Date of Interview: ___________________________ Informant: ____________________________ Rel. to px: ________________________________________________ Px name: __________________ Age/Bday: Sex: [ ] F [ ] M Address: Civil status: [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Divorced [ ] ______________ Date/Time Admitted: - ___ AM ___ PM Chief complaint: ___________________________________________ Ward: ______________ Bed No.: ___________ Allergies: _________________________________________________ Religious affiliation: _________________________________________ Physician’s Initial: ___________________________________________ c. Relevant Family History _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ d. Disability Assessment _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Past Health Problems/Status a. Childhood illnesses [ ] _______________________________________________________ [ ] _______________________________________________________ [ ] _______________________________________________________ b. Immunization TYPE DATE RECEIVED A History of Present Illness a. Usual Health Status _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ b. Chronologic Story Characteristic: Onset: Location: Duration: Severity: Pattern: Assoc. Factors: f. Name Medications Dose B C c. Allergies (and response, remedy) [ ] ________________ [ ] ________________ [ ] ________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ d. Accidents/Injuries How:_____________________________________________________ When:___________________________________________________ Where:_____________________ Treatment: ____________________ Complications: _____________________________________ [ ] None e. Hospitalization for serious illnesses: Date confine: _____________________ No. of days in hosp.: ________ Hospital: _____________________ Reason:______________________ Physician: ________________ Meds: ___________________________ d. Drinking Patterns Kind of Fluid Amount Freq Time Pattern Reason e. Type Family History of Illness ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Patients Expectations Hospital: ________________________________________________ Nursing Care: ____________________________________________ Patterns of Functioning a. Breathing Patterns Respiratory problems: Remedy: Manner of Breathing: b. Circulation Usual BP: History: c. Sleep Pattern Usual Bedtime: No. of Pillows/Placement: ____________________________________ Bedtime Rituals: [ ] Toothbrush [ ] Skincare [ ] Meds [ ] Bath [ ] Others _________________________________________________________ Problems: ________________________________________________ Remedy: _________________________________________________ Eating Patterns Usual Food/Amount Time Food likes: _______________________________________________ Food dislikes: _____________________________________________ f. Elimination Patterns Bowel Frequency: Problems/Difficulty: Remedy: Urine Frequency: Problems: Remedy: g. Exercise h. Hygiene Bath Type: Frequency: Time: Oral Frequency: Care of Dentures: Shaving Frequency: Cosmetics: i. Recreation j. Health Supervision General Appearance 1. Compare client’s age with appearance 2. Observe body build, height, weight in relation to client’s age, lifestyle, and health 3. Observe client facial expression, posture, position 4. Observe overall hygiene and grooming and relate to prior activity 5. Note body odor, breath odor and relate to prior activity 6. Note signs of health or illness 7. Assess client’s attitude, attentiveness, affect, and mood, and appropriateness of responses 8. Listen for quantity, quality, relevance, and organization of speech Skin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Inspect skin for color and uniformity Skin moisture Palpate skin temperature Skin turgor, Edema Skin lesions Hair 1. 2. 3. Inspect evenness of growth, hair thickness/thinness, texture, oiliness Note presence of infection or infestations Inspect body hair Skull and Face 1. Inspect skull for size, shape, symmetry 2. Facial feature symmetry 3. Note facial expressions and symmetry of facial movements (CN VII) 4. Palpates the skull for nodules, masses, depressions 5. Palpate temporal artery on both sides 6. Palpate temporomandibular joints 7. TMJ ROM Mouth and Throat 1. Inspect lips for color, texture, symmetry 2. Using penlight, inspects: a. Inner and buccal mucosa b. Teeth for color, presence of fillings, dental caries, partial or complete dentures, and tartar c. Gums (bleeding) d. Tongue e. Hard and soft palates f. Salivary gland openings - swelling and redness g. Palatine arches h. Tonsils i. Oropharynx 3. Sense of taste (CN VII) 4. Wears gloves and palpates lips, buccal mucosa, gums, tongue, and floor of the mouth 5. Observes uvula for position and mobility as the client phonates “ah” 6. Tests gag reflex (CN IX and X) 7. Motor activity of pharynx – Swallow (CN XII) 8. Movement of tongue (CN XII) Ears and Hearing 1. Inspect auricles for color, texture, symmetry, position, size, angle 2. Palpate auricles for texture, elasticity, tenderness. Move auricle and push tragus for tenderness. 