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ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Certification Exam Questions and Answers PDF

ISACA Cybersecurity Audit
Certification Exam
Questions and Answers PDF
ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Exam Guide
Get complete detail on Cybersecurity Audit exam guide to crack ISACA
Cybersecurity Audit. You can collect all information on Cybersecurity Audit
tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm
your knowledge on ISACA Certified Cybersecurity Audit and get ready to crack
Cybersecurity Audit certification. Explore all information on Cybersecurity
Audit exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to
complete test.
Introduction to Cybersecurity Audit ISACA
Certified Cybersecurity Audit Exam
The ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Exam is challenging and thorough preparation is
essential for success. This exam study guide is designed to help you prepare for the
ISACA Cybersecurity Audit certification exam. It contains a detailed list of the topics
covered on the Professional exam, as well as a detailed list of preparation resources.
This study guide for the ISACA Cybersecurity Audit will help guide you through the
study process for your certification.
Cybersecurity Audit ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Exam
Exam Name: ISACA Cybersecurity Audit
Exam Code: Cybersecurity Audit
Exam Price ISACA Member: $259 (USD)
Exam Price ISACA NonMember: $299 (USD)
Duration: 120 mins
Number of Questions: 75
Passing Score: 65%
Books / Training:
○ Cybersecurity Audit Certificate Study Guide
ISACA Certified Cybersecurity Audit
○ Cybersecurity Audit Certificate Online Course
● Schedule Exam: Exam Registration
● Sample Questions: ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Sample Questions
● Recommended Practice: ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Certification Practice
Exam Syllabus: Cybersecurity Audit ISACA Certified
Cybersecurity Audit
Cybersecurity Operations
Cybersecurity Technology Topics
Cybersecurity Governance
Cybersecurity and Audit’s Role
ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Certification Sample Questions
and Answers
To make you familiar with ISACA Cybersecurity Audit (Cybersecurity Audit) certification
exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set. We suggest you to try our
Sample Questions for Cybersecurity Audit Certification to test your understanding of
ISACA Cybersecurity Audit process with the real ISACA certification exam environment.
Cybersecurity Audit ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Sample Questions:01. Who should oversee the cybersecurity governance framework in an
a) Junior staff members
b) External consultants
c) All employees equally
d) The board of directors
02. When performing a cybersecurity audit, which of the following best ensures
the integrity of data in transit?
a) Network segmentation
b) Strong encryption
c) Biometric authentication
d) Redundant systems
ISACA Certified Cybersecurity Audit
03. How do cybersecurity audits review the effectiveness of the incident detection
tools and techniques?
a) By checking the brand popularity of the tools used
b) By assessing the speed of the office Wi-Fi
c) By evaluating the detection capabilities and response times
d) By considering the aesthetics of the monitoring dashboard
04. During a cybersecurity audit, what is a key consideration when evaluating
data protection measures?
a) The color scheme of data storage interfaces
b) The preference of data storage vendors
c) The encryption and backup procedures for sensitive data
d) The brand of coffee available in data centers
05. Which TWO of the following elements are essential for an effective
cybersecurity governance framework?
a) Social media policies
b) Asset management
c) Compliance with relevant laws and regulations
d) Ad-hoc security processes
06. Why are regular updates and patches important in cybersecurity operations?
a) They address security vulnerabilities and threats.
b) They reduce software costs.
c) They provide new user features.
d) They ensure software compatibility.
07. What is the primary focus of a cybersecurity audit's review of third-party
a) Ensuring cost-effectiveness
b) Verifying service level agreements
c) Evaluating the financial stability of the vendor
d) Assessing compliance with security requirements
08. How can organizations ensure effective cybersecurity governance?
a) By increasing marketing budgets
b) Through regular audits and assessments
c) By hosting annual parties
d) By outsourcing all IT functions
ISACA Certified Cybersecurity Audit
09. In the context of a cybersecurity audit, why is understanding the
organization's IT infrastructure important?
a) It helps in selecting office locations
b) It is only necessary for IT departments, not auditors
c) It contributes to the effectiveness of the audit by providing context for security
d) It determines the company's stock prices
10. The principle of 'least privilege' is fundamental in cybersecurity. What does it
a) Granting users only the privileges that are essential to perform their intended
b) Ensuring that all users have equal access rights to prevent discrimination.
c) Assigning more privileges than necessary to ensure that users do not encounter
access issues.
d) Providing privileges based on seniority within the organization.
Answers:Answer 01:- d
Answer 02:- b
Answer 03:- c
Answer 04:- c
Answer 05:- b, c
Answer 06:- a
Answer 07:- d
Answer 08:- b
Answer 09:- c
Answer 10:- a
ISACA Certified Cybersecurity Audit