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The Decentralized Economic Platform For The Real World
White Paper
v1.00 EN / 2023
Back to the Roots.
DECENOMY is an innovative platform aimed at revolutionizing
traditional economic models. DECENOMY fosters a dynamic
ecosystem where real economic activities take precedence,
while modern technologies are leveraged to create a
harmonious and inclusive global economy.
This is made possible through the introduction of industryspecific coins, allowing for even more targeted focus on
specific industries and sectors, thereby enhancing efficiency
and opportunities for investors.
Through the seamless integration of advanced technologies
such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, DECENOMY
envisions a future characterized by fairness, inclusivity, and
Table of Contents
The Need for a New System
DECENOMY as a Response
Innovative Value Creation Approach: Departure from Traditional Interest Paradigms
Monetary Control Through Economic Parameters
Asset Tokenization and Economic Value Creation in DECENOMY
Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) in DECENOMY
Building Acceptance and Understanding
Value and Ownership Registry - Tokenization of Assets
Regulatory Framework and Infrastructure Development
Smaller Economic Spaces as Beacon Projects
DECENOMY Coins: Tailored Solutions for Economic Sectors
Utilization of Swarm Intelligence and Smart Contracts
Ongoing Development of the DECENOMY Coin
Securing the Infrastructure
Taxation: A Transaction-Based Approach with Smart Contracts
Hybrid Economy
Global Expansion and Interoperability
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Cultural Shift and Acceptance
Final Phase - Cryptocurrency Dominance
Connecting with traditional systems
Integration with national law enforcement units
Use Case - Curating a sophisticated Asset Register
Use Case - Tokenisation of Real Estate
Use Case - Maritime Infrastructure Ship Register
Usecase - Impact token
Use Case - Introduction of an energy coin
Potential for investors
Risk and Reward considerations
1. Overview
DECENOMY – The Vision of a True Economic Evolution
DECENOMY emerged as a response to the challenges posed by centralized
economic models, addressing issues such as climate change, social inequality,
corruption, and shifts in traditional business paradigms. By leveraging innovative use
of blockchain technology, it offers a forward-looking approach.
Innovative Economic Ecosystem
DECENOMY is built upon decentralized technologies, providing novel approaches to
economic transactions and investments. It distinguishes itself with industry-specific
coins that enable targeted investments in various sectors, thereby enhancing
transparency and consumer integration into economic processes. Furthermore, the
platform promotes the utilization of collective intelligence to incorporate collective
expertise and perspectives into decision-making processes.
Integration of Advanced Technologies
The platform harnesses blockchain, smart contracts, and artificial intelligence to
make trade and transactions more secure and efficient. Smart contracts ensure
trustworthy agreements and protections through artificial intelligence.
Promotion of Social and Environmental Responsibility
DECENOMY rewards ethical behavior and sustainable practices. Impact tokens
measure and quantify positive contributions to environmental and social issues.
Within DECENOMY, ecological and social actions result in economic returns,
creating an incentive for sustainable practices.
Global Economic Transactions and Sustainability
DECENOMY transcends traditional boundaries and promotes a more sustainable
global economy, fundamentally following market-driven principles. The platform is a
transformative force that distinguishes itself from conventional models through its
decentralized nature, utilization of cutting-edge technologies, and commitment to
social and environmental responsibility.
DECENOMY is an innovative platform that fosters a more transparent and
sustainable economy. It combines decentralized technologies such as blockchain
and artificial intelligence with market-driven principles. Through industry-specific
coins and the utilization of collective intelligence, DECENOMY enhances efficiency
and transparency in economic processes. The platform rewards social and
environmental responsibility and creates incentives for sustainable practices through
impact tokens. DECENOMY represents an economy that unites technology and
humanity, contributing to a fairer and more resilient global economic order.
2. Origins and Background
Origin of the Term "DECENOMY"
The term "DECENOMY" emerged from the need for a new perspective on economic
systems. It is a neologism, composed of "DECEntralized" and "ecoNOMY,"
symbolizing an economic system built on decentralization and advanced
Response to Contemporary Challenges
The development of DECENOMY is a direct response to the shortcomings of
centralized and rigid economic models. Given global issues such as climate change,
social inequality, and disruptions in traditional business models, a new economic
paradigm becomes essential.
Historical Context
DECENOMY is rooted in the historical evolution of economic systems, spanning from
the earliest barter systems to globalization. It is a response to the ever-changing
technological, geopolitical, and social structures that necessitate ongoing
Technological Innovations as Cornerstones
The incorporation of modern technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts,
artificial intelligence, and collective intelligence defines DECENOMY as an advanced
concept. These technologies enable a decentralized approach and provide a
foundation for social and environmental justice within a free market.
Overall, DECENOMY is a response to the challenges of our time and represents a
vision for a sustainable, equitable, and future-ready economy.
2.1. The Need for a New System
Urgency of Global Challenges
The escalating global challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and the
disruptive impacts of technology on traditional business models are making the need
for a new economic system increasingly apparent. Existing economic frameworks
must be adjusted or even completely overhauled to meet the complex demands of
today. Many traditional models exhibit a centralized structure that often lacks the
flexibility to keep pace with rapid changes. Moreover, the widespread opacity within
these models leads to risks such as unfair land distribution, abuse, corruption,
inefficiencies, and a general loss of trust.
DECENOMY's Paradigm Shift and Innovative Synthesis
DECENOMY represents more than just technological advancement; it signifies a
paradigm shift in the consideration of economic models. It combines the benefits of a
free market with a strong emphasis on social and environmental responsibility. This
innovative synthesis opens up a new dimension in the discourse on economic
theories and adapts to an increasingly interconnected and evolving world.
Historical Perspective of Economic Systems 1
Economic systems have evolved in parallel with human civilization. Each era has
produced its own economic characteristics and mechanisms based on the respective
needs, resources, and technological developments. From the earliest barter trade
systems to the industrial era and globalization, each phase had its unique challenges
and advantages. The ever-changing technologies, geopolitical landscapes, and social
structures consistently required new adaptations and models. DECENOMY emerges
as a response to these current challenges and forms a vision for the future of a new
economic system.
