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Palestine Conflict Presentation

Presentation About :
The Palestine Conflict
The Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s
most enduring conflicts. The conflict began
in the late nineteenth century when the
Zionist movement began to advocate for
the establishment of a Jewish homeland in
In the 1947, the United Nations
adopted a resolution to partition
Palestine into two states, one Jewish
and one Arab. The Jewish community
accepted the plan, but the Arab
community rejected it. In 1948
because Palestinians fought for their
land and they’re not willing to give it
to the jewish people.
The following day, five Arab
countries invaded Israel. Since
then, there have been numerous
wars and uprisings in the region.
In 1967, Israel captured the West
Bank, Gaza Strip, and East
Jerusalem from Jordan and
Egypt in the Six-Day War. Today,
the conflict remains unresolved.
The Palestinians seek to
establish an independent state
in the West Bank, Gaza Strip,
and East Jerusalem, with East
Jerusalem as its capital. Israel
claims all of Jerusalem as its
capital and rejects the right of
return for Palestinian refugees.
Chabi Hocine
Imad benhadjira
Bouchlouch Abderrahmane
Hmida Naim.