Uploaded by Igor Machado


Speaker 1:
Alert! If you or your loved one is suffering from any –and I mean any – illness, chronic or
acute, especially if you’ve been told it is incurable, then this is the most important
message you will hear today.
Well respected doctors have been attacked, threatened with losing their licenses and
even jailed for sharing the information that you are about to hear. I urge you to stay
until the end because this presentation may be taken down anytime.
Hi, I’m Kevin! This is a cute little guppy in a fishbowl, and in a matter of minutes you will
why this cute little guppy in a fishbowl holds the secret to living the rest of your life free
from disease, illness or infection.
Believe it or not, this odd little picture of a guppy in a fishbowl is the answer to
achieving limitless health and curing all disease. By watching this presentation until the
very end, you will also discover how to rid yourself of any ailment or disease you or a
loved one is suffering from right now, even the most severe and incurable ones that
doctors have turned their back on and become completely disease-free for the rest of
your life. And yes, I mean it when I say any illness, infection or disease.
This cute little guppy will also help reveal the only cause of death and disease and why
you must avoid this at all costs. Note: this is not what you think. Even medical
practitioners don’t always know this and it can ruin your chances of a complete healing.
Warning: I may be forced by the powers-that-be to take this free video down. If you
come back tomorrow and this presentation is no longer free, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Watch this right now while you still can.
Remember, I’m about to share a health secret that has been proven to cure, if not
provide desperately needed relief to any and all disease, illness or ailment and even
more little known therapies to prevent any illness from returning.
Even though this may sound impossible right now, after you watch this video and do
what it says like thousands of deeply grateful people have before you, your doctor,
friends and family will be shocked at the staggering recovery your body goes through
almost overnight, how suddenly even tumors and cancer cells can begin to melt away
and how people with asthma can suddenly feel like they’re taking their first deep breath
in decades, how clogged and hardened arteries suddenly become clean and as smooth
as Teflon and as toned as an athlete’s. That’s just to name a few incredible results.
I’m going to teach you the secret in just a second but before I do I need to talk to you
about the big medical lie that’s keeping you, your family or dear friends from being free
from needless suffering now. I think you’ll see why I feel a sense of duty to share it with
you. It can mean the difference between the life and death of someone you love so
please brace yourself and stay with me.
What’s the big life that’s keeping you from healing virtually any disease or illness
without the horrible and even devastating side-effects? The big lie is that a cure for the
most fatal diseases today can only be treated with medical drugs and surgery and that
any natural cure doesn’t exist. As I’m about to prove to you in just a minute how a
natural, inexpensive, non-chemical cure does in fact, exist. The truth is, your body
already has the power to kill any harmful germ, virus, bacteria or dysfunction. Anyone
can release this miraculous healing power for themselves – naturally and easily – which
is what your body already wants to do by following a few easy steps.
I know this sounds hard to believe so let me explain. If you’re like most folks I’ve helped
over the years, any illness you’ve ever been through has probably followed a variation
of this really depressing timeline. When you were younger you would maybe get a cold
or even a flu but you would recover like it was nothing. You were invincible. You had all
this great energy and you never gave it a second thought. Then you got older and
started noticing more aches and pains, right? Maybe you developed arthritis or you
noticed more people you know developing cancer or even tragically dying from cancer.
You start seeing peers and colleagues developing blood sugar problems or diabetes and
when you or the people you love go to the doctor to get help, it seems the only solution
is to take one drug or another. When you learn about the side effects and the cost of
medication, you wonder what is worse – getting medical attention or being broke and
miserable? Suddenly, it’s like all your options for a healthy and vibrant life are gone. You
feel you either have to live with it or live in fear of it getting worse.
I’ve talked to dozens of clients about this and over and over again we hit the same
pattern. As soon as you reach a certain age, it’s like a switch goes off in your body. It
suddenly starts to take longer to recover and really well-meaning people suddenly get
repeatedly told, “Eat more vegetables and exercise more.” Yeah, right. Even worse,
you’re told, “We need to start you on this medication” or “We need to schedule you for
surgery”. Or even worse, they hear these bone-chilling words, “There is no cure.”
The medical merry-go-round is a horrible place where you only get a new medication
when the side effects of the old one become unbearable or when your body becomes
immune to the one you’ve been taking. That may or may not sound familiar to you, but
if it does, believe me my friend, you certainly aren’t alone. Most adults today are stuck
in that situation.
Now for the big question you’ve probably asked yourself again and again while you or
someone you care about is wincing in pain – isn’t there a better way? Why does it seem
that every medical solution seems to involve managing your illness rather than curing it
while any mention of a full and complete cure is always regarded as a long shot even
though we have the most advanced technology in history?
