Risk Assessment Procedures by Afnan Tajuddin Risk assessment Risk assessment is essential in ensuring safety and well-being in any organization. This process identifies, evaluates, and prioritizes potential risks in a workplace or activity, resulting in safer working environments, accidents prevention, and increasing safety awareness. The five steps to conducting a risk assessment involve identifying the hazard, assessing the risk, implementing controls and safeguards, reassessing the risk with control in place, and confirming the reduced risk. The article provides examples of risk control measures, techniques for effective risk control, and methods for evaluating risks. Table of Contents Understanding Risk Assessment Benefits of Conducting a Risk Assessment 5 Steps to Conducting a Risk Assessment o o 1. Identify the hazard. 2. Assess the risk o 3. Risk Control : Put controls/safe guards in place o o 1. Definition of Risk Control: 2. Importance of Risk Control in Risk Assessment: 3. Methods for Controlling Risks: There are several methods for controlling risks in the workplace, including: 4. Techniques for Effective Risk Control: To ensure the effectiveness of risk control measures, it is essential to follow these techniques: 5. Examples of Controls Commonly Used in Workplaces: Examples of common risk control measures in workplaces include: 4. Re-assess the risk with control in place 5. Confirmation of reduced risk Who needs to do a risk assessment When should I do a risk assessment When to Update Risk Assessment Common Mistakes to Avoid in Risk Assessment o o o o o o Risk matrix (Risk assessment matrix) Guidelines for assessing Severity Guidelines for assessing Likelihood Methods for Analyzing Risks Risk Evaluation 1. Failing to Identify All Potential Hazards: 2. Underestimating the Likelihood or Severity of Harm: 3. Failing to Implement Appropriate Controls: 4. Failing to Review and Update Assessments Regularly: 5. Examples of Common Mistake: 6. Techniques for Avoiding Common Mistakes: Challenges of Conducting a Risk Assessment Tools and Resources for Conducting Risk Assessment o o o o o 1. Risk Assessment Templates 2. Online Risk Assessment Software 3. Government Resources and Guidelines 4. Other Useful Tools and Resources 5. Examples of Successful Use of Tools and Resources Understanding Risk Assessment Risk assessment is a vital process that every organization must undertake to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees, customers, and the public. It is the process of identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing potential hazards or risks in a workplace or activity. A risk assessment is crucial because it helps organizations understand the level of risk and take appropriate measures to control or eliminate the identified risks. The basic principles of risk assessment include the identification of hazards, the assessment of risks associated with these hazards, the identification of control measures to mitigate these risks, and the review and monitoring of these control measures. Benefits of Conducting a Risk Assessment Conducting a risk assessment provides several benefits to an organization. The primary benefit is the protection of employees and customers from harm. By identifying and controlling potential hazards, organizations can prevent accidents and injuries from occurring. Conducting a risk assessment also increases safety awareness and promotes a safety culture within an organization. By involving employees in the risk assessment process, they become more aware of potential hazards and how to control them. This results in a safer working environment and reduces the likelihood of accidents and incidents. In addition, conducting a risk assessment demonstrates legal compliance and due diligence. It is a legal requirement for employers to provide a safe working environment, and conducting a risk assessment is an essential step in fulfilling this requirement. It also helps to reduce insurance premiums, as insurance companies are more likely to offer lower premiums to organizations that have a thorough and effective risk assessment process in place. 5 Steps to Conducting a Risk Assessment There are 5 steps to conduct a risk assessment: 1. Identify the hazard. 2. Assess the risk 3. Put controls/safe guards in place 4. Re-assess the risk with control in place. 5. Confirmation of reduced risk. 1. Identify the hazard. Hazard identification is the process of identifying all hazards at risk in your work environment. Many hazards exist in the workplace. Some of these can be easily identified such as manual handling, but others are less obvious and may not even show up on accident reports or injury logs. Consider how people work with plant equipment to identify hidden hazards that could cause harm without being detected by existing records (such as a new cleaning solution). Identifying what hazardous substances are used is also important when thinking about potential health risks for workers who use them regularly or come into contact during maintenance operations. For example, many workplaces contain asbestos which poses severe dangers if inhaled over time due to its link to respiratory illnesses like lung cancer. Four risk categories to be use to identify hazards: Extreme, High, Moderate, and Low. 2. Assess the risk Once you have identified what hazards may be present. decide how likely it is that someone could be harmed by these and to what extent if so. This is assessing the level of risk for your business premises or workplace environment with regard to those potential hazards. Decide: who might be harmed; what action you’re already taking in order to reduce this harm happening again (control measures); any further steps needed-who will carry out this necessary action; when they need to do it by Risk matrix (Risk assessment matrix) With all the risks that are out there, a risk matrix can be an easy way to assess the risk. The Risk Matrix is an incredible tool for quickly calculating the risk of a project. It helps identify what could go wrong (likelihood) and how much damage it would cause if these outcomes occurred (severity). This makes prioritizing issues quick and simple so you know which ones need attention. Guidelines for assessing Severity