Practice questions: 1. Consider the following vector autoregressive model: where yt is a p × 1 vector of variables determined by k lags of all p variables in the system, ut is a p× 1 vector of error terms, β0 is a p× 1 vector of constant term coefficients and βi are p × p matrices of coefficients on the i th lag of y. (a) If p = 2, and k = 3, write out all the equations of the VAR in full, carefully defining any new notation you use that is not given in the question. Answer P=2 qnd k=3 implies that there are two variables in the system, and that both equations have three lags of two variables. The VAR can be written in long-hand for as; Where , and β coefficiencies on the lags of yt are defined as follows. βijk refers to the kth lag of the ith variable in the jth equation. This seems like a natural notation to use, although of course any sensitive would also be correct. (b) Why have VARs become popular for application in economics and finance, relative to structural models derived from some underlying theory? answer This question can be answered by basically discussing the advantages of VARs compared with structural models. The structural models require the researcher to specify some variables as being exogenous (if all variables were endogenous, then none of the equations would be identified, and therefore estimation of the structural equations would be impossible). This can be viewed as a restriction (a restriction that the exogenous variables do not have any simultaneous equations feedback), often called an “identifying restriction”. Determining what are the identifying restrictions is supposed to be based on economic or financial theory, but Sims, who first proposed the VAR methodology, argued that such restrictions were “incredible”. He thought that they were too loosely based on theory and were often specified by researchers on the basis of giving the restrictions that the models required to make the equations identified. Under a VAR, all the variables have equations, and so in a sense, every variable is endogenous, which takes the ability to misrepresent (either deliberately or inadvertently) or to mis-specify the model in this way, out of the hands of the researcher. Another possible reason why VARs are popular in the academic literature is that standard form VARs can be estimated using OLS since all of the lags on the RHS are counted as pre-determined variables. Further, a glance at the literature which has sought to compare the forecasting accuracies of structural models with VARs, reveals that VARs seem to be rather better at forecasting (perhaps because the identifying restrictions are not valid). Thus, from a purely pragmatic point of view, researchers may prefer VARs if the purpose of the modelling exercise is to produce precise point forecasts (a) Discuss any weaknesses you perceive in the VAR approach to econometric modelling. Answer VARs have, of course, also been subject to criticisms. The most important of these criticisms is that VARs are theoretical. In other words, they use very little information form economic or financial theory to guide the model specification process. The result is that the models often have little or no theoretical interpretation, so that they are of limited use for testing and evaluating theories. Second, VARs can often contain a lot of parameters. The resulting loss indegrees of freedom if the VAR is unrestricted and contains a lot of lags, could lead to a loss of efficiency and the inclusion of lots of irrelevant or marginally relevant terms. Third, it is not clear how the VAR lag lengths should be chosen. Different methods are available (see below), but they could lead to widely differing answers. Finally, the very tools that have been proposed to help to obtain useful information from VARs, i.e. impulse responses and variance decompositions, are themselves difficult to interpret. (b) Two researchers, using the same set of data but working independently, arrive at different lag lengths for the VAR equation (6.99). Describe and evaluate two methods for determining which of the lag lengths is more appropriate. Answer The two methods that we have examined are model restrictions and information criteria. The model restrictions approach involves starting with the larger of the two models and testing whether it can be restricted down to the smaller one using the likelihood ratio test based on the determinants of the variance-covariance matrices of residuals in each case. The alternative approach would be to examine the value of various information criteria and to select the model that minimizes the criteria. Since there are only two models to compare, either technique could be used. The restriction approach assumes normality for the VAR error terms, while use of the information criteria does not. On the other hand, the information criteria can lead to quite different answers depending on which criterion is used and the severity of its penalty term. A completely different approach would be to put the VARs in the situation that they were intended for (e.g. forecasting, making trading profits, determining a hedge ratio etc.), and see which one does best in practice. (c) Explain how fixed effects models are equivalent to an ordinary least square’s regression with dummy variables. Answer Fixed effects models are equivalent to an ordinary least square regression with dummy variables because they both account for the unobserved heterogeneity across units by including unit-specific intercepts. The dummy variables capture the fixed effects of each unit by taking a value of one for that unit and zero otherwise. (d) How does the random effects model capture cross-sectional heterogeneity in the intercept term? The random effects model captures cross-sectional heterogeneity in the intercept term by allowing the intercept to vary across individuals or groups. This means that each individual or group has its own baseline level of the outcome variable that is influenced by some unobserved factors. The random effects model assumes that these unobserved factors are independent of the explanatory variables. 