WORKBOOK DEAR FRIENDS! This Workbook is created for individual work with the cartoon “ZOOTOPIA”. Its task is to help you understand the movie better and to practise all the language skills. Inside the book you will find lots of types of exercises to train your Listening, Reading, Writing and even Speaking skills. The Workbook consists of 2 parts. Each of them corresponds to a certain episode of the movie. You can always see the timing and know where to find it. Each Part has 3 sections: Before Watching, While Watching and After Watching. Also, in the beginning of each Part there is a Vocabulary section. You may use it if you need help in understanding some words or phrases. Before Watching This section is for you to get acquainted with the new vocabulary which will appear in the Part. Before the exercises you can see the list of Useful Words and Phrases. You will need this list while doing the exercises of this section. Please, do not skip this step. It will be much easier for you to understand the movie if you already know some of the words. While Watching Here you will find the tasks which you need to do while watching the movie. I strongly recommend you to try to watch it WITHOUT subtitles. At least for the first time. Because when you are using them, it becomes more reading than actually watching and listening. Inside this section there will be some tasks for gap filling and there is no sense in doing them if you watch with subtitles. But, in the meantime, you may turn the subtitles on if you have already watched the episode at least 2-3 times and you still cannot understand. Using subtitles is not a crime, of course not. They can be really helpful. But only after you have tried to watch without them, ok?) After Watching This section will be your speaking practice. I advise you to record your answers and then listen to them. Believe me, this is an incredibly great experience! While speaking, make sure to use as many new words and phrases as possible. I really hope this Workbook will be of great help to you and will inspire you to start watching more and more movies in English. ENJOY! 2 ДОРОГИЕ ДРУЗЬЯ! Эта рабочая тетрадь создана для индивидуальной работы с мультфильмом «ЗВЕРОПОЛИС». Ее задача - помочь вам лучше понять фильм и отработать все языковые навыки. В книге вы найдете множество видов упражнений для тренировки навыков аудирования, чтения, письма и даже разговорной речи. Тетрадь состоит из 2 частей. Каждой из них соответствует определенный эпизод фильма. Вы всегда можете увидеть время и узнать, где найти фрагмент. Каждая часть состоит из трех разделов: Before Watching («Перед просмотром»), While Watching («Во время просмотра») и After Watching («После просмотра»). Также, в начале каждой части есть раздел Vocabulary. Вы можете им пользоваться, если нужна помощь в понимании каких-либо слов или фраз. Before Watching Этот раздел предназначен для ознакомления с новой лексикой, которая появится в Части. Перед упражнения вы увидите список «Useful Words and Phrases». Он понадобится вам для выполнения упражнений в этом разделе. Пожалуйста, не пропускайте этот шаг. Вам будет намного легче понять фильм, если вы уже знаете часть слов. While Watching Здесь вы найдете задания, которые нужно выполнять во время просмотра фильма. Настоятельно рекомендую попробовать посмотреть его БЕЗ субтитров. По крайней мере, первый раз. Потому что, когда вы их используете, это становится больше чтением, чем просмотром и прослушиванием. Внутри этого раздела будут некоторые задания по заполнению пропусков, и нет смысла их выполнять, если смотреть с субтитрами. Но, в то же время, вы можете включить субтитры, если вы уже посмотрели эпизод как минимум 2-3 раза и все еще не можете понять. Использование субтитров, конечно же, не преступление. Они действительно могут быть очень полезны. Но только после того, как попробовали смотреть без них, ладно?) After Watching Этот раздел будет вашей разговорной практикой. Советую записывать свои ответы на диктофон, а потом прослушивать их. Поверьте, это невероятно крутой опыт! В речи старайтесь использовать как можно больше новых слов и выражений. Я очень надеюсь, что эта тетрадь станет для вас отличным помощником и вдохновит смотреть все больше и больше фильмов на английском. ! Ь С Е Т Й А Д Ж А Л С НА 3 Part 1 [00:01:00 - 