Major: Environmental Loss (Major pollution affecting life outside site), People (Fatality or Permanent disability.) Serious: Environmental Loss (Major pollution confined to the inside site), People (Long term absence / Offsite treatment) Moderate: Environmental Loss (Significant pollution causing a shutdown of units), People (Moderate treatment / Shot term absence) Minor: Environmental Loss (Pollution above limits / Small spills, emissions), People (First aid case / No significant injury) Guidelines for assessing Likelihood Very unlikely : Little or no chance of occurrence Unlikely Possible : 50 / 50 chance Probable : More likely to occur than not more than 50 / 50 chance : Could occur, less than 50 / 50 chance Risk assessment Matrix Methods for Analyzing Risks Qualitative analysis: simple and cost-effective approach that involves identifying and ranking hazards based on their likelihood and severity Semi-quantitative analysis: assigns numerical values to the severity and likelihood of risks to calculate a risk score Quantitative analysis: involves using statistical methods to quantify the probability of a risk occurring and its potential impact Risk Evaluation Determining whether risk levels are acceptable or unacceptable based on the results of the risk analysis Methods for evaluating risks: risk severity matrix, risk priority number, and risk ranking Developing controls that reduce risk to an acceptable level, considering the organization’s priorities, resources, and overall business goals 3. Risk Control : Put controls/safe guards in place 1. Definition of Risk Control: Risk control refers to the implementation of measures or strategies to mitigate or eliminate the potential risks identified during the risk assessment process. 2. Importance of Risk Control in Risk Assessment: Risk control is a crucial part of the risk assessment process because it helps to ensure the safety and health of workers and others who may be affected by workplace hazards. Effective risk control measures can prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses, and can also minimize financial losses and damage to equipment and property. 3. Methods for Controlling Risks: There are several methods for controlling risks in the workplace, including: Elimination: Elimination involves completely removing the hazard or risk from the workplace. This may involve replacing hazardous equipment or substances with safer alternatives or modifying work processes to eliminate the risk altogether. Substitution: Substitution involves replacing a hazardous substance, material, or process with a less hazardous alternative. Engineering Controls: Engineering controls involve designing or modifying equipment, tools, or processes to minimize the risk of exposure to hazardous conditions. Examples include ventilation systems, noise reduction measures, and machine guards. Administrative Controls: Administrative controls involve implementing policies and procedures to control the risk of exposure to hazardous conditions. Examples include training programs, job rotation, and work scheduling. Personal Protective Equipment: Personal protective equipment (PPE) involves providing workers with protective gear to reduce their exposure to hazardous conditions. Examples include hard hats, gloves, respirators, and safety glasses. 4. Techniques for Effective Risk Control: To ensure the effectiveness of risk control measures, it is essential to follow these techniques: Involve workers in the risk assessment and control process Implement a hierarchy of controls (starting with elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and PPE) Regularly review and evaluate risk control measures and adjust them if necessary. 5. Examples of Controls Commonly Used in Workplaces: Examples of common risk control measures in workplaces include: Installing guards or barriers around machinery Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) to workers Implementing lockout/tag-out procedures to prevent accidental start-up of machinery Using ventilation systems to control exposure to hazardous substances Providing training programs to workers to increase their awareness of workplace hazards. 4. Re-assess the risk with control in place After implementing control measures to reduce or eliminate the identified risks, it is essential to re-assess the risks to ensure that they have been adequately controlled. This involves reviewing the effectiveness of the control measures in place and evaluating whether they have reduced the level of risk to an acceptable level. To do this, ask yourself the following questions: Have the control measures been implemented as planned? Have they effectively reduced or eliminated the identified hazards or risks? Are there any new hazards or risks that have emerged as a result of the control measures? Have the control measures introduced any new risks? Based on the answers to these questions, you may need to revise the control measures or implement additional ones to further reduce the risks. 5. Confirmation of reduced risk Confirmation of the reduced risk is a crucial step in the risk assessment process. It involves reviewing the control measures that have been put in place and assessing their effectiveness in reducing or eliminating the identified hazards. This step can be done through a range of methods, including: Regular inspections of the workplace to identify any new hazards or potential risks that may have arisen. Monitoring the workplace to ensure that the control measures are being implemented correctly. Reviewing the incident records to see if there have been any incidents or near misses related to the identified hazards. Seeking feedback from employees to identify any issues or concerns related to the control measures in place. It’s important to regularly review and update the risk assessment to ensure that the control measures remain effective and that any new hazards or risks are identified and addressed promptly. By regularly reviewing the risk assessment, it’s possible to ensure that the workplace remains safe and healthy for all employees. Who needs to do a risk assessment The team will be led by the project manager, who is in charge of managing safety for a particular site. The Area Safety Engineer, Shift