Uploaded by Anson


"Describe how an object reaches terminal velocity
" "Describe how an object reaches terminal velocity
<ol><li>When an object starts to fall, weight > resutant force downwards, it starts
accelerating</li><li>As its velocity increases, the air resistance builds up</li><li>This resistant force
gradually reduces the acceleration until the resistant force is equal to the accelerating force. At this point,
there is no resultant force, and the object cannot accelerate anymore.</li></ol>
"explain the following graph of the freefall of a person<br><img
" "explain the following graph of the freefall of a person<br><img
<ol><li>Weight of huamn causes resultant force downwards, so it accelerates → velocity
increases</li><li>Drag increases with velocity, resultant force decreases, so acceleration decreases →
velocity increase decreasingly</li><li>Drag force and weight eventually balanced, no resultant force, no
change in acceleration → terminal velocity</li></ol>
"Define hooke's law
" "Define hooke's law
<div><div>the extension of a spring is proportional to the force applied provided the spring does not reach
its elastic limit</div></div>
"<img src=""paste-3b79d9bb76d17618f2b3cccfcd35b1c061d334cc.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-3b79d9bb76d17618f2b3cccfcd35b1c061d334cc.png"">
The spring returns to its orginal shape/length when the force applied is removed
"Define transverses waves
" "Define transverses waves
a wave that oscillates perpendicular to its propagation (of energy)
"Explain how two different EM radiations allow people to detect banknote forgery?
" "Explain how two different EM radiations allow people to detect banknote forgery?
<ol><li>Ultraviolet light is absorbed by fluorescent material on the bank note</li><li>Visible light is emitted
into the eye.</li></ol>
"Explain why materials dont look like mirrors 4
" "Explain why materials dont look like mirrors 4
<div>1. If a material has a <strong>rough surface</strong>, </div><div>2. incident light will be
reflected at <strong>many different angles</strong> </div><div>3. because the <strong>angle of
incidence is different at different positions on the rough surface</strong>. </div><div>4. This is
called <strong>diffuse reflection</strong>. </div>
"Describe experiment used to find refractive index of block 6
" "Describe experiment used to find refractive index of block 6
<ol><li>Apparatus</li><ol><li>Paper & pencils for marking out light rays</li><li>Light
Box</li><li>Protractor</li></ol><li>Measurement</li><ol><li>Measure for i and r</li><li>Repeat for
different angle of i</li></ol><li>Analysis</li><ol><li>Calculate the refractive index by sini/sinr</li><li>Plot
graph of sini against r, to calculate the average value of n, measure the gradient</li></ol></ol>
"How to measure i and r (4)
" "How to measure i and r (4)
<ol><li>Draw around glass block </li><li>Draw positions of incident and emergent
rays</li><li>Draw refracted ray</li><li>Measure i & r to the normal</li></ol>
"Explain why plastic foam is good for reducing heat loss
" "Explain why plastic foam is good for reducing heat loss
<ol><li>Air is a good insulator</li><li>Air is trapped between the foam, insulating heat</li><li>Preventing
a convection current from forming.</li></ol>
"Explain how vacuum reduces heat transfer
" "Explain how vacuum reduces heat transfer
It reduces heat transfer by conduction and convection<br><ol><li>Absence of particles mean no transfer
of energy between them through conduction</li><li>No movement of particles for transfer of energy by
"How does metal heat up at the bottom of a sauce pan 3
" "How does metal heat up at the bottom of a sauce pan 3
<ol><li>Metal ions vibrate faster → and </li><li>eletrons gain kinetic energy</li><li>Free electrons
transfer energy by colliding with other ions</li></ol>
"Explain why the temperature of a resistor increases when a current passes through it 2
" "Explain why the temperature of a resistor increases when a current passes through it 2
<ol><li>Electrons </li><li>Collide with the ions in the metal lattice</li><li>Electrical energy is
transferred to heat energy</li></ol>
"Explain why a rainbow forms when white light is shone in a prism
" "Explain why a rainbow forms when white light is shone in a prism
<ol><li>Each wavelength of light is refracted by a different amount</li><li>White light will be split into
different colors</li><li>Red light refracts the least, and violet light the most</li></ol><br><img
"Name use + harm of EM waves by longest > shortest wavelength
" "Name use + harm of EM waves by longest > shortest wavelength
<ol><li>Radio waves: broadcasting radio, heating of body tissue → skin burns</li><li>Microwaves:
heating food with microwave ovens, heating of body tissues → skin burns</li><li>Infrared waves: remote
conrol for TVs | skin burns and eye damage<br></li><li>Visible light: Optic fibre communication | damage
eyes</li><li>Ultraviolet light: sterlizing medical equipment | skin damage<br></li><li>X-Rays: medical
imaging | DNA damage, which can cause cancer</li><li>Gamma rays: Sterilizing medical equipment |
DNA mutations, which can lead to cancer<br></li></ol>
"Define wavelength
" "Define wavelength
Distance between one peak to another peak (lambda)
"How do xrays work
" "How do xrays work
Xray is transmitted by the flesh, but is absorbed by the bone as it is a denser
material. <div><br></div>
"name a harm of UV light
" "name a harm of UV light
skin cancer 
"Give 3 reasons why the outside surface of the fridge is white and shiny
" "Give 3 reasons why the outside surface of the fridge is white and shiny
<ol><li>Poor absorber of heat</li><li>Reflects radiation away from fridge</li><li>Reduces power
consumption of fridge-freezer</li></ol>
"<img src=""paste-d3a09d5b8e37e03aa64f9f5992baaa739ca739c4.png""><br><img
" "<img src=""paste-d3a09d5b8e37e03aa64f9f5992baaa739ca739c4.png""><br><img
<ol><li>Time</li><li>Diameter of pipe </li><li>Length of pipe</li></ol>
"What is an LED?
" "What is an LED?
