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Microbiology and Parasitology (Highlighted Facts)

Chapter 14 - 16
HAPTER 14: Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease
Infectious disease correlates to the word infestation "out side"/infection "inside"
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The acidity of the skin is pH 5.6 or 5.5
Escherria coli is one of the normal flora in the stomach
Take Chicken Pox as an example, when an individual is able to capture such disease at a young
age, the immune receptor cells will be familiarized with such disease whenever it appear again
as an adult. However, whenever such disease comes up again in the body it will be known as
Shingelles and be more painful
Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Monocytes/Macrophages, Basophils, Dedritic cells (All of these are
White Blood Cells)
TERM: Malaise "Ga lain ang lawas"/ "general feeling of discomfort"
TERM: Furuncle (a pus filled-bump), Carbuncle (, Boils
Latent Infection: Herpesviridae(reacts from physiological stress), Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (Oral
strain), Herpes Semplex Virus 2(Genital Strain)(reacts from genital herpes: STD), Varicella
Zoster Virus (causes chickenpox and shingles; Human Herpes Virus 3; site of latenscy: dorsal
root ganglia); Epstein Barr Virus (Human Virus 4; transmitted through saliva; it is an infectious
mononucleosis aka "kissing disease"; site of latenscy: B lymphocytes); Herpesviridae
(Cytomegalovirus [CMV]; transmitted through saliva or blood; may reveal a characteristics "Owl
eyes appearance")(Human Herpes Virus 6; acquired by respiratory secretion; childhood disease
which characterized by fever, rash and sore throat; causes exanthem subitum/roseola or 6th
disease)(Human Herpes Virus 7; transmitted via saliva; no none disease)(Human Herpes Virus
8; associated with Kaposi sarcoma; transmitted via oral secretion)(Syphilis is part of the latent
There is no more smallpox currently existing as it is now harvested in cultural laboratories
(Russia cultures such disease)
TERM: Cold sores is lu-as
TERM(?): CMV (+) EBV (-)
TERM: Neutrophils (Bacteria) Eosinophils(fungi), Basophils = Granulocules [presence of
granules] Lymphocytes (Virus), Monocytes = Agranulocytes
Eosinophils and Basophils are in charge of releasing histamine that reach the bronchules that
constrict the smooth muscle (Such cell movement is associated with Asthma)
TERM: Triponema papidum is Syphilis
Shigella has a more invasive toxin then salmonella
RANDOM INFO: Streptococcus Pyogenes causes Flesh Eating Bacteria; Streptococcuss
Mutants cause Decay in Teeth
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Pyogenes,Pneumoniae is the Strep ; while Aureaus is Staphy ;
Anthracis is Bacillus; Perfrigens is Clostridium
Receptors are Integrins and Adhesins are Ligands: Integrin is in the surface of a host cell,
Ligands is in the surface of pathogen cell
TERM: gp1 20/CD4+cell are T helper cells
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Interferons: it has antiviral property
Fimbriae is for attachment while Pili is used for ??? and Flagellum is used for a pathogens
? What is the difference between anaplasma and anaplasmosis ?
Intraerythocytic Pathogens: Plasmodium spp-cause human Malaria (vector is Female
Anopheles Mosquito); Babesia spp-cause human Babesios (carrier is tick and lice)
Virus that causes Cowpoc is Vaccinia Virus (It is harmless)
Vaccines are antigens (???) and not antibodies (fight in the immune system)
Klebsiella pneumonia is community acqyuired pneumonia
RANDOM INFO: Pastreulla multocida is caused by the Animal Bite; Eikenella spp. is cause by
Human Bite
Flagella locomotion is at best in a room temperature (25 degree celcius); gliding, tumbling,
darting (Campylobacter spp.), corkscrew (Spirochetes), twitching (Kingella), and shoot star
(Vibrio Cholerae) motility
RANDOM INFO: Listeriosis causes the molding of cheese
RANDOM INFO: whenever (ASE) is mentioned, it is immediately identified as an Enzyme
RANDOM INFO: Clostridium (C.) Perfringes causes Gas Gangrene
RANDOM INFO: Staphy, Strepto, and Clostri have a spread bacteria being a bacteria underH
TERM: Sphingophospholipid:
It is easier to remember that Endotoxins are produced by Negative Cells while Exotoxin are
produced by Positive Cells
RANDOM INFO: Pyrogen causes fever
Exotoxins: Neuro, entero, cyto,exfoliative,erythrogenic, and diphteria toxin (PLEASE RECALL
AND RESEARCH: purposeful for MCN 2 case studies)
Clostridium tetani (paralysis), Clostridum botulinum (flacid)
RANDOM INFO: Clostridum botulinum is prone to grow inside food cans which is why you don't
purchase food cans that have dents
RANDOM INFO: Enterotocins are associated with Gasterointestinal Intact (GI)
RANDOM INFO: Bacillus (there are two types): B. Cereus - fried rice bacillus -motile
-enterotoxin; B.anthracis-anthrax bacillus-encapsulated-non motile
Exotoxins: C.difficule produces cytotoxins that damage the lining of the colon and called
pseudomembranous colitis (C.difficile-associated diseases is associated with antibiotics
[clyndomicin, ampicillin, cephaloprin); Exfoliative toxin produces epidermolytic toxin of S.
