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MGT 3400 Exam 1 Study Guide

MGT 3400 Exam 1
Study Guide
This study guide outlines the topics, theories, and concepts that will be tested during the exam. It
is designed to help you prepare and increase your chances of obtaining the maximum score on
this exam.
Exam format
The exam will be held in person on Wednesday, 06/26/24, covering topics, theories, and
concepts from Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and discussions covered in class. It will have 50
multiple-choice questions that will test your knowledge of Organizational Behavior concepts,
definitions, applications, and theories. Each question will be worth 2 points for 100 points. The
time allocated for this exam is one hour and fifteen minutes; within this time, you will attempt to
answer every question on the test to increase your chances of scoring the maximum possible
points for the exam. Although during the exam, you are allowed to use your study notes,
there is still Zero Tolerance for lack of personal integrity. The exam is an individual
assignment, meaning you are to take your exam on your own and abide by the GSU
Academic Integrity policy.
Study Tips
Students who want to do well in this Exam will read the chapters assigned areas in the textbook
along with their lecture notes and PowerPoint.
Chapter 1
What is Organizational Behavior?
Understand the definition of OB and the integrative model of OB (individual, group, and
Understand why organizational behavior matters
Study the Conceptual argument about OB
Study and understand the concept of research evidence
Know the definition of theory and how theories are developed
Understand the concept of how we know what we know about OB?
Chapter 2
What Is Job Performance?
Definition of Job performance and its importance to organizations
Study the different types of task performances (routine task, adaptive task, and creative
task performance)
Job analysis and the occupational information Network
Know the different types of behaviors and their categories (citizenship, counterproductive
Understand the trends that affect performances
Study the different types of Performance Management (MBO, 360-degree, forced
ranking, and social networking systems)
Chapter 3
What is Organizational Commitment?
Definition of Organizational commitment
Study the difference between the different types of commitment (Affective, Normative,
and Continuance)
Understand the different types of withdrawal behavior
Understand the trends that affect commitment
Know the concept of perceived organizational support and the importance of employee
What is Job Satisfaction?
Know the definition of job satisfaction
Study the value-percept theory and its application in determining job satisfaction
Understand the Job characteristic theory and its applications
Know the facets of Job satisfaction (Pay, promotion, supervisor, coworker, work itself)
Mood and the different kinds of mood
Emotion and the types of emotions
Importance of job satisfaction to organizations
Chapter 5
What is Stress?
Define stress, stressors, and strain
Types of stressors and how they relate to stress
Understand the Transactional Theory, primary and secondary appraisal,
Study the different stressor coping strategies (behavior coping, cognitive coping,
Problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping)
Study the different types of stains (physiological, psychological, and behavioral strains)
Understand stress management
Chapter 6
What is Motivation?
Know how to define motivation.
Understand the different motivation theories (Expectancy theory (expectancy,
instrumentality, valence).
Goal setting theory
Equity Theory
Study the concept of psychological empowerment (Meaningfulness, Selfdetermination, Competence, Impact)
Chapter 7
What is Trust, Justice, and Ethics
Know the definitions of Trust, Justice, and Ethics and the difference between these
Understand the different types of trust and how they are developed.
Know the different types of justice and when it applies.
Understand the concept of ethics and the four-component model of ethical decisionmaking.