<ol><li>An light emitting diode </li><li>Emits light when a current flows in the forward
"What is an LDR 2
" "What is an LDR 2
<ol><li>A light-dependent resistor</li><li>resistance decrease as light intensity increase.</li></ol>
"What is a thermistor
" "What is a thermistor
<ol><li>A thermistors resistance decrease as temperature increases</li></ol>
"<img src=""paste-2a67f88c704fe3d856dd8c229d3715ebf3dc61a5.png""><div>2 marks</div>
" "<img src=""paste-2a67f88c704fe3d856dd8c229d3715ebf3dc61a5.png""><div>2 marks</div>
When the materials are rubbed together,
negatively charged electrons are rubbed
off one material and move onto the
other [1 mark].<div>  <br>This leaves the material
they’ve moved off with a positive charge,
and the material they’ve moved onto with
an equal negative charge [1 mark]</div>
" Explain the advantage of using an electrostatic insectide spray
" " Explain the advantage of using an electrostatic insectide spray
1. Droplets have the same electric charge<br>2. Repel each other, so spread out<br>3. Produces fine
mimst that covers more area
"Explain why the gas expands when it is heated. 6
" "Explain why the gas expands when it is heated. 6
<ol><li>Pressure is caused by the collisions between the gas particles and the walls of the
container</li><li>As the gas is heated, the particles gain more kinetic energy and move more
quickly</li><li><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">They exert a greater
force on the walls of the
container (because there is a greater change in momentum)</span><br></li><li>They collide with the
walls of the container more frequently</li><li>To maintain the same pressure, the gas particles don't need
to hit the walls as frequently if they're exerting a greater force during each collision</li><li>Therefore they
move further between collisions meaning the gas has expanded </li><li>The molecules push the mercury
up the tube until it again has the same pressure above and below</li></ol>
"Draw the IV characteristics for an ohmic conductor (resistor) and explain
" "Draw the IV characteristics for an ohmic conductor (resistor) and explain
<img src=""paste-c0ab670364f442aab48e574807a74baed48c3675.png""><br>The current through a
resistor is directly proportional to the potential difference 
"Draw the IV characteristics for a filament lamp and explain
" "Draw the IV characteristics for a filament lamp and explain
<img src=""paste-037bfb9b41e0732e23f8735f0e6476d90ffc67d9.png""><br>As the current increases, the
temperature of the filament increases, so the resistance increases, this means that less current can flow
per unit pd, so the graph gets shallower, hence the curve
"Draw the IV characteristics for a diode and explain
" "Draw the IV characteristics for a diode and explain
<img src=""paste-107c283939f109bdcc637b01a3f5242443e69746.png""><br>Current will only flow one
way in a diode, as the diode has very hgih resistance in the reverse direction
"Explain the build up of static electricity 3 (+ example)
" "Explain the build up of static electricity 3 (+ example)
<ol><li>When some insulating materials are rubbed together, negatively charged electrons will be
transfered from one material to the other</li><li>The materials become electrically charged, with a
positive static charge on one and an equal negative static charge on the other.</li><li>Example:
polythene + acetate rods being rubbed with a cloth duster</li></ol>
"Explain why static electricity could cause sparks 6
" "Explain why static electricity could cause sparks 6
<ol><li>As electric charge builds up the potential difference between the objects increase</li><li>A high
potential difference causes a strong electric field between the charged and earth object</li><li>The
stronge electric field causes electrons in the air particles to be removed (ionisation)</li><li>When air is
ionised, it becomes much more conductive so current can flow through it</li><li>Electrons can jump to
any earthed conductor (people)</li><li>Usually happens when gap is fairly small</li></ol>
"Draw the electrical field of an positive and negativel charged particle
" "Draw the electrical field of an positive and negativel charged particle
<img src=""paste-185f38b4a86e8be3ee7addc446c12c7ceb65b61e.png"">
"Define half life
" "Define half life
The time it takes for the activity of a sample to decay by 1/2
"Alpha, beta, vs gamma properties
" "Alpha, beta, vs gamma properties
Alpha: Particle, Helium nucleus (2+)<br>Beta: Particle, Electron (-)<br>Gamma: Wave,
(neutral)<div><img src=""https://www.atomicarchive.com/img/science/alpha-particle.svg""
jsaction=""VQAsE"" class=""sFlh5c pT0Scc iPVvYb"" style=""max-width: 560px; width: 446px; height:
191px; margin: 0px;"" alt=""Alpha Decay"" jsname=""kn3ccd"" aria-hidden=""false""><br></div>
"Alpha, beta, vs gamma what are they stopped by
" "Alpha, beta, vs gamma what are they stopped by
Alpha: air plastic, paper<br>Beta: thin aluminium<br>Gamma: thick lead / concrete
"What is the energy source for stars
" "What is the energy source for stars
Nucleus Fusion
"Why does nuclear fusion require high temperatures
" "Why does nuclear fusion require high temperatures
<ol><li><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">High temps and pressures are
required to overcome these electrostatic repulsions of positive charged protons</span><br></li></ol>
"Recall the different stages of stars 7
" "Recall the different stages of stars 7
<ol><li>Nebula (clouds of dust and gas)</li><li>Protostar (force of garvity pull dust and clouds togehter,
particles collide, increasing temp > nuclear fusion)</li><li>Main sequence star (stable, nuclear fusion
trying to expand the star, force of gravity puls inwards)</li><li>Red Supergiants / red
giant (hydrogen in core runs out, force of gravity > pressure, so collapses)</li><li>Red giants
> white dwarf (ejecfts outerlayer to form dense star)</li><li>Red Supergiants > Supernova (balance
between gravity and expansion shifts, until they explode)</li><li>Neutron star / black hole (very dense
core. could collapse into black hole)</li></ol>
"Stars: colors vs temperature
" "Stars: colors vs temperature
<img src=""paste-5bdc94e19b57872e2ea644b12c65c5b63d66fa24.png"">
"What is the hertzsprung-russel diagram? 