00:45:51] VOCABULARY [00:01:00 - 00:09:43] 1. fear - страх 2. treachery - предательство, вероломство 3. bloodlust - жажда крови 4. forces - силы 5. rule the world - править миром 6. prey - добыча, жертва 7. predator - хищник 8. urge - потребность 9. maim - калечить 10. maul - избивать, терзать 11. vicious - злой, злобный, жестокий 12. meek - кроткий, смиренный 13. savage - дикий 14. mammal - млекопитающее 15. multitudinous - многочисленный 16. herd - стадо 17. tax exemptions - налоговые льготы 18. actuary - специалист по страховой математике 19. small mind - ограниченный ум 20. ancestor - предок 21. Anyone can be anything - Каждый может стать кем захочет 22. darn happy - чертовски счастлив 23. settle - осесть, поселиться 24. give up on your dreams - отказаться от своей мечты 25. complacency - удовлетворенность 26. noble profession - благородная профессия 27. soil - почва, земля 28. Cut it out! - Прекрати! 29. DNA - ДНК 30. twitch - дергаться 31. dumb - тупой 32. know when to quit - знать когда остановиться 33. to name a few - Среди прочих / и это еще не все 34. hit the streets - патрулировать улицы / выйти на улицы 35. scorching sandstorm - Палящая песчаная буря 36. bumpkin - деревенщина 37. enormous - огромный 38. criminal - преступник 39. filthy - грязный 40. fluff - пушок 41. fuzzy - пушистый 42. graduate - выпускник 43. valedictorian - Выпускник, произносящий прощальную речь 44. assign - назначать, определять 45. Precinct - полицейский участок 46. I won’t let you down - Я вас не подведу 47. make room - потесниться, дать место 48. excited - взволнованный, в восторге 49. terrified - в ужасе 50. weasel - хорек 51. cribbage - криббедж (карточная игра) 52. like there’s no tomorrow - как в последний раз 53. cheat - обманывать, жульничать 54. have a point - быть правым 55. jerk - придурок, болван 56. just in case - просто на всякий случай 57. care package - посылка 58. deterrent - средство устрашения 59. repellent - отпугивающее средство 60. taser - электрошокер 4 [00:09:44 - 00:25:02] 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. snot - сопли 85. mucus - слизь 86. scoop - черпать, зачерпывать 87. ungloved - без перчаток 88. trunk - хобот 89. violation - нарушение 90. don’t be mad at me - Не сердись на меня 91. Keep the change - Сдачи не надо 92. My treat - Я угощаю / за мой счет 93. It burns me up - Меня бесит 94. articulate - красноречивый 95. high praise - высокая похвала 96. patronizing - относящийся свысока, снисходительно 97. lumber - древесина 98. stand up for - защищать, отстаивать 99. hustle - афера 100. refrain - воздерживаться 101. hick - провинциал, деревенщина 102. get along - ладить 103. squalor - нищета, убожество 104. have the guts - иметь смелость 105. sly fox - хитрый лис delousing - избавление от блох greasy - жирный, сальный rickety bed - шаткая кровать bare your teeth - оскалить зубы flabby - дряблый, вялый donut / doughnut - пончик fold - складка roll call - перекличка on the docket - на повестке дня I don’t care - Мне все равно / мне плевать teensy - крошечный otter - выдра parking duty - ответственность за парковку dismissed - вольно token - символический, формальный skulk - красться, пробираться тайком hit the road - проваливай back up - отойти назад goofy - бестолковый stinker - вонючка adorable - восхитительный beat it - отвали meter maid - парковщица [00:25:03 - 00:35:39] 106. on the force - на службе 107. Our prayers have been answered! - Наши молитвы услышаны! 108. grievance - жалоба 109. contest - оспорить 110. pursuit - погоня 111. flatfoot - плоскостопие 112. incite - подстрекать, побуждать 113. scurry - беготня, суета 114. reckless - безрассудный 115. rodent - грызун 116. moldy - заплесневелый 117. plant husbandry - разведение растений 118. insipid dreams - пустые мечты 119. delusion of grandeur - мания величия 120. strike out - потерпеть неудачу 121. resign - уходить в отставку 122. lead - зацепка (в деле) 123. witness - свидетель 124. murder weapon - орудие убийства 125. traffic cone - дорожный конус 126. hop along - скачи отсюда 127. stuffed animal - мягкая игрушка 128. stroller - детская коляска 129. tax evasion - уклонение от уплаты налогов 130. felony - тяжкое преступление 131. punishable offence - наказуемое правонарушение [00:35:40 - 00:45:51] 152. DMV - ГАИ 153. sloth - ленивец 154. three-humped camel - верблюд с тремя горбами 155. pregnant - беременная 156. limo - лимузин 157. I owe you - я твой должник 158. rush hour - час пик 159. warrant - ордер 160. Darn it! - черт возьми! 