Deep dive into the Historical Perspective in the DECENOMY Yellow Paper.
Economic Theories in the Context of DECENOMY 2
In contrast to conventional economic theories that often favor centralization, state
control, or pronounced class distinctions, DECENOMY follows a decentralized
approach. By integrating technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, collective
intelligence, and artificial intelligence, DECENOMY creates a platform that enables
social and environmental justice within a free market. Instead of hierarchies and
centralized control mechanisms, DECENOMY emphasizes the importance of
decentralization. Blockchain technology secures transparent and tamper-resistant
transaction records, while smart contracts enable automated, trustworthy
agreements. Collective intelligence and artificial intelligence continuously optimize
decision-making processes, contributing to a dynamic, adaptable economic
Philosophical Theories in the Context of DECENOMY 3
DECENOMY's philosophy finds a parallel in the thinking of Alexander von Humboldt,
particularly in his consideration of nature as an interconnected system. Humboldt's
understanding of ecological interdependence underscores the importance of a
holistic view in economic systems—a core principle of DECENOMY.
Similarly, the foundational principles of DECENOMY reflect the views of ancient and
medieval philosophers such as Aristotle and Al-Mawardi. Both criticized the practice
of usury—Aristotle for ethical reasons and Al-Mawardi due to the Islamic prohibition
of Riba. This rejection of the injustice of interest demonstrates the timeless
significance of DECENOMY's endeavor to create a fair and ethical economic system.
The DECENOMY Yellow Paper offers deeper insights into the contextualization of DECENOMY within
popular economic theories.
For a more in-depth exploration of philosophical theories related to DECENOMY, please refer to the
DECENOMY Yellow Paper and website.
2.2. DECENOMY as a Response
In response to the pressing global challenges, DECENOMY presents itself as a
promising new economic model. By harnessing advanced technologies such as
blockchain and smart contracts, DECENOMY establishes a transparent, secure, and
decentralized economic system. The integration of artificial intelligence and collective
intelligence promotes decision-making and automation. With its focus on social and
environmental responsibility, DECENOMY aims to overcome the current
shortcomings of existing systems and establish a sustainable, equitable, and futureready economy for all.
DECENOMY: A Platform for a New Era
Similar to the revolutionary impact of the internet, DECENOMY could be more than
just an economic system. It positions itself as an innovative platform of the 21st
century that connects and harmonizes economy, society, and technology. With
industry-specific coins and mechanisms for economic balance through marketdetermined exchange rates, DECENOMY provides a robust and versatile
infrastructure useful for both individuals and businesses. It represents not only a new
paradigm but embodies a vision for the future.
Multifaceted Approach of DECENOMY
DECENOMY adapts to the complex demands of the modern world with its
multifaceted approach. The use of blockchain and smart contracts ensures not only
the integrity and security of transactions but also enables decentralized decisionmaking. The platform's flexibility to accommodate various industries makes it a
versatile tool capable of fulfilling diverse requirements, driving innovation, and
promoting economic participation. DECENOMY goes beyond the role of a disruptive
force and establishes itself as an agent of positive change, offering a glimpse into a
future where economic, social, and technological aspects seamlessly intertwine.
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3. Vision
DECENOMY envisions a future where the principles of decentralization and cuttingedge technologies converge to redefine economic systems. At the core of
DECENOMY is the promotion of a global economy characterized by transparency,
fairness, and sustainability. This vision transcends traditional paradigms and aims to
create a decentralized network that empowers both individuals and businesses,
fostering an ecosystem where economic activities are not only efficient but also
socially and environmentally responsible.
Furthermore, DECENOMY distinguishes itself by its ability to adapt to various
jurisdictions. Through the use of transparent smart contracts, DECENOMY maintains
internal homogeneity while being adaptable to local laws, regulations, and tax
requirements. This unique approach enables the combination of global consistency
with local adaptability, providing DECENOMY with unparalleled flexibility in applying
its principles to different legal and regulatory frameworks worldwide.
In its role as a catalyst for positive change, DECENOMY addresses challenges such
as climate change, social inequality, and the disruptive impacts of technological
advancements on traditional business models. It aspires to be a beacon of innovation
by harnessing technologies like blockchain, smart contracts, artificial intelligence,
and collective intelligence to create a dynamic, adaptable economic framework.
DECENOMY aims to break free from the constraints of centralized models and
provide a decentralized platform that not only addresses the weaknesses of existing
systems but also sets new standards for economic inclusion, ethical business
practices, and environmental responsibility. The vision anticipates a future where
economic transactions extend beyond financial exchanges and promote a sense of
community and shared responsibility.
DECENOMY aspires to be more than just an economic system; it seeks to become a
driving force behind a global shift toward a fairer, more sustainable, and future-ready
economy. In this vision, DECENOMY becomes a catalyst for positive societal and
environmental impacts, creating a blueprint for a more harmonious and equitable
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4. Goals and Principles
The goals and principles of DECENOMY constitute the fundamental framework that
defines the platform's vision and mission. They focus on the following key elements:
1. Decentralization
DECENOMY aims for a decentralized economic system that fairly distributes
power and influence. Through the application of modern technologies like
blockchain, it creates a transparent and democratic structure that promotes
participation and equality.
2. Economic Inclusion
The platform strives to establish an inclusive economic order where everyone has
access to the benefits of a decentralized economy, regardless of geographical or
socioeconomic barriers. This includes breaking down access barriers and
promoting equal opportunities.
3. Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Sustainable practices and social responsibility are central values of DECENOMY.
By providing economic incentives for environmentally friendly and socially
responsible practices, the platform aims to promote positive impacts on the
environment and society.
4. Technological Innovation
DECENOMY integrates cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence,
Smart Contracts, and Collective Intelligence to offer innovative solutions to
current economic challenges. These technologies enable increased efficiency
and pursuit of new disruptive approaches in the economy.