" "What is the hertzsprung-russel diagram? 
<ol><li>A graph of absolute magnitude against temperature </li><li>Clear groups corresponding to
different periods in a life cycle</li></ol><div><br></div><div><img
2576.jpg"" jsaction=""VQAsE"" class=""sFlh5c pT0Scc iPVvYb"" style=""max-width: 2000px; height:
174px; margin: 0px; width: 256px;"" alt=""Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram to Study the Evolutionary Stages
..."" jsname=""kn3ccd"" aria-hidden=""false""><br></div>
"Describe the properties of the three periods of a star
" "Describe the properties of the three periods of a star
<ol><li>White dwarfs: hot but small (so dim)</li><li>Main sequence: roughly the same size, so the
brighter the star, the higher the temperature</li><li>Red giants: cool but very large (so very
"What is absolute magnitude (brightness)
" "What is absolute magnitude (brightness)
Brightness of a given star from a fixed distance
"Explain the doppler effect 3
" "Explain the doppler effect 3
1. A moving object will cause the <strong>wavelength and frequency of the wave to
change</strong><br>2. The <strong>wavelength</strong> of the waves<strong> in front</strong> of the
source <strong>decreases </strong>and the <strong>frequency</strong> <b>increases<br></b>3.
The wavelength <strong>behind</strong> the source <strong>increases</strong> and the<b>
frequency decreases<br></b><img src=""paste-598203fdf17c130b70c8db65f0c25281efb896dd.png"">
"blueshift vs redshift
" "blueshift vs redshift
If an object moves towards an observer: blueshift<br>If object moves away from an observer: redshift
(light moves towards the red end of the spectrum)<br><br><img
"Which part of the orbit does the comet move fastest
" "Which part of the orbit does the comet move fastest
When it is nearest to the sun (increased pull of gravity makes it speed up)
"orbit of comet vs orbit of planet 4
" "orbit of comet vs orbit of planet 4
<ol><li>Comet is more elliptical</li><li>Orbital path of comet is longer</li><li>Star is not at center of
comet orbit but is at planets orbit</li><li>Speed of comet varies but not planet</li></ol>
"Describe how a smoke detector works 4
" "Describe how a smoke detector works 4
<ol><li>Alpha particles are easily absorbed.<br></li><li>A smoke alarm measures the movement of alpha
particles across a small gap.<br></li><li>If smoke enters the detector, it will absorb the alphas and the
will measure a drop in the number getting across the gap.<br></li><li>This drop in measurement will
trigger the alarm to sound.<br></li></ol>
"Describe how thickness monitoring occurs using radiation 3
" "Describe how thickness monitoring occurs using radiation 3
<ol><li>Radiation is absorbed as it passes through materials.<br></li><li>If the foil is too thick it absorbs
more beta particles. The detector
receives less beta particles and then sends a signal to the rollers to
increase the force on the foil, making it thinner.<br></li><li>If the foil is too thin it absorbs less beta
particles, so the detector
receives more beta particles. <br></li></ol>
"Explain why an object with a low center of mass and a wide base area is more stable. 
" "Explain why an object with a low center of mass and a wide base area is more stable. 
If center of mass is not directly over point that is in contact with the ground (pivot), it will topple over.
"What is the principle of conservation of energy?
" "What is the principle of conservation of energy?
Energy can be stored and transfered, but cannot be destroyed.
"What are the roles of a moderator and control rods in a fission reaction?
" "What are the roles of a moderator and control rods in a fission reaction?
The moderator helps
slow down the neutrons produced by fission to sustain the chain
reaction.<div><br></div><div>Control rods can then be inserted into the reactor core to
reduce the reaction rate or withdrawn to increase it by absorbing neutrons</div>
"Define nuclear fission
" "Define nuclear fission
The splitting of a large atomic nucleus by a neutron into smaller nuclei with the release of energy
"How does nuclear fission cause a chain reaction
" "How does nuclear fission cause a chain reaction
<div><div> 1. The atomic nucleus is split by a neutron, </div><div>2. Some neutrons in the nucleus
fly out to knock on other nuclei</div><div>3. thus creating a chain reaction </div></div>
"Define nuclear fusion
" "Define nuclear fusion
When <b>two light nuclei combine to form a single heavier nucleus</b>.
"what can detect ionising radiations
" "what can detect ionising radiations
<b>Geiger-Mueller (GM) detector</b>
"Irradiation vs contamination
" "Irradiation vs contamination
Irradiation: Occurs when an object is exposed to a source of radiation outside the
object<br>Contamination: Occurs if the radioactive source is on or in the object.