Aureaus that peels/slough away the skin and causes 'Scaled Skin Syndrome'; Erythogenic toxin
produces S. Pyogenes causes carlet fever; Leukocidins cause destruction of very cells that sent
to the side of the infection to ingest and destroy pathogens; Diphthera toxin produces toxigenic
strains and inhibits protein syhnthesis; Shiga toxin produces Shieglla spp; Pseudomonas
aeruginosus it can grow in different ways-can be developed through strains-exists in
environment such as water, plants, and soil
CHAPTER 15: Non-specific Host Defense Mechanism
NS (Non-Specific)
Examples of NS is the Inborn/Innate of a human body
In the First Line of Defense there is External and Internal: External Defense-intact, unbroken
skin, mucosal membrane surfaces, lactic acid, acidity in GIT, urine, vagina, cilia lining in
respiratory tract, flushing action of urine serve as physical/mechanical barrier to pathogens
Mechanical Barriers: Skin, mucous membrane, cilia, and mucus
Chemical Barriers: Enzymes likes lysozymes fouynd in secreytions (tears, saliva, sweat), lactic
acid in sweat - HCI in the GI tract - Acidity of urine
Microbial Antagonism is basically the body indigenous pathogen telling invader pathogen to fuck
off since invader pathogens tale nutrients that need to be absorbed by the body natural
Internal Defense System: Cellular Component-mast
cells,Basophils,Eosinophils,neutrophils,Macrophages,dendritic cell, and NK cells; Human
Classical Pathway is activated by antibodies such as IgG/IgM which targets C1q,r,s (C1 targets
C2 and C4; while C2 targets C2a and C2b, while C4 targets C4a and C4b: which ends up with
C2b and C4b = C2B4a; C2B4a targets C3 convertase, wherein C3 targets C3a and C3b )
C3 convertase: C4b2a
C5 convertase: C4b2a3b
Membrane attack complex (MAC): C5b6789 (this number has reached CELL LYSIS which has
killed the pathogen)
Alternative Pathway is activated by polysaccharide, lipopolysaccharide on bacteria, yeast, fungi,
virus,. tumors, parasite, venoms
Starts with C3 activation
C3 convertase: C3bBb
C5 convertase: C3bBb3b
Membrane attack complex (MAC): C5
Cytokines act as a chemical messenger and is used to attract WBS (this phenomena is called
Cytokines Storm: a massive overproduction and dysregulation of cytokines that can lead to
shock, multiorgan failure, or even death
The purpose of Inflammation is to localize the infection-prevent spread of microbial
infection-neutralize toxins-aid in repair of damage tissues
3 Major event of acute inflammation include vasodilation which increases blood flow to the
sitte(react in a way if redness, heat, and edema) ; increased permeability of the in
Cardinal Signs of Inflammation: Redness
(Rubor)-Heat(Calor)-Swelling(Tumor)-Pain(Dolor)-Loss of Function
The inflammatory exudate contains pus
Purulent exudate or pus is think and greenish-yellow with dead leukocytes
Inflammatory response has no exudate and no invading microorganism (Ex. arthritis or
During acute inflammation, neutrophil can be found
During chronic inflammation, machropage can be found (b4 a macrophage came to be, it was a
Machropgaes serve as "cleanup screw" to rid the body of unwanted and harmful substances
Neutrophils respond to Bacterial Infection; Major function: Phagocytosis & killing of foreign
material or infectious agents; it contains Myeloperoxidase, Lysozyme, Lactoferrin
Eosinophils respond to parasitic & helminth infection and allergy (releases Histamine); has a
role in allergic reaction by lessing hypersensitivity reaction through the release of an ain e
oxidase, which neutralizes histamine
Basophils responds to allergic or hypersensitivity;
Dendritic Cell is the MOST potent phagocytic cell in the tissue
4 Steps in Phagocytosis Chemotaxis, Attachment, Ingestion, Digestion
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Children who have high fever need to be assisted immediately or else
fever that reaches 38.5 degress celcius will lead to combustion and has reach/affected the
child's CNS
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: There is ALWAYS a reason for fever (stress is not one of them)
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: CRP is used to check if the patient has inflammtion inside the body
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: when someone faints, its called syncope, since the brain lacks oxygen