5. Value Creation
The platform places importance on creating genuine value through economic
transactions. DECENOMY aims to establish an authentic market mechanism
based on real values and needs that goes beyond pure speculation.
These goals and principles form the backbone of DECENOMY and guide all
decisions and developments on the platform. They contribute to shaping a
transformative and future-oriented economic order based on the principles of
decentralization, inclusion, sustainability, technological innovation, and value
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Innovative Value Creation Approach: Departure from Traditional
Interest Paradigms
DECENOMY offers a unique approach to value creation that significantly departs
from the traditional interest paradigms of economic systems. This approach is crucial
in understanding the difference between conventional economic systems and
DECENOMY's ideology.
Traditional Interest Systems and Their Issues
In traditional economic systems, interest is generated through the lending of money
or capital, which can lead to wealth accumulation without genuine economic
activities or value creation taking place. This traditional understanding of interest is
critically examined as it enables the accumulation of wealth without a corresponding
contribution to real economic growth.
Rewards as a Paradigm Shift in DECENOMY
DECENOMY, on the other hand, introduces a paradigm shift with the concept of
"Rewards." While they function similarly to interest, they are fundamentally different
in nature. They are directly linked to real economic activities and genuine value
creation. Each reward within the DECENOMY system is closely tied to authentic
wealth generation or service provision. This approach ensures that profits within the
system are firmly anchored in real economic value creation, as opposed to the
speculative nature of traditional interest systems.
Tethering Profits to Real Economic Performance
In the DECENOMY system, real economic value is not just theoretically emphasized;
it is a fundamental principle that shapes the economic landscape. By tethering
earnings to tangible contributions, DECENOMY creates a sustainable economic
environment where financial gains are equated with meaningful economic
endeavors. This approach reduces the potential for speculative bubbles and
promotes a system in which economic growth is inseparably linked to actual value
Redesigning Economic Incentives
Rewards in DECENOMY represent a clear departure from the status quo. They
explicitly link financial gains to activities that foster economic growth and promise to
redefine how we perceive and utilize economic incentives. This realignment
emphasizes a genuine alignment between individual profit and societal progress.
With its evolution, DECENOMY lays the foundation for a fairer and more sustainable
economic future in which financial rewards are earned through contributions to the
real economy.
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Real Market Prices Without Financial Speculation
In DECENOMY, prices and exchange rates are determined by real market
mechanisms based on supply and demand generated by real economic activities,
rather than purely speculative movements. While speculation as a market activity is
recognized and even encouraged, its ability to directly influence prices is restricted in
DECENOMY. This ensures that real economic values, and not artificially inflated
speculative bubbles, govern price formation.
4.2. Monetary Control Through Economic Parameters
Economic Control Mechanisms in DECENOMY
DECENOMY adopts an innovative approach to monetary control based on the
theories of Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and his monetarism. This approach tightly
links the money supply to robust economic parameters and involves a
comprehensive assessment of the economic landscape. Factors taken into account
include the asset value of the economic zone, tracked through tokenized assets
throughout their lifecycle, generated value-added, money velocity, and other relevant
variables. Creation of Coins Aligned with Real Value
Generation of Coins in Alignment with Real Values
Within DECENOMY, coins are generated in relation to contributed assets or earned
profits. This intrinsic connection between the money supply and the tangible value
brought into the system ensures that the money supply always corresponds to the
real value within the system. By tethering coin generation to actual economic
contributions, DECENOMY establishes a mechanism where the money supply
organically aligns with the actual value in the system.
Protection Against Arbitrary Inflation and Promotion of Authenticity
This approach not only safeguards against arbitrary inflation or deflation but also
enhances the authenticity of the economic ecosystem within DECENOMY. The result
is a currency system where coin generation and circulation are closely tied to real
economic dynamics. This promotes stability and trust in DECENOMY's financial
framework, ensuring that the platform's economic order remains authentic and
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Stability and Guidance Through a Anchor Currency in DECENOMY
Central Role of the Anchor Currency for Stability and Predictability
In DECENOMY, the anchor currency plays a crucial role in ensuring solid stability
and predictable conditions. Serving as a key element of the system, it acts as a
reliable reference point for price formation and creates a stable foundation against
which other values in the system align.
Reference Point for Consistent Price Formation
The anchor currency serves as a yardstick for other cryptocurrencies and assets
within the DECENOMY system. This clear reference allows for consistent and
transparent valuation and supports efficient price formation. It thereby provides
security for users of the system and contributes to a reliable trading environment.
A Stable Foundation for Value Measurement
DECENOMY's Anchor Currency serves as a stable foundation, allowing users to
gauge the value of various assets in relation to this reference point. This approach
promotes a more transparent and secure environment, contributing to a trustworthy
valuation mechanism for all participants.
Strengthening System Integrity Through the Anchor Currency
The introduction and use of a anchor currency strengthen the integrity of the
DECENOMY system. It serves as an anchor for value determination and helps
minimize sudden value fluctuations. This structure significantly contributes to the
sustainable and balanced development of the entire ecosystem. The anchor
currency is thus not only an instrument of stability but also a central building block
for creating a robust and reliable foundation in DECENOMY's digital economic space.
4.3. Asset Tokenization and Economic Value Creation in DECENOMY 4
Fundamental Principles of Tokenization
Tokenization in DECENOMY is a central process involving the conversion of assets
into digital tokens on a blockchain. These assets can be of both physical nature, such
as real estate, and intangible nature, such as intellectual property. Through
tokenization, these traditional values are integrated into DECENOMY's digital
ecosystem, creating new opportunities for trade and investment.
For a more in-depth insight related to DECENOMY, please refer to the DECENOMY Yellow Paper,
Blue Paper and website.
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Utilization of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
An essential component of tokenization in DECENOMY is the use of Non-Fungible
Tokens (NFTs). In contrast to fungible tokens, like cryptocurrencies where each unit
is interchangeable, each NFT is unique and non-interchangeable. This uniqueness
makes NFTs ideal for representing specific assets with individual characteristics and
Applications of NFTs in DECENOMY
NFTs are used in DECENOMY to tokenize a wide range of assets. For example, an
NFT can represent a specific artwork, a one-of-a-kind item, or unique rights to a
property. This tokenization allows users to digitally buy, sell, and trade ownership and
rights to these specific assets.