3. Inspect external ear canal for cerumen, inflammation, scaling, drainage, foreign bodies 4. Test hearing acuity with whisper test (CN VIII) 5. Watch Tick Test 6. Hearing acuity with tuning fork. Weber and Rinne test Nose and Sinuses 1. Patency of both nasal cavities 2. Test sense of smell (CN I) 3. Using speculum, or penlight a. Mucosa b. Nasal septum 4. Palpate external nose 5. Palpate sinuses – maxillary and frontal 6. Transilluminate – maxillary and frontal Posterior Chest 1. Respiratory rate 2. Respirations excursion, depth, rhythm, and pattern 3. Skin color, chest configuration, chest symmetry 4. Inspect and palpate scapula and spine 5. Palpates a. Expansion b. Tactile fremitus 6. Percuss over all lung fields 7. Percuss for diaphragmatic excursion 8. Auscultates a. Adventitious sounds b. Ninety-nine c. Ee-ee-ee-ee d. A-b-c Anterior Chest 1. Respirations for excursion, depth, rhythm, and pattern 2. Skin color and chest configuration 3. Palpates a. Expansion b. Tactile fremitus 4. Percuss lung fields 5. Auscultates adventitious sounds Inguinal Region 1. Palpate – Inguinal lymph nodes and to detect any hernias and femoral pulses Abdomen 1. Inspects skin integrity, contour, symmetry, location of umbilicus 2. Observe movement of respiration, peristalsis, or aortic pulsations 3. Auscultates – bowel sounds, vascular sounds 4. Percuss – tympany and dull, liver, spleen 5. Palpate – light, deep, blumberg, rovsing, psoas, liver, spleen 6. Murphy’s sign 7. Abdominal reflex Heart 1. Inspects and palpates – pulsations, lifts, heaves a. Aortic b. Pulmonic c. Tricuspid d. Apical 2. Auscultate a. Aortic b. Pulmonic c. Tricuspid d. Apical 3. Auscultate and counts heart 1 full minute Breasts and Axillae 1. Inspect breast – symmetry, mobility, masses, dimpling, and nipple retraction (Lift arms over head, press hands on hips, lean forward) 2. Palpate nipples, axillary, subclavicular, supraclavicular lymph nodes and support client arm 3. Lift arms and palpate each breast 4. Teach BSE Nails 1. Inspect nail – curvature, angle, texture, color, tissue surrounding 2. Blanch test for capillary refill Upper Extremities 1. Symmetry a. Both shoulders, lateral and medial aspect of elbow and wrist, dorsum of hands and palms 2. Palpates both a. Brachial and Radial pulses b. Epitrochlear nodes 3. Allen test – open close hands and pinch artery 4. Palpates a. Shoulders, later and medial aspect of olecranon process, wrist and hand joints, temperature and texture of hands 5. ROM and muscle strength Neck 1. Inspect neck – symmetry, pulsations, swellings, masses 2. Inspect jugular veins – pulsations and distention 3. ROM neck 4. Muscle strength of neck (CN XI) – head to side and shrug 5. Palpates a. Lymph nodes b. Carotid pulse c. Trachea position d. Thyroid gland Eyes and Vision 1. Inspect eyebrows, eyelashes, and eyelids, bulbar, and palpebral conjunctivae (color, texture, lesions) 2. Lacrimal apparatus edema or redness 3. Cornea clarity and texture 4. Anterior chamber for transparency and depth 5. Pupil color, size, shape, and equality 6. Test visual acuity with Snellen’s (CN II) 7. Test peripheral visual fields (confrontation) 8. Cover test 9. 6 cardinal fields of gaze (CN III, IV, VI) 10. Pupillary reaction to light (CN III) 11. Accommodation of pupil response 12. Corneal reflex (Hirschberg Test) (CN V, VII) Upper Extremities 1. Symmetry a. 2. 3. 4. 5. Both shoulders, lateral and medial aspect of elbow and wrist, dorsum of hands and palms Palpates both a. Brachial and Radial pulses b. Epitrochlear nodes Allen test – open close hands and pinch artery Palpates a. Shoulders, later and medial aspect of olecranon process, wrist and hand joints, temperature and texture of hands ROM and muscle strength Nails 1. Inspect nail – curvature, angle, texture, color, tissue surrounding 2. Blanch test for capillary refill Breasts and Axillae 1. Inspect breast – symmetry, mobility, masses, dimpling, and nipple retraction (Lift arms over head, press hands on hips, lean forward) 2. Palpate nipples, axillary, subclavicular, supraclavicular lymph nodes and support client arm 3. Lift arms and palpate each breast 4. Teach BSE Abdomen 1. Inspects skin integrity, contour, symmetry, location of umbilicus 2. Observe movement of respiration, peristalsis, or aortic pulsations 3. Auscultates – bowel sounds, vascular sounds 4. Percuss – tympany and dull, liver, spleen 5. Palpate – light, deep, blumberg, rovsing, psoas, liver, spleen 6. Murphy’s sign 7. Abdominal reflex Inguinal Region 1. Palpate – Inguinal lymph nodes and to detect any hernias and femoral pulses