Then there’s the even bigger question – why do some people, and even entire cultures
seems to be immune and completely free from fatal diseases we are dying from
everyday? Diseases like heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, clogged arteries, AIDS,
arthritis, emphysema, Alzheimer’s, depression; the list goes on. They seem to live full,
energetic and even athletic lives, even into their sixties while the rest of us feel like we
lost a genetic lottery.
After years of research and studying thousands of medical case studies dating back to
the 1800’s I figured out one simple fact that, once you accept it will allow you to reverse
any illness and disease-proof your body.
What’s the big secret? This is going to sound unbelievable to you, it certainly sounded
unbelievable to me when I was going through the hundreds of case studies of healing
miracles. And it was still unbelievable when I personally saw it cure illnesses doctors said
were incurable.
The reason why some people and cultures managed to live their entire lives without
debilitating illnesses while so many others don’t has nothing to do with their genes or
with how many veggies they eat. It certainly doesn’t have anything to do with the level
of medical technology they had. Sure, there were a few extreme cases I’ve seen and
read about like being on the verge of death that took longer to fully recover back to
living a full, even athletic life again, but almost all medical case studies revealed that the
reason why any disease heals was because of one particular nutrient they had more of.
It’s the nutrient the rest of us don’t have enough of.
What’s the secret nutrient? It’s going to sound deceptively simple, but here it is. The
reason why you or the people you love aren’t healing from a debilitating illness isn’t
because you don’t have the right drug. It’s because you or your loved ones don’t have
enough oxygen in your cells.
To say it in another way, if you’re like ninety-nine point ninety-nine per cent (99.99%) of
people suffering today, you don’t know how to get oxygen into your cells so it can
neutralize any bacteria, virus, cancer cells, kills them and pull them out of your body.
I know this sounds crazy but it is the cold, hard truth. You see, there’s actually a right
way to get oxygen into the cells of your body that some people naturally do while the
rest of us are forced to suffer. Incredible, isn’t it?
Every documented case study of a dramatic healing I studied and every client I taught
this therapy to, the story was the same. There were little things that some people did
that turned their bodies into impenetrable fortresses when it came against illness and
disease and there were big mistakes most people like us make without even realizing it
that had their bodies begging to be infected. Plain and simple, the big secret to getting
any illness – including cancer, AIDS, clogged arteries, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s,
yeast infections completely reversed is to learn how to oxygenate your cells in a way
that makes it impossible for bacteria, cancer or any virus to live and to create an almost
miraculous recovery and immunity to any disease, much less the diseases that are killing
us in record numbers today.
Did you know back in the 50’s the number one cause of death was accidents? Things like
car crashes, acts of God or completely uncontrollable events. But today, heart disease
and stroke are the number one preventable cause of death. Now, a healthy man or
woman can be happily playing with his or her child in a playground and without
warning, suddenly be attacked by a blinding heart attack, gasping to breathe as the
world turns black.
At best, they are treated in time. But sadly, many live the rest of their life with brain
damage, unable to walk or move because of permanent paralysis or worse, death.
After heart disease, the other greatest cause of death today is cancer, then diabetes. It
is staggering and just plain sad that we will leave our family helpless and alone because
of a disease that could have been easily cured, not to mention the devastating cost of
medical treatment they are burdened with long after you are gone. Yet, as I said just
now, there are individuals and even entire cultures that seem to escape this fate.
Also, there are many countries outside the US that encourage this specific therapy to
cure this lethal, debilitating and devastating illnesses.
There are two facts about all healing I will share with you right now that will change
everything you’ve heard about curing disease. What I’m about to tell you will fly in the
face of all the things you’ve grown up hearing so hold tight.
But before I get into those two healing facts, there is something you need to know right
now. The fact that you have not been told you can easily flush illnesses out of your body
in a way that doesn’t involve any unwanted side-effects, toxic drugs and high medical or
insurance costs. The fact that you are unaware big pharma and the medical
establishment make billions keeping you in the dark, ignorant and suffering, enslaved to
their management of a disease which still have a pathetically low success rate. The fact
that though a simple natural cure has existed not just for years, not just for decades but
for over one hundred years with medically documented case studies but has been
suppressed and hidden from you.
What you need to know is it is not your fault. But the fact remains; diseases and
illnesses, even the ones the medical establishment and big pharmaceutical pharmacies
want you to believe are incurable can be cured and it can be done without any need for
drugs or surgery and without the need for painful side effects.
Let me explain. Imagine that cute little guppy you saw in the beginning of this
presentation. Like all fish, it breathes water into its gills and takes the oxygen out of the
water inside its body. But what if the water was polluted? What if it was filled with
deadly or harmful bacteria? What if it had chemicals that cause cancer? What if it had
viruses? They would go right into the little guppy, right? So just curing the guppy is not
enough. We need to clear the water.
