Uploaded by Hildah Nachalwe

Answers in Detail

Project Gerd Krauss
Who is Gerd Krauss?
A visionary and billionaire who has been crea2ng extraordinarily successful
projects for decades. He is the ini2ator of the swarm project.
The Vision
We are building a be>er world for ourselves and our children by redistribu2ng
the world's money and turning 250,000 people into 10-fold millionaires.
A few people in the world control all the capital. What do you think? Does the
world make be>er decisions when a few people have a lot of money? Or when
many people have a lot of money?
Many projects that are now dormant and would be a service to humanity do
not see the light of day because oKen there is no money to bring them to
We can change the world with the very thing that has changed the world the
most so far. With money. What kind of world we then build is en2rely up to us.
The Approach
Gerd is building a community that is no longer vulnerable, a swarm. The first
milestone is 250,000 people as 10-fold millionaires. Ul2mately, he wants to
reach 2 billion people. Everyone who takes part has the poten2al to become a
10-fold millionaire.
But you don't become a millionaire just by geRng a lot of money. Awareness
and responsibility must grow with you. Otherwise, you'll quickly lose the money
again. Does that sound familiar?
Our awareness of success, personal responsibility, money, prosperity, and team
grows with us. We form a community in which we learn exactly that from the
example of Gerd Krauss. We may look at our money issues and let them go. As
a team, one is there for the other. We learn together. The team can only win if I
win. I can only win if the team wins.
We will not change the world as a swarm of doubters.
Please note that Gerd does not distribute his exis2ng wealth but shares the
profits of his economic ac2vi2es with the swarm. He himself takes 1% of the
profits. He shares the remaining 99% with investors and the swarm.
The Legal Aspects
How can Gerd share his profits without making usurious promises? In a legal
Together with his lawyers, he developed a legal intersec2on through which we
can start a business rela2onship with him. He creates digital images consis2ng
of 1 million pixels. We buy the pixels, the so-called NFSTs (Non Fungible Strong
Tokens), and he buys them back from us. The price he pays when buying them
back is at his discre2on. This gives him the legal opportunity to determine the
price. We thus become patrons and enthusiasts - but mainly traders - of digital
Officially (and also in real terms), he pays interest on our purchased NFSTs at 5%
per year. This is legal.
He is not allowed to promise us any addi2onal "payouts". That would be illegal.
Utopian promises or utopian expecta2ons are not illegal. Hence this term.
How To Start
We buy 1 NFST worth 12 euros.
AKer 3 days, Gerd buys the NFST back at a price of 30 euros.
AKer 4-7 days, we buy more NFSTs worth 42 euros.
Gerd buys back the NFSTs worth 300 euros.
In our subsequent ‘300 call’ we decide 2 things:
1. Do we want to buy more NFSTs at this point and top up the exis2ng 300
euros? Gerd uses a factor of 1,000 to mul2ply the value. If we don't top
up, we are looking at 300 x 1,000 = 300,000 euros. This means we have a
utopian expecta2on of 300,000 euros. If we top up, we buy more NFSTs for
an addi2onal sum x (at least 500 euros). Then we are in with (300 + x) x
1,000. Example: 300 + 700 = 1,000. 1,000 x 1,000 = 1 million.
2. How many people do we want to bring to the swarm?
a) Two or more people per week
b) One person per week
c) Someone at some point
Even if you can't yet imagine bringing lots of people to the swarm. Remember,
we are a learning team. And what we can imagine can also become reality.
AKer the ‘300 call’ and the possible top-up, we buy NFSTs for 120 euros every
month. Preferably by standing order.
When will Gerd start buying back our NFSTs?
As soon as he has earned the money from his projects.
To earn money sooner, you are rewarded if you a>ract people to the swarm and
build up a structure. From 100 people in your downline up to the 4th line, Gerd
pays ten 2mes the number of your people. So, with 100 people you get 1,000
euros a month, with 200 people 2,000 euros and so on. Always monthly.
Plus, Gerd also rewards people who are contribu2ng to the swarm project in a
desirable and thoughiul way.
So, it's best to join Gerd's webinar every other Wednesday and get a feel for
him and the swarm.
The History
The swarm began to form in the summer of 2022. By the summer of 2023, a
few hundred people had joined. Since July 2023, the swarm has been growing
exponen2ally. We are currently 5,600 people. (As of the end of October 2023)
Gerd‘s Projects
Gerd has many projects running at the same 2me. We don't need to be
informed about every single one. He knows what he's doing. And he
successfully makes sure that money comes in. Every few months he makes a
profit in the 3-digit million range.
One of his projects is the pure-space clinics. These are clinics in which you can
survive a virus a>ack in the event of a crisis. Highly advanced frequency devices
are used here, which he sells in connec2on with the pure-space clinics. Unit
price: 70,000 euros. There are 4 ci2es in Germany where members of the
swarm can test these frequency devices free of charge. (Scan and treatment.)
Ask your sponsor about it.
Three years ago, a market analysis he did showed that there is a worldwide
demand for 10,000 pure-space clinics, the construc2on of which will begin in
the next 3-5 years. He is currently nego2a2ng their pre-sale with investors.
A profit of 380,000,000 euros can be generated per pure-space clinic. He leaves
63% of the profits, 240,000,000 euros, to the investors, as he wants to realize
all 10,000 projects in a short 2me. 36% of the profits, 140,000,000 euros, go to
the swarm for each project. And 1% of the total profit to him.
Gerd's Commitment
* He generates high profits through his business, in which we share.
* He accompanies and advises us on the path to becoming a millionaire,
because a higher level of awareness and responsibility is required when
you are entrusted with large sums of money.
* Gerd's words: "There has to be a certain understanding and aRtude
towards money, that money comes and that it stays. That's why everyone
here is successful! You are in my field! My experience and my aRtude to
money make this possible."
Our Commitment
* We are bringing people to the swarm so that we soon reach the first
milestone of 250,000 people earning 10 million euros each.
* We are ready to look at our money issues and remove our triggers.
* We can also buy NFSTs for larger sums. Please discuss with your upline.
The Big Request and Hints
* Ques2ons are always clarified with the upline first. Gerd has neither the
2me nor the drive to answer the same ques2ons every 2me.
* There are of course ques2ons that only Gerd can answer. You may ask
these directly to him every second Wednesday. Prerequisite for asking
ques2ons: You already buy monthly NFSTs for 120 euros.
* No recordings or screenshots of webinars.
* No posts about the swarm in public media.
* Please do not transfer the 12 and 42 euros combined under any
circumstances. Always leave at least 3-4 days in between.
* It is not advisable to register your spouse. Because then you have
everything twice. You pay 2 x 120 euros per month, and you build up 2
teams. Gerd recommends doing it together.
* Be careful who you approach. People should have a certain level of
awareness and responsibility. It doesn't make sense for everyone to join.
* You support your 1st and 2nd line in 1-2 team mee2ngs per week. You do
this un2l your people can support their 1st and 2nd lines the same way.
In this way, a good team can con2nue to grow.
* Gerd is available for ques2ons every 2 weeks on Wednesdays from 6pm
to 9pm. Ask your upline for the dates and the zoom link. It's best to be
there every 2me, because that's where you connect more and more to
the field. Your subconscious mind will learn in a very quick way. And any
money issues can tumble out of your system.