"Difference between soft and hard magnetics + examples
" "Difference between soft and hard magnetics + examples
<div><div>Soft magnets lose and gain magnetism rapidly (e.g. iron) </div></div><div><div>Hard
magnets lose and gain magnetism slowly (e.g. steel) </div></div>
"What are magnetic field lines + its direction
" "What are magnetic field lines + its direction
a line that indicates the direction of the force caused by a magnet FROM NORTH TO SOUTH<br><img
alt=""Magnetic Field Lines - Definition, Properties, How to Draw - Teachoo""
"Describe experiment to find out magnetic field lines of a magnet 4
" "Describe experiment to find out magnetic field lines of a magnet 4
<ol><li>Trace out shape of magnet</li><li>Place plotting compass at one pole and draw a dot
indicating the direction that it is pointing at. </li><li>Move plotting compass so that base of the
arrow is at the dot, and make a new dot.</li><li>Connect the dots and repeat until you reach the end of a
magnet, and repeat for different positions</li></ol>
"How to convert Kelvins into celsius
" "How to convert Kelvins into celsius
celcius = K - 273
"Define diffraction
" "Define diffraction
<b>the spreading out of waves as they pass through an opening</b>
"Name 2 dangers of static electricity
" "Name 2 dangers of static electricity
<ol><li>Risk of electrocution: lightning</li><li>Friction between fuel and pipe causes fuel to gain charge, if
spark occurs, will blow up. </li></ol>
"Explain the use of electrostatic electricity in printers 5
" "Explain the use of electrostatic electricity in printers 5
<li>An image of the document is projected onto a positively charged copying plate</li>
<li>The plate loses its charge in the light areas and keeps the positive charge in the dark areas (i.e the
<li>A negatively charged black toner powder is applied to the plate and sticks to the part where there is a
positive charge</li>
<li>The toner is then transferred onto a new blank sheet of white paper</li>
<li>The paper is heated to make sure the powder sticks (hence why photocopied paper feels
warm) </li>
"how does a crash mat prevent damage? 3
" "how does a crash mat prevent damage? 3
<ol><li>Increase impact time for gymnast to come to a stop</li><li>Decrease the rate of change of
momentum</li><li>Decrease in force experienced</li></ol>
"State newtons third law
" "State newtons third law
<b>for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction</b>
"state newtons first law
" "state newtons first law
<em>if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at</em> rest or
keep moving in a straight line
"state newtons second law
" "state newtons second law
F = ma
"Decribe arrangements of particles in ice water and gas
" "Decribe arrangements of particles in ice water and gas
Regular arrangement, Irregular arrangement, Random and spaced
"Compare the movement of particles in ice water and gases 
" "Compare the movement of particles in ice water and gases 
Ice: vibrates in place<br>Water: particles move /slide over each other<br>Steam: Random movement
"Longitudinal waves
" "Longitudinal waves
<img alt=""Longitudinal Wave - Definition, Examples, Formula, Diagram""
src=""Longitudinal-Waves-1.png""><br>A wave vibrating in the direction of propagation
"Define a mechanical wave
" "Define a mechanical wave
A wave that transfers energy through a material medium
"Suggest 3 ways to increase moment
" "Suggest 3 ways to increase moment
1. Keep force perpendicular to hammer<br>2. Increase distance of hand from pivot<br>3. Increase force
from hand
"<div><div><div>Describe how you could use a plotting compass and a small bar magnet to investigate
the magnetic field pattern of the bar magnet. (3) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Describe how you could use a plotting compass and a small bar magnet to investigate
the magnetic field pattern of the bar magnet. (3) </div></div></div>
<img src=""paste-6f86cc9de0dbf728318476dbce697155fa302edb.png"">
"<div><div><div>Explain how a current produces movement of the coil in an electric motor.
(5) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Explain how a current produces movement of the coil in an electric motor.
(5) </div></div></div>
<div>1. Current in coil creates magnetic field around the wires of coil</div><div>2. This interacts with the
magnetic field of the permanent magnetics</div><div>3. A force is exerted on the wire</div><div>4.
According the Fleming’s LHR, there is a force upwards on one side and downward on the
other</div><div><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">5. A split ring
commutator reverses the current every half turn</span><img class=""aligncenter size-full""
srcset=""https://cdn.savemyexams.com/cdn-cgi/image/w=320,f=auto/uploads/2021/08/7.2.4-Force-actingon-coil-in-DC-motor_1.png 320w,
-DC-motor_1.png 640w,
-DC-motor_1.png 960w,
n-DC-motor_1.png 1280w,
n-DC-motor_1.png 1920w"" alt=""Force acting on coil in DC motor, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE
Physics revision notes"" width=""1100"" height=""643""><br></div>
"<div><div><ol><li><div>Explain why electrical energy is transmitted using very high voltages.
(4) </div></li></ol></div></div>
" "<div><div><ol><li><div>Explain why electrical energy is transmitted using very high voltages.
(4) </div></li></ol></div></div>
<img src=""paste-bafe5ed47ad8bea2f75362e09d4987c9b6c55b25.png""><br>1. High voltage leads to
low current<br>2. By P = I2R<br>3. Less energy is lost during the transmission<br>4. So energy can be
transferred more efficiently to a further distance
"<div><div><div>Explain how a transformer works. (5)  </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Explain how a transformer works. (5)  </div></div></div>
<div>1. Alternating current provided to the primary coil produces a magnetic field</div><div>2. causing a
changing magnetic field in the core</div><div>3. The core strengthens the magnetic field</div><div>4.
Field lines interact with secondary coil</div><div>5. Which induces a voltage in the secondary
coil.</div><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">6. A step-up transformer
has </span><strong style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">more
turns</strong><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);""> on
the </span><strong style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">secondary
coil</strong><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);""> than on the primary
coil</span><div><img src=""paste-d0e5e5d48cca6c45a88f13694b5b821aef4b76bf.png""> </div>
"<div><div><div>Explain how the transmission of electrical power is made more efficient using step-up
and step-down transformers. (5)</div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Explain how the transmission of electrical power is made more efficient using step-up
and step-down transformers. (5)</div></div></div>
1. Step up transformer increases voltage, hence decreases current<div>2. Current is related to heat
transfer</div><div>3. Less energy is lost in transmission because P = I2R</div><div>4. Cables are
more efficient as they are good conductors</div><div>5. Step down transformer reduces
voltage </div>
"<div><div><div>Describe how a loudspeaker uses an electrical supply to produce sound waves.
(5) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Describe how a loudspeaker uses an electrical supply to produce sound waves.
(5) </div></div></div>
<ol><li>Alternating current supplied to coil </li><li>Produces a changing magnetic
field</li><li>Which interacts with the field of permanent magnets </li><li>By Fleming’s RHR, a force
is exerted on the coil</li><li>Vibration in coil makes longitudinal waves</li></ol>
"<div><div><div>Describe the process of controlled fission of uranium 235 in a nuclear reactor.
(6) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Describe the process of controlled fission of uranium 235 in a nuclear reactor.
(6) </div></div></div>
<div><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">1. Fission occurs when a nuclei
absorbs a neutron and splits into two daughter nuclei and other neutrons</span></div><div><span
style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">2. Which can cause further fission in a chain
reaction</span></div><div><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">3.