Benefits of Tokenization through NFTs
Tokenizing assets with NFTs in DECENOMY makes assets that were traditionally
difficult to trade or assess more accessible and tradable. This opens up new markets
and investment opportunities and makes participation in these asset classes available
to a broader range of investors. At the same time, it provides greater transparency
and security in transactions, as ownership and authenticity of assets are clearly
recorded on the blockchain.
Advanced Tokenization: NFTs and Coins
Within the DECENOMY system, tokenization goes beyond just creating Non-Fungible
Tokens (NFTs). In addition to NFTs used to manage and verify specific assets such
as real estate or intellectual property, DECENOMY also generates new coins. These
coins are created not only for newly tokenized assets but also as a counterpart for
the value created within the DECENOMY economic space. This process ensures that
the quantity of coins corresponds to the actual value of economic performance and
all assets in the system, thus ensuring accurate and fair value representation in the
digital economic space.
Advantages of this Advanced Tokenization
By combining NFTs and targeted coin generation, DECENOMY offers an innovative
platform that effectively integrates traditional and digital assets. This approach
ensures that value creation within the ecosystem is authentic and traceable and that
the money supply reflects actual economic activity. It creates a dynamic yet stable
economic environment that supports both the integrity of assets and the value
generated through these assets.
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4.4. Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) in DECENOMY
A Revolutionary Economic Concept
The Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) is an innovative and progressive economic
concept that aims to provide every user with a fixed financial amount regularly,
regardless of age, gender, occupation, or social background. This regular financial
support is granted without any conditions and does not require repayment or any
form of work or contributions in return.
Integration of UBI in DECENOMY
In DECENOMY's vision, UBI plays a central role as it reflects the platform's ideals of
justice, equality, and social prosperity. By introducing UBI into the DECENOMY
system, a significant step is taken to ensure that the economic benefits of the
platform benefit all members of the community and not just a limited elite. 5
Promotion of Core Values
The implementation of UBI in DECENOMY is an expression of the commitment to the
platform's core values. It demonstrates the aspiration to create a just and inclusive
economy where every individual finds support and security. UBI not only promotes
the financial independence of individuals but also contributes to improving overall
quality of life and reducing social inequalities.
UBI as an Instrument for Social Prosperity
In DECENOMY, UBI is seen as a powerful tool for promoting social prosperity and
equality. It provides a foundation for all users, regardless of their economic starting
point, and enables a fairer distribution of economic resources. As a result,
DECENOMY can contribute to addressing social challenges and promoting a more
sustainable and just society.
Overall, UBI in DECENOMY is not just an economic measure but also a strong
symbol of social responsibility and justice that forms the foundation of the
DECENOMY philosophy.
The Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) is a groundbreaking economic concept in
which every citizen, regardless of age, gender, occupation, or social background,
receives a regular fixed financial amount. This grant is provided without conditions
and does not need to be repaid. No exchange of labor or any other contribution is
required to benefit from this income. This principle seamlessly aligns with the
concept of DECENOMY and promotes its core values.
For a more in-depth insight related to the UBI, please refer to the DECENOMY Yellow Paper
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In DECENOMY's vision, UBI plays a central role. By integrating UBI into the system,
DECENOMY can ensure that the economic benefits of the platform apply to
everyone, not just a select elite. The implementation of UBI in DECENOMY is,
therefore, not solely a matter of economic efficiency but also a strong commitment to
the fundamental principles of justice, equality, and social prosperity.
5. Transition Roadmap
DECENOMY introduces a set of significant challenges and essential advancements
that are pivotal in unlocking the complete potential of a new economic era. It is
imperative to acknowledge that several of these tasks need to progress concurrently.
These challenges span diverse domains, encompassing everything from educational
endeavors to global expansion, and stand as vital components in the triumphant
adoption and endorsement of DECENOMY. Essentially, these points include the
5.1. Building Acceptance and Understanding
Before widespread adoption of DECENOMY can occur, it is imperative to cultivate a
profound understanding and broad acceptance of the system. Educational initiatives
and information campaigns will play a pivotal role in overcoming biases and
misunderstandings, effectively educating a diverse audience about the advantages
and inner workings of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
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5.2. Value and Ownership Registry - Tokenization of Assets
The process of tokenizing assets in DECENOMY involves the transformation of
conventional assets into digital tokens. Each Non-Fungible Token (NFT) serving as an
asset registry is equipped with a smart contract that meticulously governs specific
information and conditions, thereby ensuring a lucid and transparent history of the
5.3. Regulatory Framework and Infrastructure Development
Establishing a stable legal and regulatory framework is indispensable for the
seamless integration of DECENOMY. The efficient collaboration between
cryptocurrency experts and governmental bodies is pivotal in formulating policies
that foster innovation while concurrently safeguarding the interests of consumers.
Constructing a well-defined infrastructure is fundamental for instilling confidence
among investors and the general public.
5.4. Smaller Economic Spaces as Beacon Projects
Smaller economic spaces provide the ideal testbeds for introducing DECENOMY.
These projects serve as crucibles for evaluating the platform's advantages,
pinpointing areas that need strengthening, and making necessary adjustments
before embarking on a global rollout.
5.5. DECENOMY Coins: Tailored Solutions for Economic Sectors
DECENOMY envisages the introduction of more than 20 specialized coins, each
meticulously tailored to specific economic sectors. This diversification confers the
ability to finely tune the system to cater to the unique requirements of distinct
industries, thereby contributing to a more adaptive, resilient, and multifaceted
financial environment.
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5.6. Utilization of Swarm Intelligence and Smart Contracts 6
The amalgamation of swarm intelligence and smart contracts within DECENOMY
serves as the bedrock for optimizing and streamlining decentralized decision-making
processes. These cutting-edge technologies work in tandem to ensure that the
system remains transparent, self-regulating, and equitable.
