industry
like ours. Everyone who works (or will
work) with Total and, in particular, with its
contractors, must be familiar with the latest
techniques, which might not have been
taught when they were in school.
When necessary, we help set up and
support a wide range of training programs
aligned with the host community’s situation
and local needs.
> How do you get involved in starting
these programs and keeping them
We start by carefully analyzing needs
with our local partners. We then submit a
proposal to the local authorities. Once they
greenlight the project, the subsidiary puts
it into action. The Education Department
plays a supporting role as soon as its
assistance is needed, which can be at any
point in the process. We need to be able
to step in at any time, as well as step back
and hand the project over to the subsidiary,
which knows the country and its needs.
From maintenance to
service station management
Group subsidiaries deploy training programs aligned with local needs across
> Since 2003, the professional
specialization center (CSP) in Port-Gentil,
Gabon has trained individuals with
secondary-level technical certification
or technological degrees by organizing
four 38-week programs, of which eight
weeks on the job. The goal is to give
young people under 25 the opportunity to
acquire specialized skills in maintenance,
industrial mechanics, piping and welding,
instrumentation and industrial electrical
maintenance. The CSP is the result of a
partnership between Total Gabon and the
Gabonese Ministry of Mines, Energy, Oil
and Hydraulic Resources.
> In Ozangué, Gabon, the oil and gas
training institute has offered a program
to prepare participants for production
operator jobs since 2010. Each year, some
15 high school graduates with scientific
or technical degrees benefit from this
program, which was initiated with support
from IFP Training. At the end of their yearlong program, the participants receive an
official diploma that is recognized by major
industrial groups.
> In Nigeria, a Petroleum Engineering
and Project Development Master’s
Program was launched in 2002. Each year
since then, some 20 interns have attended
the program, which is organized jointly
by the University of Port Harcourt, IFPEN
(French Institute of Petroleum) and Total
> Across Africa, for the past 50 years,
the “young managers” training program
has allowed top employees from the Total
service station network to become service
station managers. Today, more than 1,500
service stations are managed by program
South America:
Nurturing all talents
In Venezuela, professional training clearly focuses on developing talent,
particularly in technologies related to extra-heavy oil.
Three of the four programs deployed
cover techniques suited to the production
and refining of extra-heavy oil, which is
a specific feature of the Orinoco Belt.
Supported and financed by Total, the
courses and their content are defined
in close cooperation with Petroleos
de Venezuela SA and Corporacion
Venezolana de Petroleo.
> The first, which is designed for
engineers, leads to an International
Master’s Degree in Producing,
Enhancing and Refining Extra-Heavy Oil.
The program is offered in partnership with
IFPEN. Each graduating class is made up
of around 20 students.
> The second, which is open to some
20 technician operators provides, each year,
an opportunity to gain additional skills.
The curriculum includes courses on
the specific techniques used in the oil,
chemicals and petrochemicals industries
for installation maintenance, settings
and pipe maintenance.
> The third is organized to train and certify
the instructors who train extra-heavy oil
production site operators.
> The fourth, which is targeted to
electrical installation technicians and
instructors, provides training in the latest
technologies to enhance participants’
knowledge of electrical, electronic and
electromechanical equipment. The endgoal is to ensure optimal operation.
Central Asia:
A broad-based partnership
in welding
One defective weld on a pipeline can put the safety of our operations in jeopardy.
It is therefore crucial for the employees of the local companies that work for us to
have training in leading-edge techniques.
For this reason the Group initiates or
supports welding training programs
around the world.
One example is a program launched in
Kazakhstan in 2013. In 2009, Total made
a commitment to the national authorities
to help Kazakhstan become a member
of the International Institute of Welding
(IIW). Thanks to this initiative, the country
became the IIW’s 55th member in July
2011, represented by Karaganda State
Technical University.
Inspired by these developments, local
welders decided to create the Kazakhstan
Association of Welding, which, among
other things, conducts training programs
and issues international certificates to
training centers and international diplomas
to apprentices.
In June 2012, the French Welding
Institute signed a cooperation
agreement with Karaganda State
Technical University.
At the same time, KSTU also signed
a partnership agreement with Total
Exploration Production Kazakhstan to
develop the international training and
research programs for Kazakhstan’s
national welding plan. As part of this
agreement, Total promised to help set
up a specialized Master’s Program in
welding. The first 23 students began their
classes on April 8, 2013.
Persian Gulf:
Giving early school
leavers a profession and
a future
In January 2011, the 12 students of the Total Academy of Abu Dhabi’s first
graduating class received their oil operator certification—the equivalent of
a professional high school diploma.
Thanks to the 28-month intensive program,
the participants are operational and ready
to be hired by Total ABK or another oil
This ambitious program stemmed from
a commitment by Abu Dhabi National
Oil Company (ADNOC) to bring more
local people into its partners’ workforces.
To meet this request, Total ABK joined
forces with the Vocational Education
Development Center (VEDC), a national
organization that works with early school
leavers. The partners signed an agreement
in 2008, paving the way for the creation of
the Total Academy.
One of the specific features of this training
program is that it gives students wide
exposure to different aspects of the
company. After four months of general
remedial courses (English, Math, Physics
and Chemistry) and two semesters of
theoretical classwork on oil extraction
technologies, the students alternate
between classroom study and practical
experience on a platform until the end of
the program. This allows them to discover
the world of offshore production and get
a hands-on view of daily life on site.
To enhance the program’s professional
focus, a Total ABK offshore coordinator
liaises between the platform teams and
the Academy. The program is often held
up as an example by other UAE national
oil companies and may inspire similar
initiatives in other countries in the region.
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Largeur : 57 mm
Hauteur : 100 mm
2, place Jean Millier – La Défense 6
92400 Courbevoie – France
Tel: +33 (0)1 47 44 45 46
Share capital: 5,941,838,402.50 euros
Registered in Nanterre: 542 051 180 RCS
SG / DRH / FEU / EDU I September 2013 I Design: T2BH / Paris – tel +33 (0)1 44 64 84 20 – © photos: Total, Institut de Soudure.
Largeur : 15 mm
Hauteur : 26 mm