Moderators are used to slow down neutrons to sustain chain reaction</span></div><div>4. Control Rods
can be inserted or taken out to control rate of reaction by absorbing neutrons</div><div>5. Energy
released from fission is used to heat up water to drive a turbine.</div>
"<div><div><ol><li><div>Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power stations and
biomass power stations. (8) </div></li></ol></div></div>
" "<div><div><ol><li><div>Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power stations and
biomass power stations. (8) </div></li></ol></div></div>
<div>Biomass: </div><div>1. Reduces landfill waste</div><div>2. Relatively cheap
(source)</div><div><br></div><div>1. Relatively inefficient</div><div>2. Releases green-house
gases</div><div><br></div><div>Nuclear fuel</div><div>1. Does not contribute to global
warming</div><div>2. Reliable - not weather dependent</div><div><br></div><div>1. difficult to dispose
of waste</div><div>2. accidents can spread radiation</div>
"<div><div><ol><li><div>Explain the process of a sea breeze. (5) </div></li></ol></div></div>
" "<div><div><ol><li><div>Explain the process of a sea breeze. (5) </div></li></ol></div></div>
<div>1. Energy from the sun heats up air over land</div><div>2. Warmer air over land
expands</div><div>3. Air becomes less dense, therefore rises</div><div><span
style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">4. Cooler air over sea is denser, therefore
sinks</span></div><div><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">5. Air moves
inland to replace rising air</span></div>
"<div><div><ol><li><div>Use ideas about momentum to explain how seat belts can reduce injuries to
passengers during a crash. (3) </div></li></ol></div></div>
" "<div><div><ol><li><div>Use ideas about momentum to explain how seat belts can reduce injuries to
passengers during a crash. (3) </div></li></ol></div></div>
1. Seatbelt increases impact time<div>2. Change in momentum remain constant (w or w/o
seatbelt)</div><div>3. Reduce force exerted on the body</div><div>4. Passenger stays on seat</div>
"<ol><li><div><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">Two
coffee cups are the same size. One is full of coffee and the other is
half full. Compare the pressures in the coffee at the bottom of each
cup. (4) </span><br></div></li></ol>
" "<ol><li><div><span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">Two
coffee cups are the same size. One is full of coffee and the other is
half full. Compare the pressures in the coffee at the bottom of each
cup. (4) </span><br></div></li></ol>
<div>1. Pressure is greater in the full cup. </div><div>2. p = W/A</div><div>3. the weight of the
liquid is different for each cup, </div><div>4. While the area remains the
same. </div><div><br></div><div><img
"<div><div><div>Describe an experiment to find the density of a marble. (5) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Describe an experiment to find the density of a marble. (5) </div></div></div>
<br><div>1. Measure mass using an </div><div>2. electronic balance</div><div>3. Displace water
from a displacement can by putting a marble into it </div><div>4. Using the displacement method +
measuring cylinder</div><div>4. Volume of marble = volume of water displaced</div><div>5. Density =
Mass / Volume</div>
"<div><div><div>Describe how a teacher should measure the activity of a radioactive source using a
Geiger-Muller detector. 5</div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Describe how a teacher should measure the activity of a radioactive source using a
Geiger-Muller detector. 5</div></div></div>
<div>1. Use a Geiger Counter </div><div>2. Measure the background count and subtract from
actual measurement</div><div>3. Using protective clothing like gloves to prevent damage from
radiation</div><div>4. Measure count from source from set distance for a minute (Bq)</div><div>5.
Repeat the measurement </div>
"<div><div><div>Some people think wind farms are a good idea. Others disagree. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of building more wind farms. (6) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Some people think wind farms are a good idea. Others disagree. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of building more wind farms. (6) </div></div></div>
1. Renewable energy <div>2. Will not contribute to global warming</div><div>3. Brings
employment to remote areas</div><div><br></div><div>1. Unsightly to local people</div><div>2. Can be
noisy</div><div>3. Unreliable - weather dependent </div>
"<div><div><div>Explain how a student can investigate whether a spring obeys Hooke’s law
(6) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Explain how a student can investigate whether a spring obeys Hooke’s law
(6) </div></div></div>
<span style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">1. Measure original length of
spring</span><div>2. Add a known weight and measure the new length</div><div>3. <span
style=""background-color: var(--canvas); color: var(--fg);"">Repeat for range of values of
weight</span></div><div>4. Calculate extension by new - original</div><div>5. Plot graph of extension
against weight</div><div>6. Graph should be a straight line passing through the origin</div>
"<div><div><div>Use ideas about forces to explain how a falling object can reach terminal velocity
(5) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Use ideas about forces to explain how a falling object can reach terminal velocity
(5) </div></div></div>
<img src=""paste-03625f5399c14b6425a440248fd06e903cbf4d14.png"">
"<div><div><div>A racing cyclist practices by riding round a track. Describe a method the student could
use to find the average speed of the cyclist. (5) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>A racing cyclist practices by riding round a track. Describe a method the student could
use to find the average speed of the cyclist. (5) </div></div></div>
<img src=""paste-a92716969df4310b4d4b485e6b8034b38d5a5120.png"">
"<div><div><div>A student investigates how the current in a filament lamp varies as the voltage across it
changes. Draw a circuit diagram and describe a method the student could use.
(7) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>A student investigates how the current in a filament lamp varies as the voltage across
it changes. Draw a circuit diagram and describe a method the student could use.
(7) </div></div></div>
<img src=""paste-6ee1c3487bad546b9ef19afecadda159cd3b9cdb.png"">
"<div><div><ol><li><div>Describe the different ways in which energy is transferred to potatoes cooking
on metal spikes in an oven. (6) </div></li></ol></div></div>
" "<div><div><ol><li><div>Describe the different ways in which energy is transferred to potatoes cooking
on metal spikes in an oven. (6) </div></li></ol></div></div>
<img src=""paste-cd19ed4348ac773fd8b2668bf2f27edbbd5ae404.png"">
"<div><div><div>Describe an experiment to measure the speed of sound in air.