161. it’s a bummer - это облом 162. on purpose - нарочно, специально 163. impede - препятствовать 164. sans warrant - без ордера 165. sore loser - не умеющий проигрывать 166. shifty - изворотливый, ловкий 167. claw - коготь 168. crime scene - место преступления 169. long time no see - Давно не виделись 170. for old time’s sake - по старой дружбе; по старой памяти 171. wall rug - настенный ковер 172. skunk - скунс, вонючка 132. frequent - часто посещать 133. establishment - учреждение 134. naked - голый 135. call it quits - прекратить, закончить 136. beaver - бобер 137. cable-knit - крупной вязки 138. vest - жилет 139. slacks - широкие брюки 140. paisley - индийский огурец (узор) 141. knot - узел 142. trim - отделка 143. tune up - отрегулировать, настроить 144. licence plate number - номер автомобиля 145. steel trap - стальной капкан 146. I had a ball - Было круто / было весело 147. clue - ключ к разгадке 148. run a plate - пробить номер 149. moron - придурок 150. keep on the hook - держать на крючке 151. pal - приятель 5 Before Watching U se fu l W o r d s an d P hr as 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. es treachery - предательство, вероломство prey - добыча, жертва predator - хищник vicious - злой, злобный, жестокий savage - дикий Cut it out! - Прекрати! dumb - тупой assign - назначать, определять I won’t let you down - Я вас не подведу weasel - хорек like there’s no tomorrow - как в последний раз teensy - крошечный otter - выдра violation - нарушение Keep the change - Сдачи не надо My treat - Я угощаю / за мой счет high praise - высокая похвала have the guts - иметь смелость lead - зацепка (в деле) witness - свидетель I owe you - я твой должник it’s a bummer - это облом for old time’s sake - по старой дружбе; по старой памяти 1. Underline the correct option. 1. Wolves are predators/prey. 2. He was violated/assigned to this department. 3. So far the only otter/lead we have is the name of the shop assistant. 4. My friend here was a witness/weasel of the accident. 5. Keep away from that dog, it can be teensy/vicious. 6. He was furious that she revealed his secret and never forgave her for the treachery/ lead. 7. I used to hope that one day somebody would have the dumb/guts to slam the door in his face. 8. We can’t risk losing everything just because of some teensy/savage mistake. 9. He was the victim of a savage/treat attack. 10. His first novel received my treat/high praise. 6 2. Put the words in the correct order to make up the sentences. 1. I’ve / said / like / life / tomorrow. / should live / always / no / you / there’s 2. we’re / You know, / bummer / not /it’s / anymore. / a / friends 3. last / One / old / sake. / dance / time’s / for 4. I / you / owe / ever / more than / repay. / I can 5. I / give me / If you / let / this / down. / opportunity, / won’t / you 3. Complete the gaps with the words or phrases from the box. prey dumb treat vicious change let cut it out violation guts there’s 1. Stop! Come on, both of you! _____________! 2. Keep the _____________, you earned it. 3. I never understood how anybody so educated could be so _____________. 4. All I can promise is that I won’t _____________ you down. 5. Maybe we could have dinner sometime, my ___________. 6. No one had the _____________ to tell Paul what a mistake he was making. 7. Every good woodsman knows a noisy hunter never catches his ___________. 8. The only way to defeat him is to be just as _____________ as he is. 9. Have fun, no regrets, and live life like _____________ no tomorrow. 10. This _____________ of school rules is a grave matter. 7 While Watching 1. Match the halves of the lines. [00:01:00 - 00:09:43] 1. As mayor of Zootopia, I am proud to announce that my mammal inclusion initiative has produced its first police academy graduate. 2. I don’t have to be a lonely hunter anymore. 3. Guys, I’ve been working for this my whole life. 4. I’m pretty much sure it’s pronounced DNA. 5. Fear, treachery, blood lust. 6. But, just 211 miles away, stands the great city of Zootopia. 7. You see, that’s the beauty of complacency, Jude. 8. I mean, it’s great to have dreams. 