Uploaded by Student Parthavi Mandhadi

Fry News (1)

Name : Parthavi
Date : February 1st
Issue summary : The Talibans held another public execution at a stadium in
northern Afghanistan.
Key Locations : Sheberghan, Afghanistan
Plan/Explain : In northern Afghanistan, the Taliban carried out a public execution
of a man accused of murder, the third such execution in five days. The execution
was carried out in Sheberghan, the capital of northern Jawzjan province, with the
murdered man's brother shooting him five times with a rifle. This is the fifth public
execution since the Taliban took power in August 2021. The Taliban has been
carrying out severe punishments in public, similar to those imposed during their
previous rule in the late 1990s. The United Nations has strongly condemned the
Taliban for engaging in such practices since seizing power.
The Talibans held another public execution at a
stadium in northern Afghanistan.
The Taliban publicly executed a man convicted of murder in front of
thousands of spectators at a sports stadium in northern Afghanistan on Monday.
This is the third execution in the past five days.
The execution took place during heavy snowfall in the city of Sheberghan,
the capital of the Jawzjan province in the North. The brother of the murdered man
shot the prisoner five times with a rifle, witnesses said. This event also came with
N.A.T.O. planning to withdraw from Afghanistan after two decades of war. It was
also the fifth public execution since the Taliban seized power of Afghanistan in
August 2021.
Despite the Taliban's initial promise of a more moderate rule, the
developments were as destructive as ever, as soon after taking power, he began
imposing harsh public punishments such as executions, flogging, and stoning. The
penalties are similar to those under the previous rule in Afghanistan in the late
1990s. Taliban officials could not be reached for comment on this event.
The statement said Monday's death sentence was carried out with the
approval of the country's three highest courts and the Taliban supreme leader
Haibatullah Akhundzada. The executed man was identified as Nazar Mohammad
from Birchelag district of Faryab province, who was accused of killing Har
Mohammad, also from Faryab. This murder was said to have taken place in Jojan.
The Taliban also executed two men on Thursday. These two were convicted
of stabbing a victim in the southeastern province of Ghazni. Relatives of the
victims shot the two men at a sports stadium as thousands of people watched.
A man and a woman convicted of adultery, meaning unfaithfulness to one’s
partner, in the northern Balkh province received 35 lashes each, over the
weekend, according to a statement from the Taliban Supreme Court.
Lastly, two other people were also flogged in eastern Laghman province
over the weekend. They received 30 lashes each for alleged immoral acts. The
United Nations has harshly criticized the Taliban's use of public executions,
floggings and stonings since they took power, and has called on the country's
rulers to end such practices.
1. Faiez, Rahim. “Taliban Hold Another Public Execution as
Thousands Watch at a Stadium in Northern Afghanistan.”Japan
26 Feb, japantoday.com/category/world/the-taliban-hold-an
orthern-afghanistan. Accessed 26 Feb. 2024.
2. Gul, Ayaz. “Taliban Execute Convicted Killer in Afghan Sports
Stadium.” Voice of America, 26 Feb. 2024,
an-sports-stadium/7502553.html. Accessed 26 Feb. 2024.
3. “The Taliban Hold Another Public Execution as Thousands
Watch at a Stadium in Northern Afghanistan.” Arab News, 26
Feb. 2024, www.arabnews.com/node/2466761/world.
Accessed 26 Feb. 2024.