which cause the individual to faint and needs to immediately eat any sweets since such sweets
posses glucose
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Ellie Metchnikoff discovered phagocytosis
RANDOM INFO: the earwax is cerumen that protects the auditory canal from infection
RANDOM INFO: the Goblet Cell secretes Mucus (is normal while Sputum IS a mucus but is
infected with bacteria)
RANDOM INFO: mycoplasmas and ureaplasma can easily be defeated since such pathogen
does not have a cell wall
RANDOM INFO: pH level of a stomach is 1.5-3.5; pH level of vagina is 3.8-4.5;
RANDOM INFO: Septicemia is when bacteria enters the bloodstream and may cause seps sis
(Gram-negative bacteria)
RANDOM INFO: The travel (migration) of White Blood Cells is called Diapedesis
RANDOM INFO: If a person has dengue, take note, that it is much scarier if the Pt. is not
hydrated then when their platelet is low. It is important for Pt. to be hydrated AT ALL TIMES or
else some wounds and cuts will be found within the mouth due to dengue
RANDOM INFO: The heart has its own electricity
RANDOM INFO: If ever the macrophage is is in the lungs it is known as kupffer cells, if it is on
the skin it is Langerhans cell, if it is in the brain it is microglial cell, if it is on lymph nodes it is
dendritic cells, if it is in the kidney it is known as mesangia cell, if it is in the bone it is known as
osteoclasts, if it is in the tissues it is known as histiocytes (ALL OF THIS ARE
QUESTIONS: What is the difference between MI VS Cardiac Arrest
CHAPTER 16: Specific Host Defense Mechanisms
Antibodies are produced by plasma cells (it is B-lymphocytes)
Active Acquired Immunity usually provides long lasting protection
Passive Acquired Immunity usually provides temporary protection (produced by another person
or animal)
Active Acquired Immunity: Natural and Artifical acquired
Artificial active acquired immunity results when a person receives a vaccine (however, there are
some vaccines such as oral Sabin polio [taken orally])
How vaccines work? It stimulates and produces protective antibodies
Attenuated are live pathogens that have been weakend by growth
Inactivated are where live pathogens are killed
Passive Immunity: Natural/transfer in vivo Acquired
Antibodies are ALL immunoglobins, but not all immunoglobins are antibodies
Immune responses to antigens in the blood are usually initiated in the spleen
Antibody Structure: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM
Immunoglobulin Class job is to neutralize toxic substances, facilitate phagocytosis
IgA is found in tears, saliva, Colostrum, milk, and intestinal fluid
IgA 1 Monomer, mainly found in serum
IgA 2 Dimer held by a J chain mainly found in secretion
IgG is predominant
IgG longest half-life is approximately 23-25 days
IgG can cross the placenta
IgG are warm antibodies
IgG2 cannot cross the placenta (Allowed is IgG 1, 3, 4)
Fixation of Complement except IgG4 (Allowed IgG 1, 2, 3)
IgM known as macroglobulin
IgM reacts best during the cold
IgM configures a star like structure
IgM is held together by a J or joining chain that contains several cysteine residues
IgM is most primitive and first antibody to be produced by infant (primary response antibody)
IgD function as immunoregulation
IgD regulates B-cell maturation and differentiation
IgE is least abundant in immunoglobulin in the serum
Cell Mediated Immunity is a cell wherein the Antibodies CANNOT enter
T-Helper Cell = CD4+cells
T-Cytotoic cells = CD8+cells
Regulatory T cells/Treg cells
Hypersensitivity refers to an overly sensitive immune systems
Immediate-type: occurs from within a few minutes - 24 hrs
Delayed Types takes more then 24 hours to manifest the reaction
Type I is the Anaphylactic Reaction: hay fever, asthma, hives, food allergies, stings and
drugs(penicillin), house dust mites, rhinitis, latex allergy, pollen, animal dander, anaphylaxis
Type I is the most common types of hypersensitivity
Type I hypersensitivity reactions may be localized or systemic
Type II hypersensitivity reaction: transfusion reaction, AIHA, HDN, Goddpastures syndrome,
Myasthenia gravitis
Type III hypersensitivity reaction are immune complex reactions
Type IV hypersensitivity reaction uis observed under 24-48 hours or longer after exposure or
Blood Typing
Blue Antesera A: blood glutunates (it is Type Blood A+)
White Antesera D: 2 blood glutunates (it is Type Blood B+)
