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Ovarian Cyst Surgery Everything You Need to Know (2)

Ovarian Cyst Surgery: Everything You Need to
When it comes to women's health, ovarian cysts are a common concern that many face at
some point in their lives. While most ovarian cysts are harmless and may even disappear on
their own, there are some cases where surgical intervention becomes necessary. This article
will guide you through everything you need to know about ovarian cyst surgery and help you
find the best hospital for ovarian cyst treatment in Jaipur.
Understanding Ovarian Cysts: Types, Symptoms, and Causes
Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid that develop either on or inside the ovaries. Most are
harmless and resolve without treatment, but some require medical attention. The three most
common types are functional cysts, endometriomas, and cystadenomas.
Functional cysts - These most common cysts occur during ovulation and usually disappear
within a few months. Rarely, a functional cyst can twist or rupture, causing pain, bleeding, and
infection. Consult your doctor if you experience severe or persistent pain.
Endometriomas - These cysts form from endometrial tissue that grows outside the uterus.
They tend to recur and often require treatment like hormonal birth control or surgery.
Endometriomas can cause pain, infertility, and twists or rupture.
Cystadenomas - These cysts form from ovarian tissue and are usually benign, but some can
become cancerous. They often don't cause symptoms until they become very large. Surgical
removal is usually recommended, especially for postmenopausal women or rapidly growing
While most ovarian cysts are harmless and resolved without treatment, consult your doctor if
you experience symptoms like pelvic pain, pressure, or bloating that persist or become
severe. They can examine you, conduct an ultrasound, and determine if any treatment is
needed. Catching ovarian cysts early, especially in postmenopausal women, is key to good
health and quality of life. For the best treatment options consult Top Ovarian cyst removal
Doctors in Jaipur at Cocoon Hospital.