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Essentials of Business Communications Educator Guide

Educator Guide for Guffey/Almonte, Essentials of Business Communications, 10ce
Welcome to Essentials of Business Communications, 10ce MindTap. This guide walks you through what the unique activities
are, where you will find them, and why they have been built to better enable you to include them in your curriculum.
In creating the digital learning path, we aimed to provide your students with a coherently structured experience. This document will
outline some of the design decisions we made as part of ensuring your confidence in our ability to create an effective, quality
learning experience.
While the content included in this MindTap is specific to the discipline and course, the functionality will act the same as you move
from product to product.
For additional user guides and training resources on MindTap, please click HERE.
To contact your Cengage Learning Consultant, click HERE.
MindTap for Essentials of Business Communications, 10ce: Asset Description
Activity Name
Where it is
What it is
Why it matters
Seat Time
Meet our Canadian
Learning Path
Learn about and be introduced
to a variety of Professionals,
from various businesses to
Government, Health Care who
share their experience
leveraging communication best
Introduction to the video series
where Canadian professionals
from a cross-section of
industries reinforce the
readings, activities, and
highlighted skills of lesson
Less than 5
minutes per
Workplace Connection
Learn It Folder
Every Chapter, Learning Path
Short video (2 – 3 minutes) that
relates the chapter concepts to
real world situations and current
These videos help students
relate to the world that they
live in to what they are learning
in class. These can help
communicate the importance
of these skills through current
events and themes.
5 minutes
Model Document
Learn It Folder
Every Chapter, Learning Path
These videos walk students
through the process of
composing and formatting key
business documents. They
match the static image from the
printed text. In the Reader, they
are located immediately
following the static model
Model documents are an
important part of creating a
replicating a variety of
business documents. Video
helps engage students, bring
these documents to life, and
highlights important features
> 3 Minutes
Learn It Folder
Learning Path –
Within each chapter.
This is where the core
content lives. It is made up of
text, embedded interactive
Model Document Videos:
Model documents are an
important part of creating
and replicating a variety of
assignments and 2 types of
1. Model Document
Videos: these videos
walk students through
the process of
composing and
formatting key
business documents.
They match the static
image from the printed
text. In the Reader,
they are located
immediately following
the static document.
Interviews with Industry
Professionals: these videos
feature a variety of
Professionals, from various
businesses to Government,
Health Care who share their
experience leveraging
communication best
practices. Discover more
about these professionals in
the folder at the top of the
learning path titled “Meet Our
Industry Experts”.
business documents. Video
helps engage students,
bring these documents to
life and highlights important
features in a manageable
Interviews with Industry
Throughout this engaging
video series, Canadian
professionals from a crosssection of industries
reinforce the readings,
activities, and highlighted
skills of lesson concepts.
Multiple choice questions
follow that are autograded.
Practice tests based on the
content in the text.
“Self-Tests” allow students
to assess their knowledge
of key concepts before
moving on to more
challenging assignments.
Instructors can choose
whether to assign these for
grades or for practice by
clicking the pencil icon and
following instructions. These
assignments are
automatically graded.
Apply Your
Apply It - on the Learning
Assignment, Powered
By Aplia
Automatically graded,
randomized questions and
detailed explanations that
reinforce course concepts.
These test on chapter content
and grammar/mechanics.
Gives student practice and
checks comprehension
without adding to instructor
workload. Multiple sets and
questions force student to
review explanations to
improve scores.
Handbook & Quizzing
These auto-graded questions
provide students with
additional practice on
Grammar/Mechanics skills
(like parts of speech,
sentence structure, subjectverb agreement, etc.). They
can be assigned for a grade
or left available for practice.
They can also be moved
Students often enter the B
Comm course with varying
levels of proficiency in
grammar/mechanics skills.
Although grammar &
mechanics skills aren’t
taught as part of the
standard business
communication course
curriculum, it is important for
Practice Tests
Study It Folder – Learning
End of the learning path,
after all units.
20 minutes
within each chapter’s learning
path so students are
practicing consistently
throughout the course.
students to practice building
these skills in order to be
effective communicators.
These auto-graded
exercises provide practice
and reinforcement.
MindTap App
Mobile app links to the
online experience through
user’s NelsonBrain account.
The Mobile App is available
for iOS and Android devices
for free and from iTunes
and GooglePlay.
Based on student feedback,
the MindTap mobile app
features: the eBook (online or
offline), flashcards, quizzing,
and notifications. More
features will be introduced
By providing access to
readings, quizzes, and
flashcards, the MindTap
App empowers students to
study on the go, improving
outcomes in their courses.
Instructors can feel
confident that when they
adopt and assign a
MindTap course, they are
not only providing a course
tool that will engage their
students and improve
outcomes but are also
offering their students
options on how to consume
their course content.
Progress (App)
Apps dock—profile Icon
The Progress app in MindTap
covers the basics: gradebook
and scores, as well as
engagement level, time in
course, and percent of
activities accessed.
With this functionality,
instructors can see at a
glance who is struggling
with the course. They can
identify weak spots and spot
low engagement, enabling
them to intervene early and
help promote better