Yellow Antesera B: blood glutunates (it is Type Blood B+)
Under all Antesera, the blood has glutunates, it is AB+ [Universal receipient]
Under all Antesera, the blood has no antigen, it is O+ [Universal donor]
RANDOM INFO: Colostrum (thick yellowish milk) is the Mother's Milk which is a passive
immunity for babies upon protecting their immune system since Colostrum contains antibodies
RANDOM INFO: Baby only produces antibodies once baby reaches 4mths, which is why after 1
month after birth the baby has to receive its due injection
RANDOM INFO: Bacteria attaches at the light came of a monomer "resembles the letter Y"
RANDOM INFO: T helper cells, cytotocix T cells, Tregulatory cells, Natural killer cells are under
T cells; while B cells will turn into Plasma Cells to which secrete antibodies
RANDOM INFO: JAM (J-chain, IgA, IgM)
RANDOM INFO: IgM is Primary Immune Response while IgG is the Secondary Response
RANDOM INFO: IgE is best when dealing with parasites
RANDOM INFO: Binding Allergen is the cause as to why the body reacts to an allergy that leads
to mast cells
Chapter 18 - 19: Virus and Bacteria
CHAPTER 18: Virus Infection
DNA Viruses and RNA Viruses: All DNA viruses have a double stranded EXCEPT
PARVOVIRUS (because PV is single stranded); ALL DNA viruses have a linear DNA except
Papiloma virus, Polyoma V, Hepadna V; Papi and Polio are icosahedral complex, while
Hepadna is incomplete; All DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus except POX VIRUSES; the Pox
virus replicates in the cytoplasm
Herpes Virus
The largest DNA is the POXVIRUS, the smallest virus is PARVOVIRUS
The largest RNA is the PARAMYXOVIRIDAE(Paramyxovirus), the smallest virus is the
HIV Virus recpetor is GP120(C); Cyanic acid
The difference between the chickenpox and smallpox is the area of infection; where the
chickenpox spread on the trunk and face; while the small pox is more on the lower extremities
(face, arms, legs, followed by torso, hands and feet); chickenpox as well is more watery then
small pox
TERM: Associate Aspirin to Reye Syndrome
The Varicella virus (Chickenpox) will latent in the dorsal ganglia until such time it will resurface
from future infections, as it will now be known as Shingles; Shingles will be shown in the sacral
area of the body (the lower back of the body); Shingles can be reactivated at the ripe age of 50;
Chickenpox is caused by Varicella, while Shingles is Varicella Zoster
German Measles (Rubella): If the baby has received the rubella syndrome it affects the
heart,body, and CNS of the baby (which can lead to mental retardation); rubella is a milder
disease then measles; it contains Forgeheimer spots
The cause of Hand foot and mouth disease is the Coxsackie A16 and Enterovirus; HFM can be
felt after fever and rash begins to develop at the mouth then develops on the palms of the hands
and soles of the feet;
Measeles contains Koplik spots near the molar of the mouth; It contains Warthin-Finkelday
Bodies; Vitamin A Supplemntation is can reduce the morbidity of measles; Measles is highly
communicable; measles vaccine can be given at 9 months or as early as 6 months (IN CASE
Monkeypox ia vaery rare disease; It occurs primarily in the Central and Western Africa; it is a
RARE disease; it can be transmitted from physical contact or animal transmission;
Smallpox has been eradicated by 1980; Smallpox is no longer existing and is only being culture
in Russia now; it caused by VARIOLA VIRUS which is different from chicken pox which is
caused by Varicella virus; patient with such disease is most contagiously; it can be transmitted
from person-to-person, droplet, or skin inoculation; The Biosafatey level 4 (BSL-4) facilities keep
the small pox away; Edward Jenner was involved with the research of smallpox and noticed
how there were milkmaids who were immune to the vaccinavirus to which Edward Jenner
created a vaccine; Cross-immunity allows the body to be immune to the virus; Once the body is
injected with vaccinavirus it allows the body to become immune with the virus
Viral Infection of the Ear: the Otitis Media is the infection of the Ear which develops from
common cold; may rupture from eardrum, bloody discharge, and pus; common in young
children between 3 months and 3 years of age; the virus that cause it is measles virus,
parainfluence virus, and RSV; however, if it is the bacteria then it is S. Pneumoniae, H.