9. Back then, the world was divided in two. A. Vicious predator, or meek prey. B. Don’t tell me what I know, Travis. C. Thousands of years ago these were the forces that ruled our world. D. If you don’t try anything new, you’ll never fail. E. We know. And we’re just a little excited for you, but terrified. F. Yeah, just as long as you don’t believe in them too much. G. Valedictorian of her class, ZPD’s very first rabbit officer,Judy Hopps. H. Today I can hunt for tax exemptions. I. Where our ancestors first joined together in peace. 2. Complete each gap with one word. The first letters are given. [00:09:44 - 00:25:02] 1. Gr_______ walls. Ri_________ bed. Crazy neighbors. I love it! 2. Ohhh. I am so sorry! Me, Benjamin Clawhauser. The guy everyone thinks is just a fl_____________ donut-loving cop, stereotyping you. 3. All right. All right. Everybody sit. I’ve got three items on the d__________. 4. Finally, we have 14 missing ma__________ cases. All pr__________. From a giant polar bear to a te__________ little otter. 5. Listen. I know what you’re doing sk__________ around during daylight hours, but I don’t want any trouble in here. So h__________ the road! 6. Are your customers aware they’re getting s__________ and mu__________ with their cookies and cream? 7. I believe sc__________ ice cream with an un____________ trunk is a class 3 health code violation. Which is kind of a big deal. Of course I could let you off with a warning if you were to glove those tr___________ and... I don’t know... finish selling this nice dad and his son a... What was it? A Jumbo-Pop. 8. - Well, I st_____________ up for you, and you lied to me. You liar! - It’s called a hu__________, Sweetheart. And I’m not the liar. He is. 9. - You told that mouse the Pawpsicle sticks were redwood! 8 - That’s right. Red wood. With a sp__________ in the middle. Wood that is red. 10. And soon enough those dreams die, and our bunny si__________ into emotional and literal sq__________ living in a box under a bridge. 11. No one tells me what I can or can’t be. Es__________ not some... jerk who never had the g__________ to try to be anything more than a Pawpsicle hustler. 3. Write a summary of the episode. Use the following words and phrases: [00:25:03 - 00:35:39] on the force insipid dreams meter maid florist robbed insubordination master criminal resign plant husbandry case file leads felony tax evasion hustle 4. Correct the mistakes in the bold phrases. [00:35:40 - 00:45:51] 1. I’m Officer Hopps, ZPD. I’m looking for a missing mammal, Emmitt Otterton. Right here. He may have requested this establishment? 2. In Zootopia anyone can be anything. These guys, they be wicked. 9 3. Does this make you uncomfortable? Because if so, there’s no shame in calling it wits. 4. I have no memory of this fever. 5. Yeah, he was wearing a green cable-knit sweater fest, and a new pair of Quarterway slacks. Oh, and a Paisley tie, sweet Windsor nod. 6. Yeah, and we both walked him out, and he got into this big old white car with a silver cream. Needed a turn up. The third cylinder wasn’t firing. 7. You didn’t happen to catch the licence late number? Did you? 8. Well, I had a wall. You are welcome for the clue. And seeing as any moron can write a plate, I will take that pen and bid you adieu. 9. What, are you saying just because he’s a cloth he can’t be fast? I thought in Zootopia anyone could be anything. 10. Madam, I have a take badge. I would never impede your prevent investigation. 11. Does seeing me fake somehow make you feel better about your own sad, miserable life? 12. - What did you do that made Mr. Big so bad at you? - I may have sold him a very expensive wall mug that was made from the fur of a skunk’s butt. After Watching An sw er th e qu es tio ns 1. Do you agree with the idea that anyone can be anything? Why / why not? 2. Why were Judy’s parents so happy about her being a meter maid? 3. Do you know any people like Judy who never give up and follow their dreams? 