Uploaded by Samuel Boateng Antwi

Problematic Sexual Outcomes in Adolescence

Problematic Sexual Outcomes in Adolescence
• Problematic
forcible sexual behavior, and sexual harassment
Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood
• Teenage pregnancy refers to pregnancies in females under
the age of 20.
• Early sexual behavior is associated with a higher likelihood
of pregnancy in young adulthood.
• About 200,000 babies are born to teenage women in the US
(American Pregnancy Association, 2017).
Consequences of Teenage pregnancy
• Teenage pregnancy can lead to disrupted education
• Teenage pregnancy can pose economic challenges
• Teenage mothers face higher rates of complications during
pregnancy and childbirth, such as preterm delivery and low birth
weight babies (World Health Organization, 2024).
• Teenage pregnancy can lead to abortion which, sometimes, leads
to the death of the pregnant woman and the child
• Each year, an estimated 3.2 million unsafe abortions take
place among adolescent girls ages 15–19. This number
accounts for almost 15% of the total global incidence of
unsafe abortion (22 million), and abortion-related mortality
among young girls and women accounts for nearly one-third
of abortion-related deaths worldwide (Shah & Ahman, 2012)
Reducing Adolescent Pregnancy
• Sex education and family planning: Comprehensive sex
education and access to family planning resources.
• Access to contraceptive methods: Ensuring affordability,
availability, and confidentiality.
• Broad community involvement and support
• Parent-Child Communication
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
• Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are
contracted primarily through sexual contact.
• Adolescents are vulnerable to STIs due to having multiple sexual
partners and engaging in risky sexual behaviors like inconsistent
condom use.
• Some STIs common among adolescents include HIV and AIDS,
papillomavirus (HPV)
Problems of Sexually Transmitted Infections
• Financial burden of treatment and management
• Complications in pregnancy and childbirth
• Impact on mental health and self-esteem
• Infertility and reproductive problems
• Death
Sexual Victimization
• Rape is forcible sexual intercourse with a person who does not
give consent.
• This can include experiences such as sexual harassment, sexual
assault, sexual abuse, coercion, and trafficking.
• Date rape, or acquaintance rape is coercive sexual activity
directed at someone whom the perpetrator knows.
Consequences of sexual victimization
• Mental health issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.
• Adolescent's ability to form healthy relationships and affect their
overall well-being.
• Adolescent can be at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections
• Suicide ideations due to the trauma and distress caused by the sexual
assault or harassment