influenza, M. catarrhalis (these 3 are the common bacteria that cause otitis media)
Otitis Externa: an infection of the outer ear canal and cause malodorous discharge, itching,
pain, tenderness, redness, swelling, and impaired hearing; it is most common during the
summer swimming season; it is refered as "swimmer ear"; it is caused by pseumonas; it is
pathogen cauled by escherichia coli, P. aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, and
Viral Infection of the Eye: Conjunctivitis and Keratoconjunctivitis: it is an inflammation of the
eyes, it is caused by adenoviruses
Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis: it is cause by adenoviruses and enterovirus; also known as
"swimming pool conjunctivitis"
Viral Infection of the upper respiratory system:
Common Cold: one of its symptom is Coryza; alot of viruses will be manifested when cold
occurs; pathogen involves
Viral infection of the lower respiratory system:
Influenza: drug of choice of Oseltamivir; Influenca is in the family of orthomyxovirus
Avian Influenza: it is referred to as Bird Flu; H5N1 is the most virulent strain; Spanish flu is
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): its pathogen is (SARS-CoV); MOT is droplet and
airborne virus; first and sever readily transmissible disease of the 21st century
Cold Sores (Fever blisters, Herpes Labialis); it is caused by Hepers simplex virus type 1
(HSV1); if it is orogenital it is (HSV2)
Viral Gastroenteristis:
Hepatitis A is known as epidemic hepatitis and short incubation hepatitis (it takes only 15-45
days for incubation); it is a single stranded and non-envelope; it is in the family of
Picornaviridae; MOT is person-to-person; fecally contaminated (fecal-oral) foods and water;
disabling diseases last several months and no chronic infection; it is a RNA virus
Hepatitis B is also known as serum hepatitis and long incubation; it is a DNA Virus; it is through
sexual transmission; takes long periods on incubation; it is commonly asked for the job
application (medical report); it can be get through needles; usually has an insidious onset
Hepatitis C also known as non-A and non-B hepatitis as HCV infection; it is transmitted through
blood transfusion
Hepatitis D is the also known as delta hepatitis virus it is an RNA virus; Transmitted through
HBsAg (surface Antigen); it is undetectable by 4-6 months after symptom onset; 1st marker to
appear; both acute or chronic;
HBeAg (envelope Antigen); it can be detected through liver biopsy; active replication; appears
shortly after HBsAg; elevates during chronic infection; high viral load; it is HIGHLY infectious
HBcAg (core Antigen); usually cannot be directed in test because of it small concentration
Anti-HBC: there is IgM (current or recent acute infection) and IgG (indicates a past infection
and immunity); only detectable during "CORE WINDOW" period; 1st antibody to be produced;
screening of donor blood; lifetime persistance
Anti-HBE; convalesence and recovery; it is less infectious
Anti-HBs; providing protective immunity; produce after immunization; produced after
immunization; Protected titer: > 10mnlU/mL
Viral infections of the GI Tract
Viral STDs: Anogenital Herpes Viral Infection (Genital Herpes)
HIV Infection and Aid: for as long there is blood, it will transmit, but if it does not then it will not
transmit; symptoms appear 3-6 weeks after infection, lymphadenopathy, sore throat, arthralgia,
myalgia, fatigue, rash, weight loss
Clinical Latency: decrease in viremia, virus is still present in the plasma at lower levels, absence
of clinical symptoms
AIDS (Final stage): very low numbers of CD4 T cells, a resurgence of viremia and
life-threatening disases
RANDOM INFO: whenever it involves warts, it is immediately associated to papillomavirus
4Undiganosed or misdiagnosed of anti-HIV are usually not present in a high enough
concentraition to be detected during this early phase of infection. Kaposi's sarcoma, a
perviously rare type of cancer, is a frequent complication of AIDS, thought to be caused by
HIV-1: it is most common
HIV-2: ssRNA viruses in family retoviridae (commonly found in Africa)
Transmission of HIV (3 Major routes): intimate sexual contact, contact with blood or other body