You see, the guppy is like your organs and cells and the water in the fishbowl is your
blood and fluids that surround your cells and organs. The goal is to clean the water and
fluids around your cells and organs of harmful invaders that feed off your body and we
need to do it in such a way that we don’t harm your healthy cells. I really hope this is
making sense to you.
Here’s where the penny really drops. The fact is that most disease-causing germs cannot
live in an oxygen-rich environment. Wherever you have high levels of oxygen in your
body, harmful bacteria and viruses are killed. At the same time, healthy cells survive and
multiply more rapidly, resulting in a dramatic boost to your immune system. Not only
does oxygen destroy many disease causing bacteria and viruses, it also destroys
anything that could be potentially harmful to your body, even radiation from a simple Xray or UV rays from the sun. It’s all in the matter of how you use it.
You know all of those laundry detergents or cleaning products that are called oxy-this or
oxy-that? It’s called that because they have the cleaning power of oxygen. Think of
oxygen therapy the same way. It enters your body and like a heat-seeking metal, travels
through your body, finds disease and infection, kills them and clears them out of your
In fact, oxygen therapies have been shown to stimulate white blood cell production
which turns your immune system into a powerhouse, ready and equipped to destroy
any enemy harmful germ, virus or bacteria once it enters your body, break down manmade chemicals, poisons and other toxins that have entered your body, increases the
efficiency of antioxidants so you can slow down the aging process and prevent the
breakdown of collagen which melts wrinkles off your skin and keeps it as firm and
youthful as a child and destroy all forms of cancer cells by increasing the production of
something called interferon. It’s the main chemical your body creates to fight cancer
cells and stops them from multiplying.
I think you get the idea. It’s like the Holy Grail as far as healing is concerned. Long before
antibiotics were ever used, many different forms of oxygen therapy were used
medicinally to treat disease. Even the website of the National Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute describes oxygen therapy as a treatment that provides you with extra oxygen, a
gas that your body needs to work well. The site goes on to say that oxygen is considered
a medicine so your doctor must prescribe it, that oxygen therapy helps many people
function better and be more active, that it also may help decrease your shortness
breath and tiredness, improve sleep in some people who have sleep related breathing
disorders and increase the lifespan of some people who have COPD.
Then it goes on to list the various conditions that oxygen therapy has been proven to
treat such as severe pneumonia, severe asthma, respiratory distress syndrome, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, late stage heart failure, cystic fibrosis, sleep apnea.
In 1931, a man named Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for work proving cancer is
caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells. He states in his book, The Prime Cause and
Prevention of Cancer, that the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery. We know it occurs
whenever any cell is denied sixty per cent of its oxygen requirements. That was back in
1931! But documentation and proof of oxygen therapy curing virtually every disease we
know of goes back to the late 1800s so that begs the question. Why isn’t Oxygen
Therapy a part of our everyday lives if it is such a miracle cure?
The answer is simple. It is not profitable. There is a very good reason why the powers
that be are trying so hard to direct you away from using readily available, abundant and
inexpensive forms of oxygen therapy. In fact, in the 1960s, the pioneering and
courageous Dr. Robert Atkins of Atkins Diet fame temporarily lost his license after he
publicly reported that he had cured – completely cured – a woman’s breast cancer by
injecting the tumor with a form of oxygen. Then the public rallied and forced the New
York State Medical Board to reinstate his license but they did so only on the condition
that Dr. Atkins agree to stop using or publicly encourage the use of oxygen therapy.
Just imagine what would happen to large for-profit hospitals, drug companies and
insurance companies if a simple and inexpensive cure was discovered for that list of
ailments ranging from AIDS and the Big C to the common cold. How many drug makers
and insurance companies would lose their profits if millions of people were suddenly
cured of most disease? Do you think for one second that this industry really wants a
cure to be found? No. They want new expensive and prolonged treatments to be
developed. Cures kill repeat business and where is the profit in that?
What about the media outlets that get billions of dollars in ad revenue especially since
the deregulation that has allowed direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription
medication with that long list of horrific side-effects whispered at the end of each ad?
What about the politicians that pass these laws, do you think that they want to lose
their wealthy donors? Donors like the pharma lobbyist who put them in office.
No one in the medical establishment has any financial incentive to cure you. This
doesn’t mean the individual doctors are evil, greedy people. It just means the system is
flawed. You see, the system itself is a cancer and it is feeding off our illness. Its only
incentive is to keep you ill so testing, treatment and profits can continue forever. Yet
many people the world over have been helped and yes, even cured by these simple
The reason why these simple therapies I’m sharing with you are so powerful lies in one
singular fact. Disease and oxygen cannot be in the same space in your body. Just like you
I wondered, ‘How is oxygen not getting into my cells when I breathe all day long?’
