Alaisah A. Mosr BRANDING What is brand? A brand is a mark distiction that can sensed usually in the forms of names or terms,sign or symbols,design elements,or even a condition of these,and is utilized for the purpose of identifying and distinguishing the goods or services of one provider from another. Origins of brand-the ethymology of the word brand itself provides glimpses into the origins of branding. ELEMENTS OF THE BRAND brand is just a name.Todays brand are composite of values Trade name-The trademarked name by which the product is to be known as,such as COCA-COLA,GOOGLE and JOLLIBEE. Generic category-the category in which a brand would fall under,such as beverage,search engine,or quick service restaurant. Logo-the visual symbol or image that will identify the product,such as the destinctive partially bitten apple image. Tagline-an optional catchphrase,such as BDO’s “We find ways”. Visual cues-aside from the actual logo,brands can also be represented with destinctive visual identifiers,such as the red and green brands that wrap around the outside of a Seven Eleven store. Shapes-the actual shapes or form of a product or packaging,such as the pinched contour of a battle of Yakult. Colors-a Yellow Cab store is quickly distinguisable fram afar thanks to its bold yellow signs with black letterings. Sounds-such as advetising jingles,or even very short intro sounds,such as those heard upon starting up a computer. Scents-establishments such as Rustans and the Sangri-la Hotel have signature fragrances made that help to create distinctive atmospherics in their premises. Tastes-this include special rwcipes or secret ingredients,such as Max’s distinctive friend checken formulation. Brand equity-refers to the valye of brand.Ideally,this value would be expressed the forms of the person values. Brand Valuation-since there is no clear way to estimate brand equity in terms of monetary value,marketers have resorted to utilizing non-monetary measures of brand value. Brand Asset Valuation can also be helped along by knowing the progressive Levels of brand Equity: Brand awareness I am familiar with these brand Brand acceptability I like this brand Brand preference I prefer this brand Brand loyalty I will die if I do not buy this brand