Uploaded by Muhammad Hanzala

Candidate Notes

Generative AI Project – Candidate Gen AI Project details Questions
Notes :
1. Please detail your experience on each AI related project in terms of
the following 12 Elements
2. These elements go beyond the purely technical, a perspective which is
vital for effective and appropriate engineering – without business
context the success of a technical solution cannot be understood.
3. If you have zero detail for a given element reply as, say, “3. Not
Known.” - So that we understand you have considered the question.
1. Industry/Business Description – A description of the target
business, their approximate locale, their target customers,
and an indication of the products/services they offer.
2. Business Size – an indication of business size, number of
customers, number of employees, number of divisions – metrics
that indicate the scope and scale of solutions needed.
3. Industry sector –as much detail as possible on the target
sector as sector is a crucial indicator of common practice for
AI technologies.
4. Use case description – for the given AI application what were
the target use case/cases being addressed. Was the project a
Proof of Concept, or a production project.
5. Completion status – At what stage is the implementation of the
project. (e.g., Pilot/PoC/exploration, in-development,
complete, secondary/subsequent development.)
6. Engineering details – Specifics of how the case study was
executed in terms of teams/skills, approach, plans and
deliverable, and any notable challenges addressed (i.e.,
Generative AI hallucination, data availability issues, etc.)
7. Technology stack – As much detail as possible about the
technologies utilised within the project, rationales for their
choice, etc.
8. Data availability – What level of data was available to
service the AI requirement? How were data needs addressed.
9. Project execution description – An account of the execution of
the project; on-time/overrun, issues encountered, team
performance, objectives met, customer satisfaction level,
10. Business Case justification (Expected ROI and benefits) – At
the project outset what the business benefits and
justification were expected to be?
11. Realised ROI estimate (Post implementation – actual) –
Following implementation of the project what was the ROI
realised, lessons learnt, additional wins – were any other
unanticipated benefits realised.
12. AI (ML, NLP, Generative, any) features & specifics – In terms
of any form of applied AI (not just Generative AI) what
aspects of AI were used or anticipated – are there any further
additional AI considerations possible to further enrich the
project or follow-on projects.