Here’s the second fact about using oxygen to heal any illness. It’s not enough that
oxygen gets into your lungs; oxygen needs to get inside your cells in order to get rid of
disease. When it is inside your cells any invading germ, bacteria or virus is killed and
your cells are strengthened from the inside. When oxygen levels in your cells drop too
low, your infected cells become too weak to fight an invader. That is where it breaks
down. That is why all of us who breathe all day still get sick.
This is important for you to know. When a drug or any form of medical treatment like
radiation or surgery is used, it can kill the harmful invader that is making you sick but it
does not – I repeat – it does not heal the cell. Like a nuclear bomb explosion, drugs
obliterate all the harmful bacteria, viruses or germs in one blast.
But here’s the thing. Most of these so called medical treatments kill healthy cells
together with the bacteria, germ or virus.
Imagine the military trying to take out Osama Bin Laden by igniting a nuclear war head
on top of his home. Yes, they would have killed him but it would have killed the entire
city as well. That is what current treatment is like. That’s what happens in your body
when foreign, unnatural chemicals, radiation or even chemotherapy is used to kill a
disease-causing organism in your body; it destroys healthy cells as well. That, my friend
is why people experience side effects from so many of the medical treatments today.
The side-effects you feel are you experiencing the death of healthy cells. The truth
behind curing any illness comes from getting oxygen inside your cells and strengthening
healthy cells at the same time. How do you actually do that? Great question!
Here’s the real answer. Like I said, my name is Kevin Richardson and with your
permission I’d like to share with you the power of oxygen therapy and how to flood
oxygen into your cells and become disease-free. When you master this simple concept,
you’ll be astonished that something so simple can do so much, if you know how. I also
want to show you how and why your body is already a powerful healing machine and
how to wake up its natural disease fighting ability, giving you rapid energy and wellbeing moments after using it.
I’d like to show you the readily available oxygen therapy treatments you can start as
early as tonight; one of which just costs you less than two cents a day and it can cure
almost any illness you can think of. Yes, I know it sounds incredible but it’s true.
I want to show you how you can self-apply this simple therapy at home in one minute.
This includes the exact protocol and sources where you can obtain a natural
oxygenating substance which is the cornerstone of this therapy. I want to show you the
easy way to make sure your body’s cells are open and ready to receive and utilize the
oxygen from the blood stream. This is crucial because disease prevention and
eradication depends on the cells being infused with oxygen.
I also want to show you the powerful and life-changing stories of other regular people
like you and me who have faced the most dire and even fatal illnesses and turned it
around using the simple home based therapies you will have in your hands.
Most of all, I want to share with you all the incredible simple methods for applying
oxygen therapy in your own home without having to travel to a specialist, without
having to pay for expensive treatments and without having to haggle with insurance yet
is so effective you can begin to see and feel your illness vanish before your eyes.
How? By introducing you to a simple, easy-to-use system called The Miracle Cure. The
Miracle Cure is a simple program that teaches you how to use oxygen therapy so you
don’t just have to manage an illness you or your loved ones are suffering from but
actually reverse minor and life-threatening diseases like heart disease, clogged arteries,
tumor growth, the flu, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, asthma and even cancer.
First, you’ll get The Miracle Cure step-by-step training manual, your complete guidebook
to eradicate disease naturally and without any side effects. The first thing you’ll learn in
the manual are the different kinds of oxygen therapy you can start today so you can
begin your road to dominant health or help someone you care about end the suffering
they are enduring right now.
Next, I’ll show you which oxygen therapy is best for the ailment you want to heal and
how to maintain an almost super-human immune system for you, your family, your
children or anyone you don’t want to see suffer for the rest of your life.
If you have an illness you’ve been told is incurable, one where you supposedly have no
other option that to manage the symptoms, don’t worry. You’re also going to see in The
Miracle Cure how to get virtually instant relief if not a complete reversal.
Remember, the oxygen therapies you will have access to have been proven to cure the
most incurable illnesses to date like the HIV virus and practically all forms of cancer.
When you use these techniques properly, you’ll be shocked as you see physical
reactions that prove the virus, bacteria or toxin is leaving the body even if you’ve tried
every therapy out there.
Next, we’ll get to the main event. Here we’re moving to the simple home treatments
you can apply to yourself so you don’t have to worry about fighting to have insurance to
pay for more expensive treatments that require travel. In this section, you’ll learn an
exact regiment you can follow that thousands have followed before you to bathe all
your cells with the life-giving oxygen twenty-four hours a day even as you sleep and how
to use your maintenance routine once your illness has vaporized out of your body.