5.7. Ongoing Development of the DECENOMY Coin
The diversification of coins within the DECENOMY ecosystem plays a pivotal role in
ensuring the platform's stability. Additionally, it allows for continuous adaptation and
innovation to effectively address emerging opportunities and challenges. These
various coins are evaluated in relation to a reference currency, which serves to
stabilize the system and cultivate a balanced economic milieu. Broader customer
base and simultaneously benefit from the innovations and efficiency gains that
cryptocurrencies bring.
5.8. Securing the Infrastructure
Effectively managing infrastructure fees and taxes is crucial for the establishment
and maintenance of the requisite infrastructure vital for DECENOMY's operational
efficacy. This encompasses the management of both physical and digital
components, forming the very backbone of the system's functionality.
5.9. Taxation: A Transaction-Based Approach with Smart Contracts
DECENOMY heralds a transformative approach to taxation, employing a transactionbased methodology facilitated by smart contracts. This pioneering approach
engenders an efficient, transparent, and equitable tax system while simultaneously
affording a clear visualization of the allocation of tax revenues.
5.10. Hybrid Economy
During the transitional phase, a hybrid economic system comprising both fiat and
cryptocurrencies will coexist. This pragmatic approach allows users to progressively
acclimate themselves to the new system while retaining the familiarity of traditional
payment methods.
For a more in-depth insight please refer to the DECENOMY Yellow Paper on the use of Swarm
intelligence and the Blue Paper and on Smart Contracts
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5.11. Global Expansion and Interoperability
Following the successful deployment within smaller economic spaces, the
subsequent phase entails scaling up to encompass national and global realms. In this
endeavor, the seamless interoperability between diverse blockchain platforms
assumes paramount importance.
5.12. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The assimilation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the DECENOMY ecosystem ushers
in advanced analytics and predictive capabilities, ultimately resulting in a more
efficient and adaptive platform.
5.13. Cultural Shift and Acceptance
Transitioning to DECENOMY necessitates a profound cultural transformation and the
embrace of novel ideologies and methodologies within a digitized, decentralized
economic landscape.
5.14. Final Phase - Cryptocurrency Dominance
In the ultimate phase, DECENOMY could potentially shape a world in which
cryptocurrencies and tokens emerge as the predominant forms of currency and
value, precipitating significant alterations in economic structures and business
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6. Market integration and real-world impact
6.1. DECENOMY Platform
The DECENOMY platform stands at the forefront of innovation, revolutionizing the
way traditional assets are transformed into digital assets through seamless
tokenization. Its Asset Provider Portal empowers users to tokenize a diverse range of
assets, from real estate to intellectual property, thereby enhancing liquidity and
accessibility in the market. This unique approach is pivotal in redefining asset
management and investment opportunities.
DECENOMY's innovative strategy in steering the money supply ensures stability and
adaptability, aligning closely with regulatory frameworks and maintaining robust
cooperation with market authorities. This compliance ensures a secure and
trustworthy environment for users, setting DECENOMY apart in the realm of digital
asset management and cryptocurrency platforms. Its commitment to aligning
monetary policy with real economic performance and value creation within its
ecosystem marks DECENOMY as a distinctive and forward-thinking player in the
evolving landscape of digital economies.
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6.2. Connecting with traditional systems
DECENOMY stands as a pioneering force in the realm of decentralized systems,
embodying a paradigm shift away from traditional centralized structures. The
platform leverages cutting-edge technologies, notably blockchain and Smart
Contracts, to establish a decentralized economic ecosystem. This departure from
centralization enhances transparency, security, and autonomy, reshaping the
dynamics of economic interactions. By eliminating reliance on intermediaries,
DECENOMY fosters trust, reduces the potential for fraud, and ensures a more
equitable and efficient financial landscape.
While DECENOMY operates as a decentralized entity, it recognizes the importance of
connecting with traditional systems to facilitate a seamless transition and broader
adoption. The platform embraces interoperability, enabling it to integrate with existing
financial infrastructures and various blockchain networks. This approach ensures that
DECENOMY is not isolated but positioned to interact with traditional economic
systems. The bridge between decentralization and tradition is vital for achieving
widespread acceptance and impact.
DECENOMY's market integration extends beyond a digital realm to real-world
impact. The platform aims to address tangible challenges faced by traditional
economies, such as economic downturns, by offering a diversified range of industryspecific coins. These coins not only provide investment opportunities but also
contribute to the stability of the broader economic ecosystem. By aligning with realworld sectors, DECENOMY demonstrates a commitment to making a meaningful
impact on industries and communities, showcasing the platform's potential to
reshape the future of economic systems.
6.3. Integration with national law enforcement units
DECENOMY achieves its integration with traditional systems and real-world impact
through the strategic use of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and
interfaces. These interfaces serve as conduits connecting the decentralized
DECENOMY platform with local economies and national law enforcement institutions.
APIs play a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication between DECENOMY's
decentralized infrastructure and traditional economic systems. By developing robust
APIs, DECENOMY establishes a secure and standardized method for data exchange
with local economies. This integration allows for the smooth transfer of information
related to economic activities, ensuring that DECENOMY remains synchronized with
real-world developments.
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In the context of national law enforcement institutions, DECENOMY interfaces with
regulatory frameworks and compliance measures through dedicated API endpoints.
These interfaces facilitate transparent reporting and compliance with legal standards,
enhancing the platform's legitimacy and trustworthiness. By aligning with national law
enforcement requirements, DECENOMY ensures that its operations adhere to
regulatory guidelines, fostering a secure and compliant environment for users.
The implementation of these APIs and interfaces underscores DECENOMY's
commitment to harmonizing the decentralized space with existing economic
structures and regulatory frameworks. This approach not only enhances the
platform's functionality but also promotes a collaborative relationship with traditional
institutions, fostering a balanced and inclusive economic landscape.