(5) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Describe an experiment to measure the speed of sound in air.
(5) </div></div></div>
<img src=""paste-524eb027671ee6f2d917cae9d77ce6aaa330a79f.png"">
"<div><div><div>A student wants to carry out an experiment to find the refractive index of a glass block.
Describe how the student should carry out the experiment. (6) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>A student wants to carry out an experiment to find the refractive index of a glass block.
Describe how the student should carry out the experiment. (6) </div></div></div>
<img src=""paste-d8b84db9d391edbf77958428f69a5af2a61f51a1.png"">
"<div><div><div>Explain why alpha and beta particles have different penetrating powers.
(5) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>Explain why alpha and beta particles have different penetrating powers.
(5) </div></div></div>
<img src=""paste-6c9c8db2b5b10cb2b5f160507ffb832f54779eed.png"">
"<div>Explain how the results of the Geiger-Marsden experiment on alpha scattering led to the
conclusions that: (5) </div><div><ol><li>Most of the alpha particles went straight through the
foil.  </li><li>Some of the alpha particles were deflected through a small angle.  </li><li>A
few of the alpha particles were deflected back towards the source.  </li></ol></div>
" "<div>Explain how the results of the Geiger-Marsden experiment on alpha scattering led to the
conclusions that: (5) </div><div><ol><li>Most of the alpha particles went straight through the
foil.  </li><li>Some of the alpha particles were deflected through a small angle.  </li><li>A
few of the alpha particles were deflected back towards the source.  </li></ol></div>
<img src=""paste-9e8d384ce91b818c1d4a9d8bbce3c8fbfb900163.png"">
"<div><div>A black hard drive and a white hard drive are stacked on top of each other. Explain why the
hard drives work at a lower temperature when the black one is on top.
(4).  </div></div><div><br></div>
" "<div><div>A black hard drive and a white hard drive are stacked on top of each other. Explain why the
hard drives work at a lower temperature when the black one is on top.
(4).  </div></div><div><br></div>
<div><div><div><img alt=""Question
Any four of
transfer between the two is by
same SA either way up.
MP2.Infrared (radiation) mentioned;
MP3.Idea of emission of thermal energy;
MP4.a correct effect of (surface) colour
on emission;
MP5.Comparative of surfaces;
MP6. correct statement about thermal
energy flow at equilibrium
ignore other
comments about
absorption and
for thermal energy
heat or radiation
black emits heat
black is a good
white is a poor
e.g. the black loses
more heat than the
M a rks
4 "" src=""paste-bc5c0edeccec527fb0119b5e32ee5238b2b7a980.jpg""></div></div></div>
"<div>Main sequence stars can vary in brightness, colour and mass. Describe the evolution of both low
mass stars and high mass stars after they join the main sequence. (6) <br></div>
" "<div>Main sequence stars can vary in brightness, colour and mass. Describe the evolution of both low
mass stars and high mass stars after they join the main sequence. (6) <br></div>
<div><div><div><img alt=""Question
A description that makes reference to
six of the following points:
Additional guidance
all main sequence stars fuse H into
He (1)
lower mass stars stay on the MS
line for longer (1)
accept numerical values
lower mass stars become red giants
higher mass stars become red
super giants (1)
red giant becomes a white dwarf
supergiant becomes a supernova
supernova becomes a neutron star
allow red giant to
planetary nebula
supernova becomes a black hole (1)
6 "" src=""paste-6eb904d203f4ec128df8ed8bb5cb4063d9622a76.png""></div></div></div>
"<div><div><div>A wind turbine produces an alternating voltage of 600V. The voltage needs to be
increased to 132kV before transmission to a nearby town. The size of the voltage is changed using a
transformer. Describe the structure and operation of a suitable transformer. (5) </div></div></div>
" "<div><div><div>A wind turbine produces an alternating voltage of 600V. The voltage needs to be
increased to 132kV before transmission to a nearby town. The size of the voltage is changed using a
transformer. Describe the structure and operation of a suitable transformer. (5) </div></div></div>
<div><div><div><img alt=""Question
A description that includes
reference to five of the
following points:
• soft iron core (1)
primary coils (1)
• secondary coils (1)
Additional guidance
may be shown on a labelled
lower voltage applied to the
primary coils/RA (1)
must be a.c. (1)
number of primary coils<
secondary coils (1)
turns ratio of 220 (1)
5 "" src=""paste-bfa1f2bc156712eb07c2145cf20264c8cf282f4a.png""></div></div></div>
"Explain why the bottom of the ship is beeper below the surface of the sea when the ship is fully loaded
with cargo 3
" "Explain why the bottom of the ship is beeper below the surface of the sea when the ship is fully loaded
with cargo 3
<img src=""paste-6b0e2dffcdacc01e7977af8190b74e0b8e0942d5.png"">
"Explain how the design of the cup keeps drinks hot
" "Explain how the design of the cup keeps drinks hot
<ol><li>Cup slows down energy trasnfer to surroundings</li><li>Vacuum contains no
particles, </li><li>Reducing conduction</li><li>Plastic is a poor conductor, which traps air
inside</li><li>reducing convection</li><li>inner shiny surface is a poor absorber of radiation</li><li>outer
sh<i>i</i>ny surface is a poor emitter of radiation</li><li>reducing energy transfer by radiation</li></ol>
"How does the reading on the pressure guage change when the piston is pushed in, halving the syringe
" "How does the reading on the pressure guage change when the piston is pushed in, halving the syringe
<img src=""paste-bd7cd3467b8b8630abc423f3ee5e0186d73fc638.png"">
"Explain this change in frequency when he car is moving towards the radar speed gun 4
" "Explain this change in frequency when he car is moving towards the radar speed gun 4
<img src=""paste-a2c72936212f9adb59e817af945529e1b5c843c2.png"">
"Explain why a control variable (absorbing material) used in the investigation is constant
" "Explain why a control variable (absorbing material) used in the investigation is constant
<img src=""paste-5d04736581458a1b2486930072b99081f816cc31.png"">
"Explain what hapens to the light ray when it enters the prism at point A
" "Explain what hapens to the light ray when it enters the prism at point A
<ol><li>LIght ray refracts towards the normal</li><li>More optically dense, so slows down, wavelength
"name 3 types of energy stores
" "name 3 types of energy stores
chemical, elastic potential, gravitational potenial
"Explain why the pressure of air increases as its temperature increases
" "Explain why the pressure of air increases as its temperature increases
1. Air molecules gain more KE and <br>2. Hit the walls of the container with more frequency, <br>3. And
with more force. 