If you’ve always wanted to cure a condition that affects your appearance like a skin
problem, maybe acne, eczema, psoriasis or even rashes or even premature aging. When
you activate the oxygen pump mechanism of your cells you can destroy the free radicals
that rip apart the skin-tightening collagen that keeps skin clear, smooth, tight, elastic
and wrinkle-free. Friends will ask what you are doing to create skin that glows. Now
when you run out of a shelf-full of skin care products, you won’t have to spend any
more money to replace them. You can say goodbye to that thirty-minute morning
routine you are a slave to. Now you will be able to go outside your house without
makeup and never have to worry.
You will discover what kind of foods you can add to your diet to boost the oxygenating
effect of your therapy. It’s like taking a Formula One race car and putting space shuttle
fuel into its gas tank.
Here’s my promise to you. When you follow this system and put it into action you’ll be
astounded by the results. You’ll stare and wonder at the reflection you see in the mirror
or when you look at a lab test that shows you are free of the illness you are suffering
from or when your doctor stands there baffled, scratching his head saying, “This is not
possible! You’re not supposed to be cured!” Then humbly asking, “How did you do it?”
Listen to this. J.O. was a sixty-seven year old man with severe blockages of the arteries
to his legs and extensive blockages of the vessels to his heart. He had suffered bypass
operations on both legs and quadruple bypass on his heart. This was a terminally ill man
ravaged with completely clogged arteries. All of his tissues were choking to death,
literally starving for oxygen. His surgeons offered J.O. little hope. He had gangrene, a
rotting tissue due to lack of oxygen and the surgeon said an amputation of his left leg
below the knee was necessary. If he refused the surgery, they would have to operate
later and take off the entire leg. Basically, a “fix it now or pay more later” kind of choice.
J.O. was willing to try anything within reason to save his leg. J.O. agreed to try daily
oxygen therapy. In just twenty-four hours after the first treatment, his pain had
decreased. By the fourth session, it had almost disappeared entirely. With repeated
oxygen treatments, the kind you will have access to in The Miracle Cure, the gangrenous
tissue cleared rapidly. He soon put his crutches away.
There was a man north of Minneapolis, Minnesota that had a stroke in July of ’84. The
doctors opened up some arteries that were one hundred and ninety per cent blocked.
They put him on some medicine and said, “Get your house in order.” He was sleeping
nineteen hours a day. I referred him to a man not far from him what a certain type of
oxygen therapy did for him. He told him to do it properly and he would have him back to
work in two months. He actually went back to work in seventy days.
Then in October his daughter got married and he redecorated the house. Those who
attended the wedding said he never missed a dance or the opportunity to kiss the young
girls. In August 1986 the doctor gave him a physical like he had never received a physical
before and declared him as physically fit as a twenty-two year old.
For people suffering from clogged arteries and have access to The Miracle Cure, it’s a
choice between having your rib cage ripped open or using a home therapy for pennies
with undeniable relief on the first day.
One sixty-year old patient could not even get out of bed in the morning; he was so
wracked with aches and pains. He took to laying his mattress on the floor so he could
roll out of bed and lie on the floor for a while before he had the strength to rise to his
feet. After a couple of week of using the one type of oxygen therapy at home just a few
times a day, he was able to leap out of bed.
In addition to no longer being plagued by his usual aches and pains, he found he was
hardly ever trouble by colds, flu or other ailments.
John from Birmingham, Alabama wrote, “I’m just trying to help in any way I can because
no one should have to go through what I went through – numbing devastation and fear.
If this helps you, please spread the word. I’m still shocked it worked and it took only a
week! How is it possible that people don’t know about this is beyond me!”
Here’s another person’s story. “Over the period of two years, two cancerous growths
appeared on my nose. One of them was growing very slow, the other one faster. Then,
in less than a year another one appeared on my face as well, on the other side of my
nose, very close to my eye. That one was growing at an alarming rate. All those growth
hurt with an unusual intensity when touched and had tiny veins but they were not
moles. They were kind of the colour of my skin except more red and at times really red. I
was getting worried and felt helpless. I begged God to help me and I searched a lot. I
was getting so worried by that point because the spot close to my eye was growing even
faster and by then it was about five millimetres in diameter and just a few months ago it
was a tiny spot. I was so desperate, my eyes watered every time I looked at the spots on
my face.”
After using one of the techniques in The Miracle Cure, he wrote, “The cancerous
growth, after a while formed a crust much like what happens in a normal sore. The
strangest thing is I see no scars. It flattened out like it was never there in a week, even
the fastest growing one! I’m still in shock. I tried so many things! Thank God!”
Here’s another story. Two parents dropped everything and flew to Florida for eleven
days to try oxygen therapy for their dear children. They both have daughters with
Cerebral Palsy, nine-year-old Kaylee with severe Cerebral Palsy and seven-year-old
Danielle with mild Cerebral Palsy with ability to walk. Both reported immediate dramatic
improvement. Kaylee was relaxed and more flexible and for the first time in four years
could lie on her stomach; Laura was able to walk much better.