6.4. Use Case - Curating a sophisticated Asset Register 7
DECENOMY is actively curating an extensive and diverse asset register 8 to actualize
its vision of providing transparent and secure ownership records through NonFungible Tokens (NFTs). The asset register encompasses a wide array of tangible
and intangible assets, ranging from real estate properties and intellectual properties
to art collections and other valuable items. By meticulously documenting these
assets on the blockchain, DECENOMY aims to create a comprehensive and reliable
repository that tokenizes traditional holdings into NFTs.
The collection process involves thorough verification and authentication procedures
to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of each asset entry. DECENOMY places a
premium on the authenticity and traceability of assets, fostering trust among users
and investors. Through the strategic integration of Smart Contracts, the asset
register will establish unambiguous rules and conditions governing the creation and
transfer of NFTs associated with each asset. This meticulous approach guarantees
that the asset register serves as an unalterable record of ownership, origin, and value
for every tokenized asset within the DECENOMY ecosystem.
As DECENOMY continues to expand its asset register, it is proactively engaging with
a diverse range of asset owners, industry partners, and regulatory bodies. The
platform is committed to fostering collaborations that uphold the highest standards of
integrity and transparency. Through this ongoing effort, DECENOMY aims to position
Further information on this active register process can be found here:
DECENOMY asset provider portal: https://decenomy.net/decenomy-assetprovider-portal/
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its asset register as a benchmark for the tokenization of assets, pioneering a new era
of secure and verifiable ownership in the evolving landscape of decentralized
6.5. Use Case - Tokenization of Real Estate
The tokenization of real estate within the DECENOMY ecosystem represents a
groundbreaking paradigm shift in property ownership. Through the creation of NonFungible Tokens (NFTs) linked to specific real estate assets, DECENOMY is enabling
fractional ownership, breaking down traditional barriers to entry for real estate
investment. Each token represents a share of the underlying property, providing
investors with the flexibility to own fractions of high-value real estate assets that were
once accessible only to a select few.
By fractionizing real estate, DECENOMY introduces liquidity and divisibility to an
otherwise illiquid and indivisible asset class. Investors can purchase and trade
fractions of properties seamlessly on the blockchain, enhancing market accessibility
and democratizing real estate investment. The transparent and immutable nature of
blockchain technology ensures that ownership records are clear and indisputable,
instilling confidence in investors.
DECENOMY goes a step further by implementing a reward mechanism for owners of
fractionalized real estate. Through smart contracts embedded in the NFTs, owners
receive rewards based on the performance or appreciation of the underlying
property. This innovative approach not only incentivizes fractional ownership but also
aligns the interests of property owners and fractional investors, creating a symbiotic
relationship that drives value and fosters a dynamic real estate investment
ecosystem within DECENOMY.
6.6. Use Case - Maritime Infrastructure Ship Register
The creation of a ship register through the integration of an asset register and
fractional ownership within the DECENOMY ecosystem holds significant promise for
maritime industries and nations alike. Traditionally, ship registration involves complex
paperwork, bureaucratic processes, and centralized authorities. DECENOMY's
innovative approach seeks to streamline this process by tokenizing maritime assets,
allowing for efficient and transparent registration on the blockchain.
Through fractional ownership, DECENOMY transforms the ownership structure of
ships, enabling a broader range of investors, including individuals and smaller
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businesses, to participate in maritime ventures. This democratization of ship
ownership not only encourages broader economic participation but also contributes
to a more resilient and diversified maritime sector within a country.
The benefits extend beyond economic inclusion. By leveraging decentralized
technology and fractional ownership, DECENOMY enhances transparency and
accountability in the maritime industry. Ship registration on the blockchain ensures
an immutable and tamper-resistant record of ownership, compliance, and
maintenance history. This can be particularly valuable for countries seeking to attract
international shipping companies by providing a secure and streamlined registration
DECENOMY's ship register offers a forward-thinking solution that aligns with the
goals of modernizing and optimizing the maritime infrastructure for both economic
and regulatory advantages.
6.7. Usecase - Impact token
The incorporation of an impact token within the DECENOMY ecosystem signifies a
significant stride towards promoting sustainability, social responsibility, and positive
global change. This groundbreaking concept involves the creation of a token
explicitly designed to quantify and measure the positive impact generated by diverse
economic activities within the ecosystem. Unlike traditional tokens primarily
representing financial value, these impact tokens serve as a tangible representation
of the positive contributions made towards environmental, social, or ethical causes.
DECENOMY's impact token system establishes a unique mechanism for incentivizing
and rewarding businesses and individuals actively involved in activities aligning with
the platform's goals of sustainability and ethical practices. This establishes a positive
feedback loop where economic actors are motivated not only by financial gains but
also by the measurable impact they have on the world. By integrating an impact
token, DECENOMY positions itself as a platform transcending mere economic
transactions, underscoring the importance of contributing to a more sustainable and
socially responsible global economy.
Additionally, the impact token introduces an innovative approach to engaging users
and businesses in meaningful initiatives. Participants can witness and track the
tangible effects of their contributions in real-time, fostering a transparent and
accountable ecosystem. This feature not only resonates with the growing demand for
responsible and ethical business practices but also establishes DECENOMY as a
trailblazer in integrating values-driven incentives into its economic model, setting a
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precedent for a more conscious and impact-driven economic future. Furthermore,
DECENOMY extends its commitment to sustainability by introducing an offsetting
token dedicated to CO2 offset initiatives, providing users with a tool to directly
contribute to environmental conservation efforts and reinforcing the platform's
dedication to a greener, more sustainable future. This offsetting token enables
participants to offset their carbon footprint, adding another layer to DECENOMY's
multifaceted approach to fostering positive change.
6.8. Use Case - Introduction of an energy coin
The introduction of an energy coin within the DECENOMY ecosystem marks a
strategic move towards aligning economic activities with sustainable energy
practices. This innovative concept involves the creation of a token specifically
designed to quantify and facilitate the exchange of energy within the platform. The
energy coin serves as a digital representation of the energy produced, consumed,
and traded within the DECENOMY ecosystem, creating a dynamic and decentralized
energy marketplace. This integration not only fosters a more efficient energy
exchange but also promotes the utilization of renewable energy sources, contributing
to the platform's commitment to sustainability.