"Using ideas about moments, explain why the reading on newton meter A decreases as the mass hanger
is moved towards B 4
" "Using ideas about moments, explain why the reading on newton meter A decreases as the mass
hanger is moved towards B 4
<img src=""paste-04e1f78970d6c8742de292974e80f3efa783bc25.png"">
"State two factors that would increase the output current of the transformer
" "State two factors that would increase the output current of the transformer
<ol><li>Decrease number of secondary coils</li><li>Increase turns of primary coils</li></ol>
"Describe how an oscilloscope can be used to measure the time period of a sound wave 2
" "Describe how an oscilloscope can be used to measure the time period of a sound wave 2
<img src=""paste-22caa7684cdef93608c9cd34991a41ccac51533a.png"">
"How to calculate Rf
" "How to calculate Rf
Distance travelled by pigment / distance travelled by solute
"<img src=""paste-37154771137237d766d464b474198d6f751f33ee.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-37154771137237d766d464b474198d6f751f33ee.png"">
1. GPE = mgh<br>2. Work done to move passengers from a higher point from the start
"<img src=""paste-8c33489a569f221f6cd417fa86bcc72aee70cd88.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-8c33489a569f221f6cd417fa86bcc72aee70cd88.png"">
<img src=""paste-eddd8677be4924beeedfbc74b4b219d7624ce159.png"">
"<img src=""paste-3f0991f2e095182e8a946eca867c7a16d75b6084.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-3f0991f2e095182e8a946eca867c7a16d75b6084.png"">
2. Use a calliper<br>3. Reduce parallax by keeping ruler vertical and viewing at eye level
"<img src=""paste-3eb338d872c6f37c04f697aaed7b2f32d527699d.png""> imme 4
" "<img src=""paste-3eb338d872c6f37c04f697aaed7b2f32d527699d.png""> imme 4
<img src=""paste-7cdf79b86f93eec73ebde2f66cb19ba3e2d2643a.png""><br><img
"pros and cons of series vs parallel
" "pros and cons of series vs parallel
<img src=""paste-02db7bef5d528b19ed0ed0d1804c47de7ad1a33d.png"">
"<img src=""paste-ffb0c5427327d709869cc7e22aad2ef0b20c162b.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-ffb0c5427327d709869cc7e22aad2ef0b20c162b.png"">
<img src=""paste-49b6e6eb91d05c883339675d19893174d5bc2762.png"">
"<img src=""paste-25737a878822316997175fceffebe492528c4c4a.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-25737a878822316997175fceffebe492528c4c4a.png"">
<img src=""paste-1ee2867cc0d6665ddde7d07590ab41d1ea032035.png"">
"Two uses of internal reflection
" "Two uses of internal reflection
optical fibres communication<br><img src=""paste-25555ed2f69b931f26df001d76ff037c3e1fe5fa.png"">
"<img src=""paste-47f348e19403b4b9beb83e64b4b6cdb6f839ccdf.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-47f348e19403b4b9beb83e64b4b6cdb6f839ccdf.png"">
<img src=""paste-32597ef48735fd5e5750342f969ad9cecc1fb64e.png"">
"<img src=""paste-59f6d25f25993d6c3dc898273f1e71e7e2cd8425.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-59f6d25f25993d6c3dc898273f1e71e7e2cd8425.png"">
changing direction of light
"<img src=""paste-c99c68cb978452057b693bf7fe4c08c0657261f4.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-c99c68cb978452057b693bf7fe4c08c0657261f4.png"">
<img src=""paste-6d863c4ee1ecc1596e9e62d9324e253e587c803a.png"">
"<img src=""paste-8d8851d5857574cec32f8f6219e629081a5e5057.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-8d8851d5857574cec32f8f6219e629081a5e5057.png"">
<img src=""paste-4124367a20a5f8df34b9a7ca59e744a626e9a31f.png"">
"(ii) Explain the risks to patients and doctors of using gamma radiation. 3
" "(ii) Explain the risks to patients and doctors of using gamma radiation. 3
1. Higher risk of cancer for both<br>2. Since radiation is ionising<br>3. However, patient is only exposed
over short period of time, doctor has continual exposure
"<img src=""paste-caff061892fe7c0ca55d42383956c75c81dff472.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-caff061892fe7c0ca55d42383956c75c81dff472.png"">
<img src=""paste-18b54a56eb2f17141d27e536d2c1481662adf48e.png"">
"<img src=""paste-a658e7564c7630f34a8658550a1e7c65f9e3b62a.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-a658e7564c7630f34a8658550a1e7c65f9e3b62a.png"">
<img src=""paste-a24ddcf2d6c63c024187d86cffb38abbde7550ce.png""><br>if altnerating current in
question, always give definition
"<img src=""paste-1ecf1993dfa10c9f996fd4071dd3d513d6c1ea23.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-1ecf1993dfa10c9f996fd4071dd3d513d6c1ea23.png"">
Y: Magnet<br>Z: COil
"<img src=""paste-357cdd2d6fd4aa5b3358d336ee89df46ae73cfe2.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-357cdd2d6fd4aa5b3358d336ee89df46ae73cfe2.png"">
more turns on the coil
"<img src=""paste-704148105115795802c2a4cde8b9ae37e4e3cd91.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-704148105115795802c2a4cde8b9ae37e4e3cd91.png"">