fluids, perinatally, from infected mother to infact
In HIV, ratio of CD4+: CD8+cells = 1:2 or 0.5:1
Normal CD+count=500-1300/ul
Normal ratio of CD4+:CD8+ cells = 2:1
Screen Serological Test: ELISA- commonly used screening test of HIV antibodies
Confirmatory Serological Test: WESTERN BLOT- the gold standard confirmatory test for
detection of HIV
Infectious Mononucleosis "kissing disease"; it is an acute viral disease that may be
asymptomatic; it is a self-limited disease which is cause by EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) a.k.a
Human Herpesvirus 4; associated with Hodgkin disease and lymphoma disease;
Mumps (Infectious Parotitis); an RNA virus; swelling and tenderness of the salivary glands,
caused by Mumps Virus: Orchitis (inflammation of the testes) Oophoritis; transmission via
droplet or saliva
Viral Hemorrhagic Diseases (Viral Hemorrhagic Fever): extremely serious, acute viral illnesses;
it is caused by anthropoids or mosquitoes; tranmission through infected blood secretions,
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis a rodent-borne viral disease; CNS includes deafness and
temorary or permamnet neurological damage
Poliomyelitis (polio, infantile paralysis): sabine vaccine (oral ) salk vaccine (ID or IM)
Rabies: if a person has rabies they will experienc elock jaw, they have fear of water and light,
the virus is bullet shape, it is an RNA virus, paralysis of the lower legs and moves upward
RANDOM INFO: Eikenella corroden is the Human Bite, Pasteurella maltocia is the Animal Bite,
Scratch Disease is when you receive an animal scratch from cats, dogs, and other claw present
Viral Meningitis: the common cause is enteroviruses; acute illness rarely exceed 10 days;
Dengue Fever: it is also know as breakbone fever, has like an influenza fever, myalgia (muscle
pain), arthralgia (joint paint), and lymphadenopathy; vector is caused by Female Aedes aegypti
mosquito; there are FOUR serotypes: DEN- 1, 2, 3, 4 (each serotypes provides specific lifetime
immunity, and short term cross imunity); If ever you will get dengue later on in life after
experiencing dengue once, it will follow the four serotypes; it is known as break bone fever
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: it can cause of Hemorrhagic syndrome
RANDOM INFO: If the patient has suspected dengue, it is most important that the patient is able
to drink LOTS of water; monitor urine output then the platelet output because the urine report
provides more information on the situation of dengue; Patient must have oral hydration; the
platelet will always be down on the 3rd, and 4th day of the patient during admission of dengue;
The 1st and 2nd day, the platelet will still be okay, but by 3rd day it is important that the Patient
is admitted into the hospital since the platelet will decrease by 3rd, 4th,5th, 6th,7th day until it
will begin rising again (with proper hydration) on the 8th, 9th, and 10th day; Pt. with
Hemorrhagic Manifestation will experience Epistaxis, Oral Hemorrhage, Petechia,
NS1 antigen to detect onset fever
RT-PCR to detect dengue viral genes
Dengue IgM Marker of Recent Infection
Dengue IgG Marker of Past Infection
CBC-Platelet Count: findings of thrombocytopenia, (decrease platelet), leukopenia (, a
hematocrit level increase > 20%
CHAPTER 19: Bacteria Infection
Acne is the term if it is a cluster of pimples, however, if there is only ONE pimple present, it is
called Folliculitis; Folliculitis - inf. of hair follicle; Furuncle: Focal; Carbuncle: Multiple
Anthrax: it is caused by bacillus anthracis which is encapsulated, spore-forming, and a Gram
positive bacillus; the grastrointestinal anthrax is the most fatal; The capsule of the bacillus
anthracis contains a The D glutamic acid; transmission is through endospores, breaks of skin,
Ingestion of bacteria in contaminated meat (pulmonary anthrax person-to-person); The anthrax
is used as a bioterrorism agent.
4 Pathogens most common as bioterrorism Agent
B. anthracis
Yersinia pestis
Gas Gangrene: it is an exozyme; destroy muscles and tissue; Lipase, Lecithinase, are the
virulence factors of Gas Gangrene; It causes the pockets of gas which can lead to amputation of
the infected anatomic sie.