In the context of enterprise operations, the energy coin becomes a pivotal tool for
managing and optimizing energy usage. Businesses within the DECENOMY
ecosystem can leverage the energy coin to streamline their energy procurement,
monitor consumption patterns, and make informed decisions to enhance energy
efficiency. The energy coin also introduces an incentive structure, encouraging
enterprises to adopt renewable energy sources and invest in energy-saving
technologies. This holistic approach aligns with DECENOMY's vision of integrating
economic activities with environmental responsibility, creating a symbiotic
relationship between enterprise operations and sustainable energy practices.
Furthermore, the integration of the energy coin intertwines with mobility solutions
within the DECENOMY framework. As the platform envisions a future where
economic transactions extend beyond traditional boundaries, the energy coin plays a
crucial role in the emerging landscape of decentralized mobility. This includes
powering electric vehicles, supporting clean transportation initiatives, and facilitating
the exchange of energy for mobility services. By establishing a seamless connection
between energy creation, consumption, and mobility, DECENOMY aims to
revolutionize how enterprises engage with energy resources, fostering a more
sustainable and technologically advanced economic ecosystem.
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7. Investment Opportunities
7.1. Potential for investors
The potential for investors in DECENOMY is significant, offering a landscape rich with
diverse opportunities. This innovative platform revolutionizes investment strategies
with its industry-specific coins, providing a more targeted and insightful approach for
investors. Here's an in-depth look at how DECENOMY presents a unique and
promising opportunity for investors:
Targeted Investment Opportunities
Each coin within DECENOMY is tailored to a specific economic sector, creating a
direct link between the coin's performance and the industry's economic health. This
specificity offers investors a targeted investment avenue, allowing them to invest in
sectors they understand and believe in. This approach fosters a deeper connection
and understanding between the investor's portfolio and the underlying economic
Enhanced Transparency and Strategic Investments
The correlation between industry performance and its associated coin enhances
transparency, providing investors with a clearer view of their investments. This
heightened transparency is a significant advantage, as it equips investors with the
necessary insights to make informed and strategic decisions. By understanding the
nuances and potential of specific sectors, investors can strategically allocate
resources to industries showing promising growth and resilience.
Economic Resilience and Stability
DECENOMY’s commitment to economic resilience and stability is a key factor that
attracts investors. The diversified nature of its coin offerings ensures that the impact
of any economic downturn in one sector is mitigated, maintaining overall stability in
the investor's portfolio. This diversification is critical in building a resilient investment
strategy that can withstand market fluctuations and sector-specific challenges.
Continuous Development and Emerging Opportunities
DECENOMY is continuously evolving, with the development and introduction of new
coins that align with emerging market opportunities. This dynamic nature of the
platform ensures that investors have access to the latest trends and sectors with
growth potential. The ability to invest in up-and-coming industries allows investors to
stay ahead of the curve, capitalizing on new developments and innovations.
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Leveraging Knowledge for Informed Decisions
The platform’s structure allows investors to leverage their knowledge and expertise
in specific industries, leading to more informed investment decisions. By focusing on
sectors where they have insight or interest, investors can navigate their investments
more effectively, aligning their portfolios with their understanding of market
In summary, DECENOMY offers investors a unique and attractive proposition. Its
industry-specific coins provide a focused and strategic approach to investing, while
its commitment to resilience and adaptability ensures stability and growth potential.
For investors seeking an innovative and insightful investment platform, DECENOMY
stands out as a forward-thinking choice.
7.2. DECENOMY Coins
DECENOMY Coins present an excellent opportunity for investors to participate in the
DECENOMY platform infrastructure. With over 20 specialized coins tailored to
various industries, DECENOMY offers a wide range of investment opportunities.
Core Currency
The DECENOMY Core Currency forms the heart of the system and serves as the
foundation for various specialized coins. Investors have the opportunity to invest in
this core currency and benefit from its potential. These investment opportunities
provide a diverse range of chances to invest in different sectors of the economy and
profit from the diversity of the DECENOMY ecosystem.
Mobility Coin
The DECENOMY Mobility Coin is an innovative tool that enables the use of energy
for transportation within the DECENOMY system. It promotes the use of clean energy
and allows businesses to make their mobility more efficient. This contributes to
environmental friendliness and is a significant step towards sustainable mobility.
Energy Coin
The DECENOMY Energy Coin is an innovative digital currency that facilitates the
exchange of energy within the DECENOMY system. Investors can invest in this coin,
which not only encourages the efficient use of energy but also supports the
integration of renewable energy sources. This investment opportunity provides
companies with the chance to optimize their energy consumption and benefit from
incentives for sustainable practices while also preserving the environment. The
DECENOMY Energy Coin thus contributes to the creation of a sustainable and
innovative economic ecosystem.
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Sustainability and Impact Coins
The DECENOMY Sustainability and Impact Coins are groundbreaking digital
currencies that quantify and measure the positive impact of economic activities
within the DECENOMY system. Investors have the opportunity to invest in these
coins, rewarding companies and individuals committed to social and environmental
responsibility. This creates incentives for ethical behavior and sustainable practices.
Investments in the DECENOMY Sustainability and Impact Coin offer not only financial
returns but also contribute to positive global change by promoting the creation of a
more sustainable and socially responsible economy.
7.3. Risk and Reward considerations
Navigating the investment landscape of DECENOMY necessitates a balanced
approach to risk and reward, as with any financial endeavor. The platform, with its
unique features, offers promising opportunities but also comes with its set of
challenges inherent in the volatile and rapidly evolving cryptocurrency market.
Understanding Volatility Risks
A key risk in the DECENOMY ecosystem, as in the wider crypto market, is volatility.