4. Why didn’t Chief Bogo want to give the case to Judy? 5. Describe Nick, the fox, with five adjectives. What is your general impression of him? 10 Part 2 [00:45:52 - 01:32:20] VOCABULARY [00:45:52 - 00:55:26] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. [00:55:27 - 01:05:42] unannounced - без предупреждения break bread together - разделить трапезу generosity - щедрость, великодушие bury - похоронить snoop around - вынюхивать evidence - доказательство, улика intimidate - пугать, запугивать if it’s the last thing I do - чего бы мне это не стоило rip up - разрывать, рвать на мелкие кусочки evolve - эволюционировать deep down - в глубине души (на самом деле) rainforest - тропический лес, джунгли on all fours - на четвереньках yell - кричать, вопить Night Howlers - Ночные Горлодеры tense - возбужденный, напряженный stone age - каменный век to crack a case - раскрыть дело 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. deliver the oath - принести клятву loyal - верный, преданный trustworthy - надежный, заслуживающий доверия muzzle - намордник it got to me - это меня задело mutton chops - котлеты из баранины cotton candy - сахарная вата glorified - прославленный, разрекламированный mug - кружка howl - выть surveillance - наблюдение, слежка How dare you - как ты смеешь [01:05:43 - 01:16:29] [01:16:30 - 01:32:20] 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. ignorant - невежественный irresponsible - безответственный small-minded - ограниченный bootleg - контрабандный godmother - крестная ram - баран drop spot - место передачи / точка сбыта corner the market - захватить рынок I’ll buzz you - я позвоню тебе rust bucket - ржавое корыто premature - преждевременный, поспешный bucket list - список желаний rescind - аннулировать hail - град dart - стрелять (дротиком / транквилизатором) 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. serum - сыворотка underestimated / underappreciated - недооцененный outnumber - численно превосходить predisposed - предрасположенный you’re milking it - это уже чересчур / ты перебарщиваешь frame - подставить (кого-то) behind bars - за решеткой mastermind - организовать 11 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. species - вид, разновидность accurate - точный, правильный elaborate - уточнить vigilant - бдительный mandatory - обязательный, принудительный plenty - достаточно много go nuts - свихнуться, взбеситься gripped by fear - охваченный страхом mauling - нападение peace rally - мирный митинг marred by - омраченный assign blame - обвинять tear apart - разорвать на части droopy - обвисший speak of the devil - легок на помине pastry chef - шеф-кондитер I’ll be darned! - Будь я проклят! 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. plague - досаждать, заполонить predecessor - предшественник plot - замысел afflicted - пострадавший have a lot in common - иметь много общего exceptional - исключительный, необыкновенный I implore you - Я призываю вас / умоляю вас undercover - под прикрытием Before Watching U se fu l W o r d s an d P hr as 1. generosity - щедрость, великодушие 2. bury - похоронить 3. evidence - доказательство, улика 4. intimidate - пугать, запугивать 5. yell - кричать, вопить 6. crack a case - раскрыть дело 7. loyal - верный, преданный 8. trustworthy - надежный, заслуживающий доверия 9. muzzle - намордник 10. How dare you - как ты смеешь 11. go nuts - свихнуться, взбеситься 12. speak of the devil - легок на помине es 13. ignorant - невежественный 14. irresponsible - безответственный 15. small-minded - ограниченный 16. I’ll buzz you - я позвоню тебе 17. bucket list - список желаний 18. hail - град 19. you’re milking it - это уже чересчур / ты перебарщиваешь 20. have a lot in common - иметь много общего 21. droopy - обвисший 22. frame - подставить (кого-то) 23. behind bars - за решеткой 1. Choose the correct option for each picture. Write the letter (a, b or c) in the circle. 1. 2. a. muzzle b. evidence c. hail 6. 3. a. generosity b. behind bars c. bucket list 7. a. trustworthy b. droopy c. ignorant 4. a. yell b. frame c. bury 8. a. frame b. loyal c. droopy 5. a. muzzle b. loyal c. ignorant 9. a. frame b. bury c. intimidate 12 a. small-minded b. irresponsible c. droopy 10. a. hail b. yell c. bury a. evidence b. generosity c. trustworthy 2. Complete each gap with one word. 1. I’d ___________ nuts without some kind of work. 2. How _____________ you even come into my house! 3. I’ll just ____________ and let them know we’re here. 4. Don’t you think you’re _____________ it? It’s not a big deal. 5. You were at the lab, waiting to set the fire, destroy Ellen’s research, and ____________ her for it. 6. They have a lot in ______________, no wonder they’re such good friends. 