Leprosy: There are 2 forms of Leprosy, Lepromatous and Tuberculoid (skin lesion); the
mycobacterium leprae is the cause of Leprosy; it is a slow growing bacteria; Lab culture is
armadillos or mouse foot pads
Staphylococcal Skin Infection: the causative agent is S. aureus (it looks like a cluster of grapes);
common skin lesion are localized, discrete, and uncomplicated, it is caused by Streptoccocus
pyogenes (impetigo) while hyaluronidase (S. aureus); MOT is having purulent lesion or
asymptomatic carrier.
RANDOM INFO: Staphylococcus aureus is the MAIN cause of Food Poisoning
RANDOM IFO: S. saprophyticus can cause UTI or YEASTS, S. agalactic, S. epidermedis
RANDOM INFO: If B hemolytic it is partial, but if it is A hemolytic it is complete
Streptoccocal Skin Infection it is usually superficial (S. Impetigo); Scarlet fever is cause by
(Eryhtogenic); the caused agent is S. pyogenes
Otitis Media (Bacteria): It is caused by S. pneumoniae, H. influenza, Moraxella
Bacterial Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye): it is caused by Haemophilus influenzae subsp. Aegyptius;
redenning of the conjunctiva; the diseases is highly contagious; MOT is through eye contact,
contaminated fingers, facial tissue
Chlamydial Conjunctivitis: In neonates it is Acute, while in adults it is Chlamydia trachomatis, a
gram-negative bacterium and obligate intracellular pathogen;
Trachoma (Chlamydia Keratoconjunctivitis): it is the leading cause of blindness, it is cause by
chlamydia trachomiatis; non-gonoccocal
Gonococcal Conjunctivitis: It is caused by Neisseria Gonorrhea; whenever the neonate has
such condition, apply silver nitrate unto the eyes of the neonate
Diptheria: it is caused by Corynebacterium diptheria, a gram-postive bacteria, it is a potentially
serious respiratory tract disease, DTAP
Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep Throat): cause by S. pyogenes; it is untreated strep throat and
can lead to scarlet fever and rheumatic fever; avoid drinking any citrus drinks during strep-throat
or any sweets. S.pyogenes thrive in sweet food
Pneumonia: it is caused by S. pneumoniae; there is typical (experienced chest pain, chill,
productive cough, dyspnea [bacteria involved: S. pneumoniae, H. influenxzae, S. aureaus) and
atypical pneumonia (; it is diagnosed through x-rays or abnormal sounds in the lungs;
pneumonia is the most common acquired infection from the hospital
Leogionellosis ( Legionnaire's Disease): It is caused by Legionella pneumophila; it can cause
Pontiac fever; MOT is vegetable misting devices in supermarkets
Mycoplasmia Pneumonia (Primary Atpical Pneumonia): it is caused by Mycoplasma
Pneumoniae, a tiny gram-negative bacteria, lacking cell walls; MOT is through inhalation or
direct contact; LD produces like little sunny fried eggs
Tuberculosis (TB): It takes day to culture such disease, it is caused by Mycobacterirum
Tuberculosis, Gram positive to Gram bacterial; MOT through airborne droplets; Pt. may
experience malasie, fever, night sweats, weight loss, and productive cough; LD: Demonstration
of acid-fast bacili (AFB) in sputum
Whooping Cough (Pertussis): it is the highly contagious; caused by Bordetella pertussis,
encapsulated, nonmotile, Gram negative; stages: prodromal: mild/cold like symptoms,
paroxysmal, recovery stage
Bacterial Gastritis and Gastric Ulcer: it is caused by H.pylori, microaerophilic, capnophilic,
gramnegative; MOT: oral-oral or fecal-oral; Pt. may experience abdominal pain, nausea,
heartburn; Antacids relieve the pain, but doesn't kill the bacteria;
RANDOM INFO: If ever in the exam you see the word "ULCER" might as well associate it to
RANDOM INFO: Associate TCBS (Thiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose)with Cholerae
Campylobacter enteritis: it is caused by Campylobacter jejuni, s-shaped, spiral shaped,
Gram-negative bacilli, has a "gull wing" morphology; it last for 2-5 days; stool may possibly have
a blood sample within the stool, this is called occult blood
Cholera: it is caused by Vibrio Cholerae serogroup 01, it is a negative bacilli that secretes an
enterotoxin called cholergaen; stool is watery; MOT: fecal-oral route, contact with feces or
Salmonellosis: it is a gastroenteritis; it is caused by salmonella enterica, it is endotoin,
cytotoxins, enterotoxin; MOT: ingestion of contaminated food (egg, milk, poultry, and vegetables)
Typhoid Fever: it is caused by salmonella typhi
Shigellosis (Bacillary Dysenter): it is caused by shigella dysenteriae
Clostridum difficle-Associated Diseases: it is caused by C. difficile, gram-positive bacillus;
indigenous microbiodata
EHEC Diarrhea (Enterohemorrhagic E.coli): first recognized due to contamination of hamburger
meat; MOT: contamination of meat and milk.