In a few minutes I’ll read more stories and testimonials to you. But the most important
story I need is yours. Just by itself The Miracle Cure manual will change your life forever.
Even people who didn’t consider themselves sick or diseased saw immediate mental
focus, calmness, energy, endurance and well-being.
But because I want to give you an unfair advantage over the medical and insurance
system and help you have the kind of full, exciting life you deserve, I’m also going to
include The Oxygen Diet. You should pay attention because this is truly groundbreaking.
When I was researching The Miracle Cure, I researched dozens of foods and ingredients
and newly discovered superfood and discovered the secrets to adding oxygen to your
cells through food, what cultures and societies with the least illnesses eat everyday and
compiled it into this bonus. These recipes are easy and delicious recipes that clean your
blood, clean the fluids in your body and make it even easier for oxygen to enter your
Imagine slurping a rich, sweet, cold chocolate shake or Frappuccino for breakfast. Well,
you can have it anytime you want but this one is made of foods that are oxygen rich, full
of antioxidants, full of protein and most importantly, full of deliciousness. Most people,
and even health experts who read this are shocked at the information I discovered.
When you grab your copy of The Miracle Cure today you’ll get the oxygen diet
completely free.
Okay. How do you get started? How much am I releasing The Miracle Cure manual plus
my groundbreaking Oxygen Diet? Honestly, this is the only program like this in existence
so there’s nothing to compare it to.
Let me just ask you a question. How much is it worth to you to protect yourself and the
people you love from the top causes of death today? To have the secret code that
makes your body the kind that allows you and your loved ones to reap all the joy life has
to offer and avoid spending the last decades of your life crippled and dependent on
drugs and medication? How much would you pay to have the problem of illness solved
forever, to be able to provide for your family, your wife or husband, your children
without fear of illness?
If you’re like all the others who bought this, you’d pay a lot. Well, I got some really good
news for you. The regular price of The Miracle Cure is just ninety-seven dollars ($97)
which every person who’s actually used the program tells me is a total steal. Why? Just
think about it for a second. How many hundreds or thousands of dollars have you spent
in the past trying to get over a cold or a flu, not to mention on health insurance? If you
couldn't use insurance, how much did you spend on ridiculous hospital bills that charge
you six dollars per pill? How many ointments have you bought to get rid of skin
problems or aches and pains or to settle a sour stomach?
The fact is that The Miracle Cure has been proven again and again for over a century to
work. To give you a choice of being a slave to illness, a slave to the industry of medicine
interested in profit more than our health and a slave to suffering to the freedom to live
the way we were designed to live – free to choose, free to be healthy, free to be rid of
We should make a tiny one-time investment of ninety-seven bucks seem like a bargain
but you know what? I want to make this a total easy decision for you. When I’m finished
with this market test, I’m going to hold a special sale where I discount the program by a
generous thirty per cent and offer it for just sixty-seven dollars ($67). But because
you’re getting it here early, if you act right now I’ll let you have The Miracle Cure plus
The Oxygen Diet for just $39.95.
All you have to do to get started is click the big, shiny, inviting ‘Add to Cart’ button that
has just appeared below. You’ll gain instant access to everything and will start the road
to dominant health today. As soon as you click ‘Add to Cart’ you’ll be able to download
the entire program, go through the manual and start using these simple little tricks and
techniques I give you as soon as possible with an ailment you’re suffering from. Your
children, your spouse and you will be able to see for yourself the incredible results you’ll
get with The Miracle Cure.
Of course, there’s my one hundred per cent, no questions asked guarantee. Here’s how
it works. Order today and use the material. If you aren’t blown away and if you don’t get
incredible results, simply email me within so many days for a complete refund; no fine
print, no BS!
Listen, here’s the deal. The way I like to help people is I don’t believe I deserve your
money unless I get you results. I take a tremendous amount of pride in this product. It
took a long time to put it together. I’ve talked to a lot of doctors, I’ve done a lot of
research. It was actually life-changing for me and I’ve discovered there are simple
techniques you can use to turn disease into a thing of the past.
I know you’re going to get great results with this which is why I’m willing to give you
such a safe, no questions asked guarantee. You can feel completely safe today knowing
that you’re protected and that when you do invest in The Miracle Cure you will either
get results or you’ll get your money back. It’s that simple.
Now all you have to do to get started again, is click the big ‘Click to Add’ button below
and you’ll be able to get The Miracle Cure for the low price of just thirty-nine ninety-five
($39.95). Plus, you’ll get the complete Oxygen Diet absolutely free.