7. Here he is, ___________ of the devil. 8. That last witness was the one who actually helped us _____________ the case. 9. He had no relatives, so there was nobody who could even ____________ him properly. 10. You need to treat this seriously or you will end up behind ___________ again. 3. Imagine you’re a detective who has just cracked a very complicated case. Write 12-15 sentences about your experience. Use the following words and phrases: evidence irresponsible behind bars intimidate small-minded crack a case trustworthy hail generosity go nuts frame speak of the devil 13 While Watching 1. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases from the box. [00:45:52 - 00:55:26] crack scared skunk left unannounced case yelling generosity savage big lead cracked bread intimidate ripped otter all fours evidence vest 1. You come here _________________ on the day my daughter is to be married. 2. I trusted you, Nicky. I welcomed you into my home. We broke _________________ together. Grandmama made you a cannoli. And how did you repay my ____________________? With a rug, made from the butt of a _________________. 3. I am a cop. And I’m on the Emmitt Otterton case. And my _________________ puts him in your car! So _________________ me all you want, I’m going to find out what you did to that _____________________ if it’s the last thing I do. 4. He went crazy. _________________ up the car. _________________ my driver half to death. And disappeared into the night. 5. He was an animal. Down on ___________________. He was a ____________! There was no warning. He just kept _________________ about the Night Howlers. 6. Look, you gave her a clown _________________, and a three-wheeled jokemobile, and two days to solve a _________________ you guys haven’t _________________ in two weeks? Yeah, it’s no wonder she needed to get help from a fox. None of you guys were gonna help her, were you? Here’s the thing, chief. You gave her the 48 hours, so technically we still have... ten _________________ to find our Mr. Otterton. And that’s exactly what we’re gonna do. So if you’ll excuse us, we have a very _____________________ to follow and a case to _________________. Good day. 14 2. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). [00:55:27 - 01:05:42] 1. Nick says things don’t get to him any more. 2. Nick wasn’t accepted to Junior Ranger Scouts because he wasn’t good enough. 3. Judy came up with the idea to check traffic cameras. 4. Judy suddenly realized that Night Howlers were wolves. 5. Judy thinks Nick would make a good cop. 6. Mayor Lionheart knows the reason why all those animals have gone wild. 3. Underline the correct option. [01:05:43 - 01:16:29] 1. Mayor Lionheart, you have the right to remain/be main silent. 2. So now, I’ll turn things over/off to the officer who hacked/cracked the case. Officer Judy Hopps. 3. Predators survived through their... aggressive howling/hunting instincts. For whatever reason, they seem to be reverting back to their primitive, storage/savage ways. 4. It is possible. So, we must be vigilant/vigilantive. And we at the ZPD are prepared and are here to protect you. 5. The kind that needs to be puzzled/ muzzled? The kind that makes you think you need to carry around fox repellent/ deterrent? 6. Do you think I might go nuts/guts? Do you think I might go savage? Do you think I might try to eat you? 7. More bad news in this city ripped/ gripped by fear. A caribou is in critical condition. 8. Zootopia is a unique place. It’s a crazy, beautiful, diverse/reverse city. Where we celebrate our differences. 9. The Zootopia I know is better than this. We don’t just blindly resign/assign blame. We don’t know why these attacks keep happening. 10. With all due respect, sir, a good cop is supposed to swerve/serve and protect. Help the city. Not tear/fear it apart. I don’t deserve this badge. 15 4. Match the lines (1-13) to the screenshots (A-M) from the movie. Write the numbers in the circles. [01:16:30 - 01:32:20] 1. Yeah, it looks like old Doug’s cornered the market on Night Howlers. 2. I’m not gonna leave you behind, that’s not happening. 3. We found out what’s happening. Someone’s darting predators with a serum. That’s what’s making them go savage. 