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SAME Your Gateway to Excellence in Aeronautical Engineering

SAME: Your
Gateway to
Excellence in
Unleash Your Potential: Aeronautical Engineering
SAME (School of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering) stands as a beacon of
excellence in the field of aeronautical engineering, offering a comprehensive
program that prepares students for a dynamic career in aerospace. With a legacy of
academic prowess and industry relevance, SAME empowers aspiring engineers to
soar to new heights in the world of aviation.
Exceptional Curriculum:
SAME aeronautical engineering program is meticulously crafted to equip students
with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in the aerospace industry. From
foundational courses in aerodynamics and aircraft propulsion to advanced studies in
flight dynamics and aerospace structures.
Expert Faculty:
At SAME, students learn from a distinguished faculty comprising experienced
engineers and scholars who are passionate about nurturing the next generation of
aerospace professionals. With their wealth of industry experience and academic
expertise, faculty members guide students through rigorous coursework,
mentorship, and hands-on projects.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
SAME boasts cutting-edge laboratories, simulation centers, and research facilities
that provide students with a conducive environment for experiential learning and
innovation. Whether it's conducting wind tunnel experiments, simulating flight
scenarios, or designing aircraft components using CAD software, students have
access to resources that facilitate practical exploration and experimentation.
Industry Integration:
SAME maintains strong partnerships with leading aerospace companies, facilitating
internships, industry projects, and guest lectures that bridge the gap between
academia and industry. Through these collaborations, students gain invaluable
insights into real-world aerospace challenges.
Career Opportunities:
Graduates of SAME's aeronautical engineering program are in high demand across
the aerospace sector, with opportunities in aircraft design, manufacturing,
maintenance, research, and more. SAME dedicated placement cell provides career
guidance, internship assistance, and recruitment support, ensuring that graduates
embark on fulfilling.
Choose SAME for a transformative educational experience that propels you towards
a successful career in aeronautical engineering. With a blend of academic rigor,
industry exposure, and hands-on learning, SAME prepares you to make impactful
contributions to the future of aviation and aerospace innovation.