I’m selling this program now for just thirty-nine ninety-five but only as a market test as I
get ready to roll this out wide. I want to help as many people as I can but I just don’t
know how long it will be before I am forced to take this down. So really, you’ve got a
really simple choice to make. Option one is for you to do nothing. Keep going the way
you are now, keep being frustrated and you can risk things getting worse because you
don’t take action right now. Keep going on the internet trying one thing after another
and just get more and more frustrated. I can tell you from the testimonials you’ve seen
already and more than I will show you a disease-free life can be yours.
You see, your body wants to be healthy. You just need to know how to open the door
for oxygen to bathe your cells and destroy any germ, infection or bacteria that is making
you sick.
Option number two is you can take what you learn today and try it out yourself. You can
take the basic ideas I talked to you about oxygen therapy and what it means to your
body and go out and use it for yourself or a loved one. You might get some decent
results but wouldn’t you rather have a sure thing? Wouldn’t you rather have simple
system that literally thousands of people around the world have already used and have
that in your corner as you try to make this happen?
But of course, there’s an option number three – risk nothing at all today. Grab The
Miracle Cure training for just thirty-nine ninety-five today. Devour the material, put it
into action and see how little it takes for you to get that incredible youthful feeling of
strength and vitality again. See how easy and inexpensive it is to rid yourself of
something you have felt cursed and controlled by.
Again, all you have to do to get started is click the big ‘Add to Cart’ button below. You’ll
gain instant access to everything. As soon as you hit ‘Add to Cart’ you’ll be able to get an
email where you get the download link. You can download the entire Miracle Cure
program, everything I’ve promised you here right now.
You can go through it in just a few minutes from now and you can get incredible results
within what? A day or two? It won’t take you very long to go through the material but
the results will last a lifetime. Everything in this program is focused on giving you exactly
what you need in order to get the kind of awesome. Wonderful vitality you’ve always
wanted. All you have to do to get what you want is click the ‘Add to Cart’ button below.
You will get great results like so many other guys have before you. If you’re worried, of
course, you’re backed up by the one hundred per cent money-back guarantee.
Listen, if you’re here it’s because you want to get rid of an illness. Maybe it’s your illness
or maybe it’s someone else’s. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be free of illness
and your body wants to be as healthy as it can; it just needs help. Even celebrities like
Jenny McCarthy, Doctor Oz and Montel Williams have promoted the miraculous results
of oxygen therapy.
But what about everyday regular people like you and me? Here are some of the many
stories of miraculous healing with the use of oxygen. Kathy says, “I can’t wait to see
what happens after I get through the whole regimen. Before I started I had very, very
dry flaky skin especially on my torso and that has all but disappeared. My skin is
probably the best it’s ever been in my life.”
Sunny says, “My family is feeling such an awesome general well-being after just a
month. I won’t write too much because I really believe you need to discover and study
this for yourself. I will quickly list the things it has healed within myself, husband and
four boys. Here we go: heartburn, eczema, asthma, acne, bronchitis, concentration and
the one that I love the most is my three-year-old now eats. I have been battling with
him ever since his near drowning and being in a coma for a weak. It is our belief that all
the drugs and toxins pumped into him back then have stunted his growth. He has only
ever craved sweet foods. Well, now my baby is eating so much fruit and yogurt that
alone is worth more to me than even curing my own asthma. I thank God for giving us
this knowledge and will continue the therapy for the rest of our living days. I can’t thank
you enough!”
Ruth from Illinois writes, “So far my progress has been: one, swelling in neck gone. Two,
tightness in chest – I think from infection in sinuses draining into chest while I was
asleep – gone. Three, insomnia from worrying about my throat closing while asleep
Then there’s Vanessa who wrote, “My friend who is only thirty-seven who has severe
arthritis has been following exactly from the book. She was even unable to open up her
own screw top pop bottle and was taking 8+ pain pills per day and was still in a lot of
pain especially when it changed weather here or rained. She has been pain-free and
med-free for going on two weeks. She can open up her own pop and can almost make a
fist, something she has been unable to do in she does not remember how many years.
For me and my husband it seems like we seem fuller; we all do, and sleep amazingly
very deeply. We have an energy that we cannot really explain. For me, this is the
clearest my mind has been in a long time.”
Sherry wrote, “I have relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and was diagnosed in
September 2004 but was told by my neurologist I had to have had MS for over twentyplus years back in 2004 so over twenty-eight years now. My balance has improved
greatly. I know by the way I’m walking now without my cane or my walker that I’m being
Let’s not forget Frieda who was suffering from leukemia. She wrote, “I was a level three
leukemia when I started using the info on this book and one month later I am a level
Dan writes, “In just seven days the treatment got rid of a cancerous spot on my face.”
I think in this presentation I’ve shown you enough of how effective this material is. If
you’ve watched this far it shows me that you’re interested. All you have to do is click
‘Add to Cart’ button below.