4. Yes, police! There’s a savage fox in the Natural History Museum! Officer Hopps is down. Please hurry! 5. Are you just trying to steal the pen? 6. Yeah, I’ll buzz you when it’s done. Or you’ll see it on the news. 7. I was ignorant, and irresponsible and small-minded. 8. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. 9. Think of it. 90% of the population united against a common enemy. We’ll be unstoppable. 10. So no matter what type of animal you are. From the biggest elephant, to our first fox. I implore you. Try. 11. Oh, are you looking for the serum? Well, it’s right here. 12. Former mayor, Dawn Bellwether is behind bars today, guilty of masterminding the savage attacks that have plagued Zootopia of late. 13. I stole the Night Howlers so I could sell them. They offered me what I couldn’t refuse: Money. A B C D E F G H I J K L M 16 SONG Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Look how far you’ve come You filled your heart with love Baby, you’ve done enough Take a deep breath I messed up tonight I lost another fight Lost to myself, but I’ll just start again Don’t beat yourself up No need to run so fast Sometimes we come last, but we did our best I keep falling down I keep on hitting the ground But I always get up now to see what’s next I won’t give up No, I won’t give in till I reach the end And then I’ll start again No, I won’t leave I want to try everything I want to try even though I could fail Birds don’t just fly They fall down and get up Nobody learns without getting it wrong I won’t give up No, I won’t give in till I reach the end And then I’ll start again No, I won’t leave I want to try everything I want to try even though I could fail I won’t give up No, I won’t give in till I reach the end Then I’ll start again No, I won’t leave I want to try everything I want to try even though I could fail I won’t give up No, I won’t give in till I reach the end Then I’ll start again No, I won’t leave I want to try everything I want to try even though I could fail I’ll keep on making those new mistakes I’ll keep on making them every day Those new mistakes Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh After Watching An sw er th e qu es tio ns 1. Do you think Nick will make a good cop? Why / why not? 2. Why did the sheep need predators to go wild? 3. Who is your favourite character in the cartoon? Why? 4. What do you think of stereotypes which exist in society? Are they usually helpful or not? 5. Which stereotypes, similar to those shown in the cartoon, can you remember from real life? 17 Answer Key PART 1 BEFORE WATCHING exercise 1 WHILE WATCHING exercise 1 1. predators 2. assigned 3. lead 4. witness 5. vicious 6. treachery 7. guts 8. teensy 9. savage 10. high praise 1G; 2H; 3E; 4B; 5C; 6I; 7D; 8F; 9A exercise 2 exercise 2 1. I’ve always said you should live life like there’s no tomorrow. 2. You know, it’s a bummer we’re not friends anymore. 3. One last dance for old time’s sake. 4. I owe you more than I can ever repay. 5. If you give me this opportunity, I won’t let you down. exercise 3 1. Cut it out 2. change 3. dumb 4. let 5. treat 6. guts 7. prey 8. vicious 9. there’s 10. violation PART 2 BEFORE WATCHING exercise 1 1. greasy; rickety 2. flabby 3. docket 4. mammal; predators; teensy 5. skulking; hit 6. snot; mucus 7. scooping; ungloved; trunks 8. stood; hustle 9. space 10. sinks, squalor 11. especially; guts exercise 4 1. frequented this establishment 2. they be naked 3. calling it quits 4. of this beaver 5. cable-knit sweater vest; Windsor knot 6. with a silver trim; a tune up 7. licence plate number 8. I had a ball; run a plate 9. he’s a sloth 10. I have a fake badge; pretend investigation 11. seeing me fail 12. so mad at you; expensive wall rug WHILE WATCHING exercise 1 1. unannounced 2. bread; generosity; skunk 3. evidence; intimidate; otter 4. Ripped; Scared 5. all fours; savage; yelling 6. vest; case; cracked; left; big lead; crack 1b; 2c; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7c; 8c; 9a; 10b exercise 2 1. go 2. dare 3. buzz 4. milking 5. frame 6. common 7. speak 8. crack 9. bury 10. bars exercise 2 1T; 2F; 3F; 4T; 5T; 6F exercise 3 1. remain 2. over; cracked 3. hunting; savage 4. vigilant 5. muzzled; repellent 6. nuts 7. gripped 8. diverse 9. assign 10. serve; tear exercise 4 A7; B5; C13; D1; E6; F3; G2; H9; I4; J11; K12; L8; M10 18