<img src=""paste-6c60c88599b52ef7918169b0e7a18c258e3fb057.png""><img
"<img src=""paste-d8836b2859b2f7a759cb8a759e9dc27c587b1cf2.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-d8836b2859b2f7a759cb8a759e9dc27c587b1cf2.png"">
<img src=""paste-d21fad4cda656d3fc000f61ef7150b31b9b98ccb.png"">
"<img src=""paste-5381b5f4c0b7f8d82bd961ed1e6ebc72406c2578.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-5381b5f4c0b7f8d82bd961ed1e6ebc72406c2578.png"">
1. Fleming’s Left Hand rule<br>2. Force exerted on rod<br>3. Movement of rod<br>4. Out of the paper
"<img src=""paste-faf2033e87a6b954621c61de0cecf9bbc6e2eb5f.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-faf2033e87a6b954621c61de0cecf9bbc6e2eb5f.png"">
1. Iron core = stronger magnetic field, so force on coil is increased<br>2. Radial magnetic field, so that
coil remains in a field for a longer time
"<img src=""paste-fa451497f2965652803aa53d7840d22d9611312e.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-fa451497f2965652803aa53d7840d22d9611312e.png"">
1. There is a reading because there is voltage<br>2. Field lines are cut<br>3. Inducing current / voltage
"<img src=""paste-b7bf07e6762e04f3df84a83c5650556aa9a43631.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-b7bf07e6762e04f3df84a83c5650556aa9a43631.png"">
<div>Rate of change of flux is greater (more magnetic field lines cutting coil per
second)</div><div>Greater voltage<br></div><div><br></div>
"<img src=""paste-23c5cf6bbba6ac73111a4ac449f3888bee5c8415.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-23c5cf6bbba6ac73111a4ac449f3888bee5c8415.png"">
parallel field - equally spaced and do not change direction
"<img src=""paste-a91b0f5d548a81e62b0ba2393347ef3cd1ce39d3.png""><br><img
" "<img src=""paste-a91b0f5d548a81e62b0ba2393347ef3cd1ce39d3.png""><br><img
<img src=""paste-16da95c757ced7563b22d2ac9f64a26189e59011.png""><br><br>Explain 1. voltage, 2.
"<img src=""paste-8011498c202b78c341baf6e339e969385a715ddd.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-8011498c202b78c341baf6e339e969385a715ddd.png"">
<img src=""paste-b721f978c28c3f745e36388aecba14e9554312d7.png"">
"<img src=""paste-a96c9c86e321a1895e62b0c3c5e464244c0b22eb.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-a96c9c86e321a1895e62b0c3c5e464244c0b22eb.png"">
<img src=""paste-b3b1ef92626800d1d3b2715b34fee511b905f2fa.png"">
"<img src=""paste-553fbf8b5fde9e69fc0afd96f45f8ff20078e3d6.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-553fbf8b5fde9e69fc0afd96f45f8ff20078e3d6.png"">
<img src=""paste-79a23f361de194ebfde7145c60d440134e71c099.png"">
"<img src=""paste-fa9bbb993a44d527c97560c5685be19409f2c569.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-fa9bbb993a44d527c97560c5685be19409f2c569.png"">
<img src=""paste-30017ca137269e604e33c05dbf5e30a50afe6ce7.png"">
"<img src=""paste-8e31da24ccc7405eeebf3bcc4936f6fa2b28eb8e.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-8e31da24ccc7405eeebf3bcc4936f6fa2b28eb8e.png"">
<img src=""paste-ee57e520c1a335f30a547c1a5120e4ea6f1c7b3b.png"">
"<img src=""paste-e5b8124add973d0f444a35f2f3462d21ff8f83d3.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-e5b8124add973d0f444a35f2f3462d21ff8f83d3.png"">
<img src=""paste-aad8bcd15cff79197dd470cedfb02bab74386027.png"">
"<img src=""paste-4debbbc3cde8dc6ec7d0e0a16e54ac45d46d12bd.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-4debbbc3cde8dc6ec7d0e0a16e54ac45d46d12bd.png"">
<img src=""paste-28f8d529258e72a8db73951551ae7084358a08b4.png"">
"<img src=""paste-9cb9dd48abab9183859c08e97057d16b618cbdf5.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-9cb9dd48abab9183859c08e97057d16b618cbdf5.png"">
<img src=""paste-d01baae3fd9c97c7d6eef63f95eac1d9c59f5246.png"">
"<img src=""paste-958c3d3583f862398f20f210f2f472c7cde4c99d.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-958c3d3583f862398f20f210f2f472c7cde4c99d.png"">
<img src=""paste-3aa9a8509c6d4eafd8a21840a6aab3c6e2c39817.png"">
"<img src=""paste-78ffb51b0cd1e4e5ee05954c4fdfe6f71f80b7fd.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-78ffb51b0cd1e4e5ee05954c4fdfe6f71f80b7fd.png"">
<img src=""paste-2aaf891bd5035bb0e478d09fcc9415029f6f5a51.png"">
"<img src=""paste-316a1af15890792ea6109c8ea2da571297d2b3ca.png"">
" "<img src=""paste-316a1af15890792ea6109c8ea2da571297d2b3ca.png"">
1. Earth wire is connected to the metal casing<br>2. If live wire touches casing<br>3. It provides the path
of lowest resistance<br>4. So large surge in current in earth wire<br>5. Causing fuse to melt<br>6.
Circuit switches off
"<img src=""paste-3124c0d587d492a1f787556154c3dc05b3fcda4c.png""><br><img
" "<img src=""paste-3124c0d587d492a1f787556154c3dc05b3fcda4c.png""><br><img
<img src=""paste-223b84d32fc252bc4f426e27001702426627399e.png"">