\DOC free_vars_lr \TYPE {free_vars_lr : term -> term list} \SYNOPSIS Returns the set of free variables in a term, in order. \KEYWORDS variable, term. \DESCRIBE An invocation {free_vars_lr ty} returns a list representing the set of type variables occurring in {ty}. The list will be in order of variable occurrence when scanning the parse tree of the term from left to right. This is usually, but need not be, the textual order when the term is printed. \FAILURE Never fails. \EXAMPLE { - free_vars_lr (Term `x /\ y /\ y ==> z`); > val it = [`x`, `y`, `z`] : term list } \COMMENTS {free_vars_lr} is not efficient for large terms with many free variables. More strenuous applications should use high performance set implementations available in the Standard ML Basis Library. \USES {free_vars_lr} can be used to build pleasing quantifier prefixes. \SEEALSO Term.FVL, Term.free_vars, Term.empty_varset, Type.type_vars. \ENDDOC