supervisors, and any other engineer if necessary. should have experience with risk assessment tools like MSHA’s HAZCOM or OSHA’s EH&S Toolkit to ensure they can properly assess risks at construction sites. When should I do a risk assessment Risk assessments are an essential step to prevent harm and accidents on site. risk assessment shall be prepared before starting any work & it is required for all activities. When to Update Risk Assessment In order to keep up with the ever-changing world, it’s important that you update your risk assessment regularly. In the construction industry, there are many reasons for updating your risk assessment. Changes to design or materials may demand a new hazard analysis. After an accident has occurred that requires changes in safety protocol If key equipment changes. Even small company policies updates. A project suspension will also require a constant reassessment of what consequences this would have for workers’ lives. A new subcontractor who join in work process so it’s necessary for any risk assessment need to update too. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Risk Assessment 1. Failing to Identify All Potential Hazards: Risk assessments must identify all potential hazards to accurately evaluate the risks. Skipping or overlooking some hazards can lead to incorrect risk assessment and ineffective controls. 2. Underestimating the Likelihood or Severity of Harm: Assessing the likelihood and severity of harm is critical to effective risk assessment. Underestimating these factors can lead to ineffective controls and increased risk exposure. 3. Failing to Implement Appropriate Controls: The purpose of risk assessment is to identify the appropriate controls to reduce risk. Not implementing the appropriate controls or implementing ineffective controls can result in unnecessary risk. 4. Failing to Review and Update Assessments Regularly: Risk assessments must be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that controls remain effective. Failing to do so can result in outdated assessments and ineffective controls. 5. Examples of Common Mistake: Failing to identify all potential hazards: A warehouse risk assessment fails to identify the risk of slips and falls from a wet floor. Underestimating the likelihood or severity of harm: A machine operator fails to recognize the potential danger of a malfunctioning machine. Failing to implement appropriate controls: A company identifies the hazard of a chemical spill but fails to implement proper storage and handling procedures. Failing to review and update assessments regularly: A construction company conducts a risk assessment for a new project but fails to review and update the assessment as the project progresses. 6. Techniques for Avoiding Common Mistakes: Use a comprehensive hazard checklist to identify all potential hazards. Use objective criteria to assess the likelihood and severity of harm. Use the hierarchy of controls to identify the most effective controls for the identified hazards. Establish a regular review schedule and ensure that assessments are updated as necessary. Challenges of Conducting a Risk Assessment Lack of resources: Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment requires adequate resources such as time, funding, and personnel. Inadequate resources can lead to a rushed or incomplete risk assessment, which may miss crucial risks or hazards. Lack of knowledge and expertise: Conducting a risk assessment requires a certain level of expertise and knowledge. Without it, identifying potential hazards and assessing risks can be challenging, leading to inaccurate assessments and inadequate risk management. Difficulty in identifying all potential hazards and risks: It can be challenging to identify all potential hazards and risks in a complex work environment. Some risks may not be apparent, and others may be overlooked, leading to incomplete or inaccurate risk assessments. Resistance to change: Conducting a risk assessment may require changes in the work environment, work practices, and procedures, which may be met with resistance from employees or management. This can make it challenging to implement and maintain a risk management plan. Changing work environment: Work environments are continually changing, and risk assessments must be updated accordingly. This can be a challenge, particularly in industries with rapidly evolving technologies, processes, or equipment. Failure to keep up with these changes can lead to outdated or inaccurate risk assessments. Tools and Resources for Conducting Risk Assessment 1. Risk Assessment Templates Templates are pre-designed forms that can help to streamline the risk assessment process They provide a framework for identifying and assessing risks in a consistent manner Templates can be customized to fit the specific needs of an organization 2. Online Risk Assessment Software Online software can be used to conduct and manage risk assessments They provide a centralized location for storing risk assessment data Some software can automate the risk assessment process, including generating reports and recommending controls 3. Government Resources and Guidelines Governments often provide resources and guidelines for conducting risk assessments These resources can be a valuable source of information on best practices and legal requirements Examples of government resources include the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the United Kingdom 4. Other Useful Tools and Resources There are many other tools and resources available for conducting risk assessments, such as checklists and decision-making frameworks Organizations can also seek the expertise of consultants or industry associations for guidance on conducting risk assessments 5. Examples of Successful Use of Tools and Resources A manufacturing company successfully used a risk assessment template to identify hazards in their production process and implement appropriate controls An online retailer used risk assessment software to centralize their risk assessment data and automate the process of generating reports for regulatory compliance A construction company used government resources and guidelines to ensure compliance with legal requirements and improve their safety record.