ETEC Diarrhea (Traveler's Diarrhea)(Entrotoxigenic E. Coli): It is cause by enterotoxigenic E.
RANDOM INFO: the number 1 cause of UTI is Escherichia coli; if it is the upper UTI the bacteria
is ascending, which include Nephritis/Pyelonephritis, Ureteritis; result from poor personal
RANDOM INFO: Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Chlamydia is the common cause of STDS
RANDOM INFO: The Syphilis is also known as the Evil Fox and Great immitator; Under syphilis
is Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira; it is similar looking to a corkscrew
Primary Syphilis: Hard Chancre, Painless
Secondary Syphilis: Highly Infectious/ Contagious, Sytemic Dissemination, Painless
Latent Syphilis: lack of clinical symptoms, noninfectious
Tertiary Syphilis: 1/3 of untreated individuals; it is Hutchinson triad: keratitis, notched teeth,
Chapter 20: Fungal Infection
Fungal Infection: mycoses
Superficial mycoses
outermost areas, outersurfaces of hair shafts, outermost, nonliving later of skin (epidermis)
Cutaneous (Dermatomycoses)
living layers of sking, tinea or ringworm infections, dermatophytes
Superficial mycoses:
Tinea (pityriasis)versicolor are caused by malasezzia furfur; it is the characteristics of spaghetti
and meatballs; contains yeast-like cells
Tinea nigra is caused by Hortaea werneckii; characterudes by dark painless patches on the
siles of the feet
Outermostlayer of the Skin:
White piedra is caused by Trichosporon beigelii; infection located at the moustache, beard,
oubic, and axilla hair; it is soft and white nodus
Cutaneous Mycoses is caused by dermatophytes (moulds); results in tinea pedis(athlete foot),
tinea corporis(body), tinea manuum (palm), and tinea cruris (bugan dapita); has 3 genres of
microsporum, epudermophyton, trichophyton
Cutaneous Mycoses: tinea capitis, tinea barbae, tinea favosa
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is the home to culture Fungi (it is filled with many nutrients)
If you want Fungi to grow you need to apply antimicrobial agent into the agar so it does not grow
bacteria and focuses on Fungi
Dimorphic Fungi is infectious due to its mold phase, however, if it is only diagnostic it is called
yeast phase
Remember Dimorphic Fungi (can only exist in 37 degree Celcius @ Room Temperature:
Sporotrichosis, Blastomycosis, Paracoccidioidemycosis, Coccidiodomycosis, Histoplasmosis
Blastomycosis is called the North American Blastomycosis or Gilchrist Disease sp.
TIP: remember the fungal agent, common name, and yeast and mold phase of each fungi in the
Histoplasmos comes from acute till chronic for it begins in the lungs of a AIDS patient; the
causative agent is Histoplasma Capsulatum: it is acquired through inhalation of barns, chicken
houses and bat caves, or conidia from solids, bulldoxing and excavation
Pneumocystis carini pneumonia is formally known as P.carini
Thrush is caused by candida albicans where the tongue surface appears while or yellowish in
color; white creamy patches, to appear in the tongue
Candida albicans are always positive upon everything else except thrush disease where caldida
is negative; Gemr tube is associated with you C. albicans
Cryptotoccus has a capsule and is a polysacchiride.; this spreads throughout the brain; an
opportunistic bacteria in AIDS patient; stimulated by alkaline pH and bird droppings
Aspergillosis is the most common foodborne illness and opportunistic fungie and produces
aflaxtoxin (this causes dead rats its scent of death); it is a fast growing fungus, is is culture din
SDA Sabouraud Dextrose