Cryptocurrency values can fluctuate dramatically, and DECENOMY coins are no
exception. This volatility can result in significant gains, but also substantial losses. It's
imperative for investors to understand their personal risk tolerance and manage their
portfolios accordingly, employing strategies to mitigate exposure to these market
Potential Rewards of DECENOMY
On the other side of the equation, the potential rewards within DECENOMY are
considerable. The platform's novel approach, with its focus on industry-specific coins
and a strong commitment to transparency, opens up strategic investment avenues.
Investors have the opportunity to invest in sectors they are confident about,
potentially reaping substantial returns as those industries grow and prosper.
Balancing Risk and Reward
Investors in DECENOMY must maintain a keen awareness of crypto market
dynamics, alongside a well-considered understanding of their own risk profiles.
Strategic planning and informed decision-making are essential to capitalize on the
unique opportunities DECENOMY offers, while managing the inherent risks.
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Mitigation Strategies in DECENOMY
DECENOMY adopts a multi-faceted approach to address risks, aiming to create a
stable investment environment. The platform's diverse range of industry-specific
coins serves as a hedge against fluctuations in any single sector. This strategy of
diversification is intended to distribute risk and enhance the resilience of the entire
DECENOMY ecosystem.
Leveraging Technology for Security and Transparency
The integration of advanced technologies like Smart Contracts and blockchain plays
a crucial role in enhancing security and transparency within DECENOMY. These
decentralized systems reduce dependency on central authorities, lowering the risks
of fraud and manipulation. The implementation of Smart Contracts ensures that all
parties fulfill their obligations before the execution of financial transactions, adding an
extra layer of security.
Community Engagement and Decentralized Decision-Making
DECENOMY places significant emphasis on community involvement and collective
decision-making. By incorporating swarm intelligence and other participatory
mechanisms, the platform ensures that its community plays an active role in its
evolution. This approach not only builds trust among users but also enables
DECENOMY to adapt to challenges and mitigate risks effectively.
In conclusion, while DECENOMY presents a unique set of investment opportunities, it
requires a careful assessment of risks and rewards. The platform's approach to risk
mitigation, combined with its innovative features and community-driven model,
positions it as a compelling option for investors navigating the complexities of the
cryptocurrency market.
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9. Long-term Impact
The DECENOMY model represents a revolutionary stride in economic systems,
characterized by its decentralized nature, deep integration of advanced technologies,
and unwavering commitment to social and ecological responsibility. This model sets
a new paradigm, distinctly differentiating itself from traditional economic frameworks.
The potential macroeconomic impacts of DECENOMY are diverse and poised to
initiate significant changes across various domains.
Economic Transformation
DECENOMY could revolutionize trade practices by enhancing efficiency,
transparency, and fairness in economic transactions. Its decentralized approach
promises to broaden economic participation, allowing individual actors and smaller
enterprises to actively partake in the global marketplace. This could democratize
economic opportunities, breaking down barriers traditionally faced by smaller
Societal Impact
On a societal level, DECENOMY might lead to a restructuring of social dynamics by
redistributing economic power and control to a wider population segment. Its
emphasis on social and ecological accountability could generate beneficial outcomes
for communities and the environment, paving the way for more equitable economic
growth and societal development.
Ecological Contributions
In terms of environmental impact, DECENOMY aims to foster an eco-friendlier
economic system by endorsing sustainable practices and integrating environmental
conservation technologies. Its long-term implications could mark a pivotal shift
towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious global economic
Integration of Innovative Technologies
DECENOMY distinguishes itself through the seamless integration of blockchain,
smart contracts, AI, and swarm intelligence. These technologies are central to its
design, ensuring security, trust, and efficient transaction execution. The
amalgamation of these technologies fosters an autonomous and self-regulating
ecosystem, prioritizing transparency and operational efficiency.
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Social and Environmental Responsibility
DECENOMY takes a holistic approach, recognizing that economic success should be
balanced with social welfare and environmental stewardship. This principle
differentiates DECENOMY from profit-centric models, promoting a harmonious
balance between economic objectives, social responsibility, and environmental
A Platform with Internet-like Impact
DECENOMY is more than just an economic system; it's a platform with transformative
potential comparable to the advent of the Internet. It's set to redefine business
conduct, trading, and interpersonal interactions, similar to how the Internet reshaped
communication and information exchange.
The Future of the Economy
DECENOMY stands as a beacon for the future of the economy, offering a glimpse
into a world where economic activities are not only prosperous but also socially just
and ecologically sustainable. This platform is poised to become a transformative
force, reshaping economic foundations and unlocking new potentials for a globally
connected and sustainable future.
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Glossary of Technology
Basic Income
A form of income with certain
conditions or criteria that recipients
must meet to receive the payment.
A decentralized digital ledger that
records transactions across many
computers so that the recorded
transactions cannot be changed
retroactively. This technology
underpins cryptocurrencies like
Cloud-based Economic Simulations
Simulations that run on a cloud
computing infrastructure and can
model economic scenarios, trends,
and outcomes based on real-time data
and variable parameters.
A digital or virtual currency that uses
cryptography for security. Bitcoin, for
example, is one of the most wellknown cryptocurrencies.
The process of distributing or
dispersing functions, powers, people,
or things away from a central location
or central authority.
Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
A cryptocurrency exchange that
operates without a central authority
and enables peer-to-peer trading
directly between users.
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Money Supply and Appreciation
Aristotle emphasized the importance of
stable money value. DECENOMY's
approach to regulating the money
supply based on solid economic
parameters is in line with this
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
Unique digital assets verified using
blockchain technology that represents
ownership rights or proof of
authenticity of a unique item or
Parameter Setting in Smart
The process of setting specific rules or
conditions in a smart contract that
must be met for the contract to be
Smart Contract
Self-executing contracts where the
terms of the agreement between buyer
and seller are directly written into the
code. It automates the execution of
contracts when certain conditions are
Participating in a proof-of-stake (PoS)
system or blockchain network by
holding and "staking" one's coins or
Swarm Intelligence
The collective behaviour of
decentralized, self-organized systems,
natural or artificial. It is used in artificial
intelligence and robotics.
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Transaction-based Taxation
A system where taxes are
automatically deducted at each
transaction through smart contracts.