Go through the rest of the steps to download The Miracle Cure and start going through
it tonight. You’ll get everything tonight and you’ll be able to find out for yourself if The
Miracle Cure is everything so many people are saying it is.
I’m personally extremely confident. Why? Because I’ve seen it work. It has worked for
me. It’s been wonderful and it’s worked for every single person I’ve shown this to
personally. The vast majority of folks who buy The Miracle Cure program and put it into
effect in their own lives literally do have fantastic results.
I want you to have those results as well and all you have to do is click the ‘Add to Cart’
button below, download The Miracle Cure program, start going through it, start using it
in your own life and experience those results for yourself.
Again, I’m Kevin Richardson. Thank you so much for spending your time with me. I can’t
wait to hear about your success.
If you’re still watching, I bet you have some questions. Here are the most common ones.
What is the oxygen therapies that you refer to and why don’t you ever mention what
that substance is on your website? That’s a great question. It bugged me that I could not
mention it too. You see, if I mention what the natural oxygenating therapies are where I
also report the various cures that it has brought about, we’d be violating FDA
regulations which prohibit anyone from claiming that any therapy, remedy or substance
can treat, cure or prevent any disease because supposedly, only a drug can legally make
such a claim. Also, if I simply mention what the natural oxygenating therapies are I may
actually be doing our website visitors a disservice because they might try to obtain it
without first reading the book thereby causing them to use it incorrectly and ultimately
yielding no results.
The Miracle Cure gives the exact protocol that one needs to follow in order to achieve
optimum results safely. But here’s what it is not: the natural oxygenation substance is
not Miracle Mineral Solution – also called MMS – sodium chlorite, stabilized oxygen,
chlorine dioxide, Sodium Dichloroacetate (DCA), oxygenated water or water made by
expensive ionizers. It is the only therapy that increases oxygen and maximizes the
delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells. This creates conditions in the body that
enable the body to heal itself of virtually any disease.
Here’s another question. Where can you get this natural oxygenating therapy? Is it
available in any country? Here’s the answer: there are several oxygen therapies I reveal
to you. The ones I focus on the most are, for obvious reasons, the ones you can do on
your own and at home. But I also include a list of clinics that are oxygen-therapy friendly
and also allow for insurance. Because the entire list of illnesses the FDA allows to be
treated by a licensed practitioner is limited, I focused on the self-healing methods. No
matter what, you will have all the information to use, any therapy you want to use in
The Miracle Cure.
Is it difficult to administer the therapy? What does it entail? It’s extremely simple. If you
can drink water, breathe air and walk you can apply the therapies I show you.
How exactly does The Miracle Cure work? Curing disease is just a matter of identifying
the cause of disease and getting rid of that disease. The Miracle Cure does exactly that –
gets rid of the cause of disease. Current medical research is focused on the wrong
symptoms of disease. What complicated the process of curing disease is that everybody
has a different opinion as to what causes it.
Here are just a few of the theories that most people mistakenly believe are the cause of
disease: viruses, microbes, germs and harmful bacteria, toxins in the food we eat, the air
we breathe and the substances we consume, genes which make us susceptible to
acquiring one disease or another. While all of the above do characterize most diseases
or might be part of the disease, they do not cause disease.
If you think about it, we are surrounded by these substances all the time. Why do we
get sick only when we do? It’s because something allows that germ or bacteria to take
over. They’re often mistaken as the cause of disease because they’re presence coincides
with the presence of disease. The truth is that the primary physical cause of all diseases
is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency. Supplying your body with sufficient
levels of oxygen which is the body’s most essential element without which humans die
is the key to preventing and curing diseases.
Two-time Nobel-Prize winning doctor Otto Warburg shocked the world when he
revealed that most disease is caused by insufficient levels of oxygen in the body. The
natural oxygenating therapies described in The Miracle Cure are able to heal virtually all
diseases because it stimulates the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to
the cells.
I find the concept of one cure for all diseases hard to believe. How can any single
substance be so far-reaching in curing diseases? I felt exactly the same way so I know
how you feel. To answer that question, I want you to think about all the cures that were
like that. The germ theory was once thought of that way but Louis Pasteur proved that
in the presence of germs infection occurred. People then couldn't believe one thing
affects so many different types of infections.
The same was true of Vitamin C. People couldn't believe Vitamin C could alleviate so
many different health problems but now we can buy it in supermarkets!
Is The Miracle Cure available in bookstores? Unfortunately no, it is not currently
available in bookstores. Since there’s a possibility that this book could be forced out of
circulation by the FDA due to the pressure of the pharmaceutical industry whose trillion
dollar revenues are threatened by this simple cure, I made it available on this site.
Click the ‘Add to Cart’ button below, download The Miracle Cure program, start going
through it, start using it in your own life and experience those results for yourself.