DETAILED METHOD OF PROCEDURE (MOP) FORM For Office: Start Date/Time: TBD Address: Complete Date/Time: TBD Engagement # : General Description of Work: Major Inspection on UPS and Batteries Risk (High, Medium, Low): High (There is a chance of loss of load if there is a commercial power failure during the time the UPS system is in maintenance By-pass) Service Impairment Hazards: By-pass is required to perform maintenance Distribution: One Copy Each to: Site Contacts and DC Group Service Engineer Responsibility for supervision of this job is assigned to the persons listed on the Emergency Call List. This MOP has been prepared by: Zach Grube – Regional Account Manager, DC Group The undersigned Representatives have reviewed this M.O.P. and here-by release it for implementation. This review and release does not relieve the work performer of any responsibility or accountability for the consequences of adhering to the M.O.P. The undersigned work performer agrees to abide by the terms of the M.O.P. and prominently post a copy on the premises when the work is being performed. Changes not specifically allowed by the M.O.P. shall not be made without the concurrence of the undersigned parties. Site Contacts: Work Performer: Other: DETAILED METHOD OF PROCEDURE (MOP) FORM For Notification of alarm center should appear on the Project Call-out list. The Method of Procedure is as follows: Step No. Procedure / Task (1) 1. 2. Arrive at site and meet with site contact (2) (3) (4) Resp Party Start Time Finish Time Plan 3. Review MOP with on-site contact ________________________________________________________ Signature and Printed Name Date Proceed to UPS unit C/PM C/PM C Serial Number: _ _ 4. 5. 6. Set up tools, equipment and materials necessary to perform work 7. With UPS operating in normal condition, measure and record the following parameters using a calibrated DMM and AC/DC ammeter: Perform any necessary LO/TO procedures Note the event history and battery voltages; Ensure there are no alarms or anomalies present; If so, immediately advise on-site contact C C C C Rectifier Input Voltage and current, Bypass Input Voltage and current, Bypass Frequency, UPS Output Voltage and current, UPS Output Frequency, Delta Voltages, Rectifier Ripple, and Battery Ripple 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Compare the applicable front panel meter readings with the measured readings. Note any deviation greater than 2%. Check all Control and Status Annunciators. Note any abnormalities. Observe Input/Inverter Output voltage/current waveforms. Record any abnormalities. Measure total harmonic distortion, thd. (When applicable) Place UPS in by-pass and open battery breaker; Transfer critical load (s); Verify proper transfer of load Inspect the electrical connections and components; Tighten as may be appropriate Proceed to associated battery string (s) Record Battery Manufacturer: _____________________________ C C C C C C Battery Model Number: _____________________________ Battery Date Code: _____________________________ Number of strings: _______________ Batteries per string: _________ 14. Check and record DC Charging current flowing through each battery string, Check and record AC ripple voltage of each string, Check and record AC ripple current of each string C 15. Verify battery voltages and record; Check and record the voltage from positive to ground as well as negative to ground. Check and record ambient room temperature - _________ degrees Visually inspect rack/cabinet and associated components and hardware as well as connection of cells, covers, jars, seals, and vent caps for signs of cracks, corrosion, leakage, dragon-tooth washers, frame ground and anchors. If there are any leaks inform the site and take pictures. Clean the leakage completely and as is appropriate. Record milli-volt drop across shunt. Compare with the meter reading. Ensure the shunt reading is correct. (When applicable) C 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Perform internal voltage and conductance test Verify battery rack grounding C C C C 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Vacuum and clean UPS interior and exterior. Inspect air filters. Replace if necessary. Retransfer load (s) to UPS; Test UPS to ensure proper operation per OEM specifications Record percent load (s) Perform visual inspection to ensure there are no other issues needing to be addressed; Ensure there are no alarms or anomalies present Perform any necessary LO/TO procedures Clean up all tools, materials, and equipment Advise on-site contact that work has been successfully completed and/or advise there are additional issues needing to be addressed Sign out and return temporary visitor badge C C C C C C C C Back Up Plan 1. 2. Note If there is any problem during preventive maintenance of UPS unit or associated batteries, stop work and switch UPS out of by-pass Inform manager and on-site contact of issue and that UPS is back online with load C N/A N/A C N/A N/A If immediately prior to or during maintenance/repair, there is severe weather forecasted for the area or being experienced, work should be stopped immediately and the UPS brought back on line C/PM End of MOP (1) If appropriate indicate in the procedure / task column where the point of no return is (2) Party Responsible for the task (C = Contractor; D&C = Design & Construction; N = Network; PM = Property Management (3) Indicate the time each task is scheduled to start (4) Indicate the time each task is scheduled to complete