1. (a) What stylised features of financial data cannot be explained using linear time series models? • • • • Frequency: Stock market prices are measured every time there is a trade or somebody posts a new quote, so often the frequency of the data is very high -Nonstationarity: Financial data (asset prices) are covariance non-stationary; but if we assume that we are talking about returns from here on, then we can validly consider them to be stationary. -Linear Independence: They typically have little evidence of linear (autoregressive) dependence, especially at low frequency. -Non-normality: They are not normally distributed – they are fat-tailed. -Volatility pooling and asymmetries in volatility: The returns exhibit volatility clustering and leverage effects. Of these, we can allow for the non-stationarity within the linear (ARIMA) framework, and we can use whatever frequency of data we like to form the models, but we cannot hope to capture the other features using a linear model with Gaussian disturbances. (b) Which of these features could be modelled using a GARCH(1,1) process? GARCH models are designed to capture the volatility clustering effects in the returns (GARCH(1,1) can model the dependence in the squared returns, or squared residuals), and they can also capture some of the unconditional leptokurtosis, so that even if the residuals of a linear model of the form given by the first part of the equation in part (e), the tuˆ’s, are leptokurtic, the standardized residuals from the GARCH estimation are likely to be less leptokurtic. Standard GARCH models cannot, however, account for leverage effects. (c) Why, in recent empirical research, have researchers preferred GARCH (1,1) models to pure ARCH(p)? (d) Describe two extensions to the original GARCH model. What additional characteristics of financial data might they be able to capture? 2. (a) Discuss briefly the principles behind maximum likelihood. (b) Describe briefly the three hypothesis testing procedures that are available under maximum likelihood estimation. Which is likely to be the easiest to calculate in practice, and why? (c) OLS and maximum likelihood are used to estimate the parameters of a standard linear regression model. Will they give the same estimates? Explain your answer. 3. (a) Distinguish between the terms ‘conditional variance’ and ‘unconditional variance’. Which of the two is more likely to be relevant for producing: i. 1-step-ahead volatility forecasts ii. 20-step-ahead volatility forecasts. (a) If ut follows a GARCH(1,1) process, what would be the likely result if a regression of the form (8.110) were estimated using OLS and assuming a constant conditional variance? (b) Compare and contrast the following models for volatility, noting their strengths and weaknesses: i. Historical volatility ii. EWMA iii. GARCH(1,1) iv. Implied volatility. 4. (a) Briefly outline Johansen’s methodology for testing for cointegration between a set of variables in the context of a VAR. (b) A researcher uses the Johansen procedure and obtains the following test statistics (and critical values): r λmax 0 38.962 1 29.148 2 16.304 3 8.861 4 1.994 95% critical value 33.178 27.169 20.278 14.036 3.962 (c) Determine the number of cointegrating vectors. (c) ‘If two series are cointegrated, it is not possible to make inferences regarding the cointegrating relationship using the Engle–Granger technique since the residuals from the cointegrating regression are likely to be autocorrelated.’ How does Johansen circumvent this problem to test hypotheses about the cointegrating relationship? (d) Give one or more examples from the academic finance literature of where the Johansen systems technique has been employed. What were the main results and conclusions of this research? (f). Compare the Johansen maximal eigenvalue test with the test based on the trace statistic. State clearly the null and alternative hypotheses in each case. 4. (a) What are the advantages of constructing a panel of data, if one is available, rather than using pooled data? (b) What is meant by the term ‘seemingly unrelated regression’? Give examples from finance of where such an approach may be used. (c) Distinguish between balanced and unbalanced panels, giving examples of each. (d) Explain how fixed effects models are equivalent to an ordinary least squares regression with dummy variables. (e) How does the random effects model capture cross-sectional heterogeneity in the intercept term? (f) What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the fixed versus random effects specifications and how would you choose between them for application to a particular problem?